卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 258 Playing tricks, the confrontation between wife and Xiao 3

Chapter 258 Playing tricks, the confrontation between the wife and the mistress (1)
"The second condition is that the child will have 40.00% of the inheritance rights under Qi Ji's name, of which [-]% is regarded as compensation for her.

"The third condition is that she must live in the Qi family before the child is born. The Qi family will do the confidentiality work.

"The fourth condition is to accompany the child for two months every year.

"She said that as long as the Qi family met her four requirements, she would agree to leave with the child after the full moon. For the sake of the Qi family's reputation, she did not ask for a press conference, but she wanted to get the law after the child was born. Documents, as well as the documents under the name of Qi Ji who entered the household, and then she is willing to stay away from the country of Zhu, and will never appear in the Qi family again..."

The four conditions are really worth mentioning.

Shi Tan listened with a smile, his eyes were extremely cold, and he asked very lightly:

"Qi Ji agrees?"

The old lady nodded, observing her carefully while explaining:
"Qi Ji discussed it with your grandfather, and both agreed... Shi Tan, you should understand that in the past few months, the Qi family can't be in trouble, and the subsequent reputation can't be damaged. Promise is necessary."

It was probably because she noticed that her complexion was changing, and at the end, she emphatically added another sentence.

Shi Tan pressed his heart, feeling a little breathless, as if all the blood was rushing in the direction of his heart.Blood pressure went up.

Oh, a good promise is necessary. They didn't even talk to her about such a big thing, so it was decided like this?

Shi Tan suddenly wondered: What kind of existence is she in this house?Is it that irrelevant?

In her opinion, this is by no means a trivial matter.

The first condition is to have the surname Qi, and the third condition is that the child lived in Qiyuan before the birth. No matter which condition, it is a humiliation to her. This kind of humiliation will be with Mi Fangfei for the rest of her life. , became a laughing stock on her head, a terrifying psychological shadow, and it will be difficult to get rid of it from now on.

The second condition is to occupy [-]% of Qi Ji's inheritance rights, which is a declaration of war on the rights and interests of her children - that child is still in Mi Fangfei's belly, she is already counting Qi Ji's hundred years later. Interests?What a horrible state of mind.

Just imagine: Shi Tan has already given birth to a son, and now she is pregnant with another child. Regardless of whether she has a daughter or a boy, if the property under Qi Ji's name is evenly distributed in the future, the shares owned by a single natural person will inevitably be less than that of Mi Fangfei's children. .That is to say, when the child becomes an adult, the Qi family will be in his or her pocket.So far-sighted, it's really heart-wrenching.

However, Qi Ji actually agreed.She suddenly thought of the nickname in those diaries: his little daughter-in-law.

Is he doing his little daughter-in-law the benefit she deserves?
Where did he put her?

Of course, she doesn't care about how the property is distributed, what she cares about is him - what is she going to do with a man who has children with others outside?
The fourth condition, to accompany the child for two months a year seems to be a reasonable requirement, but this requirement will be a manifestation of the child's constant presence in their family, and will remind her year after year: Qi Jizeng is not Loyal to marriage, not loyal to her.Become a thorn between their husband and wife, sting her forever.If the marriage can survive.

Chills came at the thought, and she froze all over.

Originally, she thought that she and him had a heart-to-heart bond, and she knew him enough.Now, she found out that she didn't know this man at all.

"Grandma, I still insist on seeing her."

Shi Tan's quiet statement expressed her determination with firm eyes, unshakable.

Seeing this, the old lady immediately slowed down and changed her tone. Xiao Yi, who had a long-hearted tone, became righteous:
"It's not impossible to meet, it's just Tan Tan, this kind of thing to find anger for yourself, doing it, it's really boring. We left her, not because of how much we valued her, nor because of her stomach. That boy is helpless. Tan Tan, you are so smart, you should understand how delicate the current situation is, right... We can't send her away now.

"The Mi family said that if we can't even meet Mi Fangfei's request, then they can only tear their faces and make a big fuss.

"Tan Tan, this matter can't be a big deal, it will destroy Qi Ji's image, even if it is, it will directly affect the people's views of Qi Ji, and then change the support during the general election...

"The Mi family has negotiated with us. As long as we agree, their Mi family will also help the Qi family... If they don't agree, no one can predict the consequences. Tan Tan, the chain of interests involved is too big, so we have to Sorry for your grievance..."

Shi Tan bit her lip hard, smiled lightly, her heart ached like a knife, if it was two months, she would definitely not care about anything but her own happiness, and would definitely take this opportunity to threaten a divorce.But now, she can't even think about making trouble.

"Grandma, don't worry, I won't make trouble."

Shi Tan's tone was calm.

The old lady glanced and glanced:
"Are you going to keep going?"


"Okay! I'll take you there!"

The old lady compromised with a sigh, and got up: "Come with me!"

"Thank you grandma!"

Shi Tan thanked him, followed, and the two walked out one after the other.

Outside, the sun was a little poisonous, and a servant helped hold an umbrella, and the four of them walked west.

"We regarded her as being at Villa No. [-]. We assigned two aunties who have worked in Qi's house for more than [-] years to take care of her. Last night, she was stunned while walking, and then she happened to be at home, so I took her there. Hospital. Sent back around noon this morning. Lying in bed now."

On the way, the old lady gave a light explanation.

Shi Tan was silent, the strange fragrance on Qi Ji's body probably came from this way.

After a while, she asked:

"Who brought her back?"

"I brought her back!"

Shi Tan was silent again. The reason why she asked such a question was because she wondered if she had lied to her again about Qi Ji's so-called "being busy at noon" -- two people get along, mutual trust is the foundation, When there is a crisis of trust, the relationship between two people will fall apart anytime, anywhere.

Now, Shi Tan sadly found that there was such a worrying precursor between the two of them.

"As for the hospital, can you really keep this secret for the Qi family?"

she asked again.

"Well, the old man has already taken care of these things. It's not a big problem."

After a while, a group of four came to Villa No. [-], entered the garden gate, and was greeted by a servant in his forties. With a cautious smile, he called out, "Good afternoon, old lady, eldest young lady."

Shi Tan nodded in greeting, but the old lady didn't say anything. She led her upstairs and knocked on the door of a bedroom. Another servant in her [-]s opened the door and gave a cry. Tan Shi was a little surprised.

"What about Miss Mi?"

the old lady asked.

"Grandma, I'm picking clothes for my baby... You're here just in time, just to give me an idea... What kind of clothing should be the most suitable for a newborn baby, there are so many brands and styles here, and each one is very good. Cute, I don't even know what to do..."

Mi Fangfei's soft answer came from the living room inside.

The old lady asked the servant to go down and go inside.

Shi Tan frowned, smelling an unpleasant aroma, which was unique to Mi Fangfei, but when it got into her nose, it seemed pungent.

In the living room, Mi Fangfei is sitting on the sofa. There is a large magazine on the coffee table in front of her. There is one on her lap. Her smiling eyes are facing the door. When she sees Shi Tan, her lips are hooked. After a while:
(End of this chapter)

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