卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 263: Uninvited

Chapter 263: Uninvited (1)
Mary and Jamie were at the door, and they seemed relieved to see this.

Dai Ru also sat down, looked at his watch, and took out a small lockbox from the lockbox he carried with him, the size of which was one size larger than an ordinary A4.

After he solemnly placed it on the table, he looked up at the two in front of him, and then looked around the living room:
"Before announcing the will, I have to ask Mr. Mu, is there any other outsider in this house? Next, what I want to say is very important. I hope that there will be no sixth person besides you. I know!"

The mysterious words made Mu Yichun's curiosity aggravated.

He took another deep look at them, and then he continued: "There are no servants in the main house now. Feel free to say what you have to say!"


Dai Hao nodded, opened the small password box with familiar hands, took out a cowhide bag from it, and held it in his hands:
"One thing, I think, you should all know that Mr. Qi Ji was killed in the 8 incident."

Shi Tan's face sank immediately, and his heart became uncomfortable again.

No way, every time she mentioned this, she had this emotional reaction.

Dai Ru didn't ignore the change in her face, but she didn't reveal it, she just continued:

"Since Miss Luo and Mr. Qi Ji divorced a year ago, regarding Mr. Qi's shares in the Qi family, I have divided his estate according to the will he made during his lifetime. But this is only what Mr. Qi owns as Qi Ji. The property. Most of these properties were born from the Qi family's property... It is reasonable to return the Qi family."

This is a bit meaningful, what is he implying?
The strangest thing is that he was in his prime, why did he make such a will?

Shi Tan held back and didn't ask, just listened to him say:
"Miss Luo, you should know that Qi Ji also has an identity named Jing Xu. This name is still a legitimate existence, and its full name is Zhan Jingxu."

This made Shi Tan stunned for a moment. It turned out that the name Jingxu was not a random joke.

But why did he use the surname?

"Zhan Jingxu has another former name, you should have heard of it, it's called Zhan Jing."

Shi Tan suddenly froze again.

I have indeed heard of it, and it is still a little famous name.

"Twelve years ago, Qi Ji invested in real estate in the name of Zhanjing, and became the largest real estate developer in the Baihai Bay area. Half of the large buildings in the Baihai Bay area were developed and constructed by his Jinxiu Group. A few years later, Jinxiu Entered the market and became one of the top ten real estate developers in Zhu country as a dark horse.

"A year ago, on the day he divorced you, Mr. Qi Ji made such a will: If one day he is unfortunate, all the property in his name belongs to Zhanjing, including Qingfeng Yayuan, all the property. It's up to you to inherit! This is the property transfer letter, with the autograph of Mr. Zhanjing on it. Miss Luo, you can take a look at it!"

After saying this, he pushed the thick document over.

The people sitting on the left and right sides have all been petrified.

Mu Yichun was naturally surprised: he had heard about Jinxiu Group. The question of who is the boss behind the scenes has always been a topic of discussion among people in the industry. Jinxiu Real Estate has appeared in the business world since the first day. The boss has always been an invisible existence.

He really did not expect that Qi Ji was actually the manipulator behind Jinxiu.

In this way, everything seems to make sense: it is precisely because Qi Ji is behind the leadership of this team that Jinxiu has the potential to become a powerful dark horse that cannot be underestimated in the real estate industry in just 12 years.

As for Shi Tan, although she knew that Qi Ji was running another company under another identity, she thought it was a small company he played privately, probably another small subsidiary under the Qi family's name, but she didn't expect it to be A real estate group of this size.

As far as she knows: many years ago, Splendid has developed its subsidiary to country C, and has successfully built a large project in a city in country C, and after the project was completed, it was sold out.

That year, the real estate developer made a lot of money in country C and made a good start.

After that, Jinxiu received two more large orders. One of the projects has been completed and the cost has been recovered as quickly as possible. Now it is making profits every day.

According to people in the industry, the profits generated by this project are enough to put Zhanjing on the list of the top ten newly rich people in Zhu.

It is said that Qi Ji is an amazing business miracle. Today, Dai Ru's remarks made her truly feel what a "miracle" is - that guy has two jobs, not only guiding Qi's into a new business enterprise. In this era, he used his spare time to secretly create an extraordinary real estate in the capital for himself.

Shi Tan's mood fluctuated slightly, but soon, she regained her senses and stared at the information, but didn't answer:

"I will not accept this will!"

Dai Chu was not at all surprised that she would refuse, she smiled lightly, and then put the cowhide bag on the table:
"Because you and Qi Ji are divorced."

"Yes! I hope my future life will no longer live in his shadow, and his property has nothing to do with me..."

Shi Tan suddenly saw that Dai Chu's face became cold, and interrupted with a very loud voice, very rudely:

"Miss Luo, I think I should tell you something. Since Qi Ji married you, there has been no other woman. What Mi Fangfei gave birth to was not his biological daughter at all."

The powerful words made Mu Yichun blink in surprise.

At that moment, when he saw Shi Tan, his eyes narrowed.

"No, what you said is contradictory. If Qi Yanran was not Qi Ji's biological daughter, how could Qi Ji acquiesce?"

He made a sharp question.

This was also the doubt that was boiling in Shi Tan's heart at this moment.

"Because of gratitude!"

An incomparably firm gaze shot out from Dai Chu's eyes, and he spat out these four words with great force.

"What kind of gratitude?"

Shi Tan is confused!
"The reasons here are complicated. It's not easy to explain..."


When Shi Tan found out that he failed to explain to himself immediately, he immediately shook his head and called out the question in his heart:

"As far as I know, the Qi family once paired Qi Yanran and Qi Ji with DNA. Those data are enough to show that Qi Yanran and Qi Ji are father and son."

The data can't be deceived, and she didn't understand why Dai Ruo argued for Qi Ji.

"It's easy to explain."

Dai Hao looked at Mu Yichun, and the corners of his lips raised slightly:
"I know some things about Mr. Li. Mr. Li is not the real Mr. Li. Mr. Li's real identity is actually Mu Yichun. The reason why Mr. Mu became Mr. Li is also clear to me.

"Now, let's take an example. For example, the child born by Mu Yichun is exactly the same as the child born by Mr. Li. But you can't say that the child of Mu Yichun is exactly the same as the child born by Mr. Li. Mr. Li's child; Mr. Li's child is Mu Yichun's child. After all, in terms of physiology, there are always some differences. "

Shi Tan heard the meaning of the words, and immediately stood up in shock:

"Impossible...it's impossible...you're telling me...Qi Ji...Qi Jihe..."

Dai Di nodded heavily:
"There is no such thing as impossible in the world. The most impossible thing has already appeared in front of you. Miss Luo, Mr. Li is a case where the impossible becomes possible. And Mr. Qi is another case.

"As you think, he is not the real Qi Ji, his real name should be Zhan Jingxu, Qi Ji is the host, he is a clone of Qi Ji."

(End of this chapter)

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