卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 270 The first female chaebol

Chapter 270 The First Female Chaebol (2)
"So, he hopes to join forces with me, and don't let you know about these things for the time being. You must find out Xiaobai first, and then try to help you regain the status of the heir of the Lu family while ensuring Xiaobai's life is safe.

"At that time, he said: Chao's family is going to fall, which is too dangerous for you. But that Lu Ning is a bit scary. It is the most difficult to guard against hidden arrows. You must uproot her before you are safe.

"I complied with his request and joined him on this.

"In the past year, I have cooperated with him. He secretly tried to investigate Xiaobai's whereabouts and collected evidence of Lu Ning's crimes; while I was investigating Xiaobai's whereabouts, I thought of joining forces with Aunt Shuang to convince her that you belonged to Uncle Lu. As a biological daughter, Grandpa Lu had to understand that it was a hundred times better to hand over the Qi family's family business to his direct granddaughter than to an adopted daughter with wolf ambitions.

"Last month, Qi Ji made an appointment to meet with Lu Ning. It was a negotiation. He had a lot of criminal evidence about Lu Ning and wanted to induce her to spit out the place where Xiaobai was being held.

"As a result, a nephew named Lu Hu adopted by Lu Ning was afraid that if he handed over Xiaobai, Lu Ning's boat would sink. Make him the only heir of the Lu family. Fortunately, I went there, and I took him down in time and stopped his ambitions."

It turned out that Jin Wen had done so much for her behind the scenes!

It turned out that there was such an inside story behind the 8 incident!
It turned out that it was an ungrateful white-eyed wolf who killed Qi Ji and caused the Qi Lu family to have a grudge.

Shi Tan stroked her heart and felt the heartbeat beating so intensely under her fingers.

At this time, Xiao Jin cleared his throat and continued:
"Miss Luo, speaking of this, you should be very clear about our intentions! We were entrusted by Mr. Lu to announce a will that Mr. Lu himself retells.

"Originally, Mrs. Gao-Ms. Lu Shuang wanted to come to see you in person, but because of Mr. Lu's physical condition, the situation was in danger. She had to act filial piety in front of the old man, so she could only send me here.

"In order to show the importance of this matter, Ms. Lu Shuang asked Deputy Minister Jin to accompany you, just to let you understand the whole thing. I hope you can go to Tong City and let the old man see you one last time before leaving. !"

Shi Tan's eyes moved for a moment, and he continued to be speechless.

what is it today?
One by one to declare her will?

She was silent, but her thoughts were like gushing lava, and it was difficult for her to calm down for a long time, because the information they conveyed to her today was too much and too complicated.

First, let her understand that she misunderstood Qi Ji, and the two who came here are completely trying to subvert the fact that she has long believed in, and directly change her bloodline, her origin...

"Lawyer Xiao!"

Suddenly, she inhaled lightly and tried to call him in a steady voice.


Xiao Jin agreed.

"All I hear now is your one-sided remarks..."

she reminded.

How could Xiao Jin not understand what she meant:
"Ms. Luo, if we don't have full confidence, do you think we would travel a long way?"

He thought for a while, then took out a document from the briefcase and handed it over:

"This is the DNA test report of you and Mr. Lu Tan. The data above is enough to explain everything."

Shi Tan took it, stunned for a moment, and then said again:

"Anyway, all this time, I only knew that Shi Yuncong was my father. Now you suddenly come out and tell me that Lu Tan, who died 29 years ago, is my biological father, which is hard for me to accept.

"Besides, even if I agree with you, the blood of the Lu family flows in my veins. Lawyer Xiao, in 29 years, it was Lu Menglu's obstruction that caused Lu Tan to die in a car accident. My mother was desperate, and then took me to marry someone else. Under such circumstances, do you think there is any reason for me to go back to recognize my ancestors and inherit the inheritance?"

The disapproval in his tone was obvious.

Xiao Jin immediately replied:

"Miss Luo, you are the only heir of the Lu family. If you don't go back and inherit the family business accumulated by the Lu family for 250 years, what will you do?"

A pair of eyes fell on her, all waiting for her answer.

"What does that have to do with me? From childhood to adulthood, I have never received any favor from the Lu family. They have not raised me or given me food; they have not taught me or guided me how to become a talent; they have not protected me and kept me away from suffering; Now, why do I have to have that obligation to be responsible for it?"

Shi Tan asked rhetorically.

Xiao Jin and Jin Wen were stunned.

In the face of such a huge wealth, there are very few people in the world who can truly turn a blind eye.

Lu Tan was one of them back then, and so is Luo Shitan now: Back then, Lu Tan could put down everything for Li Qingwan's sake, but now Luo Shitan can treat Lu Meng's behavior as a result of his anger at that time. Nothing.

If there is a father, there must be a daughter!

This sentence is really not bad at all.

Cheng Hang and Dai Yan lightly hooked the corners of their lips.

Such an answer, for them, is not particularly surprising.

Mu Yichun sighed lowly.

She is such a person, indifferent to fame and fortune.

She cares more about a better life than fame and fortune.rather than these external things.

If such a fortune fell on others, it would be a big surprise; for her, it might be a burden.

"Ms. Luo, the Lu family's industry is very huge."

Jin Wen forcefully emphasized:

"If there is no legitimate heir who can convince the public to guard, people will be scattered, the economy of the entire C country may have serious problems, and the lives of tens of thousands of staff working for Lu's will be affected. Is this what you think? Did you see that?
"Even if you're not for the Lu family, you should think about the stability of the daily livelihood of the thousands of ordinary citizens in country C... If you don't want to inherit it, it will cause many problems, have you thought about it?

"The bigger the family, the more responsibility the family members have.

"Yes, the Lu family never gave you warmth when you were growing up. Because of Lu Ning's revenge mentality, all you get is revenge. You do have reasons to ignore the fate of the Lu family.

"However, Miss Luo, you have to understand that once the economy is turbulent and the stock market suffers a terrifying fall, those investors who trust the Lu family, I don't know how many people will jump off the building to find relief.

"When this happens, Miss Luo, how will you feel?"

Jin Wen was really Jin Wen, and he suddenly raised the matter to such a high level as the people's livelihood, which made Shi Tan feel uneasy.

"The most important thing is that Xiaobai's whereabouts are still unknown.

"As far as I know, Xiaobai was hidden by aunt and nephew Lu Ning.

"If you don't inherit the family business, those who control Xiaobai may think that it is unprofitable, and they want to calm down, and they will kill the corpse. In that case, they can shirk all responsibility.

"After all, in the Qi family's side, Qi Ji is dead, and Xiaobai will become a trouble for them, and it will be useless. How could they treat it well.

"If you can go back and inherit the family business, you can take over all Lu Ning's men bit by bit, and slowly find out the whereabouts of Xiao Bai from those people.

"I think it's a smart choice to have the best of both worlds.

"So, I advise you, you must go back to inherit the family business.

"Ms. Luo, we are all a family, and the past is gone. The current Mr. Lu is just a lonely old man who lives in repentance and will soon pass away.

(End of this chapter)

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