卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 238 Reconciliation

Chapter 238 Reconciliation
The phone on the table suddenly rang, but he was lazy and didn't want to move at all. Every part of his body was screaming a word, tired—

Of course, this kind of tiredness is inseparably related to personal emotions.

In the past few days, his mood has not been very good.

When he thought about what he and Shi Tan were like now, he was unspeakably upset.

But he could only endure.

At work, he has to keep his emotions down.

He let the phone ring for a while before turning around and grabbing it, but when he saw it, it was an unfamiliar phone call.Few people know his number.

After thinking about it, he put it into his ear and answered:

"Which one?"

The voice is always clear and oppressive.

"Me! Mu Yichun!"

Qi Ji was a little surprised, he didn't expect him to call himself, pursed his lips, stretched out his hand to roll up the floor-to-ceiling curtain with the remote control, went to the window, looked at the ants-like beings under his feet, and said lightly:

"What kind of wind is this blowing today?"

"Can't I call you without a hair dryer?" Mu Yichun asked indifferently.

Qi Ji thought for a while, then turned back to sit on his office chair, and replied:

"You and I rarely talk to each other!"

"Same-sex repulsion!"

"It seems to make sense!"

Qi Ji's voice brought a little smile.

"We never sat down and had a good chat..."

Mu Yichun sighed softly, stating such a fact, as if with regret.

It is undeniable that Qi Ji is an excellent person. If it weren't for Shi Tan, he would definitely want to make friends.

Men have such a complex of sympathy, and if they share similar interests, they can become close friends.

So far, apart from Qi Ji, he has rarely encountered the kind of character that makes him long for friendship.

"Listen to your tone, do you want to invite me to have a long talk?"

"There will be opportunities in the future, maybe yes?"


"Yes, in the future! Someday we will all look away from the past, or we can get together like family, you, me, or Xiao Tan... around a table, talking about the past together, that's not a good feeling. "

There seemed to be an insinuation in the words, which made Qi Ji slowly sit up straight.

At this time, there was another sentence in my ear:
"Qi Ji, I'm leaving!"

Silence for a few seconds.



Qi Jiwei was a little surprised.

No one reported this to him.He didn't know.It was Mu Yichun who asked Jamie not to report this matter for the time being.He told him that he would say goodbye to Qi Ji in person.Jamie agreed.

"Oh, yes? When are you going?"


"You're in the waiting room!"

Qi Jiyou heard the boarding news being broadcast on the airport radio.


Qi Ji was a smart man, and immediately realized what he meant by this call.

He was silent for a while before asking:
"Does Shi Tan know?"

"I know! She is with Uncle Luo in the hospital now!"


He was stunned to answer such a question.

Over there, Mu Yichun breathed softly:
"Qi Ji, treat her well! Just like when I was a child."

Pictures from my childhood suddenly popped into my mind.

There was a blank A4 paper on the table. He grabbed a pen and ticked a few lines to draw out what she looked like when he was a child. He looked at the godlike appearance, smiled slightly, and felt a strong feeling in his heart. The urge to see her:

"I know!"

Mu Yichun stood not far from the ticket gate, put one hand in his pocket, and looked at the soaring flights outside the window. He was silent for a while without speaking.

Qi Ji didn't speak either, waiting for him, he didn't say goodbye, it means that he still has something to say.

Sure enough, after a while, he opened his mouth again:

"Qi Ji, I have always known that her position in your heart will always be the first."

Qi Ji recalled that their relationship was very good at that time.As for whether it was the first, he didn't know, because he didn't ask.

"When she was a child, she always liked to leave the best food to you and share it with you; she liked to tell you little secrets; she liked to cling to you to sleep together..."

Well, that's true.The little girl at that time was very warm-hearted.

"At that time, your relationship was good for me, but I couldn't fight for anything. If it wasn't for your shelter, I would have been wandering outside. If it wasn't for your help, I would have died a long time ago. At that time, I was like that. I covet the little warmth you give me."

Well, this is what often happens in three worlds.Qi Ji thought regretfully.

"Qi Ji, sometimes I think, if there was no fire that year, how would we end up in the end?"

He also thought about this.

"I think you will be found by the Qi family sooner or later, and Xiaotan will take a different path because of you. But if you really develop in this direction, you may still become such a miraculous business tycoon. Also, with the wealth of your Qi family, is it possible for them to let you marry a worthless orphan girl?"

Well, if this is the case, he may not be able to serve; as to whether he can become a business tycoon, not sure, because there is a tie around him, which may make him unable to go all out in his career; as for whether he can Marry, he thought, he will definitely marry... What he promised, he must do what he said...

"Maybe, you can, because you are a genius, you can continue to create miracles, and of course you can dominate your life. If everything goes well, you will still marry Xiao Tan. And I will only be a sibling. I wish you all my blessings. I can only hide my love deeply."

This is more idealistic.

"The reality is not like this. God gave me a chance to love her and let me stay with her for ten years. For me, it was the happiest ten years. But in the end, it still deprived me. Lucky. Introduced you into her life again."

Yes, God loves to play with them like this, let him stay with her for ten years, let her fall in love with him, but let him find her again... Marrying her has led to such a situation that people can't like now .

"Qi Ji, I love her. But I know she loves you in the end."

A soft sigh, if there seems to be nothing, spread out.

Qi Ji's eyes flashed and flashed, a faint light burst out from the bottom of his eyes little by little, and his heartbeat accelerated.

"Qi Ji, she chose you. It's just that she's mad at you now... husband and wife, men should take the initiative. Don't keep fighting like this. If you don't talk on the phone for so long, I'm afraid you don't feel well. Bar……"

"How do you know... we don't talk on the phone?"

Qi Ji frowned, surprised that Shi Tan even told him about this kind of thing, it was too much for him to eat.

"You don't have a call record! I checked it out!"

Oh I got it.

He breathed a sigh of relief, the taste was very strange.

"I know what to do!"

Qi Ji responded in a low voice.

"So be it...I have nothing else to say...bye!"


Qi Ji promised:

"I won't let her down!"

A faint word, but a very solemn promise.

"This is exactly what I want to see!"

Inside the phone, the beep sounded.

Qi Ji put down the phone, the bad mood in his eyes dissipated little by little.

For eight to nine days in a row, the couple has been ignoring each other, which is really not an interesting thing. Today, such a situation can finally end...

He let out a breath, made a phone call to Cheng Hang, and asked about the next itinerary. He didn't think there was anything particularly important that needed to be handled by him, so he directly ordered:
"It's all cancelled!"

Cheng Hang was startled: "How to explain to the other party?"

"I want to go home with my wife..."

Qi Ji was righteous and strong, and Cheng Hang was immediately full of black lines:
Boss, for your reason, your wife is too self-willed!
When Qi Ji went to visit Luo Suiyi in the hospital, he saw Shi Tan staring out the window blankly, his mind was so distracted, his eyes didn't know where to go, he didn't even know that he called Luo Suiyi, and he was immersed in the love that only belonged to her. In the spiritual world, it seems to be completely isolated from the outside world.

"After Yichun left, she was like that."

Luo Suiyi said to him softly, looking at him deeply:
"Following, the two children have been on good terms since childhood. This time, if it wasn't for those things that happened in the first place, I'm not so sure that she could let go of her heart and marry you. Now I can see that she really let go. It's just that she is still somewhat attached to the past, and you have to be more tolerant about this... This child, these years have not been easy..."

It's not easy for her, Qi Ji knew it in his heart, he smiled and nodded:

"I know!"

Everyone has a past.

"Then take her home quickly! I don't need her to worry about it here!"

The more Luo Suiyi looked, the more satisfied he became with this son-in-law.

These days, he has not allowed Shi Tan to stay in the hospital overnight, and she herself still needs others to take care of her!


Qi Ji walked over quietly and stood still, but she still didn't notice it, so she simply stretched out her hand to cover her eyes.

Shi Tan was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, he put his hand on the back of his hand and pulled it away.

The soft touch was immediately transmitted to Qi Ji, the furry head turned in the palm of his hand, and then a warm and quiet voice came into his ears:



He held her hand, but he hadn't held her hand for several days, and suddenly felt that her fingers seemed to be a little longer, white and beautiful.

He pinched, came to her, stared deeply, her expression was very calm, but the thoughts rolled in his eyes.

Alas, he misses her so much, it's a bit incredible that he can't bear to say a word to her these days!

"Why are you free today?"

Shi Tan looked out the window, although the sun had already slanted down, but it was still early, more than five o'clock.In the past few days, she has almost never seen him at this time, he is always busy...

"When I'm free when I'm busy! I've been so busy these days that I've neglected my wife. It's not to express my guilt. I just booked a box and wanted to take you and my son to dinner, but my son promised me. I have already called and asked the driver from Qiyuan to pack him up, and he is on the way, I don't know if Mrs. Qi will answer..."

He smiled and placed a gentle kiss on the back of her hand.

A fragrant scent that belonged to her entered his nose, making him swayed.

Shi Tan really wanted to refuse to agree. It made no sense that when he smiled with him, she would have to obey—she wouldn't be the kind of woman who was called to and fro.

After thinking about it, she has no objection--

It's really a bit childish because of such willful anger.Yichun has left. He and she are husband and wife, so they shouldn't be so deadlocked anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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