Chapter 251
"Before you were so good, then you became so cruel.

"I know that Mr. has done something wrong, but how could you be willing to hand him over to someone else...

"Why does that damn Mi Fangfei have Mr.
"Even if she gave birth to a little princess for her husband, even if she has a good background, it is not enough for me to agree with her. Although she never cares whether I agree or not...

"Sister Shitan, you don't even know how miserable your husband has been this year... I can see that it's not easy for you, but I don't understand why you torture each other so hard... "

Du Ting's emotions are intense, she loves Qi Ji so much, respects him so much, and because of this, she particularly likes Shi Tan. She always felt that they were a match made in heaven, but such a good situation only lasted for a while. months.The love like a flash in the pan made her feel very sorry.

"Dong dong dong..."

There was a knock on the door, interrupting Du Ting's speech, and then the door opened, Cheng Hang was walking in front, and it was none other than Qi Ji who followed closely.

"Miss Luo, you woke up, how are you feeling?"

Cheng Hang saw them at a glance, approached, supported Du Ting in a kind and natural manner, glanced at his wife's complicated face and asked a question with concern.

Shi Tan didn't answer, his eyes fixed on Qi Ji, dressed in a very formal banquet dress, with a strong smell of wine on his body, after entering, he stared at her, his deep eyes flashed with her reading The light didn't understand, but soon, he turned away and looked at Du Ting:

"Cheng Hang, go back! It's fine for me to guard here! Xiao Du is pregnant, she should pay attention to rest... I can't be tired... If the fetal gas moves, she will suffer..."

He was admonishing them with caring words.

He has always been kind to those around him.

For Du Ting, he is even more concerned.I heard that for three months, he gave Du Ting a villa as her dowry.Externally, he even claimed that he regarded Du Ting as his sister, so that no one dared to underestimate Du Ting's origin.

At this moment, seeing him take care of Xiao Du so much, she couldn't help but think of the situation when she was found pregnant in June last year.

At that time, they were so affectionate, but it was still a surprise that they would get pregnant-in those days, their married life had measures.He has a condom - from the point of view of eugenics, it must be done.Due to the leg injury, she took medicine for a long time.Doctors advise against pregnancy during this time.

But still got pregnant, he forgot about it a few times, and then, just in time for ovulation, the accident happened like that.

She remembered that the day she found out she was pregnant was June [-], a weekend. In the early morning, he and her went to the special division of Area A.

That day, she accompanied him in command of the two armies: a special regiment against another elite regiment under Commander Mo.The two legions fought against each other in the deep mountains and old forests.The commander-in-chief of the special regiment was Mo Yaozhi, and Qi Ji was one of the two deputy commanders.And she was allowed to watch the fight.

Because it was a field battle, the weather was a bit hot and the environment was a bit difficult. When she poured a cup to Qi Ji, she fell to the ground inexplicably.If Qi Ji hadn't grabbed it in time, she would have been scalded by hot water.

When she woke up, Qi Ji was fanning her with a worried look on her face.

She stroked his face and sighed:

"Oh, it's miserable. You've been squeamish recently. You'll faint when it's hot."

When he saw her wake up, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then slowly piled up a smile that was very strange.

She asked, "What's wrong?"

He immediately gave her a hot kiss, until she couldn't breathe, before spitting out a sentence in her ear with a smile:
"You were born to be used by me. And the one here!"

After the second half of the sentence, he stroked her belly with his hand, and his happy eyes lit up: "Here it is! Don't you know? You little fool... The menstrual period has been delayed for so long, yet you actually Didn't find out... our second baby has made a home here!"

He pinched her nose with his fingers and sighed, as if a shrewd person like her would be so confused.

It took her a while before she remembered that her period had been delayed by four or five weeks.The reason why she didn't pay attention to this change is that, first, she is too busy, and second, she takes medicine first. The doctor said that those medicines may cause disorders in her menstrual period.When the medicine is stopped, the menstrual period will slowly return to normal...

Being pregnant again, for him, it was definitely a pleasant surprise.

She loves this child so much:

When she was pregnant with Xiaobai, her heart was full of pain, but when she was pregnant with this second child, her heart was extremely happy.

As Du Ting said, it is the crystallization of their love, and they will come to the world with their full expectations. As soon as they are born, they will receive the full love of their parents...

But later...

She didn't want to think about it anymore... those memories were too unpleasant...

"how do you feel?"

Cheng Hang led Du Ting away, and Qi Ji stood in front of him with a calm expression on his face.The eyes are too deep to see through.She doesn't recognize him now.Or rather, she never knew him.

"I'm fine. Qi Ji, you crashed your car. After the car is repaired, send me the bill... I won't lose you a cent for the money you should lose!"

She said that she didn't want to talk to him, she pulled up the quilt and looked like she wanted to sleep.The tone was extremely distant.

She and he have become the past, the present he, and she are two different worlds.

Qi Ji didn't speak, just stood there watching silently for a while, then went to sit on the sofa, leaned there and closed his eyes to rest in peace, it seemed that he didn't plan to leave.

"I don't need someone to look after me, Qi Ji, you don't need to stay here..."

She sat up suddenly, trying to blast him away.His breath can produce a strong sense of existence, which makes her feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Go to sleep! I'll leave when the inspection report comes out at dawn tomorrow..."

He closed his eyes and said with a slightly tired tone.

Yes, tired.

His voice was so tired.

She frowned, moved her position, took her handbag from the bedside table, and found her mobile phone, but it was turned off and out of power.

She connected the charger, turned it on again, and made a phone call. The other party quickly connected, and Yichun's voice came over:
"Tan, it's so late, why haven't you come back yet? When I called you and you turned off the phone, I was so anxious!"

"I'm sorry, something happened to me. I'm in the hospital! I just woke up... Yichun, can you come and take me back?"

When Yichun asked her what was wrong, she briefly explained her situation. After listening, he immediately replied:
"Wait, I'll be right over here!"

She answered, hung up, raised her head, and saw that the person on the sofa had already stood in front of the window, half-opened the window, and was looking out the window, her entire figure was hidden in the darkness, and her back seemed to be much thinner than before— This year, she never paid attention to him again.

This is the third time she has seen him.

The first time a few months ago, at a wedding; the second time, her shop was smashed, and he forced the messenger to apologize to her, but he didn't get out of the car and sat in the car all the time; This was the third time...but it was the first time that I had been so close to him after a long absence. I finally saw his thin face, but his expression was extremely cold and dignified.

She turned her eyes away, for fear of being frozen by the ice.

She got down, ready to leave.

"Are you going to be discharged now?"

She heard him asking in a deep voice, and without looking up, she could tell by his voice that he was frowning, as if she wanted to scold her for being ignorant.

"Mr. Qi, I think I have the right to make this decision."

She answered calmly.

"You are fooling around!"

He stopped drinking very unhappily.

"Mr. Qi, this has nothing to do with you!"

She raised her head and answered gently, but the dark color in his eyes became more and more turbulent.

Clearly, he was angry.

Because of her disobedience.

What a joke, why did she cooperate with him?
Her face also turned cold.

"When can you not be so willful?"

Finally, he roared out, his voice with restrained anger.

The two glared at each other, and a dispute was inevitable.


Shi Tan's voice also soared sharply, loud enough to overturn the roof, and his eyes were even more unruly:
"Why am I willful?"

"You are being willful!"

Qi Ji pushed to the head of the bed with a deep voice, put his hands on the bed boards on both sides of her body, and imprisoned her under his arms.

At this moment, the distance between his face and her face was no more than three inches, and the smell of alcohol all over his body penetrated into her nostrils.

At this moment, she saw his white teeth, biting fast and hard, with such a bad attitude, a sentence of inhumane words shot out from those thin lips without mercy:
"Just because of your willfulness, you almost died under the wheels of a truck today? This is an iron proof! Don't try to quibble, and don't try to shirk.

"Luo Shitan, are you new to driving? Driving like this? Is your brain flooded?
"Yes, you are alone, and no one will care about you when you die, what about other people's families?

"Just because of your nonsense today, how many people have taken risks for this matter. Fortunately, no one had an accident, fortunately...

"Luo Shitan, if someone dies in this car accident, do you think you can bear the responsibility for causing the destruction of other people's families?

"Can you? Can you? You can't at all!
"So, I have to ask you to help me, don't go to one place all the time and cause a lot of trouble... You always have people come to help you clean up the mess... You're already in the middle of nowhere, so you're just so promising? "

The eardrums were pierced by the sharp sound.

It is no longer clear, no longer beautiful, and no longer gentle.

Sarcasm hung on his face, and his words were full of bitterness.

This man was not the Qi Ji she knew at all.

He hated her so much.

Yes, his cold face was full of disgust, as if he felt that he had such an intimate relationship with her, it was an intolerable thing for him.

No, she should have expressed that she couldn't stand it!

"To shut up."

Shi Tan felt that her heart was about to explode, and she had to breathe heavily to prevent it from bursting. She could only pant heavily, like a tired old cow.

At the same time, she heard a roar from the ice-like voice:

"What qualifications do you have to scold me? Why do you meddle in my own business?"

She angrily wanted to push him away, but her strength was obviously not enough, either because of her injury, or because his physical strength was too strong.Anyway, she just sadly couldn't push him away, which made her even more irritable:

"Qi Ji, get the hell out of here. Get out of here right now...I'll take care of the mess I caused, and you can completely ignore it as a passer-by. Whether I live or die has nothing to do with you. If you crash and die, then everyone will be happy... I wish for nothing, um..."

(End of this chapter)

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