卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 234 She was angry with him, he wanted them to reconcile

Chapter 234 She was angry with him, he wanted them to reconcile
But this doesn't seem to affect Mo Yaozhi.

"Actually, I'm more ruthless than Qi Ji. If it were me, I would just take the child away."

Mo Yaozhi smiled and sat down on a chair, just like discussing the weather, and spit out such cruel words: "If you want to make me angry, you can try... a phone call Go out and I can solve this trouble forever..."

That tone didn't sound like he was joking.

"you dare!"

Mi Fangfei screamed and stepped back.

"Is there anything I dare not?"

Mo Yaozhi smiled kindly, but his eyes flashed a terrifying cold light, and he said the fact lazily:
"Someone in the whole family disappears mysteriously every year. These people will become mysterious cases. For example, in 2000, the richest man in Dazhou disappeared mysteriously, and it has become a mystery to this day; another example is in 2004, a certain popular star lost contact while climbing a mountain. , Ten years have passed, and he still hasn't been found... If you want to be one of them, I will definitely make it happen. This kind of thing is easy to do... I can guarantee that people will not be able to find out the truth for 100 years Come……"


She gasped and closed the door, then step by step back to her bed weakly, grabbed the quilt, and covered herself, constantly thinking about how to get in touch with Lu Yin and how to escape from here. ?
Seven days ago, she met Qi Ji. Originally, she wanted to have a good bargain with him, because she had a bargaining chip in her hand: Xia Zhou.It is said that Xia Zhou held a secret in his hand, and this secret was the main reason why Grandpa Qi forced Qi Ji to get married.Now, Xia Zhou is in Lu Yin's hands.

Later, Lu Yin tried to find such a piece of news from the woman's mouth: Qi Wanzhong had hit someone to death and asked someone to cover up, but now there is no evidence to prove this fact - it is said that there are photos, but Xia Zhou refuses to live or die Say where those pictures are hidden.

Now Lu Yin decides to find the person who gave Qi Wan the top bag back then. As long as he finds him, that fact can be proved.Then, she can borrow such a fact and talk to Qi Ji about the conditions.

So she ventured into Qiyuan, and when she saw Luo Shitan, she wanted to lead her out of Qi's house and make her a missing person, and she could take the opportunity to use Xia Zhou to test him, and win a chance for herself to enter Qi's house step by step— -Lu Yin is willing to help her to make up for the evil he caused back then.

Everything went smoothly that night. Her last memory was in the house, Qi Ji embarrassed her because Luo Shitan was missing.She took out Xia Zhou to protect herself, and it was really useful.

But later, she doesn't remember anything.When he woke up again, he was placed under house arrest in this closed room with iron bars on all sides.She was yelling, and no one paid her any attention.She went on a hunger strike and no one cared about her.

For some reason, Mo Yaozhi suddenly came here today, and even threatened her with a "mysterious disappearance incident".

She knew very well that this person could do anything.

If they really want her to disappear, or die, that's an easy task.

But she just refused.

Why do these people treat her like this?

How could Qi Ji be willing to treat her like this?

On this day, Mo Yaozhi didn't stay much, he said a few words outside and left.

Mi Fangfei took off the quilt and looked at the cell again: a bathroom, a bedroom, a total of less than [-] square meters, a TV, a bookcase, a bed, a writing desk, a stool, A sofa, nothing else, someone will bring her three meals, turn off the lights at ten o'clock every night, and call at five o'clock every morning.

Mi Fangfei could see that Qi Ji still cared about the child and didn't really send her to the operating room. She still had hope.

Gotta get out!

She is the only thought in this mind.

If she stays here, the child will definitely be taken away by them.She would never allow this to happen.The child is hers and she will not allow anyone to take him or her.


The weather is getting warmer.

During these days, Shi Tan was very busy. He was busy running to the hospital every day, taking care of Yichun, Uncle Luo, and grandpa. Grandpa had been transferred from the first hospital to the special hospital.

Shi Tan and Luo Shi are as close as a family, which makes Uncle Luo and Grandpa very happy.

Luo Shi's cousin, the operation was successful and is recovering. Luo Shi's tragic life has passed, and now, she is a happy girl.

Shi Tan sees her smiling so brightly every day, and is very happy for her. At the same time, he is also a little sentimental - Uncle Luo's situation is not good, Qi Ji has been contacting foreign experts, and even the best Dong Ai Doctors have been called over, but with little success.

The life I live now is very different from the month before: Qi Ji has become more and more busy - so busy that she can hardly see him.

At that time, he said that he went on a business trip to Dong Ai for three days, but it turned out to be a full five days.

The point is that in those five days, he didn't give her a call.

Well, actually, she didn't fight either.

Two people are like in a cold war, no one cares about the other, no one interferes with the other.

On the sixth day, after he came back, he was busy for another day. It was not until dinner time that she saw him and Xiaobai arguing at the dinner table. When she saw her, she just smiled and said hello lightly, without hugging or not. kiss.

During the meal, he talked to her briefly about the fact that he had hired a doctor in Dongai to come back.The atmosphere was lukewarm.

After the meal, he called one by one, as if there was an international conference going on.

At about seven o'clock, Cheng Hang came over, and the two entered the study together.

Afterwards, Shi Tan went back to her room to sleep, woke up at 12:30 in the middle of the night, and saw no one around her, she sat in a wheelchair, opened the door a crack, saw the door of the study opposite was half open, and there were faint voices of him and Cheng Hang talking. .She went back to her room and continued to sleep, tossing and turning—without him by her side, the quality of her sleep was really not very good.

Later, she didn't know how she slept, and when she woke up, it was already bright and there was no sign of sleeping on the bed, but there was a note on the bedside table with the words:

"I'm on a business trip to the United States to visit an MD in Washington, D.C., and inspect the company. If everything goes well, I'll be back in two days! Don't read!"

This time, he went for three more days, and he didn't get a single call back.

Three days later, he returned with a white man.

That night, he went home for dinner, and went out again after not staying long. Shi Tan didn't know whether he came back or not, she only knew that he wasn't home at dawn.

Originally, I wanted to go to the UK, because too many things happened here, and the trip didn't happen. Fortunately, the sixth master's recovery after surgery was good, and Yang Ruixi had a phone call with her.This is quite comforting.

However, you have to go and take a look. As for when to go, it depends on Qi Ji's arrangement.It's a pity that during this period of time, their husband and wife were a little delicate, and the state of semi-cold war made the warm atmosphere of the home colder.

Is he really that busy?
Too busy to even give her a call?

Of course it's an excuse.

She couldn't believe he was so busy!

He was just keeping his distance from her by being busy.

To be correct, he intends to give her enough space and wants her to choose again!
Do not give any pressure, do not make any struggle.

It was only later that she found out.

Before Yichun's hospital bed, Shi Tan met Qi Ying several times.This woman was very disgusted with her frequent visits to take care of her ex-boyfriend, and once dragged her to no one and scolded her:
"You are a man with a husband and son, and you come to see your old lover every day. Have you ever thought about Qi Ji's feelings?"

Shi Tan didn't want to know how Qi Ji would feel, she only knew that even if Yi Chun wasn't her ex-boyfriend, she was still her relative.The kind of family affection that accompanied her growing up since she was a child cannot be erased casually.He has no other relatives in Zhu, and taking care of him is the only thing she can do.

She also saw Qi Ying running to complain to Qi Ji. Just yesterday, in the hospital, Qi Ji came to visit Uncle Luo, and Qi Ying pulled him to the unoccupied balcony:

"You can't take good care of your wife! As Mrs. Qi, you stay at other people's beds all day long. How do people in the hospital see you?"

Qi Ji's answer was calm: "I am not afraid of shadows. What are you afraid of?"

Qi Ying exploded with anger: "They used to be lovers. Aren't you afraid of their resurgence and cuckold you?"

Qi Ji's reaction was very indifferent: "If she has the heart to leave, no matter how much I forbid them to meet, she has to leave. I don't need to ask if she wants to stay!"

How open-minded!
Shi Tan didn't rush to express his resolve any more, he was cold to her, and wanted her to see her heart clearly, okay, then let's be cold!
She hates his self-righteousness, hates his deliberate neglect, hates him for pretending to be tolerant... and hates herself for caring about him so much...

In other words, this semi-cold war state was really unpleasant and tormented, but she refused to bow her head to him.

Because she is angry.

Mu Yichun felt that something had gone wrong between Shi Tan and Qi Ji in the early morning. He hadn't seen Qi Ji for several days, and Shi Tan said that he was on a business trip.

Have you been on a business trip for five days?
According to Qi Ji's work records in previous years, there have been cases of traveling for a month in a row.

But he still read a few differences from Shi Tan's vaguely lonely eyes.

Especially when Qi Jicai came back from Dongai, he went to the United States again. Although the reason was very high-sounding to hire a doctor, he always felt that something was wrong.Then, he secretly checked Shi Tan's cell phone.

Her phone has no passcode, so it's easy to check call messages.

As a result, he found that for eight to nine days, the couple did not get through a single phone call, and all the call records belonged to her and others.

This means: things are serious.

Originally, this was a good thing for him. He had a chance when their husband and wife were in conflict.

If he was selfish, he might be able to take advantage of this time to get in, and he wanted to do it, but in reality, he didn't think he had much chance of success—if he really wanted to do it, he would look down on himself.

He didn't do that. What he wanted to do was to find out the reason for their cold war and help them out of this crisis - they were all people who had come out of suffering, and he wanted Shitan to be happy, instead of continuing to be with the pain.

"Tell me, what happened to you and Qi Ji?"

This morning, Shi Tan came in with a bouquet of flowers, smiled and said good morning to him.

Mu Yichun came to her, stared at her with serious eyes, and asked this question.

"I'm fine with him!"

Shi Tan's eyes flashed and he smiled quietly, avoiding his gaze without a trace.

"Is it really good?"

"Of course!"

"Shi Tan, I told you before that when you are lying, it's best not to move your eyes! I grew up with you, and I understand your little tricks very well!"

After all these years, he always knew her well.

Shi Tan leaned against the edge of the table with flowers in place, and stopped talking.

"Tell me, what happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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