卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 233 Arguing, She Hurts, He Hurts Too

Chapter 233 Arguing, She Hurts, He Hurts Too

Luo Suiyi could see clearly and was very happy. He stroked the back of his daughter's hand and finally changed the subject:
"How is Yichun?"

"He has something to do and he can't leave now, he will come to see you later..."


"Also, Dad, Luo Shi has been found. She is now taking care of grandpa in the No. [-] Hospital. Dad, I'm sorry, I failed to take good care of grandpa. Grandpa has a stroke and is paralyzed in bed."

Shi Tanli said with guilt.

Luo Suiyi was stunned for a while, with an expression of disbelief on his face, and murmured, his voice trembling:

"Really? Really? Luo Shi is back!"

"Yes, today, oh no, it's past five o'clock today, tomorrow, I'll have someone bring Luo Shi over tomorrow. I haven't told her the good news yet, she will definitely be crazy..."

When Shi Tan saw Luo Suiyi couldn't stop crying, it was tears of happiness, and with a sob in his mouth, he cried out:

"This time, I really have no regrets..."

"Baibaibai, why don't you die, Dad, you will live a long life... If you survive a catastrophe, you will have blessings..."

Shi Tan refused to hear any ominous words.

Luo Suiyi smiled with tears in her eyes:

"Tan Tan, you are still as superstitious as before..."

Shi Tan burst out laughing, no, she, she is just so superstitious.

The father and daughter talked for an unknown amount of time, and Zhi Qiji came in to remind him: "Shi Tan, Dad just woke up and needs to rest more. Let's stop talking for today, it's almost six o'clock..."

Yes, before I knew it, the sky was already so dark...

Luo Suiyi was indeed very tired: "Alright, I want to take a break... You should go home too... Come back tomorrow..."

Shi Tan originally wanted to stay with her for the night, but her physical condition was not very good, she knew that she would not be able to help if she insisted on staying, so she didn't stay any longer, and was pushed out of the hospital by Qi Ji Car, go home together.

On the way, Qi Ji kept calling, and Shi Tan had no chance to talk to him, so he had to hug Xiaobai and watch him play games.

After returning home, she asked Mary to take her to the kitchen to wash her hands, and she herself came to Qi Ji and asked with concern: "How is Dad's situation, you haven't told me yet! What did you mean when you said that you are fine for the time being? "

Qi Jicai finished answering a phone call, heard this, frowned, pulled off the tie around his neck, unbuttoned the first button, let out a heavy breath, put his hands on his waist, and glanced at the kitchen to make sure they were the only ones After two people, this was the answer:

"You have to be mentally prepared, Dad still has three months at most!"

to be continued!

"Three months?"

The pale color quickly flew over the cheeks that were red from the boiling blood just because of the joy of reunion. She froze for a while, her heart tightened due to the pain, and there was clearly a lot of words in her mouth to say. But the throat seemed to be blocked, and after squeezing out these three words, there was no more sound.

Qi Ji was very distressed when he looked at her devastated face, but he had to tell it:

"The doctor said... Dad's condition is not very optimistic."

He frowned deeply, and when he thought of what the doctor said before, he became very worried:
"Chanfeng and the others used too many drugs on Dad, and most of those drugs were banned drugs, or drugs developed by Chanfeng himself.

"To put it simply, Dad has been their experimental product for the past few years. They have used various drugs to inhibit each other and maintain the most basic metabolism of Dad's physiology. If Chanfeng is still alive, Dad may still live for a while. But Because Chan Feng wanted to harm Yi Chun, he was shot dead on the spot. The doctors at the special hospital are not very clear about those pharmacological changes, so they will definitely not be able to think of a countermeasure to prolong his life in a short time..."

Shi Tan's heart, because of these few words, was relieved.

Qi Ji exhaled, feeling very depressed, because Chan Feng was shot to death by him.

"Sorry, originally, I wanted to capture Chan Feng alive, but the situation was really critical at that time, between Chan Feng and Yichun, I chose Yichun, and I failed to take care of Chan's life and death.

In the plan the night before yesterday, their main task was to rescue Mu Yichun.It was definitely a windfall to discover that Luo Suiyi was also being held there.

Shi Tan bit her lip fiercely, her hands tightly clutching the blanket covering her knees: How could God be so cruel? After giving her such a happy reunion, how could it bear to make this hard-won consummation again? to break.

Her body trembled.


Seeing this, Qi Ji squatted down, stretched out his arms and hugged her.

His body was very warm, but she felt as if she was in an ice cellar, and her whole body was cold.

"Isn't there any chance? There are so many doctors in this world, I don't believe they will be helpless. Then, you have a wide network of doctors and know a lot of doctors, you can definitely find someone to save Dad, right?"

She grabbed his chest and begged impatiently, always feeling that there was still hope, and there was no way out.

Qi Ji shook his head sadly:
"No. There are no medicines that can sustain his life here. Those medicines are too special and too special to be manufactured by ordinary medical institutions.

"Doctor Chang here looked at all the medical records that Dad received in that convalescent room, and thinks that Dad's survival is a medical miracle. And the person who led this miracle is Chan Feng, but Chan Feng has Death, the underground research room was also destroyed by blasting...

"Doctor Chang said: Dad is resistant to conventional drugs. They can't inject drugs into him. The vomiting shows such a principle. Now we can only give the most basic intravenous glucose. In terms of diet, I am afraid I can only drink A little water, or rice soup, his organs are shrinking and continue to fail. The function of his stomach is almost useless.

"Doctor Chang said: Even if Chan Feng didn't die, and even if Dad still stayed in the laboratory over there and supported them with their drugs, he would not survive for two years in the end...

"Tan, Dad's deadline is approaching. If we keep him for one day, he will suffer for one more day... He will feel the pain, and that kind of pain will make him extremely painful..."

A sense of powerlessness filled his voice.

He has always been full of confidence, but in the face of life and death, no matter how good you are, you will be powerless.

Death is the most terrifying devil in the world.

Tears spewed out of Shi Tan's eyes, but she gritted her teeth and swallowed the painful choking sound deeply, but because she thought of something, she cried again:
"No, no, didn't I just talk to Dad for a while? Apart from losing a little weight, he has no other painful symptoms..."

"That's because there is a medicine that is helping him resist the pain. That medicine is the only one that can play a certain role on him now, but it will have side effects over a long period of time. When the medicine can't relieve all kinds of atrophy in his body And after the pain, he will live rather than die..."

His words once again shattered Shi Tan's hopes.

She couldn't imagine such a situation, they could only watch Uncle Luo suffer from drugs, and there was nothing they could do.

Biting his lip, Shi Tan was in great pain, and blurted out, with a very sad tone:
"I just said, you shouldn't make assumptions, if you let me go, things might not turn out like this..."

She shouldn't have said that, but she was so blocked in her heart that she always thought that things shouldn't develop like this.

She felt that maybe it was her who did it at the beginning, but the final result might be completely different. Chan Feng might not have to die, and Uncle Luo's life could be preserved for a while.

The reason why she has this idea is that she hopes that Uncle Luo can live well... There is no other meaning.

But Qi Ji frowned:

"What are you talking about? Do you think I want things to be like this?"

His mood was already a bit bad, and the blame in Shi Tan's words immediately became the incentive to sting him.

At this moment, his voice became a little cold.

Shi Tan was stunned, feeling his mood swings, and hurriedly explained:
"I just wanted to say, if you could get me in on the action..."

"Your participation in this operation will only hinder the development of the entire operation. Shi Tan, don't forget, our ultimate goal is to save Mu Yichun. It was an accident to find Dad."

Qi Ji let go of her and lowered his voice.

How could Shi Tan not know this truth:

"I know."

"Since you know it, why do you still say such hurtful words?"

Qi Ji screamed coldly.

"I didn't want to hurt you, I just wanted to say, maybe things might be completely different if I go..."

Seeing him stand up with a sleeve, she was really angry, she was stunned, realized that there was something wrong with her tone, and wanted to explain, but was cut off by him sarcastically:

"It might be different. With your status quo, you'd be their third hostage. That would leave me completely passive! Do you think I'd allow it to happen?"

The differences between the two are growing.

Shi Tan also got angry:
"Qi Ji, what are you mad at? I don't mean to blame you. Even if there is, I'm sorry, I'm in a bad mood, I didn't mean to... What are you yelling at me..."

She felt very aggrieved.

Qi Ji also finally realized that his attitude was not good!
He actually got mad at her!

Oh, what the hell, how could this flame be lit by her!

He took a deep breath and turned his head. He didn't want to see the chain on her hand that was gleaming with the lights. All he thought of were the pictures on the phone: for Mu Yi Chun, she could risk her own life; and in order to protect her, he risked being angered by her, and successfully rescued the person, but because of Luo Suiyi, he fell into another person who was not a person inside or outside. .

Yes, at this moment, he was burning himself with such a self-blame of "not being human inside and out".

He couldn't forgive himself, because he couldn't hold back for a while, and Luo Suiyi lost his life...

For Luo Suiyi, Qi Ji had a kind of sympathy for each other. Seeing that he could not save such an old friend, the pain in his heart could not be relieved.

Self-blame plus being blamed made him more and more upset the more he thought about it.

The next moment, he kicked a stool violently, feeling that he couldn't stay here any longer, and immediately rushed out.

"Qi Ji, where are you going?"

Seeing this, Shi Tan shouted loudly.

"I have other business to deal with. Go out!"

He didn't look back, his voice was cold, and he just collided with Cheng Hang who had just parked the car and was about to come in.

"Give me the car keys."

He dropped a word in a low voice.

Cheng Hang, who saw the boss's face covered with dark clouds, was startled, and hurriedly handed over the car keys.

Qi Ji grabbed the key and flashed out, and soon disappeared.

Cheng Hang was a little confused, turned his head and asked:

"You... quarreled?"

Shi Tan bit her lip, her face was as white as paper, her heart was confused and aggrieved, and when she turned the wheel, she only saw Xiao Bai with big round eyes, looking at herself with worry, she didn't want to say anything. , hurriedly turned the wheel, sent himself into the room, closed the door, and wanted to cry inexplicably.

(End of this chapter)

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