卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 246 He Loves Her Crazy

Chapter 246 He Loves Her Crazy

Oh, if it wasn't for her son, she really wanted to pinch him: it's too ambiguous.

With a bad smile, he pecked her, admiring the faint blush on her face, and couldn't help but make a circle with his fingers:

"Get well soon, there will always be something to keep you busy... My woman is not a vase material, but if you want to not be a vase, you have to take good care of yourself. Your body is about my life for me. The capital of 'sex' happiness. In the past eight years, you have lived too hard, now, you should stay by my side and enjoy the happiness...you are blessed, and I am blessed..."

The meaningful statement made her want to sigh deeply.

Is it luck or misfortune to meet a man who can talk and deceive as a husband?

Oops, why does she feel like she's been eaten to death?

Depressed and happy at the same time...

What a paradoxical yet wonderful taste that makes one's whole body soft...

At 08:30, a black crystal-like commercial vehicle drove Qi Ji's family of three in front, followed by another SUV, and drove out of the manor one by one.

Shi Tan sat in the car and glanced back, the shaman was driving the car, and Jon was sitting in the cab!

She looked thoughtful and asked a question as she turned around:
"Why did Jon and the shaman accompany him?"

In her opinion, this trip was completely unnecessary.But they just followed, and they never left their guns.

Qi Ji was looking at the materials, when he heard the words, he raised his head and replied:

"Just in case. Zhu's general election is imminent, and the dispute between the Chao and Mo families is imminent. Any one who is careless may lead to a complete defeat... and we will never allow this to happen. Let the Chao family step down, To leave the kingship that they have occupied for more than 100 years, I think this is not only my wish, but also your greatest wish."

Indeed, she was so eager to throw all the Chao family into prison.

At this juncture of life and death, their side will definitely try their best to exploit all kinds of loopholes because they want to keep their position - she and Xiaobai are now the most deadly weakness in him.They really need to be protected before the election.

Because of these words, she couldn't help but caress her unsatisfactory legs. She really didn't like this kind of day being guarded as a national treasure.

But she also knows that marrying such a man, completely entering this person's life, there are many things out of her own hands, and there is only one thing she can do: try to adapt to not be a drag on him, and then do her best. Yes, do the heavy lifting with him.

Cheng Hang sat in the driver's seat, looked at the rearview mirror, and smiled lightly. This smile was meaningful, but Shi Tan didn't know what he meant.

After an hour of walking, the two cars arrived at a martial arts gym in the suburbs of London one after the other.Outside the gate, there are four large golden characters: "The Sixth Martial Arts Academy", which is very eye-catching and glittering in the sun. There are also English fonts below.

This place is the most familiar to Shi Tan. As soon as he was pushed into the hall, Dolly, an acquaintance who worked in the hall, greeted him with great surprise:
"Oh, My, God, Annie? It's really you? I'm blind..."

This is Dolly, a girl in her twenties. She used to have a good relationship with Shi Tan. As soon as she got up, she gave Shi Tan a big hug in a wheelchair.

"No no, you don't have dazzling eyes, I'm here, it's really me!"

"Oh, I'm so excited! During this time, I miss you so much. I can't get through to your phone... What's wrong with you? Why are you in a wheelchair? Who are these people?"

Dolly is an English-French half-breed. She speaks with a French exaggeration. She does not recognize Qi Ji. This is mainly because Qi Ji used the identity of Jing Xu to come and go here. The deity has never been officially shown here. body.

After Shi Tan smiled and hugged Dolly, he introduced the people around him.

When Dolly heard that Shi Tan was not only married, but her son was so old, she stared in surprise.

After a brief stop in the hall, the group was led by Dolly and entered a small annex suitable for seclusion behind the first martial arts training building.The fourth brother, Yang Ruixi, served under the knee of the sixth Chen.

"Teacher, here we come!"

In the hall, the sixth Chen, who was wearing a plasticized leather mask, was reading a boxing book. He was very happy when he heard them coming. He grabbed them one by one and sighed: "Okay, okay, then. After so much hard work on you, I finally have good news. Look, there is such a big surprise.

Sixth Chen was unmarried in his entire life, had no children under his knees, and had no grandchildren. This was the first time he had disciples and grandchildren. When he saw Xiaobai, he liked it very much, and the whole person immediately burst into laughter.

Shi Tan hurriedly asked Xiao Bai to call: "Call Grandpa!"

"Hello grandpa!"

Xiaobai's crunchy cries caused the sixth Chen to laugh.

Shi Tan was relieved to see that the teacher was in good spirits.For her, this teacher is another noble person in her life, and his earnest teaching has benefited her a lot.For that, she was grateful to him.

Several people reunited after a long absence, and they talked very happily. The atmosphere was quite harmonious. After a few greetings, Shi Tan asked:
"By the way, teacher, why don't you see other senior brothers?"

"The eldest and the second are both doing business, and the fifth is taking classes outside. The seventh and the eighth have something to do at home, so they all go home. I am the most free. I'm gossiping with Master!" Yang Ruixi replied, "Before you come, you should call The call came, look, don't say a word, say that you appear, you can't see anyone. However, you seem to be your style, he likes to do things like this. "

"Didn't I post a Weibo this morning?" Qi Ji smiled leisurely.

"You call it bombing the media, okay? Tsk tsk tsk, I really can't see it. You are a person who loves to show affection!"

Yang Ruixi sighed, with a rare tone in his tone.

Shi Tan heard that for a while, the two-zhang monk was confused, and couldn't help asking:
"What kind of love?"

"You do not know?"

Yang Ruixi was surprised.

"What should I know?"

What good drama did she miss?

"Uh, cough, cough, Xi, let's go practice... I haven't loosened my muscles and bones for a long time, it's a little itchy... Xiaobai is here too, watch more, it will help you practice, your Uncle Rui has good footwork... In the future You can ask for some advice... Shi Tan, you can accompany Master here... Come, come, let's go to the practice room..."

Qi Ji insisted on dragging the person out, deliberately avoiding her questioning.

"Hey hey hey... Wait a minute, make it clear!"

Shi Tan couldn't stop the person, Qi Ji walked quickly, and after a while, the figure disappeared.

Du Ting, who was talkative on the side, couldn't help but take a sentence.

"Sister Tan, don't you know that Mr. has a very popular Weibo account?"

Shi Tan frowned, she didn't play with that stuff very much, and seldom paid attention to it:
"I do not know what happened?"

"Mr. sent a photo of you and him this morning, and now it's popular in the whole Weibo circle... I'll show it to you... The photo is very beautiful... That ray of sunshine can make people's eyes look Blind..."

Du Ting found the Weibo with a look of excitement, and when he saw it, he shouted again:
"Wow, in just a few hours, it has been clicked over [-] million times. The comments on the photo are extremely popular, and there are all kinds of voices... But those don't need to be seen... They are all sour grapes..."

When Shi Tan took it, he couldn't help but be embarrassed.

Oh, is he really happy and crazy?

He can do such a thing?

Well, there is one thing, she has to admit, this photo was taken very well, and the post-processing effects are also well done, and she almost didn't expose her frontally, but such a fanciful show of affection is too contrary to his style. now...

She was in a strange mood.

"What are you looking at so dumbfounded? Come on, let me, the old man, have a look too!"

Sixth Chen, who was very interested, also wanted to join in the fun.

Shi Tan was a little embarrassed, but handed over the phone anyway.

Sixth Chen saw the photo, touched his hair with a smile, nodded and praised:
"Good-looking! Deng is perfect!"

Shi Tan was still a little uncomfortable:
"He is usually very serious, what happened to him today?"

She took the phone and returned it to Dutin.

Du Ting smiled, zoomed in on the photo and continued to look, and said in his mouth:

"This shows that Mr. cares about you...Sister Tan, I have been following Mr. Weibo for many years, and I can assure you that this is the first time Mr. shows his private life so solemnly on his private platform...hee , he must be fascinated by you... that's a good thing!"

"I feel a little crazy!"

Shi Tan muttered in a low voice.

She doesn't like being in the public eye very much.

"It's not unusual, he's done even crazier things!"

Sixth Chen smiled, with an unsurprising expression on his face.

Shi Tan and Du Ting looked at each other, and their curiosity was aroused. Now she loves Qi Ji deeply, and she has a desire to know about Qi Ji:
"Teacher, did you do anything crazier after that?"

"Yes, there is something, I don't know if the third child has told you..."

Sixth Chen's tone had a look of deliberation.

"What do you mean?"

"How did you become my apprentice in the first place!"

Sixth Chen looked at Shi Tan, and from her expression, it could be concluded that his precious apprentice must have never mentioned it.

"He didn't say it, and I forgot to ask. There are always so many things lately... By the way, teacher, how did you accept him as an apprentice? He didn't mention this to me... I I remember when I met him at the age of eight, he seemed to be practicing some common moves of the Sixth Fist. However, at that time, he never mentioned to me that he worshiped you as his teacher..."

This question has been hidden in her heart for a long time, and she finally asked it today.

Du Ting was slightly surprised. It turned out that Sister Tan recognized her husband when she was eight years old. No wonder her husband treated her so differently.

Sixth Chen listened, and smiled again, he knew that the third child hadn't told her about these things.

"How I took him as an apprentice is a long story. Let's talk about how he made me your apprentice first..."

"it is good!"

Sixth Chen smiled and took a sip of tea, thought for a moment, and then continued:

"Originally, I don't accept female apprentices. You should have felt it after so many years of entry. The sixth school's kung fu is relatively rigid and not suitable for feminine women to practice. Therefore, I do not accept female apprentices. Although the sixth school When opening to the outside world, there is no distinction between males and females, but the female students recruited in the martial arts hall only teach the most basic self-defense techniques, and the disciples I receive will inherit the essence of my martial arts. These essences, It is not suitable for female disciples to practice. And my purpose is that if the teaching is not good, then I will not accept it, and I will not waste students' time. "

This is a fact.

"But since you changed your studies to the Criminal Investigation Department, you have been in trouble one after another. The bodyguards he sent have no way to prevent them from happening. This makes him very distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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