卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 256 Little 3's Provocation

Chapter 256 The Little Three’s Provocation (2)
This child's nose is very sensitive to smell recognition, even better than Shi Tan.

Shi Tan's heart clenched fiercely, and the chopsticks, which were being wiped with a napkin, snapped between his fingers, and the sound was incomparably clear.

This sound caused Qi Ji's nervous glance. He stared straight at her, his eyes were deep, and then he smelled his own body and looked at Xiao Bai's eyes, a little helpless, but did not explain much. what.

"You eat with mom first. Dad is going to take a bath, and then come and have breakfast with you."

He took the first two steps and touched his son's face, but his eyes were locked on her.

Across a dining table, she lowered her head and put the broken chopsticks on the table, as if she had never heard Xiaobai say anything.

"Shitan, wait a minute, let's talk! There are some things, I think I should let you know!"

She had to look again, his slightly frowning brows revealed a hint of worry.

She didn't know what he wanted and let her know, what was certain was that it had something to do with Mi Fangfei.

Maybe it's bad news: in a showdown with her, he loves Mi Fangfei - how likely this is, she can't be sure.

Perhaps the good news: it may not be the case at all.

"Okay, I won't arbitrarily sentence you to death. I'll give you a chance to plead. Wait a minute, see you in the study."

Shi Tan nodded, changed a pair of chopsticks, and continued to eat, even if she didn't know the taste, she still had to eat.

Qi Ji took a deep look again, touched his son's face again, turned around and walked towards the stairs.

"Mom, what are you going to tell Dad?"

Xiaobai returned to Shitan with a worried look on his little face.

"do not know."

Shi Tan felt sick and didn't want to eat any more, so he pulled a wet towel and wiped his mouth.

"Will there be a fight?"

"No. We will communicate rationally. Xiaobai, quarrels can't solve problems. Only rational communication can reach a consensus, and then deal with the contradictions well. That is a wise decision."

Shi Tan hopes that Xiaobai can become a rational person in the future.

"If there is no way to reach a consensus and resolve the conflict as a result of communication, what should you do?"

Xiaobai is still very worried:
"Are you and your father going to get divorced? I have checked that a pregnant woman can't get a divorce when she is breastfeeding, but they may be separated. This is the content of the "Marriage Law" of Zhu. But I don't want this to happen at home, Tan Ma, can you promise me that our family will live well?"

The child's eyes were full of anticipation, and his emotions were extremely tangled.

Shi Tan's heart was filled with soreness, this kid, at such a young age, was caring about things that were not his age.

"Xiao Bai, when I have finished communicating with your father, will I answer your question again?"

Xiaobai was silent for a while, and didn't speak for a while. Finally, he rushed up and hugged Shitan, saying:

"Tanma, I won't allow anyone to take away my father, I won't!"

Shi Tan caressed the child's back lightly, his quiet eyes filled with confusion.

Fifteen minutes later, Qi Ji came down from the third floor, and he had already changed into a black shirt—the white shirt made him look sunny, and the black shirt made him mysterious.This man's skin is definitely a gift from God.

Shi Tan had already eaten his breakfast and was sitting on the sofa with a newspaper in his hand. He could hear the sound of going downstairs. He turned his head and saw that he was walking in a hurry while putting on his coat, as if he was about to go out. .

"Shi Tan, I have to go out. The matter is very important, I have to leave immediately, and we will talk at night... Also, you are not in a good condition, don't go to Area A today, I just called Yaozhi to give You have asked for leave, and today, you should stay at home and rest for another day, don't rush out... Take care of yourself is the most important thing. "

He hurriedly walked up to her, wanting to kiss her on the lips as usual, but she turned her head away with a light expression, failing to let him do so.

Qi Ji felt her resistance, squinted at her for a while, then straightened his tie, and solemnly assured:

"I'll tell you everything tonight."

He took her hand and kissed her reverently.

"Xiao Bai, take good care of your mother at home!"

He instructed Xiaobai again, kissed his son on the face at the same time, turned around and called Cheng Hang, who was guarding the door, and hurried out.

Shi Tan threw the newspaper in his hand on the coffee table and closed his eyes - the newspaper was full of news of the election, and he was busy with these things.For now, nothing is more important than this, and anything else that conflicts with this will be postponed.

She couldn't be angry with him, and it seemed necessary to put the big things first.

Shi Tan didn't listen to Qi Ji. She stayed at home and had breakfast. She drove Xiao Bai with her and went out without taking anyone with her.

Mary was originally going to follow. In those days, Mary was her bodyguard. She would follow when she came in and out. First, she was afraid of what the Chao family would do. Second, because she was pregnant, Qi Ji thought that someone would follow him, so he could feel at ease. .

On July 7, she didn't have Mary to follow, so she and her mother went on the road. She said that she wanted to go out for a ride, wanted to be quiet, and didn't want anyone to follow.Attitude is very firm.

She went to the hospital and met Uncle Luo.

Uncle Luo was still alive, and the medical genius Qi Ji brought in with all his might, developed a medicine that could temporarily prolong Uncle Luo's life.It's just that Uncle Luo's condition is not very good - as long as his body produces antibodies to this medicine, it will be Uncle Luo's end date.

Not long after she arrived at the hospital, she received a call from Qi Ji asking where she was.

She said she would accompany Uncle Luo in the hospital.Presumably it was Mary who reported the situation to him.

He sighed over the phone: "Let's have dinner together at noon! I can't wait for the evening. I'm full of your anger right now. I can't calm myself down to deal with other things."

"it is good!"

Although he repeatedly missed the appointment, she was still willing to give him a chance.

She told her rationally: family matters are less important than politics.

In a sense, the political election he participated in this time will not only affect the future situation of Zhu Kingdom, but also the future fate of everyone in the Qi family.It makes sense that he would take that matter so seriously.

At such a critical time, she must not ask him to focus on his personal affairs.

But when the Chinese meal was approaching, he called her again and said:

"I'm in Area A, and Commander Mo is here. I want to accompany him to a dinner party at noon. Go at night! You accompany Uncle Luo in the hospital. Later, I'll pick you up, we'll have dinner outside, and then we'll have a good talk. ."

Another missed appointment.

She was disappointed.

But she didn't show it, and calmly replied, "Okay."

Shi Tan had a simple lunch at the special hospital, and talked with Uncle Luo for a while.

These days, what Uncle Luo talks about the most is how good Qi Ji is.

Undoubtedly, Uncle Luo admired him.

If Qi Ji came to the hospital when he was free, the Weng and his son-in-law would have endless things to say—Uncle Luo looked at him with pride—if Uncle Luo knew that this person had killed her Parents, don't know how he will excuse him.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Shi Tan received a call. The caller was none other than Mi Fangfei:
"Luo Shitan, I'm Mi Fangfei. I'm in Qiyuan. I think we need to meet and have a good talk. Can you come over?"

There was something provocative in the woman's tone, smiling and cheerful, as if she was trying to convey through her voice that she was the winner.

Shi Tan's voice was cold, revealing a deep disgust that could not be concealed:

(End of this chapter)

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