卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 239 Damn

Chapter 239 Damn
She doesn't like this kind of atmosphere. She can't see each other during the day, and she can't hold people at night, her mood will become bad, and she will have any guesses, which is not conducive to family harmony.

Finally, she agreed:

"it is good!

Huafu Jiayan is a famous hotel with first-class chefs and the highest consumption level in Yao.

Qi Ji booked a room in the VIP Supreme Room on the top floor, facing the floor-to-ceiling windows, with bright lights and suitable light music circulating in the room.

At the right time, a family of three is having dinner, Xiaobai is calling his father and mother warmly, Shi Tan is wiping the corners of his son's mouth from time to time, and Qi Ji is serving her vegetables from time to time, the atmosphere is very warm.

"Eat more, why haven't you seen it for a few days, I feel like you've lost a lot of weight! Are you eating on time these days?"

He looked at the dress she was wearing, revealing a large clavicle. It was beautiful and thin, but it was so thin that he unconsciously frowned. If Aunt Wen hadn't repeatedly ensured that the cook at home would provide Starting a party, and the nutrition mix is ​​very even, he has to suspect that she is hungry...

Shi Tan smiled but stared straight at it, and responded with a neither yin nor yang:
"Are you caring about me?"

The tone is really bad.

Qi Ji glanced carefully, knowing that she was still angry, so she could only laugh with her:

"Of course I care about you! You are my wife, I don't care about you, who else can I care?"

It's really nice to say.

Shi Tan's face was still pale, thinking that these days, it is impossible for him to be so indifferent to himself.She bit her lip and was poking at how to relieve the hatred in her heart... There's no reason to forgive him so easily...

"I'm going to the toilet!"

Xiaobai who was eating shrimp dumplings suddenly shouted, jumped off the chair and ran to the toilet outside.

This private room has two rooms, inside and outside. The family of three dine here, while Cheng Hang and Mary ate dinner in another room.Qi Ji will never treat those who follow him badly.

When Qi Ji saw Xiao Bailin leaving, he gave him a cheering gesture at the door, and almost laughed. This kid is really a kid. He felt that their relationship was a little delicate in the morning, but he left automatically and left them alone.

Of course Shi Tan saw it.

"This brat is getting more and more spooky...was that what you were like when you were young?"

When the door was closed, only the two of them were left in the room, the music was flowing, Shi Tan said helplessly, of course he could see the little Jiujiu in his son's heart.

"Me, almost!"

Qi Ji wiped her mouth and smiled, glad that she was finally willing to talk to herself:
"Boys are more skinny!"

Shi Tan immediately showed a thoughtful look:
"I remember grandma said that you loved to play with Mi Fangfei when you were young... How skinny can a boy who mixes with little girls be?"

"It's okay, why did you get involved with her?"

Qi Ji's eyes flashed, and he was reluctant to mention this person.

"Because, I have something to ask you."

"what's up?"

In fact, he Yiyue could guess what she wanted to ask.

"Where did Mi Fangfei go after that day?"

In this matter, since there is no time for them to communicate, she has not yet understood what the situation of that person is now?
The reason why he asked about this woman was because Qi Ying had asked about her whereabouts.

Hearing Qi Ying's tone, Mi Fangfei seemed to be kicked out that day.

"That day, after I asked for the information I wanted to know, I kicked the person away. As for where she went after that, I didn't pay attention!"

That day, he informed the Mi family's bodyguards in Yao City to take people away. The reason for this was to clear the relationship and create alibi.

Along the way, Angela sent Mi Fangfei away. The Mi family bodyguard received a "drunk" Mi Fangfei, and Angela personally sent it to a house in the Mi family, and then she left.

As a result, she was taken away by Mo Yaozhi's people without knowing it before they started to rob people again to create a false appearance of disappearance. He didn't know how they did it.

What he knew was that now, Mi Fangfei was in their hands.

Of course, he didn't plan to explain this to her.

I really don't want to!

"is it?"

Shi Tan asked suspiciously.


"I heard Qi Ying say that Mi Fangfei is gone. I thought you were behind the scenes!"

Shi Tan stared at him with burning eyes.

"None of my business!"

He answered frankly.

Shi Tan stared at it, with such eyes, there was no problem with looking at it, but why was her intuition telling her that there should be other articles under it?

"Qi Ji, why do I always think you have something to hide from me..."

Qi Ji came to her:
"Well, I really can't tell you about some military matters. Do you want me to tell all the secrets that can't be known to outsiders?"

This guy actually gagged her with such an excuse.

"That was not what I meant!"

"That's good."

He made a sigh of relief.

Shi Tan stared at him blankly, the smile on his handsome face glowing under the light, it was really good-looking and pleasing to the eye.

He and Yichun are two completely different types. He is more mysterious, more powerful, and more intelligent... Of course, those are the earliest memories of childhood, and those memories are so profound.Because that was the first time she worshipped someone.Now, he has fully utilized his potential.

"He's gone! You know it!"

Like a groan, like a sigh, her hand climbed up on his face, her firm and warm face was hot on the palm of her hand, and the intoxicating breath stirred her up, and the faint anger in her heart seemed to gradually calm down. put out.


Qi Ji nodded, brought the chair his son had just sat on, and sat down:
"He called me."

"So, this dinner?"

Her voice changed tone, and she took her hand back!

Hmm, she knew it was like that.

He hurriedly grabbed her hand and said helplessly:
"Tsk, turning your face is faster than turning over a book. Why didn't I know that you were not a criminal police officer, but a film and television acting student?"


Seeing that she was about to raise her eyebrows again, he hurriedly coaxed:

"Don't be angry! Don't be angry! Being angry will cause wrinkles!"

But she still stared:
"You don't think I should be angry!"


"Qi Ji!"

She raised her voice high.

"You asked me to give you the respect you deserve. Did you forget?"

He explained innocently.

Shi Tan smiled coldly and retracted his hand: "Did I make you ignore me on purpose?"

"I, uh, I'm a little busy."

Use busyness as an excuse.

She turned the wheelchair and planned to go out to find her son and leave this man who always likes to lie.

Qi Ji hurriedly blocked her way, holding her rolling wheels with both hands to prevent her from leaving:

"Be patient! I'm really busy!"

He blinked a little aggrievedly:

"Tan, I can only keep myself busy so that I don't think wildly... This time, I hand over the choice to you, which is the most risky and stupid thing I have ever done. You don't know, Being chosen is really a tormenting thing. Do you think I want to ignore you? But I think you need time to think about it. During this period, I don’t think I should influence your decision , to put pressure on you, you should be given enough space and time to sort out your mood, this will be fairer to you, and fairer to Mu Yichun."

He explained it carefully, and she couldn't get angry.

To be more precise, instead of generating his own anger.

Things seem to be complicated by themselves, so I really can't blame him.

But she was inexplicably angry.

For a while, she was silent, neither angry nor showing any sign of reconciliation.

This made Qi Ji a little uneasy.

"say something!"

His hand carefully caressed the back of his wife's head and looked at him:

"What does silence mean? Huh?"

Looking at each other, his eyes were gentle and affectionate, and she, a little bit of depression, appeared in his sight little by little.

"What are you thinking? Mrs. Qi, I'm not a roundworm in your stomach. Just say what's on your mind, don't put it in your stomach, and I won't be happy if you're uncomfortable!"

He guided her patiently.

When Shi Tan watched, he sighed softly for no apparent reason, and his pure palm pressed onto his face again uncontrollably:
"I thought that if you loved me, you would do anything to get me. But you don't even give me a chance to meet. You don't make me angry, is it possible?"

To be honest, she just hates him like this - this person has the instinct to plunder everything, but his excessive restraint in this matter makes her a little confused: she seems to be more accustomed to his domineering, his inappropriateness Willing to back down. (Had to say: Habits are scary.)
Qi Ji's eyes lit up little by little, and he leaned over to examine her with a hint of surprise:

"Are you angry that I won't fight? You want me to fight for you?"

His expression really made her feel embarrassed.

"I thought I made it clear enough. If I didn't have feelings for you, do you think I would still be here to accompany you to say these stupid things? Maybe I should go to France with Yichun for the first half of the year, and be angry with you This nasty bastard..."

She screamed angrily, feeling a little tangled and awkward in her heart.

In other words, such emotions really shouldn't appear in her, but in fact, they did.

Alas, love can really make people stupid.

"No, you are mine! Since you choose to stay, you must not regret it later!"

An extremely powerful arm pulled the distance between him and her closer, he declared domineeringly, a ray of ecstasy burst out from the bottom of his eyes, illuminating his face extremely brightly, but he endured. Well, I didn't kiss right away...


"Don't let it go, never let it go again!"

He hugged her tighter, and brought the distance between them a little bit closer. The red lips and the fragrance of red wine spit out, and the closer they were, the more intoxicating they were.

He finally couldn't bear it any longer, and quickly printed hers, allowing her to taste the faint moistness in his mouth rich in the aroma of wine.

She wanted to push him away, she was still angry...

But he used his powerful strength to tighten all her protests in his arms.

Her body trembled slightly from his kiss—they hadn't been this close in days.On the one hand, she longed for his embrace, his kiss; on the other hand, she was angry with his indifference and his estrangement.

She had thought about it, and she wanted to leave him alone and ignore him, but in the end, as soon as he asked for peace, she couldn't hold back her face, and she couldn't push her away at all—



(End of this chapter)

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