Chapter 241

This, he very much agrees.

"You were indeed a little overprotected at that time. In terms of facing sudden changes in the environment, you lacked the fire."

Qi Ji lay on her side, with her hands on her ears, her fingers brushed across her pale eyebrows.

"Yes, it does owe the heat."

She also admitted: "However, at that time, I always felt that I was a calm and rational person. Although I couldn't completely stand alone, at least I was someone who had seen the wind and waves and suffered hardships until I encountered those troubles. Only then did I know that I can be tender! In the face of those old and tricky businessmen, I am not a match at all... Oh, why are you talking about this. We seem to be discussing whether you are right? Don't move your hands. "

Shi Tan smiled, and pressed his troublesome hand to the side, with a look of anger and coquettishness.

Qi Ji smiled lowly, and two words came out of his throat:


"Then just talk about you."


So the two of them began to go back to the topic.

"The first time I saw you, at the banquet, that day, you dressed very formally..."

She recalled that the scene at that time seemed to appear in front of her eyes.

He raised his eyebrows, and looked as if he took it for granted:
"Master Luo's birthday banquet was forced by my grandfather to come here again. Of course I have to make it official... The key is, I have to see you and I have to make a good impression on you!"

When he said this, he put his face close on purpose, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Is he making trouble on purpose?
She glared and smiled again, and after pushing him away, she said again:
"It's really surprising that you can come!"

The Qi family is famous all over the world, and Dashao Qi is an extraordinary person who has been killed in those years. Dashao Qi's visit to the Luo family's birthday banquet is undoubtedly a matter of honor for the Luo family.

Qi Ji hooked her lips, and leaned in again to kiss the corner of her lips:

"How could I not go? In any case, I can't let Xiao Mu get close to you. That guy will do anything for the power of the family. Grandpa really inadvertently deducted my memory. Live my weakness."

She covered his lips to avoid being distracted by his breath, and there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth:

"In my eyes, you and I are people from two different worlds. If you have to divide people into three, six and nine, you belong to the top of the pyramid, and I am only in the middle class. We each have our own lives. The field has absolutely nothing to do with it.”

"Don't say that. You and I have always been from the same country!"

He didn't like to hear her say that.

"How can it be a country? When you were famous in Xiangyao City, I was just a little girl who was nothing. There was a distance of [-] miles between us."

"Say impressions!"

"That day, when Uncle Luo introduced me to you, my impression of you was..."

She paused for a moment, and gently spit out eight characters from her soft lips:

"Heaven's Pride, his reputation is well-deserved."

A low smile came out dully from the thick chest above her again, and he carefully lay down beside her:

"It looks like a good impression..."

"Yeah! Followed, you helped me one after another, which made me think you were very warmhearted..."

Qi Ji smiled again, looked at her sideways, and curved his lips: "I later found out that I am warmhearted with ulterior motives."

Not really.

Facts proved to her that there is absolutely no pure enthusiasm, when a man deliberately courtes a woman, there must be a purpose.

"What's the final conclusion?"

He guides her slowly.

"Qi Ji is a profiteer who can sacrifice love and marriage for the sake of profit, and is very unscrupulous in doing things! He is very good at winning people's hearts, and he is very good at deceiving people and not paying for their lives."

She threw this sentence, and he laughed even harder.

Shi Tan allowed him to laugh, and when he had laughed enough, he added two more sentences:

"When you kissed me for the first time, I really wanted to knock you out, but a marriage certificate tightly trapped my subconscious impulse.

"Acceptance is a moral surrender.

"I think that since I got married, I should do whatever you want. Although I don't think our marriage will normalize, I have to endure the most basic steps."

Seeing his slightly hurt frown, she hurriedly said:
"Actually, it can't be considered bearable. When you kissed me, it still felt good, like the spring breeze.

"I said, at that time, I was not impressed with you. You are so polite that you are so gentleman, and you are very good at progress and retreat. You took me so many places, talks, and show your extraordinary sounds everywhere. It is not a hard work to get along with you. On the contrary, I feel very comfortable.

"Especially, at night, I read books on the sofa. You are doing all kinds of materials in front of the computer, or you have nothing to do. When you play chess, the atmosphere is very nice. It feels very tacit."

It seemed that he didn't feel wrong. At that time, she did have feelings for him.

"Then why did you completely change in the next few months... I called you, but you ignored me. When I went to see you, you kept hiding..."

That's what he didn't understand.

Shi Tan's eyes flickered, looking at him from the side of the beautiful pillow, he didn't seem to want to answer, and turned to something else:
"Dear Mr. Qi, are you planning to spend all your time reminiscing about your honeymoon? I think it's better for us to do something more practical! Don't you have any other ideas in this bed?"

She grabbed his tie and led him over, with a sultry look in her eyes.

A happy low smile overflowed from his throat inadvertently, how could he not understand, he took advantage of the situation and kissed her forehead, her nose, her lips...

In the dead of night, it is the time when the pillow and ears are warm and romantic.

At dawn, Shi Tan caught a furry face beside the pillow.

"Good morning!"

A refreshing man's voice rang in his ears.

She squinted and saw Qi Ji's dazzling smile appeared less than a foot away from her.

"Good morning!"

It was already 08:30, but he was still dressed in pajamas.

Lying there, she moved lazily and found that she was already wearing a sexy nightdress. She was so considerate that she couldn't help but make her smile again:
"Are you planning to skip work?"

"Dear Mrs. Qi, today is Saturday."

He put the information in his hand aside, leaned over and kissed her on the lips.

"Oh, I don't even know what day it is today!"

She hooked his head.

He lowered his head and kissed her on the shoulder twice, his fingers slipped a few times on her pretty collarbone, and asked, "Are you going to stay in bed, or get up for breakfast?"

"I don't really want to move!"

"Be careful to become a little fat pig."

He pinched her nose.

"Will you despise me?"

"It's a bit retarded to ask!"

He embarrassed her.

She sighed: "Don't you know? Men and women who are in love will do some mentally retarded things. Otherwise, why would some men foolishly hold a guitar, stand in front of the window of his beloved girl, and sing love songs for love ; or hold a ring and kneel to propose marriage..."

"That's romance!"

"It's about the same in my opinion. Once you're in a relationship, you'll do stupid things!"

"Hey, dear Mrs. Qi, are you showing your love to Mr. Qi?"

Qi Ji asked with a bright smile.

Shi Tan sighed again: "I thought I was clear enough..."

"But you still haven't expressed it clearly!"

Qi Ji tried her best to tempt her to say that.

"Neither do you!"

She blinked.

"I like to show it in action!"

"Me too!"

"Hey, are you trying to exercise in the morning?"

He became half-smiling.

"Morning exercise is good for your health!"

"Think beautifully. When you are in good health, we will practice hard!"

He kissed her passionately for a while, but finally let go and went into the bathroom... Well, if he doesn't go in, he'll have to fail.

She bit her lip and smiled, put on a nightgown, sat in a wheelchair, went to open the curtains, and let the sun shine into a room, and the blue sky was clear.

She opened the window, and a sweet warm air blowing.

It was an ordinary morning, but her heart became extremely full.

because of him.Because he loves her and she loves him too.Because of each other's hearts.

She knew that the future must still be cloudy, but at least at this moment, her heart was extremely bright.

Eight years ago, marrying Qi Ji was something that Shi Tan never expected. First, the Qi family is a real famous family. They have a long family history. Their family business can be shaken in a certain sense. The economic artery of the entire Zhu Kingdom, and the Luo family is only an ordinary middle-class bourgeoisie.

Therefore, Shi Tanhui was able to marry into the most outstanding eldest grandson of the Qi family. As soon as the news got out, the whole Jiashi City was blown up.

At that time, Shi Tan also asked Qi Ji why he was willing to marry her. He smiled and said, "That's not your business. What you should be is whether you want to marry or not. Whether it is worth marrying or not."

Ordinarily, it is difficult for such a man to find a second person under the sun even with a lantern. The average girl should marry with the law in mind. That means not only getting a quick son-in-law, but also a lifetime. of glory and wealth.

Even if he is finally dumped, he can still get a large amount of breakup fee for the divorce. In Zhu country, if the man requests a divorce, he has to pay half of the woman's assets as alimony.

She didn't want to, but she had to get married. In her eyes at the time, such a marriage was definitely abnormal.

One, it formed too suddenly; two, it has no emotional basis; three, the purpose of marriage makes people feel sad.

Shi Tan still remembers how stupid she looked when she got the marriage certificate, one with her name, one with his name, and a picture that looked a little weird. His expression was very natural, her face was stiff and she smiled. Very fake.

Although so many years have passed, she still clearly remembers the confused look of the staff who took pictures of them that day, as if she thought she should be smiling.

"Then, looking at this photo, how do you feel?"

When Shi Tan asked this sentence, he was already in the UK.

On Saturday afternoon, Qi Ji took her, and Xiao Bai, to the UK on the old man's special plane.

There are four purposes for this trip: first, there is something to deal with in the UK; second, to visit the sixth master; third, he wants to take her away and relive his old dreams; fourth, the contract for Shi Tan's rental apartment in the UK will soon expire. Need to cancel the rental, she needs to pack her luggage and go home.

(End of this chapter)

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