卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 259 Playing tricks, the confrontation between wife and Xiao 3

Chapter 259 Playing tricks, the confrontation between the wife and the mistress (3)
Her reaction was extremely calm.

Mi Fangfei looked at it and smiled slightly.

"After 30 years, I hope you can still have the optimistic and confident attitude you have today. I will wait and see what kind of 'happy' destination you will have in the future... I hope that as you wish, in the love without a name, you can laugh In the end..."

Shi Tan would not be as violent as she wished, she replied with calm contempt, declaring her determination to stay with him to the end.She didn't believe that a lady like Mi Fangfei would not care about her status at all.

Strange not to care.

Look at her face changing.

Shi Tan felt that if Qi Ji loved her enough, he should not just agree to her conditions and send her abroad, but he should divorce and marry her.He didn't do that, enough to show that he didn't have much affection for her at all.Everything she said was just seeking self-comfort, just wanting to provoke her and break with Qi Ji.

Yes, she suddenly had such an epiphany.

Therefore, she decided not to have the same knowledge as her, and she was determined to do one thing: go home and listen to Qi Ji's explanation calmly and carefully.

This matter must be more complicated than she thought.

"Luo Shitan, stop for me!"

Mi Fangfei suddenly drank her off.

The woman, standing up suddenly, limping, grabbed her way and started drinking, her big belly lying across the door, her hands open.

"Step aside."

Shi Tan drank lightly.

"Are you embarrassed to occupy other people's happiness? You are still young, why should you continue to occupy such a shameless occupation. I advise you to let go early and don't destroy your life. Spend your life on a man who doesn't love you, That was a stupid performance."

Mi Fangfei reminds:
"I asked you to come here, just to let you see the facts clearly, and to persuade you to get together and break up... Why should women embarrass women!"

To put it bluntly, she still wants to get married.

Qi Ji refused to marry her, so she played the idea on her.If you want to provoke her to divorce this marriage, then she will have a chance.

After realizing this meaning, Shi Tan suddenly smiled brightly: "Mi Fangfei, you just play with your love first, Qi Ji's marriage, in this life, can't be involved with you. In this life, you will always be only one The unseen little three..."

The mocking eyes finally made Mi Fangfei angry.

"Luo Shitan..."

This woman couldn't be more calm.

"Step aside!"

Shi Tan grabbed her hand, moved back gently with one hand, and twisted the doorknob with the other, the door was pulled open, she let go of the hand that clamped Mi Fangfei's arm, and when she was about to rush away, behind the door, Mi Fangfei There was a scream, and Qi Ji suddenly appeared in front of him.

She was stunned for a moment, and the two looked at each other for a while, and he immediately hurried past her and rushed in.

"It hurts! I hurt! Qi Ji, I hurt..."

It's really funny, she didn't hit her again, what kind of pain does it hurt, this person is too scheming.

Shi Tan pulled out a dismissive sneer, pouted and left,
Another scream sounded again:
"Ah... blood... see blood... see blood..."

Shi Tan was startled, turned around quickly, and saw that Mi Fangfei had fallen to the ground for some reason, with blood seeping out between her legs...

Shi Tan looked at his face full of water beads in the mirror, some of the gauze on his forehead was soaked.

She grabbed a towel and wiped it.

When she wiped the skinny chin, she saw her fingers tightly tightened the towel, and on the back of her slender hand, blue veins stood out.

In his eyes, there was raging anger.

Yes, as long as she thought of the trick Mi Fangfei deliberately played in front of Qi Ji that day, she couldn't stop her hatred, and when she thought of Qi Ji's attitude of defending Mi Fangfei, she froze.

Here's what happened after that day-

"Why push her?"

After seeing that Mi Fangfei's lower body was bleeding, Qi Ji hurriedly hugged her and questioned her in a deep voice, clearly believing that Mi Fangfei's fall to the ground was her masterpiece.

Shi Tan clenched his fists fiercely, wanting to tell him that she didn't push, just now she didn't exert any force at all, but because the anger was stuck in her chest, the words she blurted out were completely irrational.

"Shouldn't I push her? Qi Ji, I can't wait to throw the two of you down the stairs together!"

Qi Ji's hands were stained red with blood, he fixedly glanced at her, his eyes were surging, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After staring at her for a few seconds, he pursed his lips and quickly bypassed her. Amidst grandma's exclamations, he ran out, calling for Cheng Hang to prepare the car.


Shi Tan straightened his back, leaned against the door, took deep breaths again and again, trying to suppress the burning anger.

After a while, her breath calmed down, she walked out of the bathroom slowly, threw herself on the big comfortable bed, and her thoughts returned to that specific moment again.

Later that day, Qi Ji took Mi Fangfei to the hospital, while she took Xiao Bai and drove away from Qi Yuan under the strange eyes of the servants.

On the way, Xiaobai asked her worriedly:

"Tanma, do you really have to push that woman?"

After Shi Tan heard this, he remained silent for a long time, and finally asked:
"Does Xiaobai think Mama is that kind of person?"


Xiaobai's trust finally made her heart feel a little warmer.

"Why do you believe Mama so much?"

Taking advantage of the traffic light, she looked at her son, rubbed his short hair, and asked softly.

"Before, you taught me that the most fundamental purpose of learning boxing is to defend oneself, and then to seek justice. You said that strengthening one's body is the most important, and self-defense is another function of boxing-- A person with a complete personality will not bully the weak or the weak. The Tan Ma in my eyes has never hit me since I was a child, and I have never seen you attack ordinary people with your broad strokes. Ma always pays attention to principles, so how could she push her? If there is a push, it must be the woman who bullied you first, and you did it in self-defense. Anyway, I just don’t think Tan Ma could hurt someone. …”

The child looked like a little adult, and Shi Tan couldn't help feeling emotional.

"Thank you Xiaobai for believing in Mama so much. Yes, Mama didn't push her, she fell down by herself."

When Shi Tan told her son the truth, her nose was sour. At that time, she was thinking: how wonderful it would be if Qi Jiken believed her.

After listening to Xiaobai, he immediately showed a smile of "as expected", but soon, he accepted the smile again and asked with a serious face:
"Have you explained it to Dad?"

Shi Tan shook his head and looked forward:

"Why not?"

Shi Tan smiled bitterly, looked at the vehicles coming and going in front, and sighed softly, overflowing from his mouth uncontrollably:
"Xiao Bai, your father doesn't trust Mama like you do."

In other words, their foundation of trust no longer exists...

This is the greatest sadness.

Shi Tan stared blankly at the crystal chandeliers on the ceiling, each lamp reflected Xiao Bai's understanding smile, that cute child was her only warmth at that time, but God, cruelly This only warmth has been deprived of her...

Over the past year, she has been thinking: If history could be repeated, she would never go to the meeting, and it would be impossible to say those words to Xiaobai.

It was because she went and said these words to Xiaobai that day that the situation got out of hand...

Later that day, events took an extremely nasty direction:
Xiaobai forced Awei to take him to the hospital, and he wanted to explain to his father.

Before leaving, he left a card:
"Mom Tan, I asked Awei to take me to the hospital. I have to let my father understand that he has misunderstood you. Dad's cell phone has been blocked. I am in a hurry. I want to see him right away. Uncle Awei will accompany you. Mine, don't worry, I'll be back soon... well, see you later. Your favorite son will leave a message."

(End of this chapter)

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