卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 267 One Requirement

Chapter 267 Two Requirements (2)
Xiao Jin glanced at Cheng Hang, then glanced at Jin Wen, and gestured humbly:
"Before I announce what I have to say, let Mr. Kim tell you a story!"

"tell a story?"

Shi Tan rolled his eyes and settled on Jin Wen.

Jin Wen smiled and nodded thoughtfully:

"Indeed, there is a story about Miss Luo's parents. I think I should tell you about it, and then you can better understand what Attorney Xiao is going to announce to you."

Shi Tan looked at it, and was a little uncertain in his heart. What they planned to announce on this trip was a good thing or a bad thing, and he couldn't help but glanced over.

Cheng Hang is a person, and immediately accepted the vague uneasiness in her eyes, and immediately said:

"Miss Luo, what Attorney Xiao and Deputy Minister Jin are going to tell you can help you figure out the truth of everything. It will indeed subvert some of the 'factualized' events in your memory, but they can make you The complete truth is revealed, listen to it, and you will be puzzled..."

That being the case...

"Okay! Mr. Jin, please speak, Shi Tan is willing to listen!"

She nodded lightly and looked at Jin Wen again.

Jin Wen did not speak immediately, but first took out a photo from the briefcase he was carrying and handed it over:

"Miss Luo, I don't know if you recognize the person in the photo."

This is a color photo taken in the 80s. In the photo, it is a young man dressed in a white suit, looking very heroic, with brows like swords, red lips and white teeth, a bright smile in his eyes, exuding dignity from the inside out. Qi, the whole person, looks incomparably sunny, kind, and will give people a feeling like a spring breeze...

Shi Tan can tell at a glance that this is a noble young man who was born in wealth and has extraordinary abilities.

It's strange, this person's facial features look familiar, but Shi Tan doesn't know who this young man is.Handsome and genial was the first impression he left on her.

"Sorry, I don't know!"

she looked up.

Jin Wen crossed his hands and clasped his fists against his knees and replied:

"His name is Lu Tan, and he is the only incense that has been handed down to this generation for more than 200 years in the Lu family in Tong City, C."

Shi Tan doesn't know much about the Lu family in country C. The only thing he knows is that they are an aristocratic family with a long history in country C. They have been strong and prosperous for 200 years. They have married with the leading families of country C several times. , has an extraordinary economic status, as well as political status.The Lu family of this generation still maintains a good affinity with those in power.

It's a pity that these generations of the Lu family, I don't know what's wrong, they are all single-line.Two generations of family owners had accidents in their prime years, and only one bloodline remained before their death.

It was not easy to reach the eighth generation, which was the generation of Lu Tan's father, Lu Meng. Both father and son were safe and sound, but Mrs. Lu died early due to illness.Because of his deep love for his wife, Lu Meng did not renew his marriage. He devoted himself to teaching his only son, and adopted two other daughters, so he lived a lonely life.

Unexpectedly, when Lu Tan turned 24 years old, just as he was discussing marriage, an accidental car accident took his life, and he died right away.

These deeds were all seen by Shi Tan when he browsed at random on a certain website before.

At that time, she had seen Lu Tan's photos, but they were blurry, and she didn't remember them by heart, and because of the reprints on many small websites, they were not credible.

She will feel familiar, probably because of this.

"Oh, I heard something about the Lu family on the Internet. Lu Tan has seen photos. It's a pity that he died at a young age! If he was still alive, he should be a very special person in country C by now. "

Shi Tan said everything she knew.

Jin Wen listened and nodded: "Indeed, Lu Tan has been dead for 29 years!"

He also emphasized time.

When Shi Tan listened, his heart moved:
"Why did you mention this person to me?"

She believes that if there is no connection, Jin Wen will never talk nonsense about a person who has been dead for 29 years.

"What does this person have to do with the story you want to tell me?"

"It has a very important relationship. Miss Luo, please look at this again!"

Another photo, handed over again.

When Tan saw the person in the photo, he was completely stunned...

This is a photo of a couple, young Lu Tan smiling and hugging a beautiful young girl sitting on a swing.His lips gently kissed the girl's hairline.

The girl pursed her lips and smiled, shy with joy...

Behind them is a sea of ​​flowers...

Beautiful women, handsome men, swings, kisses, sea of ​​flowers, the beautiful artistic conception makes people tremble.

Shi Tan's heart really trembled...

The reason why she trembled and was stunned was because the girl above was her mother Li Qingwan.

"Miss Luo, do you recognize the girl above..."

Jin Wen and Yue's voice rang in his ears.

Silence for a while.

"Yes! This is my mother!"

Shi Tan responded awkwardly, and when he put down the photo, there was a hint of anger on his face:

"Mr. Jin, I love my mother very much, and she has been dead for many years... I don't know why Mr. Bai would use such a photo to slander my mother's reputation..."

She was angry.

very angry.

No matter how beautiful the photo was, she couldn't like it.

"I don't mean to slander, I just want to present a historical truth to you!"

Jin Wen answered very solemnly:

"Ms. Luo, there is something you don't know about, that is, Ms. Li Qingwan was Lu Tan's girlfriend who was talking about marriage. They lived together when they were in college..."

"No, my mom loves my dad."

She screamed a little loudly, and stood up abruptly.

In her heart, she always believed that father and mother were absolutely right couples, and they were deeply in love with each other, so she couldn't accept the statement that her mother had loved others before her father.

She blushed suddenly because of Jin Wen's humiliating statement.

Mu Yichun, who had been silent the whole time, stood up.

Although he was also very surprised, he was an outsider after all, and naturally it was impossible for Shi Tan's disgust.

He patted her on the shoulder and began to soothe her:

"Listen to Mr. King first. It's probably not as simple as you think.

"Tan, we have to look at this matter with a rational and calm mind, and you must not reject it because it violates your long-standing beliefs in your heart. That is a stupid thing.

"Calm down, the real can't be fake, the fake can't be real...

"We can temporarily exclude ourselves from this matter, and then listen to the story from the perspective of a bystander, so that we can make a relatively rational analysis.

"Recognize the truth, that is the most important thing."

The words were good, but her heart just felt unhappy, as uncomfortable as being pierced by a thorn, but she sat down anyway, took a breath, calmed down, and said:
"Sorry, I'm a little emotionally unstable, Mr. Kim, please continue. What do you want to say with this photo?"

Jin Wen handed over another photo. This time, the photo was of two women, one was her mother Li Qingwan, and the other was Qi Ji's adoptive mother: Zhanyuhu.

She glanced at it, and suspicion appeared in her eyes again.

"What does that mean?"

Jin Wen broke out this sentence:
"Li Qingwan and Zhanyuhu are sisters."

These words shocked Shi Tan and Mu Yichun again, and the two looked at each other blankly——

(End of this chapter)

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