卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 253 A Thunderbolt from the Blue Sky, Mi Fangfei's Pregnancy Exposure

Chapter 253 A Thunderbolt from the Blue Sky, Mi Fangfei's Pregnancy Exposure

Finally, she finally asked:
"Grandpa, there is something, I want you to tell me the truth, don't hide anything from me..."

Qi Wanzhong glanced at her for a while, and thought about it carefully before agreeing:
"you say!"

With permission, Shi Tan was a little timid.

Yes, she was so afraid of the truth.

But that incident was too serious and too serious, she couldn't turn a blind eye, she would feel uneasy.

"About the former Foreign Ministry Shi Yuncong."

She asked this question very seriously.

Qi Wan stared at her, his deep expression vaguely showing a hint of surprise:
"Why bring up this person?"

"Grandpa, don't ask why, please, I just want to know, on April 1989, 4, did Shi Yuncong and his wife go to the Qi family's private house in Beijing?"

She held back all her emotions and asked the question softly.

Qi Wanzhong's brows twitched unnaturally because of this question. At the same time, a bit of bitterness flashed across his face. For a long time, he didn't speak, and he kept his head down, as if he wanted to avoid this, which would make him feel pain. question.

"I've been here, right!"

The uncontrollable pain rose in her veins, so much so that her voice became hoarse.

Qi Wan raised his head and glanced at her suspiciously. With a sigh, he finally nodded:
"Yes, come here!"

This sentence shattered her expectations.

At that moment, she hoped that Qi Wanzhong would say: "Nothing like that."

But he just admitted it and said something like this:

"The boy Shi Yuncong has a sense of responsibility and is upright. He is very popular with me. Although I am not in politics, this does not affect my appreciation of him. We were very close 22 years ago. It's just that he has been very busy. , too busy to have time to pay a formal visit to the Qi family. In a hurry, we only met a few times in the capital. That day, they did come..."

"What did they find you for?"

She asked again, her voice was calm, but her heart was sinking into the bottomless abyss.

"Ask for help. He said he had enough information to prove his innocence."

"Did you help them!"


This answer, the voice is so light, so weak.

"Why don't you help?"

Her voice trembled.

"I can't help it. At that time, no one could beat the Chao family. Just relying on the information that was not completely determined and useful to challenge the Chao family would only lead to a dead end. I couldn't take the entire Qi family to take this risk... I All they can do is let them stay out of the limelight..."

When Qi Wanzhong said this, his face suddenly turned miserable, and he couldn't talk anymore.

"But it was on that day that they died tragically. Because someone betrayed them, didn't they?"

She gasped and stared, clutching her bag with both hands, her palms sweating.

"Grandpa, I found a diary today, which I wrote next..."

Saying that, she took out the diary.

The whole process, her hands have been shaking.

But she tried her best to restrain herself, so as not to let the diary fall to the ground, and turned to the exact page for Qi Wan to read again:
"Is this true? Is it true that Qi Ji made the call and exposed their whereabouts, causing them to die tragically? Grandpa, tell me, is this true?"

Qi Wanzhong didn't know why she was so angry, he glanced at her suspiciously again, and took the diary in the end.

After reading the diary, he rubbed his temples fiercely, and that expression already told her the truth.

She slumped back down on the sofa, her heart hurting so much that her whole body convulsed.

"Following his upright nature, at that time, he didn't understand politics at all. He was only a 10-year-old child, and he didn't understand those things. He saw the notice in the newspaper and thought that Shi Yuncong was a heinous criminal... After the incident, I gave him a hard scolding... But it didn't help, people can't be resurrected... These years, he has been helping the Mo family, and that's the main reason. Shi Yuncong is innocent. The Mo family has always wanted to overturn the case for the Shi family. Since then, they have been helping out, just to make up for the mistakes he made..."

A distant voice was defending Qi Ji.

Make mistakes because of integrity?

Good reason!
What a good reason!
At this moment, she fully understood why Qi Ji was kind to her!

He knew that she was Shi Yuncong's daughter, and he knew that he was an accomplice in Shi Yuncong's death. He married her just to atone for his sin.

That's right, that's a kind of redemption, and she didn't know it at all, so she fell in love with this indirect murderer who ruined her family.

She laughed strangely, because of such a sudden realization, her whole face was distorted with unspeakable pain, and her smile was deformed.

"Tan Tan, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

At that moment, Shi Tan knew that his expression frightened Qi Wanzhong.

But she couldn't say anything. She snatched the diary, stuffed it into her bag, bit her lip, endured her grief, and left in a hurry. She ran all the way and got into her car.

When the car drove out, it was a complete rampage.


Everything is messed up!

Her world was completely torn apart because of this diary entry—the person she loved the most suddenly became the person she should hate the most.

What kind of terrifying change is this?

Faced with such a completely unexpected change, she didn't know how to balance the contradictions, nor how to forgive the man she loved most, much less how to forgive herself—she She loved her father and mother so much, but she did such a foolish act of being unfilial to her parents—marrying an enemy.

It made her feel bad.


Shi Tan curled up on the incomparably soft bed in the hotel, her expression completely sluggish, and every time she thought about it, her heart ached like being split back and forth with a saw.

On that day, she was wandering around outside, she didn't know where the road was, and she didn't know where her home was?
She only knew that the tears were dry, wet, wet and dry.

At dawn, she found herself on the overpass, alone, through the night, alone, watching the red sunrise, extremely desolate...

I don't know where the car was thrown away, the handbag was missing, and the mobile phone was forgotten. She was like a wandering soul, wandering between heaven and earth, unable to find her way home, and no one came to her, or at all. can't find her...

Later, she fainted on the street and woke up in the hospital. Fang Hua was standing beside her, her face was full of sadness. There was no Qi Ji. Fortunately, he was not there. Now, she really doesn't have the courage to face him.

She doesn't know what to do?
Her heart is so messy.

"Time Tan!"

Fang Hua hugged her fiercely, and that warm embrace drew out all the grievances hidden in her heart.

She blinked, and with a sour feeling, the tears had already fallen:
"Sister Fang, I'm uncomfortable! I'm so uncomfortable!"

She hugged her back, screamed in agony, her voice was extremely mournful, and she was extremely powerless.

Such an emotional change was something she had never experienced in all these years.

Her reaction startled Sister Fang.

Fang Hua stroked her back and continued to soothe her:
"Shh, shh... Calm down... You need to calm down... Shi Tan, Shi Tan, don't be so excited, absolutely can't! You're pregnant, so your emotions shouldn't fluctuate too much. Qi Ji will give you an explanation, if he doesn't Let me explain to you, I will never forgive him."

Shi Tan didn't know how Fang Hua knew about this secret matter. At that time, her thoughts were completely confused.

She only knew that there was a confused whisper:

"Sister Fang, that can't be solved with just an explanation. I love him, but now, can I still love him? Love him without any grudges? Is it possible? No, no, it's impossible... Absolutely not. It's possible...what should I do? What should I do?"

Fang Hua straightened her body, held her face, and looked at her seriously.

She wants to unravel her because she hopes she can get back on her feet:
"Listen...you are the mother of two children now, and you are the wife that Qi Jiming's family is marrying. Even if he has a woman outside, it's just a shameful mistress. You are the wife. You are the real wife. Must remember!
"You have to understand one thing: Qi Ji will never divorce you for the sake of the Qi family's reputation. You don't want to vacate this position, and you're cheapening that bitch for nothing.

"If you still want to save this marriage, Shi Tan, you have to keep Qi Ji firmly.

"I believe he loves you, I believe Mi Fangfei is just an accident, that child is just a product of your separation.

"Don't give up your marriage because of this accident, it's not worth it...

"There will always be times when a man can't control his lower body. Originally, I thought Qi Ji would be an exception, but it is clear that crows are always the same in the world.

"Black is black, as long as he is your only crow in the future.

"Shitan, remember, for Xiaobai, for the child in your belly, you must not give up this man, give up this marriage...

"I believe in you, you will definitely be able to hold back his heart. Miffy Fang can't be compared to you at all."

The meaning conveyed by this passage is completely out of line with what Shitan is currently suffering from, so that Ling Shitan stayed for a while and couldn't recover.

She was in a daze for a while, bit by bit digesting the deep meaning of what Fang Hua said.

Those meanings made her suspect that she was dreaming.

"You... what are you talking about? Sister Fang, what are you talking about? Is there a woman outside Qi Ji?"

Shi Tan asked in a horrified tone.

Fang Hua was also stunned, and seemed to realize something from her expression for a long time, and immediately blurted out:

"You...you...you don't know yet?"

"I...what should I know?"

Shi Tan hurriedly grabbed her collar and roared:
"What in the world do I need to know? By the way, I remembered. Yesterday morning, Qi Ji went out. Later, Cheng Hang said he couldn't find him, and I couldn't find him either... Mo Yaozhi also disappeared strangely... Sister Fang, you seem to have mentioned Mi Fangfei just now... tell me, what happened that I don't know about?"

A look of remorse appeared on Fang Hua's face.

She must have thought she had screwed up, and had been silent for a long time.

Shi Tan shouted angrily again:

"Tell me the truth! Don't hide it from me, don't hide it from me! You can't keep me in the dark one by one... I have the right to know the truth... Sister Fang, tell me, tell me quickly, what happened... …”

Fang Hua gritted his teeth and finally answered:
"Mi Fangfei is seven months pregnant. That child belongs to Qi Ji!"

This news is like a thunderbolt from the blue. When the thunderbolt is turned around for a while, he completely loses his direction...

(End of this chapter)

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