卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 252 Diary, subverting her world

Chapter 252 Diary, subverting her world

Yichun looked at her worriedly and said.

Shi Tan nodded, went back to his room, went to bed, closed his eyes, his mind was always in chaos, and he couldn't find a place to settle down, so that his thoughts could stop.They clung to her, making her breathless.Uncomfortable to force out the tears.

Last July, for her, was a black month, one after another that made people feel sad, and finally forced them to break up step by step.

The first thing she discovered was that the death of her parents was directly related to Qi Ji.

This heart-breaking truth became a trigger, which blew up step by step the so-called paradise of love that was carefully constructed by him and was full of lies.

On July 2011, 7, Sunday, Shi Tan did not go to Area A to attend the special meeting because he was a little unwell.During those two days, the three of them spent the night in Qiyuan. On the evening of the 17th, she overheard her grandma mentioning that there is an underground warehouse for waste in Qiyuan, and many things that are not used by the family are stored there.Like old newspapers.Grandpa likes to let people collect and store the old newspapers every day.

Because of work needs, Shi Tan wanted to check the news in some old newspapers, so he went to the underground warehouse.

She lingered there for a long time, and accidentally found a few diaries.

Those diaries were originally placed in a delicate iron box, but during the process of rummaging through the boxes, she knocked down the box.After falling to the ground, the lid of the box fell off, and several old diaries were turned out from inside and fell to the ground.

Shi Tan picked it up and flipped through it casually. It was a diary, with rows of beautifully written fonts on it, densely arranged, and the pages looked clean and tidy.

Peeking at other people's diaries is an immoral act.

Shi Tan closed the notebook and picked them up one by one.

When sorting out the last book, she found the name on the title page: Qi Ji.

This is Qi Ji's childhood diary.

Out of some curiosity, she took those diaries back to Yayuan.

That day, Qi Ji was not at home as usual. He was busy with the September general election and was canvassing for the Mo family. For this matter, he worked hard all day long. If he wanted to see him, he had to call to make an appointment.Of course, no matter how busy he is, he will come home on time for dinner.

That afternoon, she looked through those diaries. Originally, she wanted to wait for Qi Ji to come back and get his consent before reading these stuff from his childhood.This is, after all, a matter of privacy.Although they are husband and wife.

But she still looked through it secretly, only to find out that Qi Ji has been keeping a diary since he was five years old.At first, the fonts were not particularly beautiful, but gradually they became more beautiful.Every stroke is full of everyone's demeanor.

As the old lady said, Qi Ji didn't talk much when he was a child, because he liked to express his feelings with words.His mind is very, very sensitive, and he will write down a large text for a little thing.I will also be depressed for a few days because of the scolding of my grandparents.

Among all the words, he remembered the most about his relationship with Mi Fangfei.

From his words, she could clearly feel his liking for Mi Fangfei.

Yes, Mi Fangfei at that time was the only spiritual partner in Qi Ji's heart.

He called Mi Fangfei an angel.He thinks that only Mi Fangfei can bring him happiness, and he loves being with Mi Fangfei, and even agrees with what his family say: Mi Fangfei is his little wife.

In several diaries, he directly referred to Mi Fangfei as: my little daughter-in-law—that kind of intimacy, like an invisible thorn, pierced deeply into her heart, making her feel uncomfortable all over.

She couldn't stand it anymore, she was asking for guilt.

She would put them away and lock them up.Her mood cannot be affected by these childhood events.

It was at this time that she accidentally found one of them. In the diary he wrote when he was ten years old, many pages were torn, so that some other pages fell off because the corresponding pages were torn, and scattered all over the floor.She had no choice but to pick them up one by one, and then, a diary that could almost drive people crazy jumped into her sight.

to be continued!

April 1989, 4, sunny.

Today is Sunday. Early in the morning, I went downstairs for breakfast, and my grandparents were not there.I heard it was a guest.

On the dining table, there is grandpa's newspaper.

In the past, in the early morning, my grandfather's favorite thing to do was to sit at the dining table and read the news in the newspaper after breakfast.

I also like to watch.

Grandpa said that developing a good habit of reading newspapers can help me better grasp the development and changes of the current situation.

Out of habit, I leaned in and took a look.

Today's front page headline is the news that former foreign minister Shi Yuncong is wanted by Scarlet Letter.

The news said: Shi Yuncong stole some important national secret information.The Ministry of Information claimed that the State Security Bureau will offer a reward with a lot of money, and anyone who provides clues will be rewarded.

After I read it, I saw that my grandparents hadn't come back, so I ate breakfast alone, then went to the study, gently twisted the door, and heard some voices.

There is a man who seems to be lobbying Grandpa, with a tall back.

Another woman was standing with him, holding a little girl in her arms.The girl seemed to be asleep, her fluffy ponytail swaying gently in the air.

I heard my grandfather say: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't help you with this matter. Xiao Shi, you have to understand that no one can move the Chao family's status now. Their economic crisis has passed. You Just run away!"

I was horrified because I knew who this man was: the wanted man.

According to the laws of Zhu Kingdom, there will be joint and several liability for hiding wanted criminals.I have read those law books.

But I don't understand, why did Grandpa do this?
The door opened at this time, and I saw my grandparents taking them out.

"Who is he?"

Shi Yuncong suddenly screamed at me.

"My grandson Qi Ji."

Grandpa came over and stroked my face and said:

"This is the first time we brought him here. You haven't seen it before! Come on, then, see Uncle Shi!"

I called out softly.

Shi Yuncong looked at me with a horrified look, like I was a monster.

I turned my eyes nervously and saw the girl in Mrs. Shi's arms, sleeping sweetly, with a flushed face and a smile on the corner of her lips. She was pretty, but I thought, no matter how good-looking other girls are, they are definitely not as good-looking. My little daughter-in-law, Fangfei.

After that, Grandpa sent them away.Grandpa seemed to say that they should go somewhere and wait for a few customs clearance documents.They could leave the country of Zhu with those few forged documents.

Such an approach is definitely wrong.

I made a phone call and reported their whereabouts: they are thieves of the country and should return the stolen items to the country.

But I didn't expect it to end up like this: they were shot.

The news at [-] p.m. announced to the whole country that Shi Yuncong was brought to justice.

In the evening, someone from the government department came to the door, because they found that the report call was made from here.

I admitted this to my grandfather, who watched me for a long time, and finally walked out, tacitly acquiesced to those government officials and accepted the investigation.Grandpa tried his best to deal with them, and in the end, things finally turned into big things and small things.

At ten o'clock in the evening, my grandfather called me over.I saw his eyes were very red.

Grandpa said to me:
"Then, you shouldn't make this call."

I reminded in a low voice: "Grandpa, they are wanted criminals! They will endanger the country~home~security~safety!"

The grandfather affirmed firmly: "The Shi family was framed by others. Then, you don't understand at all... They don't deserve to die, they don't deserve to die..."

is it?

Don't they deserve to die?

No, I don't know, I thought they were locked up at best...

Who knew it would be like this!

I don't want to either!

Shi Tan looked cold all over her body. The diary slipped from her hand and fell on her feet. Her body couldn't help shaking because of such an unexpected discovery.

How could she have imagined that the reason why her parents' whereabouts would be exposed was that they had made an unannounced visit to another secret private house of the Qi family in the capital, and they were finally reported by Qi Ji, who discovered their whereabouts and was finally arrested. tragic death.

If they didn't go to see Qi Wanzhong that day, they might have fled the country according to the pre-set route.

Out of trust, they went to the Qi family for help, but they were betrayed.

At that moment, she couldn't accept such a creepy truth: 22 years ago, it was actually Qi Ji who brought their Shi family to a dead end, but she, the survivor, happily did it 22 years later. His woman, still repeatedly conceived and gave birth to him?
No, no, she doesn't believe it's true!

This must be her overthinking.

"Impossible! Impossible! Impossible!"

Shi Tan murmured in her mouth, her hands and feet trembled so badly, she hurriedly went to find her mobile phone, she had to verify this matter with Qi Ji in person.

As a result, the phone is blocked.

How can it not work?
She called three times in a row, but the phone was turned off, so she had to call Cheng Hang's phone again.

Cheng Hang quickly answered the phone and said, "My husband and I are busy today. Since ten o'clock in the morning, I have lost contact with him until now."

Shi Tan looked at the clock, it was three o'clock in the afternoon, why did he have to leave for so long and still turn off the phone?Is it inconvenient to answer the phone?

She called Mo Yaozhi immediately, and strangely, Mo Yaozhi was also turned off.

She then hit the guard beside Mo Yaozhi.

The sergeant reported back:
"Mr. Mo answered the phone at nine o'clock in the morning and didn't come back after going out."

What happened?
It makes no sense for these two to lose contact at the same time?

No, no, that's not the focus right now, the focus now is to figure out what's going on in the diary.

She can be sure that besides Qi Ji, there are two other people who should be very clear about what happened.

Without any hesitation, Shi Tan stuffed the diary into his bag, rushed out of the house, rushed into the car at the same speed as the wind, and drove into Qiyuan again at the same speed as the wind.

When she learned that Qi Wanzhong was in the study, she forgot to knock on the door, so she rushed in panting.

That day, Qi Wanzhong was practicing calligraphy in the study. Seeing her running over with a strange expression, he was stunned for a while, and then asked gently:

"Tan Tan, haven't you returned to Yayuan? Why are you back? Come to pick up Xiaobai? Didn't you agree? Did Xiaobai sleep in Qiyuan these days? What's the matter? What happened? Look at you. , why is his face so ugly? It's like the sky is falling."

Qi Wanzhong put down Langhao and rushed over to her, his words were filled with concern.

She opened her mouth, but didn't make a sound, because she was really confused, and she didn't know where to ask.

Qi Wanzhong was extremely loving and easygoing. As if she were a granddaughter, he pulled her to sit down and made tea to calm her down.

(End of this chapter)

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