卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 257 Little 3's Provocation

Chapter 257 The Little Three’s Provocation (3)
"What do I have to talk about with you?"

"Why isn't there anything to talk about? For example, we can talk about why I am in Qiyuan! Aren't you curious? By the way, Qi Ji stayed with me overnight, you may not know!"

A gentle smile, so happy to hear it.

Mi Fangfei is here to show her off!
This really has the identity of a notorious young lady - she was a shameless third party, and she was still complacent there.

Does Qi Jike know her face like a clown?
Shi Tan's heart trembled, unwilling to lose in momentum, but, being challenged by Xiao San like this, she didn't have any strength to fight back, in fact, she lost early.

The reason why the little three in this world is arrogant is only because there is a man behind this person.

A man's fascination is often the root of all evil.

At this moment, Shi Tan was not sure, if she and Mi Fangfei had an accident together, who would Qi Ji think about saving first.

So, should she go?
All the people involved in the marriage have already knocked on the door. If she avoids it, she seems too timid, and she vows that she will become a laughing stock in the future. If she and Qi Ji can live on, this matter will definitely become a laughing stock. The jokes that many people in the know are talking about behind the scenes.

If she goes, why does she go?Why do you want to deal with this self-deprecating woman?To make a fuss?To be jealous?That's so out of style.

The point is that the person was brought in by Qi Jilead, and everyone in the Qi family already knew of her existence.She couldn't have gone over and blasted people away.Why would she want to do something humiliating?

At that moment, to go or not to go, it was an embarrassment for her.

"Mi Fangfei, do you know how the word 'cheap' is written?"

Shi Tan heavily bit that one, and asked back in an extremely indifferent voice.

Mi Fangfei smiled lightly: "You are not happy, um, you should have a good taste of it. Shi Tan, I have tasted this kind of taste that sticks in my throat for eight years. Since he married you, I have I've never been happy before. Now, it finally makes you unhappy. Oh, this feeling is really good!"

She looked extremely happy, and finally provoked her:
"Of course, you can also choose not to come. Those with a guilty conscience will choose to escape."

Shi Tan smiled coldly: "Okay, I'll come over. I want to see how you got the last laugh..."

She wants to go over and drive this woman out of Qiyuan—if the grandparents don’t drive her away, then she will leave—she won’t set foot in Qi’s house again until Qi Ji has dealt with her.

This is her attitude.

Shi Tan said goodbye to Uncle Luo, took Xiao Bai and drove to Qiyuan.

An hour later, the car arrived at Qiyuan.

After parking the car, Shi Tan led Xiao Bai into the main house and collided with the old lady.

"Why are you here at this time?"

Shi Tan carefully paid attention to it. Usually, the old lady is very kind, but today, her eyes are a little more nervous.That was the expression of the old lady's guilty conscience - she couldn't hide Mi Fangfei if she wanted to.

"Grandma should know why I came here?" Shi Tan said lightly.

The old lady was silent for a while.

"Mi Fangfei is in Qiyuan!"

Shi Tan affirmed: "The child she is carrying is said to be Qi Ji's."

She smiled, full of sarcasm.

"Tan Tan!"

The old lady's face changed slightly, then she sighed softly, took her hand, and stopped talking.Thinking about it, the old lady never thought that the grandson she was proud of would do such a thing. Does this really follow the old saying: like a father, like a son?

"Whether this matter is true or false, can you give me an explanation?"

Shi Tan tried his best to suppress his emotions.

The old lady opened her mouth, and suddenly realized that Xiaobai was beside her, she quickly swallowed the words, and turned to say:
"Didn't Qi Ji tell you yet?"

"No, he's too busy!"

Shi Tan answered quietly.

"Yeah. He's been so busy lately!"

"Can't grandma give me a reasonable explanation? I thought you always hated third parties."

"This thing is a little different!"

The old lady said with an embarrassed expression.

"Why is it different?"

"It's not the same anyway!"

"What if I'm going to come and shoot people away? Does Grandma agree or disagree?"

The old lady's face turned pale.

"It seems that grandma doesn't agree with..."

Shi Tan looked slightly cold.

"Tan Tan..."

The old lady called out.

"Grandma, I want to see her!"

She interrupted, expressing her intention.

The old lady had no choice but to change the subject:
"Grandma thinks, you better not see each other..."

"Why can't we see you?"

Shi Tan smiled coldly.

"Tan Tan, Fang Fei is about to give birth, she promised to go abroad after giving birth... She will take the child abroad... Qi's family will make compensation for her... She will not affect you and the following Marriage. You should open one eye, close one eye, and let this matter pass by like this... Alas, grandma knows that this time, it was the next mistake. You have resentment in your heart, and grandma also understands... But Tan Tan, the prodigal son can't change the money..."

The old lady persuaded very hard.The reason for stopping it is because I don't want their husband and wife to hurt peace.

But these few words can't play any role in reassuring. On the contrary, it can only make Shi Tan's heart heavier, because it means that Qi Ji has officially recognized to the Qi family's parents the child in Mi Fangfei's belly. The identity also means that the Qi family recognizes the child.

This is really a very embarrassing thing. It's like being slapped twice in public, and losing face is already secondary. The slap hurts not only the body, but also the body. It hurts the heart, that's the most important thing.

"Auntie Li, please take Xiaobai to find the grandfather, and ask the grandfather to urge Xiaobai to practice calligraphy!"

Shi Tan took a light breath and told the old lady's people around him to take Xiao Bai away. Xiao Bai shouldn't hear things that don't belong to his age.

"Tanma! Can't I just stay here and listen?"

Xiaobai frowned, indicating that he was unwilling to accept her arrangement.


Shi Tan looked at him:

"Come on, adults' business, adults will handle. What Xiaobai should do is to read, write, and play."


"It's my mother's order!"

Shi Tan's face was not very pleasant, Xiao Bai had to give his hand to Grandma Li, and turned around and left.

When Xiaobai was far away, Shi Tan turned to look at the worried old lady:
"Really? She actually agreed to take the child away."

She smiled, sneering in her smile.

If that woman really had such a heart that would not affect her and Qi Ji, she would not have called her today.

She is simply a weasel giving New Year's greetings to the chicken, and she has no good intentions.


The old lady's answer was so heart-wrenching.

"What conditions did she put forward?"

Shi Tan asked softly, his face seemed extremely calm.

She guessed that was her plan to slow down.

She will use one or several conditions as a buffer to let the Qi family accept such a fact psychologically, and then find a way to get what she wants to own.

Shi Tan didn't believe that Mi Fangfei would leave so peacefully - now, she was pregnant with Qi Ji's child, how could she easily give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The old lady sighed softly: "You are really a smart child, you guessed right. Yes, she put forward four conditions!"

Shi Tan didn't ask, he raised his chin and waited quietly for the next words.

The old lady said the three conditions:
"The first condition is that any child she gives birth, whether it's a boy or a girl, will be recorded in the Qi family tree and given the surname Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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