卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 235 Fulfillment, Farewell, Because of Love

Chapter 235 Fulfillment, Farewell, Because of Love

He turned her body around and questioned relentlessly, as if he would not let her go.

Shi Tan pretended to sigh helplessly: "It's nothing. What do you want me to say?"

"If it's nothing, the couple haven't spoken a single phone call for so many days?"

Mu Yichun found her cell phone from her bag and let her face the ironclad evidence:
"to be frank!"

Shi Tan was at a loss for words, and he couldn't find words to prevaricate for a while, before he smiled lightly and said:

"Small friction between husband and wife! It's inevitable, isn't it?"

Mu Yichun didn't believe it was a small friction, and asked again:
"Because of what?"

Shi Tan watched intently, judging from the seriousness of his expression, if he didn't understand this matter clearly, he would definitely not let her go.Sometimes, he is such a serious person.She thought for a while, went to close the door, leaned there without answering and asked first:
"Do you know about Uncle Luo?"

"What do you mean?"

"Physical condition!"

Mu Yichun thought of these days, Qi Ji was frequently looking for a doctor for Uncle Luo, and his heart was inexplicably nervous:
"Not very clear! What's wrong?"

"It's the way it is!"

Shi Tan recounted the actual situation of Uncle Luo.

Mu Yichun stayed for a while, no wonder Qi Ji would look around for a well-known medical doctor, the reason is this:
"Is it still bad?"


"What does this have to do with the cold war between the two of you?"

He asked again calmly.

"I said something to him that day because I was in a bad mood, and then he quarreled with me... an inexplicable quarrel..."

She recalled and repeated everything she said that day.

Mu Yichun listened and sighed softly:

"It's mainly because I'm right! Because he saved me, he accidentally killed Chan Feng, which indirectly caused Uncle Luo to lose his life. He must be blaming himself in his heart."

"Reproach yourself?"

Shi Tan narrowed his eyes, thinking about the possibility: "Do you think he is blaming himself?"

"should be!"

"Why do you say that?"

"I've been talking to Uncle Luo a lot these days, and then I came to know one thing: Qi Ji and Uncle Luo met several times many years ago, and they talked very happily, and the two referred to each other as gentlemen. Although he doesn't communicate often, he definitely has friendship. This time he may think that he has hurt Uncle Luo indirectly, so he will inevitably have emotions in his heart, and being blamed like that by you, it is conceivable how much he is in his mood. shit……"

When Shi Tan listened to her ears, she felt that it made sense!

"Look back, you agree with him, make up! I look quite tangled."

Mu Yichun persuaded.

She was a little surprised.

"Don't look at me like that. From what I really think, the stiffer you are, the better it will be for me."

Mu Yichun shrugged and said:
"I wish I could replace him... But I know you care about him, right? Otherwise, why would you have such deep black eyes?"

He pointed to the ugly look on her face.

"I didn't sleep well!"

"Have you thought about why you didn't sleep well?"

He asked, the tone was like an elder who has gone through a thousand battles educating a willful and mischievous junior.

Shi Tan couldn't help but want to sigh, after seven years of absence, Mu Yichun is very different from before. In the past, Mu Yichun was only under her orders. Now, look, I want to govern it instead. she is.

"He's keeping his distance on purpose... I hate his attitude..."

She blurted out a word, regretted it after speaking, and immediately turned around:
"Anyway, don't worry about this matter. I'm just a little mad at him... When my anger subsides, I'll fix it! I promise!"

Mu Yichun looked at her thoughtfully, and vaguely understood something in his heart.

At noon that day, Mu Yichun took a nap and had a dream.

The dream is full of Shi Tan's shadow: from meeting when he was young to being with him when he was young, until now when we meet again, we are no longer close friends, and there are tears flowing silently in his eyes.

Of course, he still loves her. That love has not diminished because of the eight-year separation. After remembering everything, the love that has been separated by life will only become stronger.

Asking for nothing, that is the most painful.

If he could, he really wanted not to let go.However, if he doesn't let go, she will suffer very much.

In eight years, everything has changed, she is no longer a simple she, she has a son, and their mother and son's blood is thicker than blood and inseparable.Qi Ji loves her too.They can have a warm home.can be a complete circle.And Xiaobai will make them round and glowing.

He is an outsider, he can no longer intervene, he can only give up.

This is his sad and helpless life.

Mu Yichun felt that he should leave here and go back to France, forget everything here and start over.He can no longer think about things that do not belong to him.Leaving can calm his mood and normalize it, and it can also resolve the conflict between the couple.

He believes that the main reason for the conflict between the husband and wife lies in himself, and only when he leaves can they reconcile.

The moment he opened his eyes, he made a decision: go back to France immediately, this is the only thing he can do for her now.

Mu Yichun sat up, reached out and grabbed his mobile phone on the bedside table, gave a call to his assistant Tang Nai, and told him to come over immediately to go through the discharge procedures for him and order a flight ticket back to France at night.

His health has almost recovered, and the reason why he is still in the hospital is mainly because Chan Feng gave him several medicines. The hospital is not sure what other side effects these medicines will cause him, so he is asked to stay in the hospital Observed.

Basically, so far, his physical condition has not changed abnormally.A request for discharge is a reasonable request.

An hour later, Tang Nai was discharged from the hospital.

"President Li, you can go!"

Tang Nai walked into the office and reported with his hands down. He saw that the boss sitting on the sofa had changed into his hospital clothes. Although his face was still a little pale, he seemed to be in good condition. He was checking various economic news on his mobile phone. He frowned slightly, as if he had a thousand knots in his heart.

"Wait a minute, I still have things to do!"

Mu Yichun made two calls, one of which was for Shi Tan, and she answered it quickly:

"Yichun? You woke up from a nap?"


Gentle voice, really make people's heart rippling.

When she was very young, Mu Yichun liked her voice very much. Her voice was sweet and clear. After experiencing the voice change in adolescence, it became a little softer and exuded an irresistible charming charm, whether it was laughter. , crying, or the cadence of reading aloud, or the warm whispers, or the sonorous and powerful debates, all can make people fascinated.

He really wants to keep this voice in his life forever. He has nothing to do when he has nothing to do. Hearing her reading and reading poetry will also be a very interesting life pleasure - but God doesn't give him a chance.

He sighed lowly in his heart, and immediately asked with a smile:

In fact, he probably knew where he was, but he still asked.

"Talk with Dad in Dad's room."

"Well, I'll come and see Uncle Luo!"

"Okay! I'm playing Go with Dad."

She likes to play Go, which was taught by Luo Suiyi. When she was a child, on many weekends off, she would always play a game of chess with Uncle Luo after completing those annoying coursework.

Mu Yichun didn't like this casual thing very much, and felt that playing chess was too boring.What he prefers is to practice fighting and play more powerful things, but many times, he will accompany her and watch her use her brains to defeat her Go teacher. , since there is another style.

She is multi-faceted. She is gentle like water when she is demure, and more charming than moonlight; she is full of strength when she argues with reason, which can infect people with a strong and high-spirited sense of justice; when she is helpful, she has a bright smile, and when she uses her brain, she has a bright smile on her face. Shine the light of wisdom...

The past is like smoke, and it will always make people sigh that time flies and never returns.

Sometimes, he really wants to go back to the past and relive his old dreams, and he will definitely cherish it even more.

Mu Yichun brought his assistant to Ward 2228. The door was half open. He pushed the door in, but Tang Nai didn't follow.

In the ward, Luo Suiyi was lying down, a movable dining board was set up on the bed, and Shi Tan was sitting on the edge of the bed.On Uncle Luo's wrinkled face, there was a slight smile, paleness was his only color.He is very slow to make moves, and the easiest move to make a move today is also a difficult task for him.The disease is constantly eroding his life.

Mu Yichun took a fixed look and knew in his heart that such a picture would never be seen again in the future.

Originally, he should stay here to accompany the elder who raised him, but he felt that Uncle Luo did not necessarily want to stay.After all, the relationship between him and Shi Tan was a little awkward.In the past, Uncle Luo didn't like him being close to Shi Tan very much.More now.

"Hey, Yichun is here!"

Luo Suiyi saw him.

Mu Yichun smiled slightly, stepped over, and called out:
"Uncle Luo."

"Well, in good spirits!"

Luo Suiyi put down the chess piece and looked at it with a smile.

Shi Tan put himself in the wheelchair and looked up to him: In the morning, he was wearing the uniform of the special hospital, but now it is different. He changed into his own clothes: the shirt is silver, with a shallow V-neck. Color sweater vest, a dark crimson windbreaker on his hand, and a pair of pure black trousers underneath, a very refreshing and clean dress...

Mu Yichun was originally a beautiful boy, and this was revealed when he was a child.

When he grows up, he is a handsome boy. When he smiles to outsiders, he will carry a bit of evil spirit. Only when he smiles at her, he is more clear and sincere.

Today, he is already a mature man with a successful career. His handsome appearance, superior taste, and charming smile... all make him charming!

Now, he is definitely the fifth diamond king who can attract countless women. Just beckoning, he can tick off the souls of women.

Only she was immune to his handsomeness.


She frowned, and from his clothes, she felt a different smell.

"You're not going to be discharged from the hospital, are you?"

"Well, I'm ready to leave the hospital!"

He aligned his teeth and smiled, a bright and seductive smile.

"So fast!"

Luo Suiyi said.

"I've almost recovered. Staying there, that's a waste of medical resources!" he said with a smile.

"Where are you going to live! Are you going back to Luo's house?"

Luo Suiyi asked with concern.

No matter what, he grew up watching this child. Shi Tan used to like him so much, but now that they are separated, he can see that the child is still attached.

(End of this chapter)

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