卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 231 Father and Daughter Meeting, Luo Suiyi Wakes Up

Chapter 231 Father and Daughter Meeting, Luo Suiyi Wakes Up

Mu Yichun was not angry, but liked it a little more:
"It seems that he is eager to be a big brother..."

He smiled, deliberately speaking lightly.

"Well, in recent years, he has not been able to find like-minded friends. He really wants a little brother and a little sister, he said that he can be a guardian. He wants to guard this family!"

Shi Tan said in a low voice, paying attention to the changes in his situation, for fear of hurting him.

"Then have another one as soon as possible. It's not good for the body if a woman is over [-] years old. If you want a child, you should be young!"

Mu Yichun said calmly, looking at the luminous lake.

Shi Tan was speechless.It's impossible to tell if what he said was angry or sincere.

At this time, Mu Yichun called Tang Nai over, confessed in a low voice, and asked him to go to the car to get a box.

Tang Nai glanced at Shi Tan, nodded, and walked away.

Mu Yichun looked at the child who was laughing and dancing on the edge of the lake not far away. He was really envious. If this was his child, how good would it be... Unfortunately, this can only be a dream.

"Childhood with parents is the happiest..."

Mu Yichun smiled lightly and recalled the miserable childhood:
"Such a carefree childhood was once the most extravagant we had ever hoped for."

She and he are both poor orphans. Their childhoods admitted the heavy suffering that many children do not have. Those sufferings have made them lose their normal family life.


"In the third year of high school, I proposed to you, do you remember?"

Mu Yichun asked.


Shi Tan's heart trembled.

"I remember that time when I bought a cheap plain finger and wanted to trap you. You didn't accept it and didn't wear it, because you were afraid that Uncle Luo would find out and be angry. You said that you would try to get Uncle Luo to accept me during college. Be his son-in-law. Before that, we have to be obedient and not make him angry."

Although Uncle Luo is very kind, he is also very temperamental when he gets angry.


Shi Tan nodded:

"That ring was later discovered by Uncle Luo and confiscated. I didn't dare to tell you."

"I know. Uncle Luo told me about it!"

Mu Yichun was a little helpless: "Then, I bought a pair of lucky bracelets, the women's style has five short pieces strung with beads and tassels, and the men's style has five lucky stones strung together, you wear one, I wear one... ...I agreed with you that now this token of love will be left to sons and daughters in the future, one by one."


Shi Tan recalled it for a while, and finally sighed in a low voice, if there was a sigh that seemed to be floating in the air:

"Unfortunately, my string is broken..."

Seven years ago, she was torn apart by Qi Ji on the night she didn't want to recall. Later, at dawn, she didn't pick them up. Because of the shocking news, she ran out of the house and never went back.As for the fate of that chain, it should have gone into the trash can.

"I'm gone too!"

Mu Yichun said that all the things that represent their love no longer exist.

The two were silent for a while, each with their thoughts and memories.

After a while, Tang Nai returned, holding a silver-white boxy box in his hand: "Boss, is that this?"

"Yes, this is it!"

Mu Yichun took it.

When Shi Tan saw Tang Nai who was retreating looking at her with a strange expression, just as she was thinking, a shining light jumped into her eyes, causing her to squinting unconsciously. It turned out to be his box. The cover was opened, and the light was refracted from the inside, very dazzling, very dazzling.

"what is this?"

"A pair of chains! Before the accident, I was wandering around in the 'Noble Zone'. I saw them and thought they looked good. I bought them on a whim. Now I want to give them to Xiaobai, and my future sister Xiaobai. It's a welcome gift. I don't know if it's okay!"

Mu Yichun looked at her earnestly.

She took it and took a look. The women's model is an amethyst tassel chain with a rare crystal texture, while the men's model is a ebony chain with beautiful ancient characters engraved on it - these chains are definitely valuables, otherwise Tang Nai wouldn't look like that.

"Shi Tan, I hope you can accept it. This is the only thing I have in mind. When you got married, I couldn't give anything decent. Of course, I don't need to give anything. But it's for the children. Etc. If I get better, I'll go back to France, it's just a souvenir..."

Mu Yichun explained.

Shi Tan couldn't bear to refuse any more, and deprived him of his right to express his liking for the child, and finally nodded:

"Okay! I'll take it!"

He suddenly showed a delighted smile, and picked out the crystal chain: "Before you gave birth to a sister, are you wearing this one..."

Shi Tan hesitated for a moment, but in the end he stretched out his hand and watched him put it on for her.

"very beautiful……"

Under the sun, it flashed a strange light.

She smiled and stroked it with a beautiful smile, because she really liked this little thing in her heart...

In this way, they chatted and talked, and the atmosphere was very light.

They didn't notice that not far away, someone was taking pictures...

At 02:30 in the afternoon, Qi Ji finished his business and was about to go to the hospital. He just received an emergency call from the doctor and asked him to go there immediately.

When entering the elevator, she received a call from Angela, her voice was extremely angry: "Qi Ji, what did you tell Amin? She was going to be forcibly discharged from the hospital, and immediately left Yao City. Anyway, she After all, you saved your life, so you treat her like this? Qi Ji, you are so chilling!"

Qi Ji didn't have time to say more, the phone was hung up, and the beeping busy tone made people upset.

He immediately called Han Min's cell phone, frowning with Sichuan characters, it rang for a while, and she answered the phone.

"You're leaving the hospital?" he raised his voice.

Han Min's reaction was very light.



He reprimanded sharply.

Han Min smiled lightly, and his voice was absolutely indifferent:

"You don't have to worry about my business. Qi Ji, I have officially submitted the application for withdrawal from the group. I will hand over all the equipment of the team members distributed by the Flame Alliance. I will take the flight at [-] o'clock tonight. Jacob's area. I'm going to find my past. From now on, you don't have to worry about me, and I won't listen to you anymore! We went our separate ways.

She is about to draw a line with him!
It was the inevitable result of yesterday's conversation.

Qi Ji was not surprised.

After a long silence, he answered:
"Even if you're going to look for the past, don't rush it."

"I just want to get out of here and leave you."

"Amin, are you trying to make me uneasy?"

"You don't need to be upset. Angela will watch over me. She will follow me to Jacob. You can rest assured that I will take good care of myself when I get there."

"Han Min!"

He called again.

She smiled back: "Qi Ji, goodbye!"

With a sigh, she hung up the phone.

Qi Ji took a deep pause for it, and this reaction made Cheng Hang look sideways.

"What happened?"

"Han Min is leaving!"

He answered quietly.


Cheng Hang nodded: "This is not surprising!"

Yes, no accident, she leaves, it will be a matter of time.For so many years since the establishment of the flame group, this is the first time Qi Ji has a feeling that the group is about to break up...

Han Min will be a start. In the near future, everyone will go their separate ways.This feeling is getting stronger and stronger...

After sitting in the car, Cheng Hang drove, Qi Ji leaned there and looked at the window, his eyes were not focused.

The car came out of the company's underground garage, and a new text message came in. Indifferently, he picked up his mobile phone to read a multimedia message from Angela, clicked on it, and saw several photos, photos of Shi Tan and Mu Yichun.

One, Mu Yichun was sitting under the willow tree in his hospital gown, with a smile on his face, and put a string of purple-glowing bracelets on Shi Tan's hand. Shi Tan accepted it with a smile, with a bright face and thin fingers, fiddling with it. That string of beads.

In one, Mu Yichun hugged Shi Tan and kissed her lips like nothing on the top of her hair. The picture was very warm.

One, Xiaobai is standing between Mu Yichun and Shi Tan, shaking hands with Mu Yichun with a smile, the three of them are very happy together.

One, Xiaobai was nestled in Mu Yichun's arms, Shi Tan stared at them deeply, smiling lightly and joyfully.

All the happy emotions were suddenly punctured by something, and disappeared without a trace.

Look, Angela got mad at him and did everything.He actually took these damn pictures to piss him off on purpose.

In fact, he was a little pissed off.

When the call came in again, it was still Angela, Qi Ji chewed his mouth full of bitterness, answered the call, and immediately heard Angela's vicious voice stab him in the heart:

"Qi Ji, have you seen it? No matter how much you tolerate her, she likes her childhood sweetheart from beginning to end... Sooner or later, you will regret it!"

There is indeed a good relationship between Shi Tan and Yichun.

"Angela, how can you do such a boring thing so easily?"

He questioned patiently.

"You make Amin unhappy, and I want you to make it back!"

Qi Ji didn't speak, and sighed in his heart, women really can't be provoked!

"Should I thank you for Han Min for being so good for her?"

He asked sarcastically.

Angela sneered and hung up, because Amin, the woman he respected like his eldest sister, really planned to carry him...

Pingmu immediately jumped back to the MMS, Qi Ji held the phone and looked at the pictures on the screen, a burst of comfort came up from the bottom of his heart, but he could only bear it...

Originally, he thought that she cared about him a little bit, but now it seems that he was wrong...

Another chain, another intimate photo, his heart is sour, and he seems to be jealous...

That's his wife, okay?
He really wants to declare sovereignty!
At 03:30, Yichun was sleeping, Xiaobai Lai was playing quizzes on the sofa, turned on the silent mode, Shi Tan was watching him play, occasionally looked up at Yichun, he was in a deep sleep.

Not a while ago, his adoptive mother called. Yichun talked to his adoptive mother in a gentle manner for a long time, calling "Mom" very smoothly, with a smile on his face. It can be seen that he I really enjoy this kind of mother-child relationship.

Shi Tan felt that such a family relationship, or a kind of compensation from God for his miserable life, made her feel very relieved.

The phone rang at this moment, it was ringing, she heard it, shushed at her son, turned herself out carefully, and only answered the phone when she walked to the corridor, it was Qi Ji's call.

"I'm in the hospital, come to room 2228 immediately. I have something to tell you!"

Qi Ji said that his always clear voice showed an inexplicable depressive look.

Shi Tan suddenly became nervous, and quickly asked, "Did Uncle Luo come out? Did something happen?"

(End of this chapter)

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