卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 245 Love in the Fog City, Beauty in the Sunrise

Chapter 245 Love in the Fog City, Beauty in the Sunrise

"How will you be here?"

He whitened his teeth with a smile: "You seem to have forgotten that this is the wedding gift that grandpa gave us. Now, we are on our honeymoon. Where do you think I should be?"

She couldn't answer for a long time.

Thinking about it now, that day, she must have been stupid.

"October 10 is the first time we have breakfast together. You drink your nutritious porridge, I eat my sandwich, and there is a bouquet of good-smelling white roses on the table..."

Alas, how could this person remember so clearly!
She was really going to be amazed.

"After the meal, I invited you to walk around, but you hesitated for a long time before agreeing."

It's just that she is not used to getting along with the opposite sex, but this opposite sex is her husband and the object she should never reject. On the contrary, she should be very close to him.

"That day, I took you around for a walk around, and both lunch and dinner were eaten outside. At noon, you were still very reserved. At dinner, it may be because you walked a little too much and you were starving. I ate a large portion of steak completely. The appetite is very good. At ten o'clock in the evening, we came back for a ride. After entering the door, you asked me something, I wonder if you remember?"

He smiled slowly, and his eyes suddenly turned bad.

A red cloud flew over Shi Tan's face.

Of course, she remembered.

"How do you sleep at night?"

She slowly spit out the silly words that she wanted to bite off her tongue after she finished speaking.

The trip that day was very pleasant. Qi Ji spent those days in the UK and was very familiar with London, even better than a professional tour guide. He explained the history of each place to her one by one, combined with various folklore.The whole commentary process is very fascinating, and the warm smile will make her feel more cordial.

At night, she finally realized the big problem she had neglected: sleep problem.

She wasn't sure about his plans for married life.

It stands to reason that they are newly married, which is almost essential.

But her mental state was completely unacceptable to this kind of thing.

This frightened her. After all, she was only 18 years old at that time. She lived a conservative life and had a good self-moral cultivation, which made her not like many girls of the same age, who lost the innocence of a girl early.

At that time, she was still a virgin, and she would be uneasy, and it was unavoidable.

Qi Ji also remembered that after entering the room that day, she suddenly became nervous and panicked. When she said that, she almost lowered her head and her voice was extremely soft.

"Then how did I answer?"

He sat up and asked with a smile.

Shi Tan's expression was a little weird, and he said dully for a long time:
"You said, kiss me, and I'll spare you tonight!"

This, at the time, terrified her.

Qi Ji widened his smile:
"As a result, you blushed!"

Shi Tan followed with a smile:
"Then, you kissed my forehead and said with a smile: I'm teasing you. I'm still busy, you go to bed. I'm in the study! If you have anything, you can come find me!"

It was the first time he kissed her on the forehead, a very gentlemanly kiss, and she really had to express her 12 gratitude to him for not embarrassing her in this matter.

At this moment, Qi Ji looked at the bedroom in front of him, and it was really touching. During the honeymoon month, he hadn't slept in this bed for a night.

Well, in fact, they didn't spend much time on the estate either.After he took her to the top ten scenic spots in London, they went out of town.In the first half of October, he could only sneak a look at her after finishing his backlog of business at midnight.

"Today, I can finally sleep on it!"

He winked at her, suddenly bent over, picked her up, gently placed her on the bed, and covered her with a deep kiss...

Shi Tan felt that he was going to be drunk, drunk in his enthusiasm, indulged in his infatuation, and couldn't extricate himself.

The UK has a temperate maritime climate with little temperature difference between the four seasons. There is not too high temperature in summer, which will make people feel very cool. The average temperature will be in the tens of degrees. In winter, it will not be too cold and the air is relatively humid.It is rainy and foggy in the UK, so London is known as the foggy capital.

April 2011, 4 in Cambridge, England, was an extremely beautiful day. The air was filled with the fragrance of flowers, sweet and fresh, making Shi Tan feel as if he was back to a wedding, in that beautiful little castle. , receiving the most attentive care of her husband, and having dinner with him and his son under the lights, with smiles on their faces.

As for Xiaobai, he loves adventure and has too much curiosity about this new home.He likes this place more than she does.

This time, Mary did not accompany him, because Jamie still has something to do at home.Qi Ji couldn't let their husband and wife live in two places, so he brought Du Ting here.In addition to Jon and Shaman, there are two other bodyguards, Awei and Alu.

Cheng Hang was Qi Ji's right-hand man, so naturally he came out together.

These people were received in another place.

After dinner, Shi Tan went to take a bath. She wanted to go around in the moonlight. She really wanted to see the beauty of Kanghe, but while waiting for Qi Ji to take a bath, she fell asleep on the bed. .

In the hazy, she felt that a man was drawn into her arms.

His embrace, now her biggest craving, can make her feel safe.

"I'll just squint for a while, wait a minute, let's see the moonlight."

She yawned and mumbled, snuggling on his chest full of fragrance.

He seemed to smile and kissed her freshly washed and blow-dried hair:
"Sleep, sleep! The beauty is endless... I will call you! I will never let you miss the most beautiful scenery in the world..."


She agreed, and gradually sank.

He hadn't slept, and he seemed to be reading something. The rustling sound was very rhythmic, and it matched with her breathing, making her sleep so sweetly.Even in a dream, there is a curve on his lips that represents a smile.

Qi Ji woke up very early. It was an alarm clock set last night that woke him up.

He pressed the bell for the first time and turned on the small bedside lamp.

The time was 04:30. He got out of bed and looked out the window. There was a vast darkness between the sky and the earth, everything was silent, and the dawn was still shrouded in the mysterious night.

He went to wash his face, then sat down on the bed again, looking at his sweet wife who was still sleeping, that childlike face, with a faint smile, no longer like eight years ago, even in the dream, the eyebrows It will also lock up a deep sorrow that cannot be solved.

Now she is happy.

That kind of happiness comes from the heart and can deeply infect him and affect him.

He only needs to look at her, and a tenderness will appear in his heart, and the smile at the corner of his mouth will follow up.

It was the happy happiness he had always longed for, and now, he has embraced it in his arms.

He can truly embrace her and kiss her, that is the happiness within reach.

At the end, under his affectionate gaze, she woke up leisurely, her long eyelashes trembling slightly.

At that moment, he widened his smile, and in a slightly hoarse sexy voice, whispered in her ear:

"Tan, do you want to watch the sunrise? The weather will be fine today, and the sunrise will be beautiful!"

The lights around him were dim, and Shi Tan found himself hooking his neck and blinked his eyes a little confused.

At that moment, he felt that his lips were moving on the skin, causing waves of strange commotion.

She smiled and covered his messy lips, thinking of something like this:

Eight years ago, they also watched the sunrise together, October 10, which was her birthday.

In the past, Uncle Luo and Yichun gave her her birthday every year. Grandpa would give her a big red envelope, and Uncle Luo would cook for her a bowl of delicious birthday noodles.

Shi Tan likes to eat the noodles cooked by Uncle Luo, it is very delicious.But he only cooks a bowl on her and Yichun's birthdays. At other times, he doesn't like cooking very much.

Eight years ago, Uncle Luo died, Yichun was imprisoned, and her grandfather was far away in China. It was another dark year in her life.All the people who love her are not by her side. Although the world is big, she is a lonely child who has no one to love.

She didn't think anyone would remember her birthday.

Of course, as far as she is concerned, not remembering is the best, but there will be less sadness and sadness of heartbreak.

When you think of that day, you think of your entire honeymoon life.

In the first half of October 2002, Shi Tan's life can be said to be completely controlled by Qi Ji. With his strength, he legally entered her life and continued to deepen the traces of his existence in her life. , took her on a tour of the top ten places to visit in London, and she almost forgot how time passed.

Every day, he will fill up the time, so that her young heart can not find any space to reminisce or feel sad, so that she is always busy absorbing all kinds of new knowledge, new nutrients, and new news. , and the pain subsided without knowing it.

In those days, during the day, she was always so busy; at night, she would sleep deeply...

On October 10, he became dissatisfied with walking around London and took her to York.

In those two days, they visited York Minster, went up to Clifford's Tower, visited the York Museum...

Along the way, non-stop, he will design the itinerary to be sufficient and interesting, and will not make her travel tired because of running around.

On the afternoon of October 10, they flew to Edinburgh.

The next day, in the early morning of October 10, he pulled her up early to watch the sunrise - it was the most beautiful moment she had ever seen, and she also used the camera to record it forever .

Then, he took her to a private horse farm, picked an extraordinary horse, rode with her, galloped against the wind, and breathed the fresh air on an endless meadow, feeling the speed burn in his veins. passion.

Then, we visited Edinburgh Castle, walked along the Royal Mile, tasted pure Scotch whisky for free at the Whisky Centre, and visited the Palace of Holyroodhouse...

That day, the whole day, her schedule was full, and along the way, he kept explaining the history of each historic site to her, making her immersed in the rich exotic culture and unable to extricate herself.

When she got back to the hotel's presidential suite, she felt like she was on fire. After taking a shower, she wanted to sleep, but someone rang the doorbell outside the suite.

She went to open the door, and the hotel waiter, with a warm smile, brought in an exquisite birthday cake.

At that time, Qi Ji just came out of the shower, watching her staring at the cake in a daze, calling her back and explaining:
"Originally, it should be a big deal, it's a sign of adulthood, but I think, in your mood, you definitely don't like to spend such a day with a lot of strangers. So, I'll keep everything simple and let you It's enough to have a good time. Before, I called my grandpa and heard that you like ice cream, so I asked someone to make one... Mrs. Qi, happy birthday, please accept my little Mind……"

(End of this chapter)

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