卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 236 Inappropriate

Chapter 236 Inappropriate

This is exactly what Shi Tan wanted to ask.

As far as she knew, he had no fixed property in Yao City, and he had been staying in a hotel during the days he returned to China.

"Why don't you stay in Yayuan for a few days?"

She had no other idea, just wanted to have a good time with him, and after she blurted out, she realized that she really shouldn't be invited like this.

Luo Suiyi directly denied her proposal:

"That's inappropriate!"

Mu Yichun smiled deeply:
"It's really inappropriate. Qi Ji will be pissed off by you."

She couldn't deny that this behavior would definitely make Qi Ji angry, and it would definitely make their relationship more subtle.

In other words, she suddenly wanted to explore his bottom line very badly, and wanted to be angry with him.

Alas, how did she become so willful?
It is said that women who fall in love will become stupid. It seems to be true. It is obviously very simple. Sometimes, some small psychological effects will lead the situation to another direction.

She's doing something stupid right now.

"I won't help you to anger your man...don't even think about it..."

Mu Yichun rejected the bad idea in her mind, and said with a change of tone:
"I have to go back to France!"

"Back to France?"

Shi Tan repeated it, with a tone of disapproval:
"Why are you going to France? Your home is in Zhu Country."

"Shi Tan, Mu Yichun is dead, I am now a French businessman Li Che. The Li family's family business is all in France, and I have to go back. You know, I haven't dealt with it much these days because of my health problems. The company's affairs are almost better now, and it's time to go back to business. Otherwise, my mother will be worried..."

Having said that, however, the strong attachment made her a little hard to let go.

She thought that Uncle Luo was going to death step by step, and Yichun was going to a foreign country, and the people she knew as a child had to scatter things, which made her feel lost, but she was unable to change what to keep.

After a long time, she spit out this question:
"when are we leaving!"


As soon as she stayed, she blurted out:

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

"I want to get out of this state as soon as possible!"

Mu Yichun looked at it quietly and knew that he would have such a reaction:

"I want to go back to my previous life. I will sink everything in the past. Shi Tan, I need time to forget you, so that I will have less pain."

At the end, he smiled, saying that on purpose to make her feel uncomfortable and to let her go.She also needs to go back to the life she used to be, instead of fooling around with him all day long.Although he likes it very much, she is a family member after all.


She didn't know what to say, and felt very sad.

Now she can no longer respond to the love he gave.

She knew that her retention would only make life difficult for him and make it difficult for herself.And his initiative to leave will make them all return to peace.

Mu Yichun raised a smile:
"Should you wish me good luck!"

"Hmm! Good wind!"

Before the people left, her heart ached. They needed a little more time to get together, instead of leaving in a hurry.

"Thank you!"

"I, I won't leave you."

"Well! You don't need to stay. When I want to come back to see you, I will come back!"


She can't bear it!
"Don't worry, I can adjust my mood. In three or five months, maybe I'll bring a blond babes back to show you off."

he said jokingly.

Shi Tan felt that this was unrealistic. He was comforting her, but she didn't reveal it. She could only respond softly with a smile:

"At that time, my feet should be fine. When the weather is fine, let's go hiking and have a picnic! When we remember the past, there will only be good times and no pain. We must go out for a walk."

This is the longing of her heart.

"Of course!"

He nodded and smiled mildly: "I promised you that when I have money, I will take you to travel around famous mountains and rivers. Although I can't accompany you now. I want to borrow you from Qi Ji once in a while. One or two days, I believe he should have no opinion! He is much more generous than me."

She looked at it, smiled, and was speechless. She felt like tears were about to come out. Parting is the saddest part, but she seems to be going through all kinds of partings all the time.

"I want to hug you again!"

she asked.

"it is good!"

That's what he wants to do too.

She opened her arms and hugged the man's thick waist, while he closed her, and gently stroked her hair in front of Luo Suiyi.

Now Mu Yichun is no longer the skinny little monkey he used to be when he was a child. He has very strong arms, a very broad chest, a very warm embrace, and a good body fragrance... But those will no longer belong to her. ...

She was a little sad that it would all belong to another girl in the future.

There will be a charming girl who will be everything to him in the future, covering up the traces she has left in his life. .

Thinking of this, her heart ached inexplicably.

Yichun quickly let go of her and turned to look at Luo Suiyi on the bed:
"Uncle Luo, I want to hug you too!"

"it is good!"

Luo Suiyi nodded.

He walked over, reached out and hugged the man on the bed deeply.

For this man, he is grateful. If it wasn't for him, he might have become a low-level bastard who can't read a few words in his life.It was this man whose fate in his youth was rewritten.After saying goodbye today, he didn't know if he could see him again in the future.

"Although I had some opinions on you before, it turns out that your vision is extraordinary. Qi Ji is indeed much better than me. I think he can take good care of Xiao Tan's... Uncle Luo, you have to take care of yourself!"

"You too!"

Luo Suiyi patted his back with his skinny hand.

After hugging, Mu Yichun smiled, his eyes lingered around them, and said softly:

"I'm leaving!"

"I send you!"

Shi Tan said.

He shook his head, smiled and refused:

"No! I asked someone to say goodbye..."

While speaking, a figure appeared at the door. It was Qi Ying, who was panting. His face was full of eagerness, and a thin layer of sweat was oozing out of his forehead, showing how urgent he should be.

"Mu Yichun, you have to go!"

When Qi Ying walked in, she yelled, without saying hello to the others, she only had Mu Yichun in her eyes.

Mu Yichun turned around, looked at the out of breath girl, put his hands in his pockets, and nodded:


Qi Ying was the one who called her to come over. Before leaving, he had to take care of her.

"The plane ticket has been booked! The plane at 06:30 in the evening."

"Why in such a hurry?"

She became more anxious.

"Let's go out and talk!"

Mu Yichun turned his head and patted Shi Tan's shoulder, and said softly:
"Tan, goodbye!"

The vague regret dissipated in the tone, which made Shi Tan's sadness aggravated a bit: he was leaving, but she couldn't keep him, separated for seven years, thinking that life and death were forever, and now we meet again, but not. The way to get together for a long time, just because everything can't go back to the past.Things in the world are difficult.

"Be good!"

Watching him lead the way out, she said softly.

He didn't look back, raised his hand, and quickly disappeared around the corner.

Qi Ying gave Shi Tan a deep look, with doubts in her eyes, but she didn't ask anything, and flew after him.

Assistant Tang Nai was waiting outside the door and saw Mu Yichun come out with a calm face, as usual, but there was some strange sadness in his eyes:
"The car is ready outside."


When facing Tang Nai, he seemed to be the CEO with a very brainy mind again, but he knew that the current him was not the same as the previous him.He has all the memories, he knows everything about himself, but now, looking back and looking at what he has, he will feel that it was an incredible dream.

"The old lady just called and confirmed with us the time to return to China. Please call her back!"


While they were talking, they had already entered the elevator, and Qi Ying followed behind him, looking at him, his lips trembling, as if there were countless things to say, but in the end he didn't say anything.

There were not many people in the elevator. After reaching the ground floor, the elevator door opened. Some people entered and some people exited. There were no other people in the waiting area. Mu Yichun looked back:

"Let's go outside. Anai, wait for me in the car first..."

Tang Nai responded, glanced at the girl who had been following the boss all the time, and left after the elevator reached the ground floor.

Mu Yichun went in the other direction and walked slowly into this garden with rockery, ponds, and gazebos and lawns.

In the past few days, he will come here from time to time to walk around and feel the sunshine and breeze.

Shi Tan would come with him, and sometimes, a small tail would be dragged around them.

The doll that she and another man bred together was so good that he couldn't bear to fight for Shi Tan's love.

Yes, he was so afraid of embarrassing her, and even more afraid of hurting that lovely child.He hoped that Xiaobai and Shitan could have a happy home, and no one could give this wish except Qi Ji.He could only make excuses in order to maintain a gentleman's demeanor.Only by doing so can he maintain the self-esteem he deserves.

"Wait for me? Li Che, wait for me, I'll go back and get my passport, pack my luggage, and go back to France with you. After that, we'll never come back. Just live happily there... …”

Qi Ying said eagerly.She wanted to keep following him.

Mu Yichun turned around and faced the girl who had been infatuated with him for many years.

From the first meeting when she was young, to goodbye in France... The years have passed, but her eyes have been walking around him.

Mu Yichun had only loved one woman in his life, that woman's name was Luo Shitan, and this woman named Qi Ying was blindly in love with him.

When I was young, because of his rejection, he didn't know much about her, and all he had in mind was all kinds of impatience. Small gesture, but she still loves him without hesitation.

In those years in France, what he saw was a gentle, affectionate and charming Qi Ying.This is definitely a very caring girl.He was deliberately close, but he never showed his true feelings, but he knew that this girl was very good.He loved him so much for so many years, and it moved him even more.

From birth to now, 27 spring and autumn years, except for Shi Tan, and Li Che's biological mother who is still alive, it seems that she is the only one who loves him unconditionally.

It's just that touching can't turn into love, he just doesn't have such a heartwarming desire for her, alas, what should he do with her?
(End of this chapter)

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