卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 242 He loves her deeply

Chapter 242 He loves her deeply
After flying to the UK for six or seven hours, they did not go to their manor, but first came to Shi Tan's apartment here.

This apartment is not very large, but it is the place where Shi Tan has lived for the longest time. She bought everything in the room. With her many years of feelings and living habits, it will make people feel twice. Feel kind.

Xiaobai's room is covered with plasters of his debut novels full of whimsical ideas, and on the desk is an exercise that he completed when he left.

The room is still neat and tidy, because there are part-time workers who come to help clean and dry every week...

When she entered here again, Shi Tan felt like she had passed away. In less than two months, her life had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The change was too great, and now she took out this document from the bottom of the box and looked at it, she would inevitably make such a sigh.

Today's Qi Ji, dressed in casual clothes without a tie, took off his light-colored trench coat after entering the house, wearing only a black shirt, and was sitting on the sofa flipping through the photos Xiaobai brought him when he was a child , Father and son are not happy to see it.

Xiaobai, who is nestled in Qi Ji's arms, can tell very accurately what happened to some of the photos he already remembered. He is very willing to share the past with his father. The father and son are very sticky. Left her alone.

Shi Tan took the marriage certificate and looked at it, and finally couldn't help bothering them.

Qi Ji brought the marriage certificate over, stared at it very seriously, and smiled:
"Are you asking me how I was feeling at the time?"


She expressed curiosity.

Qi Ji blinked and gave three words:
"Steal the fun!"

"Stealing fun?"

"Well... I took you as a wife without any effort. Can I not steal it for fun?"

He smiled a little unruly, which also caused Xiaobai to cover his mouth and chuckle.


Forget it, don't ask him.

Shi Tan asked for the marriage certificate, ignored him, and began to scroll around the house on wheels:

When was the refrigerator replaced; when was the baby walker bought; Xiaobai's cot is retractable, from a baby to learning to walk, the cot is constantly changing its shape, accompanying Xiaobai in this The small space grows happily; the wardrobe, which has collected all the clothes of their mother and son for the past seven years, has a commemorative value. If it leaves this space, it will lose its original flavor when placed anywhere.

She has a reluctance to part here, and the quiet time she spent here in the past years is definitely nostalgic.

She stood up and sat on the sofa, hugged one of her favorite pillows, closed her eyes, and smelled the faint fragrance of flowers in the room, as if she had returned to the past.

"Want to know how I felt when I saw this photo!"

The side suddenly sank, and the next moment, a familiar man's breath rushed towards her face, a powerful arm firmly overwhelmed her, and then came around from behind, clasped her waist straight, and placed it on her forehead. Brand a kiss.

This action was done in one go, as if it had been practiced thousands of times.

She smiled, looked back, and saw a charming and handsome face expanding infinitely in front of her eyes. The marriage certificate in her hand had already been taken back by him. After her lips were pecked, she looked at the certificate again:
"She looks like she's married very badly, and her eyes are full of cautious precautions. It's as if I could swallow her in one bite.

"After I saw it, my first thought was: One day, I will make you smile at me happily..."

In the last sentence, he looked directly at her and said it.The tone was so certain.

Now, he did it.

She smiled at him.

"If at that time, you told me, you were a little bald..."

Two fingers on her lips:
"No ifs. If history repeats itself, I will choose not to say it."

As for the reasons, some of them have already been said, and some of them, he will not say now.

She was silent for a while, sighed, and rested her head on his shoulder:
"Congratulations, you won!"

He smiled softly, held her in a low voice for a while, and then said in a more tender voice:

"It should be said, we won!"

There is no winner or loser between the parties to a marriage: either, they all lose, and they part ways; or they all win, and they grow old.

Shi Tan bent his smile, the feeling of being pampered by him was really good, his eyes also shone brightly because of such recognition, and he hugged him instead, just clinging to him stickily inside.

Even the simplest snuggle can reveal a cloying sweetness.

This is the great power of love.

He could feel her good mood, and with a big smile, he deliberately rubbed against her and kissed her several times.

She just smiled, and covered his lips under the desire to welcome or refuse:

"Stop making trouble! There is still business to do!"

He grabbed her fingers and kissed her one by one, and then kissed the wedding ring:
"What's the matter?"

"There's a lot of things to tidy up in the house..."

She looked around, her eyes walked around, and she sighed softly:
"What to do, they are things that have been used for many years. Although they are not worth much, they are commemorative. It would be a pity to lose any of them!"

But if they take them all back, they seem to be just a pile of waste. Whether it is the manor here or the elegant garden in Zhu, the daily utensils used are all high-end products, which are completely different from these.For this reason, she expressed a little entanglement.

Qi Ji smiled, he liked to see her little emotions that he had never seen before, pinched her nose, turned her face away, and said:

"Don't be too busy with these...we will leave after sitting for a while."

"How can this work? My lease contract with the landlord is about to expire..."

"There is no contract!"

His smile suddenly became mysterious.


She looked up.

He smiled and stroked the short hair behind her ear:
"This is already your private domain."


Her brain froze a bit, unable to function for a while.

"Remember the contract I asked you to sign before?"

He kindly reminded her.

"You said you were going to buy me a gift. You didn't tell me what the gift was? You just asked me to sign it, and you said don't worry, this is not a contract of sale... Wait a minute, are you buying this place?"

She widened her eyes and understood.

He immediately raised a bright smile, rubbed her short hair, and felt that her expression was very cute:
"That's right, you are the new landlord now Mrs. Qi, you don't need to worry about this little thing anymore."

There are too many memories of his wife and son here, how could he allow this memory to be artificially erased?
Shi Tan was stunned for a while, and when he came back to think about it, he felt that this was quite like his style.

"It's just that, it's a bit of a waste!"

She sighed, and there was still joy in her eyes.

"It would be a good experience to come here once in a while to be a small white-collar worker..."

He is willing to do anything as long as it pleases her.

"You mean, we can sleep here tonight?"

She really wanted to sleep another night in the bed that she had slept in for five or six years.In the future, I'm afraid there won't be many chances to come back here to sleep again.

"Not tonight!"

Qi Ji immediately expressed his objection.

"Why not tonight?"

She asked curiously.

"One, you just did a rough study of your bed, the size is too small, it's not suitable for the two of us to sleep together..."


Did he just come into her room?
Tsk, why is this guy's reaction so quick?

"Second, I've had someone prepare dinner at the manor, and there's a big comfortable bed waiting for you. Now, what you need to do is go back, have a good meal first, and then sleep peacefully Once you wake up, adjust the time difference, and tomorrow morning, we will go see the Sixth Master!"

He has everything planned out.

Moreover, it seems that she has no reason not to cooperate.

Shi Tan's eyeballs rolled around: "Qi Ji, I have to ask you a question!"


"In the future, do I have to follow your plan for everything? And in your plan, it seems that there is often no plan to discuss it with me. Tell me, how should we resolve this contradiction?"

She pushed him away and hugged her chest, thinking that this contradiction must be resolved as soon as possible.

Although, it was nice to have a man who was willing to take care of everything and make her comfortable.

I believe that most women will think that being taken care of like this is a happy thing, but she doesn't seem to be one of the majority.

Yes, she has always been used to being independent, and she can handle everything by herself. Now, she is really not used to being pampered like this.

This will make her feel that she is like his little pet, and she has no sense of existence to express opinions and lead the development of events.

Qi Ji knew her well, avoided this question, and widened his smile, well, this is a phenomenon he just discovered not long ago, as long as he smiles brightly, he can call her and make her forget about the discussion the key of:
"Don't you want to try the big bed we had on our honeymoon again? By the way, at that time, you slept alone, and it must be different from sleeping with two people now... Also, the manor under the moonlight is extremely beautiful Yes... don't you want to see how beautiful the night view of the manor is full of flowers? By the way, if you can play the piano and dance, um, well, the dance will be skipped...but you can still play the piano... ..."

Wow, just thinking about it makes my heart skip a beat.

So tempting.

This bad guy, how can he understand her mind so well now?
"Qi Ji, do you want me to supplement your sleep, or accompany you to reminisce about your honeymoon?"

Revisiting the best memories of the first years, it should be a pleasant thing...

Her bright smile lifted her mood, and her tone was definitely brisk.

Qi Ji leaned closer, and intentionally breathed out a ball of steam that made the hair stand on end in her ear:
"You still owe me a real honeymoon!"

His face became hot for some reason.

Well, she admitted, she owed him a real honeymoon.

She couldn't help pinching his cheek:
"what are you thinking about?"

"I was thinking what you were thinking!"

"How do you know what I'm thinking?"

"You're blushing! It's not hard to guess what you're thinking!"

Qi Ji pointed out with a low smile that he really liked seeing her blushing.

Yes, she is still shy when it comes to husband and wife, although they are already an old couple with a son.

Uh, well, their relationship cannot be judged as an old couple. Strictly speaking, the present time can be regarded as their real honeymoon. It is reasonable for her to be shy thing.

She couldn't help laughing, and rarely took the initiative to kiss him:
(End of this chapter)

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