卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 247 Qi Ji, thank you for loving me so much!

Chapter 247 Qi Ji, thank you for loving me so much!
"He thinks that if your own self-defense skills don't improve, you shouldn't even think about working in the field of criminal police. And you want to make a little achievement. Then you have to reform you, you can only have the ability to protect yourself. , you are qualified to talk about how to solve the case and how to apply justice to the weak.

"Soon, his idea took shape. He wanted to teach you himself.

"You should know that with his ability, there are absolutely few people who can match him. But because you have serious hostility to him, he can't come to you as a husband and discipline you and teach you. He You have to find another way to make you identify with him and be willing to respect him and learn skills from him.

"He thinks I can do him a favor. The problem is, I don't think the kung fu in the sixth gate is suitable for you to practice. The first time he proposed this idea, I rejected it.

"But what you don't know is that it is not only the one with the highest IQ among all my disciples, but also the one that I am most proud of, but also the most difficult to deal with, and the one that gives me the most headaches.

"This guy doesn't like to do things as usual. Once he recognizes one thing, he will handle it in his own way. He never likes to be bound by rules and regulations. Those rules I have here work for others. No use. He can easily find a loophole in my rules and take all responsibility for what he has done.

"He's just that kind of character. And he doesn't like being rejected by others.

"That year, in order to keep you in the sixth hall logically, he pretended to be me while I was away, and took you over to me on his own initiative. But your senior brothers, one by one, deliberately helped Follow him. When I come back from my trip outside, the boat is already gone... You have been included in my disciple roster... In this way, you have become my closed female disciple..."

After hearing these words, Shi Tanhao was stunned for a while:
"What... what?"

She was speechless, stuttered, and after swallowing several saliva with difficulty, she asked the second question:

"In the beginning...was he who helped you accept me as your apprentice?"


Sixth Chen laughed with his mouth wide open.

"That day, it was him that I worshipped? He impersonated you?"

Her eyes were straight.

This, this, this, this is also a wife, too unreliable.

Sixth Chen laughed again, he couldn't be too happy, he was not angry at all, but found it interesting:

"That's right! He, in order to have the opportunity to teach you kung fu in person with an open and upright identity, that's really a lot of brains."


Shi Tan was completely speechless.

"Later, I saw him teach you so well, and you are so filial and kind, such a female apprentice, it is really hard for me not to like it, so I acquiesced to this matter.

"Since then, occasionally, I will teach you some things, but most of the time, the sixth you see is actually the child who pretends to be next. He imitates my speech and behavior so vividly that most people can't tell the difference. Authenticity.

"Look for yourself, that kid can do such absurd things because he wants to love and protect you, not to mention taking your photos to show off your love. To him, it's nothing at all .

"Oh, to be honest, I have lived for so many years, and I have never seen a child who is more obsessed and infatuated than him. Shi Tan, you really need to cherish it... This kind of husband is unique, and I will continue to do so in the future. , no matter how much you look for the lantern, you can't find the second one... As the old saying goes: a thousand dollars is easy to get, but a lover is hard to find, but even if you let it down again..."

Indeed, as crazy as he is, if he ranks second, no one dares to claim the first...

It's really a wife, it's outrageous...

Shi Tan covered her lips, unable to speak for a long time.

In the practice room No. 7, Qi Ji and his fifth junior brother Liu Yiweng had a competition, and surrounded by several students.

These students, there are males and females, old and young, they like to see the masters in the sixth hall fight, it will be super exciting, and among these people, Master Liu is the best in boxing. .Few other masters could stand against him.

But today, an imposing visitor appeared, and it was a draw with Master Liu, which surprised the disciples.They were all there wondering who was the holy grail of that handsome and confused guest.There were several female students whose eyes lit up.

"Who is this man, who is it?"


"Yes, yes, like a martial arts star!"

"How can a martial arts star be so ruthless. He's just showing off, but he is full of strength, whether it's offense or defense."

"Who recognizes him? Who recognizes him? ... Must recognize and recognize ..."

"Hey, hey, what are you crazy about! They have owners... When he first came in, he was pushing a wheelchair. I heard that his wife had a broken foot..."

"It's true, it's a pity. A flower in cow dung..."

When Shi Tan came over, he happened to hear a group of people talking, and his face couldn't help but be embarrassed: she became a lump of cow dung.

"Shh, here comes the cow dung..."

Someone saw Shi Tan and let out a low cry.

"Cow dung looks good..."

"Shut up, this is the closed female disciple of the owner of the museum. We have to honorably call the eight masters..."

After a man who recognized Shi Tan turned his head to see his face clearly, he drank in a low voice.

So the discussion finally stopped, and they came to visit one after another, with curiosity in the bottom of their eyes.

No one dared to come forward to chat, because behind Shi Tan were two tall foreigners, who looked like I was not a good person, so people didn't dare to take half a step.

Shi Tan leaned there and watched, two men, dressed in white training suits, fighting there was indistinguishable and extremely exciting.

From this to the other, she sat there and watched for a while, and suddenly remembered that she had played against him here many years ago,

At that time, he used his hands to break down the tricks one by one, let her understand the essentials, and teach her how to use strength, so as to fully exert its lethality...

Thinking of this, she unconsciously showed a smile on her face and sighed softly.

Yes, at that time, he taught her absolutely wholeheartedly, such a well-intentioned contribution, and now that she thinks about it, it really makes her feel ashamed.

The two fought for at least half an hour, and finally, under the courtesy of Qi Ji, the two jumped up from the floor laughing, hugged each other, shook hands and made peace, followed by applause from all around.

Qi Ji went to the rest area, grabbed a bottle of water, twisted it open, and took two sips. When he wanted to sit down and rest, he glanced at her and saw her. He grabbed a towel and wiped it, while wiping it, Shi Tan left. come over.

On the way, a blond woman with a hot body came up to meet her, started chatting up in English, and wanted a phone number.

Qi Ji raised the ring in his hand, indicating that he was married, but the other party had to back away embarrassedly when he saw this, but he still looked sideways frequently, looking unwilling, looking at her with extremely critical eyes.She seemed to think that she, who was disabled, was not worthy of such a perfect man.

There are many eyes around.

Shi Tan looked at him and sighed, this man is good-looking and capable, it's too easy for others to think about it.

How to do?
She finds more and more that she loves him a little bit, which makes her numb...

"Why did you come here? Have you finished chatting with the teacher?"

Qi Ji came to her, leaned close to her and kissed her on the lips, no matter how many people were watching, he was always a person who did his own thing.

She smiled unconsciously, her eyes curled, ignoring those envious gazes, she asked for the towel in his hand, and wiped the sweat from his forehead:

"I heard that you and fifth brother are fighting each other. I want to see. Fifth brother's fist is very strong. I have never seen you fight. I wonder which of the two of you will be more powerful..."

Before he could speak, he was interrupted:
"Tsk, little junior sister, I think you are angry, but you were beaten badly by me in the past. Today, this is on purpose to see me being repaired!"

The fifth elder brother Liu Yiweng also noticed her, and followed her with a smile. This man is 30 years old and was appointed as the owner of the museum last year. He is famous for his iron fist. Unlike other seniors, he has an extremely cheerful personality.

"The fifth brother is joking! Do I have such a chicken belly?"

She continued with a smile: "Besides, I didn't see you being repaired!"

"Tsk, that must have come to show us our love. Look, it's all wiped off with sweat. Oh, it's really enviable, jealous..."

Liu Yiweng's expression is very exaggerated. Usually, he likes to joke.

"Screw you!"

Shi Tan smiled and threw the towel in his hand, many happy times spent in the Sixth Martial Arts Academy flashed in his mind.

Over the years, whenever she is free, she will come here to practice self-defense. These martial arts instructors, who are regarded as extraordinary in the eyes of many people, have given her great help and care, allowing her to live in A foreign country has received a touch of human warmth.

And the reason why she can have all of this is because of Qi Ji.

It was Qi Ji who allowed her to harvest such a precious wealth of life.

She lost her mind for a while, and when she turned around, she heard Qi Ji say:

"You go shopping, I'm going to take a shower, I'm too sticky..."

He stroked her short hair, and hooked up with Liu Yiweng to change clothes.

When Shi Tan watched his distant gaze, a sense of happiness swelled in his body.

At noon, Qi Ji invited guests and booked a box at a nearby hotel. Six people formed a small table. As for the other entourage, Qi Ji made another table.

During the meal, Shi Tan asked the question that he had been concerned about before:
"Teacher, this time you were assassinated. Who is behind the poisonous hands? Do you have any eyes?"

Regarding this question, she had asked Qi Ji before, and Qi Ji only said that it was an enemy of the teacher when he was young, and he secretly murdered because he wanted revenge.

"The debts owed in the past are now recovering..."

Sixth Chen sighed lightly, and had no plans to talk deeply, and immediately changed the subject:
"Don't mention those things."

"Isn't the murderer caught yet? What if they make a comeback?"

From the perspective of professional instinct, she felt that the sixth teacher seemed to be avoiding something. She looked at Qi Ji unconsciously: I always felt that he was hiding something in conjunction with the teacher and the brothers and sisters?
She doesn't judge well.

It stands to reason that he has sworn an oath, except for military secrets, he shouldn't have anything to hide from her, but her feelings are getting stronger and stronger now.

"The police have been investigating the whereabouts of that person. But he just disappeared. There is no particularly useful and valuable news for the time being..."

Qi Ji said: "The two British colleagues who are friends with Jamie have been secretly helping to investigate this matter. Don't worry, we will not let them get away with it!"

(End of this chapter)

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