卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 232 Temporary

Chapter 232 Temporary
"It's fine for now."

"Temporarily" means too much.

Her heart sank, and there was a bad omen.

"Come here first, I'll talk to you later!"

"Okay, I'll be right over here!"

When Shi Tan returned to the ward, he saw that Mu Yichun had sat up, and he looked over with concern, apparently hearing her answer the phone.

"Did I wake you up?"


He shook his head gently.

"You've only slept for a while, take a rest! I have to go to Uncle Luo's side. I'll come here later. Xiaobai, bring your IPAD, let's go see Grandpa!"

Shi Tan gave Xiaobai a warning.

Xiaobai agreed, exited the game, and jumped over immediately.

"I'll go and have a look too!"

Yichun got off the bed.

Shi Tan looked at him with a hesitant expression.

Yichun insisted:

"No matter what, Uncle Luo raised me. Eight years ago, it was because I suffered a catastrophe. I should go and take care of it!"

This statement is absolutely reasonable, but it is somewhat strange that he, she and Ji Zhi meet, but she feels that such a meeting is also an inevitable development.She really hoped that the three of them could still get together as intimately as they did when they were young. Of course, it's just that this kind of hope is a bit unrealistic compared to today.

She nodded:

"Then let's go together!"


There was a sound of hurried footsteps coming from the half-open door, and someone stopped the intruder outside: "I'm sorry, miss, no one is allowed to see the patients in this ward without permission. Please leave immediately!"

"Step aside!"

A sharp voice sounded, it was actually Qi Ying.

Shi Tan was stunned for a moment, a little surprised how she would know that Yi Chun was hospitalized here.

"I called her, I need to talk to her!"

Mu Yichun explained calmly.

It turned out to be the case.

When Shi Tan went to open the door, he saw Qi Ying arguing with Xiao He, who was in charge of guarding the door:
"Xiao He, Mr. Li invited Miss Qi here, let her in!"

Only then did Xiao He lower his arms and make way for the road.

"Why are you here?"

When Qi Ying saw her, her voice suddenly changed, and she screamed sharply, like a cat under attack, every hair stood on end.

Shi Tan wasn't interested in explaining to her, so he looked inside.

Mu Yichun followed: "Qi Ying!"

This cry immediately made Qi Ying's face show a look of surprise, and also showed the tenderness of a little woman:
"Che... what's wrong with you, what happened? Why are you in the hospital!"

She ignored Shi Tan, went around directly, and then cried out eagerly.

"Hello, Aunt Ying!"

Xiaobai poked his head out from behind Mu Yichun, smiling like the sun.

Qi Ying froze for a moment, then unconsciously frowned again, as if Monk Zhanger couldn't figure it out.

"Tan, take Xiaobai to see Uncle Luo first... I'll go there later..."

"Yeah! Let's talk slowly! Xiaobai, say goodbye to uncle!"

Shi Tan nodded, they really need to communicate well.

Xiaobai was very obedient, and quickly straddled the IPAD bag on his body, said goodbye, and then pushed the wheelchair and walked away. Mary, who was wandering nearby, immediately came up to meet her.

Behind them, Qi Ying took a deep look around, a look of uneasiness appeared on his face, and he called out in a strange voice:
"Uncle? When did you become Xiaobai's uncle?"

Yichun closed the door and gave her a faint smile:
"Qi Ying, the one standing in front of you is Mu Yichun!"

When Shi Tan led Xiao Bai into Ward 2228, she saw Qi Ji in a suit and leather shoes sitting on the edge of the bed, talking to the person on the bed in a low voice. Because he blocked her view, she couldn't see the person on the bed.But she was sure that she heard a hoarse voice answering something, and her heart suddenly moved.


Xiaobai saw Qi Ji shouting loudly and rushed over.

Qi Ji hurriedly stood up, firmly catching the flying bird with both hands, with a smile on his handsome face, he pulled his son up, held his son's face and kissed it, his eyes passed by The chain on the son's wrist flickered for a moment, then moved away, turned his head and said softly to the person on the bed:
"Dad, look, this is me and Shi Tan's son Xiao Bai, he looks handsome! Xiao Bai, this is your Tan Ma's father, call him Grandpa!"

Xiaobai blinked his big eyes, and glanced at the skinny, bald man on the bed. Because of his father's introduction, this man gave an ugly smile, and his whole skin was wrinkled, looking so old.

He was taken aback for a moment before obediently calling out:
"Grandpa, my name is Xiaobai. Nice to meet you!"

Luo Suiyi, who was on the bed, tried to force herself to sit up, but in the end she couldn't do so because of lack of physical strength, so she could only stretch out her hand with difficulty.

Xiaobai was very sensible, and immediately reached out to hold his grandfather's hand, stood there smiling and watching curiously, wondering why this grandfather was thinner and older than those two great-grandfathers.

"It's so beautiful, this child, so beautiful... Well, Tan Tan should be here too? Tan Tan... Come here, let me see you..."

With a hoarse voice, Luo Suiyi let out a deep and very relieved sigh. After lingering on Xiaobai for a while, he finally moved slowly and landed on the one covering his mouth, sitting in a wheelchair, with eyes under his eyes. On the body of the beautiful daughter with tears shining.

Yes, that's his daughter!

A soft call was squeezed out from between the lips and teeth, and the voice trembled so violently.

Shi Tan's tears fell naturally, and he couldn't believe what he saw in front of him: Uncle Luo not only woke up, but he could also speak - it was a bit like dreaming.

Two drops of old tears also pooled in Luo Suiyi's eye sockets, and the chapped lips were tugging, and finally a word came out:


A withered hand reached out, and he wanted to shake hands with his adopted daughter.

Qi Ji asked Xiaobai to sit on the sofa beside him, stepped over, and brought her wheelchair to the side of the bed.

Shi Tan hastily grabbed this hand that could hardly be called a hand—yes, this hand that taught her many things is no longer as slender and beautiful as before, with weak strength, she can only feel his My pulse is beating...

She took his hand back into the palm of her hand.


So sad!

How could a good person become like this!

"I never dreamed that one day, not only would I be able to see you, but I would also know that you married Xiao Qi and gave birth to such a beautiful child... child, let me touch your face... I I can't believe what I'm seeing...it's so unreal..."

Luo Suiyi spoke very slowly, just to bite out what he wanted to say with a clearer accent.

Yes, he is very ill, his articulation is not as clear as before, and his pronunciation is a bit slurred.

Shi Tan moved himself closer, held Uncle Luo's hand tightly, and gently stroked his face, not realizing that tears were flowing wantonly.

"Don't cry!"

The dry and hoarse voice was gently persuading, and those deeply sunken eyes were flooded by the water...

The happiest thing in the world is to meet again, but this kind of reunion is full of unspeakable bitterness and bitterness.

Shi Tan leaned her head tightly on the bed, and gently snuggled up to this man who had given her fatherly love for many years.

She opened her arms to embrace her adoptive father, and what she felt was no longer the stalwart and generous chest and the thin bones all over her body, which made her burst into tears...

Qi Ji looked at it with a smile, pulled Xiaobai together, quietly exited, closed the door, and left time and space for the father and daughter.

Father and daughter hug each other, tears welling up.

After some time, Shi Tan wiped away her tears and smiled:

"Don't cry, don't cry, it's a happy event to see you again today. Dad, don't cry anymore!"

She tore off the napkin to wipe away Luo Suiyi's tears.

His skinny face was wrinkled because of the torn smile: "Okay, don't cry, my wish has come true, I should be happy!"

Luo Suiyi was very weak, trying to raise his hand to caress her daughter's short hair with difficulty, but she only raised it a little higher before it fell down feebly.

"What wish?"

Shi Tan didn't understand for a moment.

Luo Suiyi glanced to the side, but Qi Ji was no longer there. His thoughtfulness made him happy:
"It is to marry you to Qi Ji! Only he can truly protect you. I met him before our family's banquet eight years ago. At that time, I very much hoped that he could marry you. But he didn't agree at that time .Tan Tan, I'm curious, how did you marry him?"

In just one sentence, he paused several times before finishing, and he had to listen carefully to comprehend what he wanted to express.

At this moment, what Shi Tan wanted to know most was how Uncle Luo got here these past few years, but she knew that it would be hard work for Uncle Luo to speak now.She could only suppress her curiosity and try her best to tell Uncle Luo about herself.

"How can I say this? It's a long story, but if you'd like to hear it, I can tell you..."

Shi Tan put his face on the hands she and Uncle Luo were holding, his voice was extremely gentle.

"Of course I'd like to say..."

So she started talking.

Let’s start with Yichun’s origin, and after that, let’s talk about the murder that happened at the banquet that day; about Yichun’s imprisonment for intentional murder; about the first time grandpa fell into a coma; about how her uncle forced her to marry him Nephew; talk about Xiao Mu's forced marriage, which made her offend Jiashi's first daughter; talk about Luo's falling into a precarious metal crisis; talk about Qi Ji's interference and then propose marriage; talk about how she was wronged to marry a man she didn't like; talk about After getting married, how she was exiled; how she encountered such a shocking change a year later; how she gave birth to a child alone, and why she gave up her profession and set foot on the criminal police How she met the third brother and how she was trained by the third brother; how she was plotted against when she returned after seven years, and then became Mrs. Qi step by step...

It tells a lot, the story twists and turns, and the content is wonderful.

Luo Suiyi was fascinated by listening, and rarely interrupted. In short, he smiled, and occasionally showed worry and concern.After hearing the last sentence about the rescue the night before yesterday, Luo Suiyi sighed:
"Who says you are an unlucky child? I think Xiao Qi really loves you so much... Which man can love so hard like him. Tan Tan, I said, my vision is not good Wrong. You would be a match made in heaven."

This is said a little bit proudly.

"That's right, Dad's vision is always good and impeccable!"

When Shi Tan was pillowed there, he said in a gentle voice.

"Now you're in love with him, right? Look, when you mention Xiao Qi, your eyes are full of soft light. It's like a happy little woman..."

Luo Suiyi's vision was as precise as ever.

Shi Tan smiled slightly, revealing a bit of a woman's shyness, but Qi Ji didn't see or hear it.

(End of this chapter)

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