卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 266 One Requirement

Chapter 266 Two Requirements (1)
"You can't refuse!"

He solemnly stated:
"This inheritance is not only for you, but also for Xiaobai. Jingxu means that he hopes that you can use these wealth to do everything in your power to find Xiaobai, whose whereabouts are still unknown. Come.

"Because he knows that looking for Xiaobai is a time-consuming and laborious thing. He hopes that you will never give up your confidence in finding him. Whether it is Cheng Hang or a member of the Flame Alliance, it will be up to you to deploy from today.

"Miss Luo, please sign...

"Jingxu gave everything for Xiaobai. Now he can't find the person in person, and he can't explain the reason to you in person. It's a regret that can't be solved in his life. If you still love him, then It's time to help him pass on the family business that he's worked so hard to save.

"In addition, there is one thing, I think I have to explain to you on behalf of Jing Xu...

"He didn't leave you a penny of the Qi family's property, that's because he never thought he was the Qi family, and the Jinxiu Group, which he built with his heart and soul, is his personal property, except you, No one has the right to inherit. He thinks you can definitely take on this important task. In the future, Xiaobai will definitely be able to carry forward it better. In that case, he will die without regrets..."

A pen was handed over.

Shi Tan looked at it, her heart was in chaos. Now, she couldn't think about it at all. The information brought by Dai Chu was too large and complicated.

She took the pen and looked at the transfer book, the word "Zhanjing" was flying so strikingly, her nose was sore and her throat was sore.

The third brother, that is her real third brother, who loves her so deeply, but she has never known it.

Thinking of this, tears fell on the back of her hands, and the scorching temperature deeply hurt her.

After thinking about it again and again, she trembled, and finally signed her name in the blank space of the transferee:

She will carry on his unfinished business.

She couldn't let him down again, never!
Ten minutes later, Shi Tan saw Cheng Hang, and he brought two men over.

One is about 50 to [-] years old, wearing a black suit, a middle-aged man with extraordinary bearing, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. He looks very gentle, but there is a penetrating sharpness in his gentleness.

It can be seen that this should be an old fox wandering in the circle of fame and fortune.

One is a handsome man in his thirties, dressed in a gray suit, with an imposing manner. His face is very stylish, between rigid and handsome, and his eyebrows are full of official flavor. He seems to be a ruthless character playing politics.

The temperament of this man and Mo Yaozhi is very similar, but compared with Mo Yaozhi, he has a little less military sturdy and a little more career air.

A group of three people filed in, Cheng Hang was at the front, the middle-aged man was at the end, and they came to her together.

The three people in the living room followed and stood up.

When Shi Tan saw Cheng Hang, he bit his lip hard, and couldn't help but feel pain and soreness in his heart - very uncomfortable.

Because she couldn't help recalling the last time she saw Qi Ji and Cheng Hang a month ago.

At that time, why did she and him have such an unpleasant quarrel?
She was so angry that she only wished that she would never recognize him in her life, and that she threatened to be discharged from the hospital, wanted to hide from him for thousands of miles, and forced him to leave on his own.

And he still left.

Looking back now, I think about Qi Jiyin's figure in the dark, lonely and desolate...

She couldn't imagine how bitter his heart had to be at that time, but now, it is her heart broken and heart broken here.

That is absolute.

Once life and death are separated, want to see can only be found in dreams.

This situation made her feel a sense of sadness.

Destiny, how could you fool her like this?
"Miss Luo, this country C ~ Deputy Minister of Security: Jin Wen; this is Xiao Jin, the chief lawyer of the Lu family in Tong City; lawyer Xiao, Deputy Minister Jin, this is Miss Luo Shitan, and the one next to her is It's the owner of this place, Mr. Li Che Li."

As soon as Cheng Hang came up, he introduced her and the two visitors as if they were introducing people.

Shi Tan didn't pay much attention to Cheng Hang. All her attention was on this very special man named "Jin Wen". Because of this name, a little bit of surprise appeared on his face——

No wonder this man looks familiar!

It turned out that he was the deputy minister Jin Wen of country C who refused to marry a famous daughter, had almost torn his face with his father, and finally married a commoner girl.

This person should be around 32 years old. He is young enough. With this age, he can sit in his current position not only because he has an extraordinary birth, but also because he has extraordinary talents.

It is said that he made an exception to sit in this position by relying on his true talents and real talents, and won the appreciation of those in power in country C.

It is said that the Jin family is a big family with special emphasis on the door. When the children of the Jin family get married when they become adults, they must obey the arrangements of the elders in the family.And he is the only one among the descendants of the Jin family who has chosen a wife by himself, and has chosen an ordinary woman as his wife.

It is said that the Jin family once wanted to cut ties with him. As a result, because he had a prominent official position, it was difficult for the clan to turn against such a capable descendant, so he could only let it go.

There is no doubt about one thing: this person, in country C, is definitely a remarkable person, and it is difficult for ordinary people to meet him.

The time of a big man is usually very precious. How could he go to France to meet such an obscure little character like her?

This is so weird.

Just when Tan Tan was looking at Jin Wen, Jin Wen also glanced at her with a faint smile on his face:
"Miss Luo, Mr. Li, it's a pleasure to meet..."

He reached out his hand to her kindly, looking calm and respectful, without showing the arrogant attitude of "I am unattainable".

"You're welcome, I'm really surprised to see the famous Vice Minister Jin from Country C here!"

Shi Tan Luoluo shook his hand generously, not showing any sincerity because he was a political celebrity.

Her reaction was very flat.

In her opinion, no matter how good those people are, they are all the same: eating and drinking, nothing is the same, he can fall.

Of course, you still have to show your respect.

Jin Wen smiled and seemed to see that her "surprise" was just a casual honorific, and she had more doubts about their visit.

There was admiration in his eyes.

Shi Tan didn't stay on his face for long, because Xiao Jin also reached out to her, and said solemnly:
"It's better to be famous than to meet. Miss Luo, hello, I'm Xiao Jin. It's really not easy to meet you!"

Hear the tone, as if they've always wanted to see her.

"Attorney Xiao is very polite. Attorney Xiao, Deputy Minister Jin, take a seat! Cheng Hang, you also have a seat."

Shi Tan greeted them to sit down, and asked the servant who brought them over to serve tea. When the servant was far away, he asked a question:
"Just now, I thought about it carefully, and I can be sure of one thing, that is: I have never been to country C in the past few years, and I have never had friendship or relationship with anyone in country C. I don't know what is the matter with the two of you who were brought by Cheng Special Assistant to me?

"Country C is separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, and the two of you came here on purpose. Does this mean that what you want to talk to me about is very important?
"To be honest, I really can't guess that there is anything particularly important or important between me and the two that is enough to be a topic of discussion, and I bother you to come here in person..."

A year ago, the heiress of the Lu family beat up her son, and a year later, because of the Lu family, Qi Ji died unexpectedly, and Xiaobai's news is unknown; now, the chief lawyer of the Lu family has come all the way. It would be an accidental event, and in the current Shi Tan's view, there should be some kind of inevitable connection within it.

(End of this chapter)

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