卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 249 Walking dead, she was crushed

Chapter 249 Walking dead, she was crushed

Before, Shi Tan didn't know that he was him, and he didn't know what he did and why.

Now, she finally fully understands that there is a love, which is extremely heavy, and in the process of growing up with her silently, it deepens and aggravates little by little, and she finally gets it.

Yes, it was his love that made her a happy little woman.

At this moment, the only thing she wanted to say to Qi Ji was:
"Qi Ji, thank you for loving me so much! Thank you for making me so happy..."

Shi Tan feels that the happiest thing in a woman's life is to find a man who can truly love her, give birth to a healthy child, and live together as a family loving each other.

At one time, Shi Tan thought she had no more happiness, but now, she found out that God has not abandoned her, and after she has gone through all the ups and downs in her life, she has obtained a perfect family that can make the world jealous, a peerless good man, a Genius type beautiful baby.

Her life did not come to an end, on the contrary, she walked into the family life she had most desired.

From April to May 2011, Shi Tan felt that life was so happy.

Every day, he wakes up from the kiss of his husband, sends away the reluctant man with a smile on his face every day, welcomes him back home from get off work under the reflection of the sunset every day, and then the family of three gathers around the dining table for dinner.

In those days, he became a loving family man and a model husband.He'll spoil her insanely.On his Weibo, there are often low-key private photos of him and her.He created the image of a happy man.

In those days, Shi Tan's bone injuries healed very quickly: in early May, she started to use a cane; in the middle of the month, she took off the cane; in the latter half of the year, her favorite thing to do was: holding her husband's hand, strolling along the flower path, when empty.Sometimes in the early morning, the family of three would go for a morning jog to the mountain. At that time, brisk laughter and laughter would be scattered all the way, becoming the most beautiful voice in the world.

In everyone's eyes, they are a happy family of three, caring for each other, loving each other deeply, and relying on each other.

Qi Ji gradually reduced his entertainment. If there was a party that he couldn’t miss, he would go there: when Shi Tan couldn’t walk, he mostly went alone; after Shi Tan recovered, he had to bring a female companion to a banquet, and Mrs. Qi would hang up with a smile. On Mr. Qi's arm.They will appear in the public eye with the most perfect image.

People can easily see a lingering affection between their eyes and a joy that comes from their hearts.

It was definitely a happy time.

In June, Shi Tan entered District A and started a new job. In the newly established working group, she served as the team leader and, in collaboration with Fang Hua, started an investigation into the Chao family's crime. .She puts all her passion into this job.Because, she once swore at her parents' graves that she would make the Chao family pay the corresponding price in her lifetime.

Qi Ji supported any decision she made, and even asked all members of the Flame Alliance to obey her.

His attitude towards her was completely conniving.

His whole-hearted trust gave her an unprecedented sense of security.

Shi Tan originally thought that this kind of time would continue. Maybe in the process, they would suffer some sorrows from other aspects of life, such as the loss of a loved one, but the relationship between them will only become deeper and deeper. Nothing can shake the trust between them...

Later, she found that she underestimated how fate had played with them.

Yes, she never dreamed that one day, the man who loved her the most would hurt her the most.

"What happened later? What happened later? It was said that you killed a three- or four-month-old child in your belly, and then... put on... uh, gave him a green hat, and in the end it became very stiff. Zongcai divorced... Tan, is this really the case?"

In a tea room, the fragrance of tea is overflowing, and the gentle soft music flows quietly. Time becomes elegant here, exuding a touch of otherworldly charm.

A pair of delicate and beautiful women are sitting facing each other. The one who is pouring tea is graceful, with an unstoppable heroism in her eyes. Her name is Ning Min, and her husband is Tong Tingfeng, who is the current Prime Minister of Dongai Country. .

At this moment, she was looking at Luo Shitan who was sitting on the opposite side, her gentle eyes showed a sharp color, and the movement of pouring tea in her hands followed with a pause.

Ning Min and Luo Shitan were not familiar with each other. Most of her stories came from what her husband Tong Tingfeng knew about Qi Ji.However, there are some relatively private matters that Tong Tingfeng did not mention.

Today, she and Luo Shitan met by chance in Qiongcheng, the beautiful capital of Dong'ai Kingdom. Afterwards, the two met for tea and talked about their respective lives after they parted from Bacheng.

In Ning Min's understanding, Luo Shitan is a gentle and demure woman, she looks very fashionable, but her eyes often show sadness, and beneath her calm face is a very sensitive heart.

She didn't know how much the failed marriage had hurt her.

During the period of acquaintance, she never mentioned her past, and today she was not stimulated by any stimulation, and she was willing to open up and talk about her past that was unknown to outsiders:
Starting from the fact that she accepted the assignment to return to China and wanted to get a divorce, the process of how she and Qi Ji got married and how they recognized them when they were young is interspersed from time to time.

When the story unfolded slowly, the twists and turns of events deeply shocked Ning Min. At the same time, she felt the intricate emotional changes in Luo Shitan's heart with a delicate heart.

When she first mentioned Qi Ji, her tone was gritted, and she seemed to have hatred for Qi Ji. When she mentioned that he refused to divorce, she was even more indignant; when it came to being forced to sign an agreement, she was helpless; After Bai's life experience was exposed, her heart was hesitant; when she had to give up divorce for Xiaobai, she accepted her fate, and her attitude towards Qi Ji also changed quietly; after the fake daughter incident, she was full of gratitude, and gradually She felt attached to the man who once disgusted her; when it came to the bombing of the research base, she was willing to live and die together; after Mu Yichun left, she and Qi Ji were really in love. Attaching to each other, cherishing each other, thanking each other, because of each other, life becomes better, revealing the fragrance of spring...

It's just that Ning Min didn't expect that in the end, she would change her tone and say:
"The one who hurt me the most was Qi Ji..."

There was a deep sadness in his voice...

From her deep eyes, Ning Min could feel her heart, still in pain, and did not come out of the past, although she seemed calm enough on the surface, but in fact, it was not the case, love and The double failure of the marriage hit her extremely hard.

So far, she didn't talk about it any further. She didn't reveal the reasons that prompted them to split up, so that Ning Min had to ask.

From Ning Min's point of view, there must be other stories behind those so-called recognized truths.

If Qi Ji really loves her so deeply, as she said, he has been waiting silently for eight years of marriage, how could he have made such a mistake and let a woman he doesn't love fall pregnant with him child?Because of that woman, they killed their son?

It is rumored that Luo Shitan lost another child in his stomach because of these two reasons and finally out of revenge, and even made Qi Ji lose face by cheating.Ended up getting divorced.

But Ningmin felt that things should be more complicated than what was circulated outside: because both Qi Ji and Luo Shitan were rational people. Under the circumstance that they loved each other deeply, in just one month , it will wipe out all the friendships that have been in the past. The change is too fast, and it is inevitable that people will have such doubts.

A cup of tea soup that was just brewed was pushed by Ning Min.

Luo Shitan took it silently, sniffed it, stared at the beautifully-colored liquid, remained silent, and it was difficult for him to find his voice for a long time.

Even with the passage of time, the pain in my heart and the scars etched in my heart that will never be erased cannot be erased.But these all originated from the Qi family, from Qi Ji.

She hides unspeakable suffering in her heart. Whenever she digs out these sufferings, her heart will endure endless pain.

Tears gathered in the eye sockets unsatisfactorily, her throat was blocked, and she could no longer speak.When the story came to this point, more than half of it had already been said. After obtaining the happiness, it was severely smashed by the cruel reality. God once again fooled them extremely hatefully.

A tear fell into the tea soup.

A tissue appeared in front of her at the right time.

Smile and cry, it is because there is sadness in my heart.

"If you don't want to say it, don't say it! Leave it for later. Now, your emotions are not suitable for telling the story."

Ning Min is a considerate person, so he immediately softened his tone and stopped the topic.Although, she was full of curiosity.But she can't sprinkle salt on other people's hearts.This approach is too cruel.

If she is willing to speak, she will be the best listener; if she is unwilling to speak, she will not force it.

In the end, Shi Tan said nothing.

Half an hour later, Ning Min received a call from her husband, hugged Shi Tan, and left.

Shi Tan didn't leave, sitting alone in the box, looking at the gradually slanting sun outside the window, his thoughts became dazed—

Look, in the blink of an eye, a whole day has passed by talking about the past, but the pain in my heart has not diminished because of sharing. Feelings that haven't come back to life.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Shi Tan left the tea room, got into the SUV, and started wandering aimlessly on the street, his heart was empty, as if his soul had been taken away.

Her thoughts have been wandering in the darkest July last year.

All misfortunes started from then: in the first few months, she seemed to have everything, and she was happy like living in heaven; in this month, she tragically lost everything...

Love, family, family, all lost...

She became a walking dead body without a soul, and she could not find any significance of survival in the days without a soul.

No, it should be said that in the first few months, her life was worse than death.

If it wasn't for Yichun's company, she really didn't know how to spend those long days and nights.In fact, up to now, she still hasn't come out completely.

Although on the surface, the shallow smile returned to her face, but who would know that every night, she was struggling with nightmares...


Suddenly, the car made a sharp collision, and when he regained his senses, Shi Tan suddenly found that his car had passed the guardrail and rushed towards the opposite lane.

She was startled and hurriedly stepped on the brakes. It was useless. The speed of the car was too fast. She couldn't control it. The wheels slipped and hit a luxury car coming in the opposite direction.

Fortunately, the driver of the car was very good at driving. After suffering a heavy scratch, he flexibly avoided it.

(End of this chapter)

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