卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 269 The first female chaebol

Chapter 269 The First Female Chaebol (1)
"His move ultimately offended two factions. This laid a terrible hidden danger for him later."

Jin Wen's explanation is very clear and careful.

Mu Yichun was a little surprised when he heard it. This Shi Yuncong is really an infatuated man. Because he loves Li Qingwan, he is willing to raise children for other men and treat them as his own. He can't accept it.

Shi Tan's heart is more like breaking the five-flavor bottle, there are all kinds of tastes, and the taste is very strange-how can she think of her own life experience, it is so tortuous and bizarre.

"Now, let me talk about Lu Ning again..."

Jin Wen gave them some time to digest, then stared at Shi Tan and said:
"Miss Luo, I know that these things are difficult for you to accept. You can sort them out slowly, but you have to listen carefully to what I have to say next!"

Hearing Shi Tan who was named, he froze and nodded stiffly:
"you say!"

Jin Wen said too much, felt thirsty, took a sip of water to moisten his throat, and said again:

"Lu Meng has only had one son and one daughter with his wife in his life. The daughter fell ill and died when she was three or four years old. In order to comfort his wife, Lu Meng adopted two daughters to please his wife. Unfortunately, Lu Meng In the end, he was still depressed.

"Lu Meng's two adopted daughters are named Lu Ning and Lu Shuang.

"Lu Ning has been trained as a strong woman, while Lu Shuang has a ladylike demeanor.

"These two sisters, one strong and the other gentle, are both four years younger than Lu Tan, and Lu Ning is half a year older than Lu Shuang, and both sisters like Lu Tan.

"At the beginning, Mr. Lu planned to choose one of the two sisters to be his daughter-in-law.

"In his opinion, Lu Ning is very good. Although the family background is not good, the Lu family is already beautiful, and there is no need to add more icing on the cake. What is needed is a suitable woman who can help his son. The incense is passed on.

"Unfortunately, Lu Tan fell in love with Li Qingwan, who loves fashion design, and is obsessed with it.

"Li Qingwan is completely ignorant of business, but what she has is the tenderness and delicacy of the discovery of beauty that businessmen do not have.

"This is exactly what Lu Tan wanted to have since he lost his mother's love since he was a child, and it is also the reason why Lu Tan is obsessed with Li Qingwan.

"Miss Luo, please don't think this is my subjective guess.

"This is not speculation, but what your mother said to me herself.

"As for why I recognize your mother, I'll talk about it later."

When Shi Tan listened, he gave up the question and went all the way to be a listener.

"Let's get back to business and continue to talk about the Lu sisters."

Jin Wen brought the topic back again:
"Lu Shuang is more open-minded. After Lu Tan died, she let go of this girlish obsession. After graduating from university, Lu Meng pointed out a young talent to marry him. The other party was a family friend of the Lu family. Lu Shuang Her marriage is very happy. She gave birth to three children for the Shi family. The relationship between the husband and wife is very deep. In Tongshi, they are well-known loving couples.

"Lu Ning is more obsessive and loves more deeply. Because of Lu Tan's death, she couldn't let it go. After that, she always came up with bad ideas again and again, or coaxed her adoptive father into embarrassing Li Qingwan, or In secret to get revenge on Li Qingwan.

"After Li Qingwan and Shi Yuncong were killed by the Chao family, Lu Ning gradually entered the upper echelons of Lu's group in Country C, and she tried everything she could to find you out of revenge.

"She wants Li Qingwan to die peacefully even if she dies.

"In the first year you went to England, you were attacked twice, and she sent people to do it.

"After you gave birth to Xiaobai, the fire was also her masterpiece.

"She just can't get used to you being comfortable. She just wants to make you live in panic day and night.

"That woman, who hasn't married yet, has already distorted her mental state.

"This is my opinion.

"By the way, here's one thing, I think I need to add something to tell you--

"When you gave birth in the UK, Jingxu searched all over the world for you, but couldn't find you, there is a reason.

"I moved my hands and feet and didn't let him find you!"

When he said this, he stopped, as if waiting for her to ask questions.

Shi Tan was surprised:
"You...you recognized me at that time?"


"But why do you recognize me?"

"Because I know your mother Li Qingwan. I said this just now. And it was Uncle Lu Tan who introduced your mother to me. I also called your mother Aunt Tan."

He explained it in detail.

"Are the Jin family and the Lu family close?" Shi Tan asked softly.

"Yes, very good. The Jinlu family is a family friend, and Lu Yuan and Jinbiyuan are very close. Uncle Lu Tan and my seventh uncle are young, and they hang out together. After I was born, he When he came to Jin's house, he would come to hug me and play with me. I was very close to Uncle Lu. Later, he went to France and returned to China four times a year. kind of toy.

"After Uncle Lu came back from studying abroad, he brought your mother Li Qingwan to meet me and my seventh uncle, and told us: she will be his wife in this life. My seventh uncle is very happy for Uncle Lu.

"After Uncle Lu passed away, Uncle Seven was very sad, and so was I. But I didn't know exactly how and why he died. At that time, Uncle Seven refused to tell me.

"One day many years later, when I was 13 years old, I ran to the Lu family's cemetery to talk to Uncle Lu. I was tired and fell asleep under the shade of the tree behind the tombstone.

"Later, I was woken up by a burst of crying, and after a closer look, I realized that your mother had sneaked in somehow, was crying, and told the fact that she had given birth to a daughter for him.

"I was very happy when I found out about it, I jumped out and tried to testify with her personally, but it surprised your mother.

"Then your mother begged me again and again not to stab the matter. I asked to know the whole story.

"She was helpless, so she told me all the twists and turns.

"At that time, I was very moved by her infatuation with Uncle Lu and promised to keep a secret for her.

"A year later, when there was an accident in the Shi family and the news of the tragic death of Shi Yuncong and your mother came, I was too young to do anything, so I told my seventh uncle the secret. Investigate your whereabouts.

"After many years, when I became an adult, I gradually developed my own social relationships, and took over the task of checking your whereabouts from Uncle Seven.

"When you are thoroughly investigated, the news of your marriage with Qi Ji has already spread.

"I think you are really suitable. When you were getting married, my seventh uncle and I even sent a mysterious wedding gift.

"A year later, when your husband and wife were in a deadlock, I sent someone to protect you secretly. Because I was angry with Qi Ji. I deliberately erased all your whereabouts. But later, Qi Ji's people still found you.

"I think Qi Ji has a strange feeling for you, maybe you can reconcile. I removed my people, leaving only one person to know your whereabouts secretly.

"Last year, after Xiaobai's ticket was ripped off by a bang, Qi Ji came to me very well.

"I don't know since when, he actually knew your true identity, and also knew that I was interfering behind the scenes.

"He thinks that I am willing to spend a lot of money behind your back to keep you safe, so he will definitely be willing to cooperate with him.

"At that time, Qi Ji was faced with the fact that Lu Ning was revenge on you, and he was helpless.

"Because at that time, the old man Lu was already ill, and the Lu family had the power, and Lu Ning had only one hand. If Qi Ji did anything, it might lead to Xiaobai's death. If he wants to get rid of her control, he has to be very careful in everything he does. .

(End of this chapter)

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