卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 264: Uninvited

Chapter 264: Uninvited (2)
Such a truth completely shocked Shi Tan!

Dai Chu didn't stop, and continued to say:
"33 years ago, when Mrs. Qi Ji Lanfang gave birth, she also signed such a permission letter with the Chao family's hospital to store placental stem cells. Out of support for Chao's medical research, the Qi family donated money. Zhan Jingxu It was in this situation that it was born.

"When Jingxu was three years old, he was considered an adopted son by Zhan Yuhu, because he had an extraordinary talent, and he was the most intelligent and focused genius boy on the training ground secretly opened by the Chao family.

"Speaking of which, I think Mr. Mu might say that this is not right. The Chao family's research is all paired one-on-one. The relationship between the host and the clone is registered. Under this condition, Qi Ji, who was recovered at the age of 14, did no one suspect that he was a counterfeit?
"There are two reasons.

"One, the Qi family only agrees to preserve the hematopoietic stem cells in the placenta to prevent the children from developing incurable diseases in the future. The purpose of their storage of stem cells is just to store a health guarantee for Qi Ji's future.

"Second, the medical research of the Chao family at that time, various archives records were very confusing. Some clones were born illegally extracted from some other ordinary people.

"Illegal here refers to the results of private research without permission to advance the book and steal other people's DNA cells.

"Jing Xu is the product of archive confusion.

"About this matter, Zhan Yuhu's hand tie has a very clear record. I have brought this certificate, wait a minute, I can show you the original...

"According to the description in the hand-tie: Zhan Yuhu loves Jingxu very much, and is deeply surprised by his high IQ, so in those years, she was very dedicated to cultivating him, treating him as if she were her own. .

"23 years ago, after the training base was cremated to ashes, he was brought out by Zhan Yuhu, and since then he has been incognito and rooted in Baihai Bay.

"Three years later, you and Mu Yichun appeared in his life, disrupting his life and changing the trajectory of his destiny.

"That year, after he was separated from you, he had a thrilling situation. After escaping from death, he was retrieved by Mr. Six.

"Mr. No. [-] met Qi Jian's ex-wife Ji Lanfang and took in Ji Lanfang. She mistook Jing Xu for her own son, and in the last days of her life, gave all her maternal love to Jing Xu.

"After that, Ji Lanfang passed away. Mr. Six felt that the Qi family had destroyed Ms. Ji and wanted to take revenge on the Qi family, so he deliberately let Jing Xu impersonate Qi Ji into the Qi family.

"Many years ago, Mo Changlin found Zhen Qiji, who was terminally ill, and finally found out that Qi Ji, who was serving in their army, was a fake, so he talked to him.

"Afterwards, Mo Changlin appreciated Jing Xu's talents and reached a cooperative alliance with Jing Xu: the Mo family would not expose Jing Xu's identity, but Jing Xu provided financial assistance for the rise of the Mo family until the Mo family was in Zhu Kingdom. in power.

"Zhen Qiji has always been raised by the Mo family. In recent years, he has always been in a state of illness, relying on drugs, dragging him year after year.

"Last year, his health improved for a while. During this period, he secretly persuaded one of his attending doctors to take him abroad and meet with Mi Fangfei. Unable to restrain himself, Mi Fangfei became pregnant.

"Afterwards, he was quarantined because he ate food with a virus, and because of intestinal discomfort and diarrhea, his body was infected and isolated. And Mi Fangfei thought that the person who had a good husband and wife with her was Jing Xu. Under such circumstances, Jing Xu is speechless."

When Dai Hao said this, he took out a stack of photos from the password box, and laid them out in front of Shi Tan:

"There is evidence here, enough to prove that what I said is true.

"Look, in these photos, the person lying on the bed is the real Qi Ji. You can clearly see that he is thinner than Jing Xu, his hair is much shorter, and his face is paler. Wen Ya, unlike Jing Xu who is full of sternness, has the shrewdness of a businessman...

"And this one, it's his birthday, Jing Xu and Mo Yaozhi are celebrating his 25th birthday.

"See, the one on the left is Jing Xu, he is wearing a black trench coat, doesn't he look very imposing; the one on the right wearing a sick suit is Qi Ji who disappeared when he was ten years old and never saw him again. When you are sick, your face looks ill, it will give people a very sick feeling.

"Ms. Luo, Mr. Mu, you can compare. Whether you look at it roughly or look closely, these two faces are almost identical, and their genes are not bad at all. But in fact, they are not the same person."

After saying that, he deliberately glanced at Shi Tan's face.

At this moment, Luo Shitan's face was bleak and dead gray.

She looked and looked with her eyes straight, and brought those few photos over.

Yes, she saw two faces carved out of the same mold, but the temperament in their bones was different.

These are really two different people.

Such a realization made her take a deep breath.

It turned out that Qi Ji was not Qi Ji at all. It turned out that Qi Ji's real name was Zhan Jingxu.

No wonder, he always said, there was another reason why he lived in seclusion in White Bay.

No wonder, at the research base, he knew so many things about Zhanyu Lake, and he knew so much about that strange place...

No wonder, his gaze towards Zhanyuhu's photo was so complicated... It turned out that it was the remains of his adoptive mother...

No wonder he would take the photo of Zhanyuhu...

No wonder, he said he didn't feel sorry for her...

The truth, this is actually the case, this is really shocking to the wife.

Shi Tandai stood there, stroking his fingers lightly on the photo, and in Qi Ji, oh, no, it was on Jing Xu's face, and the pain that she suppressed in the depths of her heart was one point at a time. point, it bursts out.

It was a little hard for her to accept this fact.

If this is true, it means that, all along, she has wrongly blamed him.

"No, no, no, if everything is as you said, why didn't he explain it to me?"

Shi Tan cried out in a low voice, and there was a hint of pain in her voice. There seemed to be water vapor surging in her eye sockets, sweat oozing from her palms, and the pain that erupted like a volcano made her whole body hot. Cheeks flushed.

She always thought that it was his betrayal that killed her parents; she also always thought that Qi Yanran was born when he cheated in marriage, but as a result, she was so wrong.

It turned out that he was not that him at all, it turned out that he had never lied to her.

Dai Hao knew that revealing this truth would cause Luo Shitan great pain, but he had to do it.Those things must be let her know, because in the future, a more important task will fall on her head.

"Qi Ji doesn't want you to know about this past. Impostor is not a very glorious thing after all. Besides, he feels that his identity is a bit embarrassing.

"After the exposure of Mi Fangfei's pregnancy, he wanted to find a suitable opportunity to tell you about it. It's just that he was too busy and couldn't find the time, so he kept delaying, and as a result, Xiaobai was slapped by others. go.

"Jing Xu said that Mr. Six had a life-saving grace and a professor's grace with him, and Ji Lanfang made him feel his mother's love in the month before his death. Therefore, after Zhen Qi was found, Jing Xu was originally a mother. I want to return this identity to him.

"But because Zhen Qiji's physical condition is very poor, with his ability, he is completely incapable of being the head of the Qi family. The result of letting him go back may be that the power of the Qi family falls into the hands of others. Zhen Qiji can't do anything at all. Competent for such a position.

"So, Mo Changlin kept him in private captivity, gave him the best treatment, and tried to help him recover, but he had to give up his identity.

(End of this chapter)

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