卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 237 Break Up

Chapter 237 Break Up
"Qi Ying, I already told you that I am Mu Yichun."

Mu Yichun made a quiet statement.

Qi Ying's face turned pale because of these words, and she clutched her bag tightly:
"What do you want to say? Because you are Mu Yichun, do you want to erase our relationship over the past few years?"

She lost control and couldn't help but scream.

She was so, so afraid of losing him.

Mu Yichun immediately called off:
"Please let me finish my sentence!"

Qi Ying could only bear it, and stared at him with incomparably intense eyes:

"Okay, then you say!"

Mu Yichun was silent for a while before saying:

"I didn't remember the past before, and I was always eager to get everything back. Now all the memories are back, and what I have is still pain. Because they are so deep that I can remember all my life in the past few years. Covering. Sometimes, I feel as if I'm still alive. It's just going to look back and it's not the same.”

He leaned against a willow tree, the green shoots of the tree swayed in the wind, and the situation of yesterday appeared in front of his eyes, but it was already a distant yesterday, and he could never get back.

"So, you want to break up with me? Li Che, can't you come out of the past? Luo Shitan is now my brother's wife."

Qi Ying twitched her lips and cried out this sentence in pain.

"I knew I should come out. So, I'm going back to France, I've got to find myself."

He turned to look at her:
"Qi Ying, I need to get back my feelings when I was Li Che, do you understand?"

This made her confused:

"You mean you're going to let it go, don't you?"


He nodded.

Qi Ying's face suddenly showed hope: "That's the best thing to do, isn't it? Li Che, I'll go back with you right now, we can start over there... We..."

She began to yearn again.


Mu Yichun categorically refused:
"I want to go back alone!"

These words suddenly made Qi Ying's heart pound a big alarm: "But why? Didn't you plan to let it go? Why can't I go with you. Che, I... I'm your fiancee, have you forgotten?"

Mu Yichun interrupted again, frowning:

"Qi Ying, that marriage proposal can't be counted. I approached you with a certain purpose, not from sincerity!"

It was a bit cruel, but he had to make it clear.

The next moment, Qi Ying's face turned bleak again, and her breathing became hurried because of the pain in her heart:

"In other words, today, you are here to talk to me about breaking up, aren't you?"

Mu Yichun was silent, and did not directly mention the breakup, but looked down at the stone under his feet, not touching her miserable eyes:

"Qiying, I just want to think about what happened these days. I hope, for the time being, you don't come to me..."

"If I don't agree..."

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Qi Ying immediately called out uncompromisingly.

Mu Yichun ignored it, and went on to talk about his vision for the future:
"Qiying, we need time to sort out each other's feelings. Three years! I want to ask you to stop disturbing my life within three years. Just in time, you can use these three years to make friends again and try to let go. In the past, embrace the new life with a brand new state. Don't go to the top of the bull's-eye. Qi Ying, if you are willing to look at the world from a different perspective, you will get a lot of unexpected gains... These three years, you should go well Come out and let yourself go. After three years, we will contact again..."

"no no no!"

Qi Ying shook his head, swooped up and hugged him, entangled like an octopus, his tone was terrified:

"I don't want to be separated from you, never!"

"Qi Ying, I'm very tired. You don't know how much pain these memories are for me! You don't understand at all!"

He lowered his hands and looked at the clear sky, his voice was desolate, and a sense of powerlessness spread.

"Do you love Luo Shitan so much?"

Suddenly, she pushed him away angrily and jumped up.

Why is she always inferior to Luo Shitan?

It was like that eight years ago, and it was like that eight years later.

"You don't understand me, and you don't understand her either. You don't know the story on us, and you can't understand how complicated our relationship is. Qi Ying, what you know is only a superficial Mu Yichun, a superficial Li Che... ...you never see the real me..."

The voice was faint, revealing a strong sense of loneliness.Shi Tan no longer belongs to him, and his story can no longer be shared with others.

"That's because you never gave me a chance to recognize you!"

She yelled hurriedly.

Mu Yichun was silent, as if yes, he laughed at himself:
"Didn't I have a chance with you? A three-year appointment is an opportunity. You can use these three years to show me a different you. Not only will you revolve around me, but you can also have a very good career. , as long as you are willing... Maybe after these three years, you will feel that I am not worthy of your love at all. Maybe you will fall in love with a better, more responsible and responsible man... At that time, you will know that I am But so..."

Her face was pale and pale, she knew that what he said was nice, but it was actually a gentle breakup. Listen, he was persuading her to accept other men.

She twitched her lips, laughed bitterly at herself, and asked:
"What if I still can't let you go after three years?"

After loving him for so many years, she didn't think that three years would make her forget it and re-enter another relationship.

Mu Yichun also thought about this possibility.

"Three years later, I will be 30 years old. If you still want me by then..."

He suddenly paused, closed his eyes, and then gritted his teeth and spit out a sentence:
"Then I'll marry you! If a marriage without feelings is what you want...then I can fulfill you!"

Qi Ying's heart trembled, and she was not happy because of the words "I marry you", because he said that it would be a marriage without feelings.

After waiting for three years for the result, may I get such a result?This is so frustrating.

Yes, this man is trying to drive her out of his world in his own way: he will first use three years to cool down her love, and then give a hopeless promise to quench her longing for him.

So, does she want to bet on this?

"Does talking count?"

She heard herself questioning, and in her heart, she had made a choice on her own.

"One word!"

He nodded, his face calm.

"But Yichun, I'm used to having you in my life. Leaving you for three years. I'll go crazy!"

She didn't want to leave him for a day.

Mu Yichun smiled lightly:
"Wrong, no one can do without another. Once, I also thought that Shi Tan and I could not be separated in this life, and there is no power that can separate us, but in fact, it is not."

"I'm not Luo Shitan..."

she yelled.

He immediately truncates:

"I don't mean to compare you. I just want to tell you: Qi Ying, if you are really good for me... please give me time... don't push me too hard, and please give yourself a chance to start over. You You should really take a good look at other people who are willing to love you for a lifetime, among those people, there are not many outstanding talents, and then make a wise choice for your life. Instead of blindly loving someone you don't know anything about I."

His expression was so sincere, he hoped that she could stay sane and know what her destination was, because he didn't want to hurt her.

"Whether it's worth it, I should have the final say!"

She shouted again.

"Even if it's a marriage without feelings? Qi Ying, just imagine, if one day you marry a man who doesn't love you, he doesn't want to kiss you, touch you, or sleep with you. , I don't want you to give birth to his child, do you still want this man?"

His words are ruthless.

He paints a completely hopeless marriage.

This was never what she wanted.

"Please don't bet on this easily. Because my heart is made of stone. I'm afraid you can't cover it up! Qi Ying, how to choose a suitable path for your future is something you should consider in the next three years. It’s a waste of your life to wait for nothing. Whether I’m worth it, you have to think carefully about it. Okay, that’s it, goodbye…”

Mu Yichun gently stroked her delicate face.

Qi Ying's face turned pale, watching him resolutely leave, wanted to call, but did not call.

She understood: the three-year agreement was just a reason for him to break up. Today, once he leaves, he may never come back... because Zhu Guo no longer has anyone he wants.The agreement after three years must be empty words: he hoped that she would let her go, say goodbye in a relatively tactful way, and try not to hurt her.

At this moment, her heart was suddenly empty. After so many years of deep love, she finally ended up with a tragic end—

Her love was shattered, and the tears flowed straight in the sun...

Before Mu Yichun got on the plane, he called Qi Ji.

These days, they have not met formally, nor have they talked openly.

It was said that when he was young, his relationship with Qi Ji was not very good. Although Qi Ji had taken care of him, his care for him was all derived from Shi Tan's request.This person, apart from instructing him to practice simple fighting techniques and teaching him to read and read, doesn't like talking to him much at other times.

There is a lot of conversation between him and Tan, usually Tan is deliberately teasing him.

At that time, he worshipped him very much, but he never expressed this emotion.They rarely talk about each other's past.For a long time, he felt that this young man, wearing a mask, only Xiaotan could let him put down some guards and show a few sincere smiles.

At that time, Xiaotan was the tie between him and him, closely linking such a trio together.

It can only be said that this is a man who can hide his heart very well, and his ability is beyond his reach.

For example, who could have imagined that the little beggar back then would have such an extraordinary background-about this question, he asked him seven years ago, and his answer was: it is about personal privacy, and he refused to answer.

Mu Yili felt that Qi Ji was like a mystery, but he couldn't see through it, couldn't solve it, because he couldn't touch the deepest part of his heart.The only certainty is that he has a special feeling for Shi Tan.

Before leaving, he thought, he had to talk to him.

He didn't want him and Shi Tan to stand still like this, the couple should look like a couple...

At that time, Qi Ji had just finished the meeting, and was pinching his eyebrows in the highest office, thinking about some contract matters and some other very annoying troubles. During this time, he had to deal with too many things. Too much makes him always feel that there is not enough time, and he can't wait to use all the time to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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