卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 255 Little 3's Provocation

Chapter 255 The Little Three’s Provocation (1)
She entered the room and collapsed on the big bed weakly, looking weakly at the beautiful crystal chandelier beside the bed, her heart was empty.

After an unknown time, the door opened again, and she could hear that Qi Ji came in, and quickly came to her side, taking off her shoes:
"Now I have to go out, you sleep for a while. Tan, I love you, only you. Let's talk when I get this thing out of my hands!"

A kiss fell on her hair.

She doesn't move.

He didn't get any response, he just stroked her shoulder, didn't say anything more, turned around and walked in a hurry.

Shi Tan didn't stop him, now, she needs to sleep.

That day, she slept groggy for a day.

In the evening, Qi Ji called and said that he had something to do and would not come back for dinner, so she had to go to bed earlier.She hung up the phone after listening.

During dinner, Xiaobai was sent back to Yayuan. At that time, she was sitting in the pavilion, blowing the hot evening wind. Xiaobai searched everywhere. As soon as she saw her, she rushed over and hugged her. got her:

"Tanma, what the hell is going on?"

When he shouted these words, his face was covered with a layer of fine sweat, and there was a look of worry between his eyebrows.

"What's wrong?"

Shi Tan stroked the child's face, trying to get rid of the bad mood, and tried to ask with his usual voice.Before this matter is clarified, she doesn't want Xiaobai to be affected.

"They all said that Dad had a woman outside, and that woman was about to give birth to a baby brother for Dad. I saw the appearance of that woman, the woman Dad liked to take pictures with when he was a child."

Xiaobai snuggled into her arms, an angry look appeared on his face:
"Early this morning, my father personally brought the woman back to Qiyuan, and she was still clinging to my father.

"Tan Ma, I hate that besides you, other women are so intimate with Dad, I hate it to death...

"Then I heard Aunt Mo Lan and Uncle Qi Zhi talking, asking: Is it possible for that woman to take your place.

"Uncle Qi Zhi said: It may not be possible now. Because now my father has to worry about his married status, and the political environment does not allow it.

"He also said that it must be because of this that Dad brought people into Qiyuan. He wanted to use such a method to appease Mi Fangfei. I was afraid that something would happen to her.

"He said that Mi Fangfei's mouth must be sealed now... If you let you know, then there will be a good show...

"Afterwards, I had a conversation with my dad and asked him what the hell was going on?

"Dad said, let me believe him, don't listen to the gossip outside. And let me not tell you about it.

"But Tan Ma, I feel very uncomfortable. I want to understand it immediately. I don't want to hide you. I hate that woman and dad so close ...

"They thought I didn't see it, but I saw it: that woman asked Dad to touch her belly, and asked Dad to listen to her belly, Dad actually touched and listened...

"That picture is disgusting... Tan Ma, I don't like my father being like this...

"Dad is my father. If I have younger brothers and sisters, it can only be yours. I won't admit any of the other lives. I will hate it to the end..."

The more Xiaobai said, the more excited he became, the more angry he became, and at the end, he almost gritted his teeth.

Shi Tan's heart sank and sank again and again and again and again!
Mi Fangfei actually lived in Qiyuan?

He actually let her live in Qiyuan?
Didn't he say that he didn't do anything wrong to her?

If so, what does his behavior mean?
She was full of anger and doubt.But all emotions can't be attacked in front of Xiaobai, that sensitive child is more nervous than her.

She must comfort him.

"Shh, don't be angry, don't be angry..."

She gently rubbed the child's face and looked at him:

"Mom taught you that before. You must be good at controlling your emotions, and you can't let your emotions control your reason."

"But, Tan Ma, I don't like those rumors."

Xiaobai showed a look of distress.

"Then try to trust your father! Maybe he has reasons!"

"Is there? Is there? I hope so too, but the question is is there? If there are difficulties, who is Dad acting for? Besides, does this require acting? I don't understand!"

Xiaobai hugged Shi Tan and screamed in a hurry.

Shi Tan weakly touched Xiao Bai's short hair, smelled the fragrance on Xiao Bai's body, was silent for a while, and sighed lowly:

"I don't know! Xiaobai, even if this is the case, it doesn't matter. We can live well without Dad... Big deal, let's go back to England, we can continue to live there. "

She had the worst plan in her mind.

Xiaobai's little face suddenly turned pale, and his little body was panting violently, and the color of resistance was reflected in his eyes:
"But I like Dad, Yayuan, Qiyuan, Grandpa and Grandma, I don't want to leave here. Mom, can't we kick her out? This home is ours, not theirs. I hate anyone coming. Share our home. Hate it!"

This child has longed for a complete family since he was very young. In the past, his world was only her, he was centered on her, and he had no father. Although it made him distressed, he was already accustomed to such a single-parent life; now, he Having fallen in love with such a happy family atmosphere, he doesn't want to lose it anymore, he wants to defend it.

Because he wanted to defend himself, he had such a deeply disgusting emotion.

Shi Tan could only hug his son tightly, his heart felt as if he was being Ling Chi.

The child will not know that this matter, the pain that has been added to her is far more than he feels.

He didn't know that his mother was suffering from two kinds of grief.

She couldn't say it, she could only endure it silently.

That night, she slept with her son on her bed with Qi Ji.

As for Qi Ji, he didn't come back for another night.

In the early morning, Shi Tan accompanied Xiao Bai to breakfast. Her appetite was poor, but she forced herself to eat a little.

Xiaobai's mood is also very bad, with a sullen appearance, he can't get his spirits up.When the mother and son woke up, they did not discuss the incident of yesterday.Because Xiaobai knew that his father didn't come back last night.In the past few months, Qi Ji has almost never stayed out of the house, Xiaobai frowned immediately after hearing this, and became silent.

The shadow brought by Mi Fangfei enveloped them deeply.This is really an annoying thing.


Xiao Bai suddenly exclaimed in surprise: "Why did you come back only now?"

Shi Tan was stunned for a moment, looked up, and saw Xiao Bai jumped off the chair with a bright face, and ran away quickly.

At the door, Qi Ji was wearing yesterday's clothes, squatted down, opened his arms, hugged him with a smile, and kissed his left and right cheeks forcefully:
"Dad is busy! By the way, Dad was away last night. You are the little man at home. Did you help Dad take good care of Mom?"

A gaze glanced at her intentionally or unintentionally.

"Of course! Last night, I slept with my mother. I also talked to the little guy in my mother's belly for a long time..."

The words came to an abrupt end, and Xiao Bai suddenly sniffed at Qi Ji. After a while, he took a happy smile and struggled to slip off her father's hand.

"what happened?"

Qi Ji was a little confused by his son's actions.

Xiaobai retreated again and again, and Xiaobai frowned.

"Dad, you have the scent of a woman on you. It's not the scent of sandalwood, it's the scent of Mi Fangfei. I can smell it."

(End of this chapter)

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