卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 248 He Blended Into Her World

Chapter 248 He Blended Into Her World
Shi Tan didn't say anything more.

During a meal, several people were talking and laughing, and Shi Tan felt the long-lost atmosphere of a teacher's school. In the past, she often ate and chatted with her master and her brothers. Now, it is Qi Ji who is with her, which is very pleasant. wonderful.

Now such a situation makes her feel that he is integrated into her world, and she is also integrated into his life.They have been completely integrated, intimate and natural.

This is definitely a state of being together that people like from the bottom of their hearts.

In the afternoon, Shi Tan took Xiaobai to take a nap in her dedicated room in the sixth hall. The furnishings inside were as usual, simple, clean, and full of her own breath.

Qi Ji was looking at the room.

The bed is a bit small, only enough for mother and child to sleep; her favorite teacup, clean, is placed on the table; there are several neutral suits belonging to her hanging in the small wardrobe, one of which is It belonged to him, like that time, a shirt that he left behind after sleeping here... He looked at it, recalling the scene at that time, and unconsciously twitched at the corner of his mouth.

Those memories are so beautiful.

He thought that when she woke up, he would take her around, revisit the old places and relive the old days as her pillow, which is really a very pleasant thing.He likes it very much.

After Qi Ji waited for his wife and children to fall asleep, he quietly walked out and went to the sixth Chen's room.

He knocked first.

In the room, Sixth Chen was closing his eyes and resting, when he heard a knock on the door and shouted "come in", and then, as soon as the door opened and closed, there were footsteps.

After opening it, he saw himself, the three apprentices standing in front of him:
"Shi Tan is asleep?"


Qi Ji sat down and smiled slightly. Seeing that there was a teapot on the table, he took a teacup and poured a cup. After smelling it, the aroma of the tea was strong. After drinking it, his mouth was full of fragrance.

"Good tea."

He applauded.

"Brought by a Chinese friend. Longjing before the rain on the West Lake."

Sixth Chen also took a sip:
"You haven't told her yet!"

"No! I don't want to tell her!"

"Are you sure you can really handle this?"

Sixth Chen asked thoughtfully, with a slightly worried tone.

"I will do everything in my power to do it well!"

Qi Ji looked at the patterns on the teacup and said.

Sixth Chen was silent for a while, and then he revealed the thing that had been hidden in his heart:

"That child, if it can be born, let it be born. That is Lanfang's only bloodline. If you can save this child, it can be regarded as a consolation to her spirit in heaven."

He sighed softly, thinking of the child who had not yet come into the world.

"I will try my best!"

Qi Ji put down the cup and promised, and then added:
"Teacher, that child will be a hidden danger..."

"So, I think you should explain it to Shi Tan. Are you worried that she will look at you differently?"

Sixth Chen didn't quite understand what he was thinking.

"I just think that the less people know about this matter, the better."

Actually there are other reasons.

"Then you can figure it out!"

After a while, he asked another thing with concern:

"How is he now?"

"Hang on a sigh of relief, never woke up!"

Qi Ji poured another glass, shook the brown, and admired the beautiful liquid flowing in the white container.

"He caused you a lot of trouble."

Sixth Chen looked at his apprentice and knew that he was being controlled by others in recent days, and it was a bit difficult to do things.

Qi Ji was speechless.

"I don't know what the Mo family means by hiding people?"

Sixth Chen sighed again.

Qi Ji thought about it and said:

"They should also want that child!"

"I'm afraid they will take the child to write an article with you!"

This thing really sucks.

"It's very unlikely!"

Qi Ji thought about it and thought so.

"People's hearts are separated by belly, and no one can guess who!"

"I'll keep an eye out!"

"By the way, I like Xiaobai. This child is so smart, it makes me feel like I saw you when I was young. Calm and rational. When will you have a second child... You should have more than one. It's like a home. A child is too lonely."

Mentioning his wife and children, Jisi Tenderness immediately jumped onto Qi Ji's face, and his eyes were even more smeared with a smile:
"take it easy!"

He is not in a hurry, in the future, they will have time...

In the sixth hall, Shitan can see shadows of the old times everywhere:

For example, in the No. 3 practice room, she and the third brother met for the first time, and the beautiful skills of the male and female were amazing.

For example, in Judo Room No. 5, she was hit so miserably by her third brother that she couldn't straighten her waist.

For another example, on the open-air running field, she was punished by that guy and lay on the ground exhausted, unable to recover for a long time...

Also, in that room, they had the most intimate behavior... She was so scared that she ran away and turned off her cell phone.

Yes, that accident made her panic. After the incident, she was always worried that she would be dragged back to discuss responsibility issues: Think about it, she actually slept the iron-faced "instructor", that was really a super scary thing thing...

After taking a nap, Shi Tan wandered around the room for a while, then wandered casually, and finally came to Zunshitang—where every student would swear the rules of the sixth hall.And Tan had a worship here.

Ordinary students do not do the rites of worship when they learn the ancient method. Only the disciples who are really recorded in the book will do such a great ceremony.Licheng is the direct disciple of the sixth sect.You can learn from the most authentic martial arts essence.

As a result... this was actually someone's "prank"...

Think about how solemn she was in her heart when she was studying with a teacher. She never expected that the truth of the matter would be like that...


She couldn't help but want to sigh!
"Why did you come here?"

Behind him, accompanied by a slight footstep, Qi Jiqingyue's voice entered his ears.

"I will miss the past!"

She said, with a faint smile flashing across her face, she turned the wheelchair, leaned over there and stared at the man, and said in an extremely gentle voice:
"Suddenly I found that meeting you was the greatest luck in my life!"

Whether it was 18 years ago or eight years ago, because of him, her life had such a wonderful life in retrospect... Although this kind of wonderful life was a kind of pain at the time.

"Finally have such self-awareness!"

He accepted it cheekily, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, looking extremely happy.

For the past two days, his mood has been very happy.

For what, she knew.

He loves her, and because this love has been answered, he is full of joy.

It is said that Qi Ji is an unfathomable man with unpredictable preferences, but in fact, his heart is simpler than anyone else's.Now, after seeing him through, she realized that he was so rare.

Shi Tan raised his eyes and stared, suddenly took his hand, and placed a pious kiss on the back of his hand, saying:

"Qi Ji, thank you for everything you've done for me."

This kiss is tinged with gratitude.

Qi Ji is the kind of smart person who immediately guessed something when his eyes moved:
"What did the teacher tell you? The way you look at me is so weird... wait a minute..."

He frowned, and an unnatural look flashed across his face.

"What do you think the teacher will tell me?"

Shi Tan deepened his smile, revealing a bit of wicked playfulness.

This appearance is a bit like the scene when I was a child.

"Okay! There's one more thing I haven't told you..."

He almost looked up to the sky and sighed: The teacher can be so rude...

The other hand slowly climbed up on her cheek, holding her smiling flower in the palm of her hand.

Such a brilliant smile had always been what he wanted the most, and now, it was finally in front of him, how wonderful it was!

"The only way I can get close to you... Well, I admit, that year, I really got angry with the teacher. However, later, he liked you, the proud student, more than anyone. Let's just say I kidnapped a caring daughter for him..."

Over the years, the sixth master has indeed raised her as a daughter.

"Oh, in this world, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find an apprentice who is even more naughty than you..."

She breathed like blue, smiled and blinked.

"How naughty? How much the teacher cherishes my apprentice, you must not know!"

He didn't admit it, and boasted.

"It's so strange. Why does the teacher forbid that you are the teacher's disciple to announce it to the outside world?"

Regarding this issue, the teacher has not explained it before.

He pecked her: "the reason is very complicated! It may spoil the current atmosphere. I won't talk about it now."

"it is good!"

She didn't force herself, and leaned herself into his arms. Now, she didn't want to hear things that would cause bad emotions, so she just sighed:
"I'm a little bit born with happiness and don't know happiness!"

It was such a shame that I had let him down so much before.

"Now you know it hurts me!"

He smiled lightly and pecked again.

She hugged him instead.

The warm sun shines on him, and the solemn hall, because of the lingering of this pair of beautiful people, seems to have become passionate all of a sudden - this place was a testimony of his deep love for her!

On October 2005, 10, Qi Ji incarnated into the sixth Chen, and accepted Luo Shitan as a closed-door disciple without the knowledge of his teacher, just to sharpen his little wife who had a "great hatred" with him.That month, he dropped everything and stayed in the UK, but in order to give her emergency training.

On October 2005, 10, Qi Ji, as the most proud disciple of the sixth Chen family, was severely tortured by the teacher and completed three almost impossible tasks, which made the sixth Chen agree to accept Luo Shitan. This female disciple.

In March 2006, he worked overtime and took seven days of busy work to fly to the UK just to teach her a set of boxing techniques suitable for women that he had just tricked.After returning home, because of work fatigue and stomach pain, I stayed in the hospital for four days.

In June 2006, he came to the UK again because of her, but to test her learning progress.

In those days, it seemed that he had trained her so hard, but in fact, he was the one who was the most tired. He only had three or four hours of rest every day - he had to deal with the backlog of work after training.The burden on him is heavier and greater than anyone else.


In January 2007, when she participated in the mission, he was afraid of her accident, so he just left everything and appeared in the UK again, and brought most of the flame alliance over, but in order to protect her well, fortunately he came, and finally She saved her life at a critical juncture, and appeared by her side as Jing Xu...

After that, time and time again, he used more severe means to forge her, making Jing Xu the devil brother in her eyes, making her respect and fear him, and dare not get close to him...

(End of this chapter)

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