卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 244 The Past

Chapter 244 The Past
Shi Tan forgot what to ask, and the memory seemed to be brought back to the past by him:
In the huge garden of the Luo family, there are fragrant clothes and shadows everywhere, music is flowing, red wine is fragrant, laughter is spreading, and there is a splendid prosperity in front of you.

She was brought to Qi Ji in a suit by Uncle Luo: this man has a handsome face that makes men jealous, and his elegant gentleman's demeanor can even attract countless young women to chase.

She looked at him curiously, even if he was standing in an inconspicuous place at the banquet without any talk, he could still become the object of everyone's attention - he had an aura that no one could ignore, and smiled slightly , dominance.

She will be surprised to see such a man, but whether he is good or not will not affect her.

For her, he is just a passing person in life, she can stand in an objective point of view and cast a curious glance without thinking that the fate of her life will be influenced by him.

"I know you're not happy. Your rhetoric is just a courtesy on the scene. It's just to not embarrass your adoptive father, and you're deliberately supporting the scene. You only have your childhood sweetheart in your eyes, and you can no longer tolerate others."

He continued on.

This remark showed a little helplessness, and she noticed that he glanced at her for a while.

"That day, Uncle Luo met me in private, by the way, you must not know that Uncle Luo and I have met several times.

"He did me a little favor many years ago and I had dinner with him and we had a great conversation.

"At that time, I came back from the army to save my relatives. I was 17 years old. You are still underage. I met him at the airport by accident. He admired me quite a bit, and I also liked his indifference.

"It was only later that I returned to the army. Because I was busy, I never thought of meeting this generous elder again. I also failed to fulfill the agreement to visit Luo's family."

Shi Tan was stunned because of that sensitive number: 17 years old.

At that time, she should be only 12 years old, and she had not fallen in love with Yichun in the second year of her first return to Luo's house. If he could come to Luo's house at that time, maybe everything would be reversed unexpectedly.

Unfortunately, he didn't come.

"That day, Uncle Luo and I talked for a long time in the side hall. He bluntly said that he wanted me to be his quick son-in-law, but I wonder if the Luo family would be lucky enough to marry the Qi family. I said: marriage should follow the children. Wish. As a result of forcing, it will form a grudge, which is really inappropriate."

Shi Tan stared at him, blinking his eyelids twice.because of his ideas.It turned out that at that time, he still had the desire to let her go.

"On the same day, Uncle Luo had an accident and died strangely, which shocked me deeply.

"I feel distressed, I am angry, and I want to get to the bottom of this matter. But I don't have any position to mediate this matter for you, I can only watch you cry so hard.

"That day, Mr. Luo was sent to the hospital. My car followed. You stayed in the hospital all night. I was in the car with you until dawn."

Shi Tan was stunned for a while, she didn't know that he was always by the side when the accident happened at Luo's house.

"The next day, there was something wrong with the company, so I had to leave. One phone call, I called the Jamie couple and started to follow up on the matter quietly."

Oh, Jamie and Mary, it turns out they've been following her since then.

"On April 4th, Luo Suiyi was buried. I was in Dongai to discuss a very important cooperation, and I couldn't come to see him off. We only sent wreaths..."

There were many people and things were complicated that day. She was very sad and couldn't remember who came and who sent the wreath...

"On May 5rd, when I returned to China, I went to see you by offering incense to your father, and gave you a gold card business card. You didn't accept it, but instead, it was cheaper for your cousin Luo Ying."

In this matter, she remembered that the reason why she did not accept the gold card was because she felt that this man was dangerous and she should not provoke him.

What's more, the cousin likes him, his eyes are shining, and he was brought to the door by the cousin, she thought they were dating——

At that time, he had only experienced Miss Mi's cheating incident, and he had just returned to being single. This kind of man was the object of many single married women's hearts, but she didn't have any thoughts of climbing high.

"That night, I went to the hospital to visit Mr. Luo, but I accidentally encountered you being coerced by your uncle's nephew, and I saw with my own eyes that you were in trouble."

No, that day, if it wasn't for him, she would have been taken lightly by that annoying guy.

"On May 5, you were forced to marry by Xiao Mu, and I got the news. I went to the private house that my father hadn't given away and deliberately ridiculed him, just to help you out."

That was the second time he helped her. Compared with the uncle's nephew, Xiao Muke was much more dangerous.If he hadn't appeared, she might have promised to marry him.

"On May 5, you mysteriously disappeared. I used all the connections I could use to find you for more than half a month. On June 13, I finally rescued you from the insane asylum."

That was the third time he had rescued her, and every time he was in danger, he descended like a mansion, which made her feel a sense of respect for him.

"On June 6rd, Xiao Mu found you and wanted to take the lead. He wanted to take you to the marriage registration office, but was destroyed by Xiao Mu's admirers. In this way, you offended the first family in Jia City."

It was really a bad situation. For the Luo family and Yichun, she seemed to have no choice but to accept the olive branch handed by Xiao Mu and sell herself to him.But because of his admirers, the Luo family was completely driven to a dead end.

"On July 7, the Luo family's business faced a life-or-death decision. Mr. Luo met with me and entrusted you and the Luo family to me. I said, everything is up to your choice. If you want to marry, I will marry."

Of course, I remember that day, the Luo family was forced to the end, but the situation at that time was not something that Xiao Mu could solve.

And what he said to her made her both hopeful and flustered:

Marrying such a man was something she never thought of.She is not worthy of a glittering him.

"On July 7, you called me for the first time and told me your decision in person."

On that day, she confessed her relationship status to him, explained her marriage requirements, and told him: "Emotional matters cannot be controlled by reason. If you are willing to take this risk, I will marry you!"

He said he likes to gamble.The marriage contract was thus concluded.

"On July 7, I officially announced the marriage news, and the date is set for September 20."

Before, she was taken by him to meet his family.

In the chaos, she became Qi Ji's fiancee.

Then, the news media began to mine the news.But she wasn't much troubled.Because he sent someone to protect her from being disturbed 24 hours a day.

Uncle, they can no longer bully her.Because her identity suddenly became extraordinary, Jin Gui was extremely expensive, and because of this, she had a estrangement with Sister Luo Ying.

"August 8, I will invite you to dinner for the first time!"

seems like it.

That was the first time she met after 12 days of separation after they announced their marriage. Before hearing about it, he went abroad for a week's meeting.

When she heard that the bodyguard was going to send her to a certain place for dinner, she stayed for a while before remembering that she had a fiancé named Qi Ji.

"You are dressed in a student uniform. Under the leadership of Cheng Hang, you walked into my world with a full body of care. If I ask a question, you answer. I have never seen a girl more quiet than you. Treat your fiance as a A jackal."

In the end, his tone was helpless.

She is also helpless.

Originally, she respected him, but after the engagement, she was afraid of him: he was going to be her man, and she was not ready to accept him psychologically and physically.

"On August 8th, you took me to pay homage to Uncle Luo. In front of Uncle Luo's tomb, you had tears in your eyes, but you desperately endured it and didn't cry."

Because she didn't want to show her vulnerable side in front of him.

"On September 9st, I took you to meet Mu Yichun. That night, we had dinner together. You drank a lot of wine and begged me: 'Can you not get married?'"

No way, after meeting Yichun, she couldn't stand her happily becoming someone else's wife while he was in prison.

She really didn't want to ruin the marriage just like that.

It will make her suffer for the rest of her life.

She hoped that he could help her rationally instead of using marriage as a bargaining chip.

"I said no. You were crying. But I had to do it. I knew by then that you were in big trouble, and I couldn't think of any other way I could do my best to protect you other than to make you my wife. ."

At that time, she couldn't understand his painstaking efforts.She was hurt by his refusal.

"On September 9th, you tried on a wedding dress for the first time. The wedding dress was very gorgeous. I chose it myself. It looks beautiful on you. If you are willing to smile for me sincerely, you will be the most beautiful bride. But you His smile was full of desolation and sadness."

She loves wedding dresses.

In fact, what girl doesn't like it?Don't dream of wearing it?
Yichun had also quietly seen various wedding dress styles with her. He imagined her beautiful appearance in a wedding dress several times, but unfortunately, in the end, she had to wear it for a strange man she didn't love.

That day, she was in a bad mood, how could she unfold the bride's most beautiful shy smile.

"On September 9th, we got married, registered, and the wedding was solemn and low-key... During the whole process, I always wanted to hide you..."

And her impression is that she is numb, and her smile is so reluctant, like a wooden man who is being pulled and pulled by someone to play a gorgeous scene.

"That day, I was supposed to accompany you to the UK. My plan was to spend your honeymoon in the UK, and then let you study in the UK. I didn't have a companion because there were some trivial matters that I had to deal with."

She doesn't care, because she knows this marriage, she has no right to speak, she can only obey, and control her own heart is the only thing she can do.

"On the night of October 10st, I appeared on the side of this bed in this room, and saw that you were sleeping very restlessly, with Yichun reading in your mouth, and holding a book that Yichun likes to read... I Watching the stars all night on the patio..."

is it?

Shi Tan was stunned for a moment, did she call Yichun in her dream that day?

And he heard it?
So how angry and hurt must he be?
Qi Ji said so much in one breath, and he almost explained the time and place of each meeting when he grew up. It reflects a man's deep love for a woman.

Shi Tan was a little dumbfounded when he heard it, and his mood was constantly fluctuating. A moving emotion boiled in his veins, and his thoughts followed the rhythm of his speech. Yiyue remembered the first time he saw him in this manor on October 10nd. 's scene.

That day, he was wearing a white shirt with his sleeves tucked up, leaning against the bright morning light, with his arms folded over his chest, as if he was looking at the scenery outside the window, when he heard a sound, he turned around with a bright smile on his face, and said: One sound:
"Good morning!"

As for her, wearing that conservative nightgown, she stared blankly at this handsome and unfamiliar man who should not have appeared in her room. It took a while to remember that this man was her husband, but what she blurted out was This sentence:
(End of this chapter)

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