卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 243 He loves her deeply

Chapter 243 He loves her deeply
"Okay, okay! I was tempted by you...let's go back to the manor...try the...bed there!"

Uh, don't these words sound a bit evil...

Seeing his smile become so bad, she must be thinking about those beautiful things...

"I had someone put bright red on the bed...that would go well with your complexion...uh..."

Her mouth was tightly covered by her.

She saw him smiling so happily, which made her a little more shy, but in her heart, she yearned inexplicably.

It was a wedding gift from their grandfather, and it belonged to their other home in England—a beautiful little manor, exuding a magical power that can make people relax. It was also a place that she liked more, and the environment was very Very beautiful, the air is very fresh...

In the first year in the UK, she lived in that beautiful place all the time. What she likes to do the most is take a book, sit on the lawn, bask in the sun, listen to music, and read a book at the same time. Can see a sea of ​​flowers...

At 04:30 in the afternoon, under the leadership of Qi Ji, Shi Tan returned to the manor where he lived eight years ago. It is a European-style retro villa with swing chairs at the door, flowers, grass and trees, and the whole room is flooded. In a piece of green... Atmospheric, elegant, advocating nature are its biggest features.

There is a dedicated housekeeper here, which has not been changed in these years, and it is still the same British woman in her [-]s in eight years: Bella.

When they arrived, Bella greeted them with two servants, a driver and a gardener with a smile, and greeted them kindly. They were surprised that they had such a little angel as Xiaobai after seven years of absence.Bella's expression was extremely exaggerated.

Shi Tan recognized these people, and it was easy to communicate with them, and Xiao Bai was also very popular with them.

After the welcoming ceremony, Qi Ji carried Shi Tan into their room on the second floor.

The room is very big, and everything inside is still the same as it was eight years ago, as if she has never left in these seven years.

A half-sided bead curtain hangs low, dividing the room into two.

In the first half, the lighting is excellent, and a set of light beige sofas faces the open floor-to-ceiling doors and windows.

The floor is covered with vintage English rugs.

A beautiful bouquet of cherry blossoms, inserted into a beautiful shape, is sitting quietly on the coffee table, spewing fragrance secretly.

There is a bay window design, and the snow-white long blanket is shining warmly under the slanting sunlight. There is a small table on it, and there is a copy of "Pride and Prejudice", which is her favorite English book. romance novels...

In the second half of the room, there was a European-style large light-colored bed, covered with a bright red quilt, and the pillows were embroidered with intricate and delicate European patterns.

On the bedside table, the desk lamp with graceful lines flashed the familiar light.

On the side where she is used to sleeping, there is a photo of her standing still in the wind with messy hair, which was taken by Qi Ji during her honeymoon.

On the other side, there was a group photo of him and her.

Here's the only picture of them together from their honeymoon:
He held her hand and walked in the sea of ​​flowers, he looked back and smiled, his face was slightly sideways, the corners of his lips were raised high, while she was holding a bunch of freshly picked flowers in her hand, smelling the fragrance of flowers, the frowning It has been stretched gently, and there is a faint smile, but it is hidden...

This was taken by a gardener. After printing it out, he gave a picture to Qi Ji. Qi Ji thought it looked good, so he put it here.

Shi Tan caressed the quilt on the bed, it was loose and soft, and he picked up the photo and looked at it again and again... All the memories seemed to be yesterday, and he could touch them with his eyes closed. In the past, there were very few good things.

She went to fetch "Pride and Prejudice", flipped through a few pages lightly, the corners of her mouth slightly curved.

Before, she liked this book so much.When reading this book, you will follow the ups and downs of the heroine Elizabeth's feelings, you will be angry because of Darcy's arrogance, and you will also be moved and changed because of what Darcy silently did for her to protect the face of her family. Bias that shouldn't exist.

In the end, lovers finally get married, and that is really a happy thing for everyone.

"What are you happy about?"

Qi Ji followed her with a curious heart.

He likes to see her smile so much, and is eager to share her mood.

She closed the book and hugged her arms: "Suddenly I feel that Elizabeth and I are in a similar situation. Mr. Darcy!"

Yes, he was her Mr. Darcy.

Qi Ji bent his lips, looked at her and smiled.

Then, she put down the book and began to carefully look at the furnishings in the room. Her slender fingertips slid across the furniture like playing a piano, and stopped on the bead curtain for a long time—she liked this piece very much The beaded curtains are woven diagonally into pieces, beautiful... Finally, the eyes fell on the bed again.

"Do you remember when I hugged you for the first time?"

The man suddenly leaned over and asked.


Shi Tan recalled for a moment, grasping such a moment in the fleeting memory flood:

"The madhouse. You got me out of it!"

That day, she clung to him like a drowning man grabbing a piece of driftwood, full of gratitude.

He smiled and kissed her lips like a reward.

"Do you remember when I first held your hand?"

Shi Tan rolled her eyes, she really didn't remember about this: "Sorry, I didn't remember!"

I'm a little ashamed!
At that time, she really had no feelings for him.

"you remember?"

"I remember every little thing about getting along with you!"

He said softly, sat on the bed, leaned his hands back, and looked at the beautiful chandelier on the ceiling:
"Those memories are the only spiritual pillar that can comfort me. Every time I almost want to shrink back, because of those beautiful memories, I persisted again and again!"

Shi Tan was inexplicably moved.

It can be seen that this man really loves her badly.


She reached out and took his hand.

He held it back with his hands, the corners of his mouth turned up, his eyes closed, and between his crooked red lips, he burst out a sentence that shocked her:
"On March 2000, 3, I was in Yaoshi No. 3 Middle School. I caught a glimpse of you and found you. The girl I lost was like an angel. She appeared in front of me. I spent that day since I returned to Qi's house. One of the happiest days of my life."

Shi Tan couldn't imagine how happy she would be because of this discovery when she was calm and reserved.

She has no other expressions, just a flowery smile on her face.

"On March 3, I got all the information about you, and the Remarks column specifically pointed out that Mu Yichun and Luo Shitan are not biological brothers and sisters, and are secretly dating."

Shi Tan wanted to sigh, his information network is so big.

"I finished watching it and stayed for a long time. In the end, I could only comfort myself: this is good, you know the basics, and you should be able to live a good life. I told myself that I don't need to let you know who I am. As long as you know that you are well, That's all right. Then, I went to England..."

Shi Tan felt a kind of dejection in his tone, because he came too late, and her initial youth was given to others, not to himself.

"On Saturday, October 2000, 10, I came back from the UK, bored and not interested in anything.

"I ended up going to Jiashi that day.

"According to the survey data, I know that you spend every weekend in the park.

"I knew I shouldn't bother you, but my feet still didn't listen and walked in.

"Then, I saw you sleeping on a stone chair. There was no one else around, and no clothes covered.

"I was worried that you would catch a cold, so someone fetched a blanket and covered you.

"That day, I was afraid that someone would take the opportunity to belittle you, so I kept guarding around. Although the atmosphere in Jiashi has always been good, I was always worried. I really wanted to wait for you to wake up and scold you.

"But it was Mu Yichun who was waiting.

"The way he looked at me was unkind.

"Although that was the first time he and I met after growing up."

Shi Tannao recalled the scene, when she was sleeping soundly, there were two men who were at war with each other because of her.Just because everyone loves her.

"On June 2001, 6, I didn't go home for half a year.

"That time, I was tricked back by my grandfather.

"I rested in Qiyuan for three days and was going back to the UK. On the way to the airport, I always felt like there was something unfinished.

"Later, I drove the driver away, and I drove the car to the west alone, and when I came back to my senses, the man had already arrived at the gate of your school.

"I ran so far that day just because I wanted to see you one more time before I left.

"Then, I saw you and Yichun walking out with a smile...

"I smiled and felt that everything was fine, and I could finally leave with peace of mind..."

These few words made her feel very complicated - such a scene was probably a kind of stab wound to him.

"On March 2002, 3, I was transferred back to China.

"Because grandpa doesn't like to be too far away, and in addition, the branch in the UK has entered the right track with my overtime work day and night, and the performance has been rising quarter by quarter. Grandpa thinks it's a bit overkill for me to stay there.

"On the day I came back, I didn't go directly back to Qiyuan, but called a taxi and went to Jiashi immediately. I let the taxi aimlessly circle around the streets and alleys of Jiashi.

"The driver asked me what I was doing?
"I said, just drive, fill up when you run out of gas, just take me for a ride...

"The driver filled up the gas twice that day, and I didn't know until I saw you passing by my taxi on a bicycle, why did I go there?
"It's been so long since I've been away from home, I miss you so much!"

Heh, the simpler the thought, the more touching it is.

At that time, she really didn't know that there was such an ordinary taxi carrying such a deep friendship, secretly watching her passing figure.

"On March 3, my grandfather told me: whoever marries Luo Shitan, the daughter of the Luo family, will be the temporary acting president of the Luo family. The probationary period is three months. If you pass the three-month probation, you will officially become a full-time employee.

"He asked me: Are you going to marry me, or let Qi Mu go?

"I jumped up and asked, why are you doing this?
"Grandpa doesn't say the reason, he just said that the hair has already been handed out. The three brothers of the Qi family, whoever marries Luo Shitan will be the head of the family."

Ouch, when encountering such a thing, I don't know how he would feel?
Will it be anger, or secretly happy that I finally have an excuse to pursue?

She wanted to ask, but had no chance to ask.Her husband was recounting their first acquaintance in a cheerful tone drenched in a touch of happiness.

Although those past, when they actually happened, did not necessarily make people feel happy, but when he recalled them, he gave them such a different color that he could make the listeners feel for them. Relish.

"On April 4th, the Luo family held a banquet. I stood in front of you for the first time. You smiled at me and said: 'Mr. Qi, hello, it's a pleasure to meet you'. The voice was very soft and soft, and it was the same as you when you were eight years old. , of course it's different."

(End of this chapter)

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