卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 272 The Proud Daughter of Heaven, She Well Deserves It

Chapter 272 The Proud Daughter of Heaven, She Well Deserves It (1)
"Your father...it's too lonely in the ground...child, bring your mother's ashes...relocate back..."

After nearly 30 years, the old man finally recognized Li Qingwan, but that was meaningless...

Shi Tan wasn't sure where her mother's ashes were buried. Even if she knew, she didn't know whether her mother would stay outside with her stepfather Shi Yuncong, or if she wanted to come back to her biological father, Lu Tan.

Lu Tan gave her mother four years of sincere first love, and Shi Yuncong gave her mother six years of affectionate marriage. Who of these two men will win her heart more, only she knows.

But in order to reassure the old man, she finally agreed:

"Yes! Grandpa!"

On the sickbed, Lu Meng's shriveled face showed a relieved smile because of this sentence.It seems that getting a forgiveness is the only result he wants to get with his last breath.

At one o'clock in the afternoon on September 2012, 9, Mr. Lu passed away with a smile at the age of 23.

At four o'clock, the Lu family held a press conference to officially announce the news of Lu Meng's death, and announced to the media that Luo Shitan was the only direct heir of the Lu family living abroad, and that all the properties of the Lu family had been transferred to "Lu Shitan" who had changed his surname. "Such a message under the name.

That night, Lu Yuan hung up the white lingerie, and brought the old man's body back to the garden, officially sending out his mourning.

At that time, Shi Tan was wearing a linen and wearing filial piety, and Ling Qian received all the guests who came to mourn - an endless stream of guests, and more of them were looking at her, the airborne heiress, wondering how she became Lu Lu. Tan's daughter?

After the funeral of the Five Dynasties, the body of the old man Lu was cremated and buried in the Lu family cemetery, where he was buried with Mrs. Lu in the same cave.Their son, her biological father Lu Tan, was buried next to them.Another small grave is the tomb of the young lady of the Lu family.

After Lu Ning's death, he was not allowed to be buried in the Lu Family Cemetery.I heard that it was arranged in an inconspicuous place in the cemetery.

On September 2012, 9, Shi Tan stood in Lu Yuan's room belonging to Lu Tan, looking at a group photo of Zhang's biological father and mother, feeling so unreal.

She didn't know how the Lu family got these photos, and she didn't ask.

What she sees in the photo is a heart-to-heart love, every frown and smile, with a precious sense of tacit understanding.

In the past few days, she has been thinking about what would have happened if the old man Lu could fulfill his son's wishes and agreed to this marriage?
Maybe, there will be a loving couple in this world, they will have children, they will be noisy for a lifetime, but she will never be their daughter again.

If they start all over again, once their trajectory of life is changed, the results may be completely different.

It was precisely because of the obstruction of Mr. Lu back then that the various encounters that followed over the years led to the creation of such a bumpy and bizarre fate as she is now—

Is this fortunate or unfortunate?

She couldn't tell the difference, and didn't want to tell anymore.

In the future, she has two tasks: one, manage the Lu family well; two, find her son.

As for whether or not to remarry, that was out of her consideration.

At the turn of summer and autumn in 2012, several major events occurred in country C in a row.

First of all, there was a serious explosion and collapse of the Lu's Skyscraper on the second floor of Tongcheng City.

This incident directly led to the death of Lu Ning, the actual female heir of the Lu family in recent years, on the spot, and Qi Ji, an influential figure in Zhu State, died during the process of being sent to treatment because he was seriously injured.

The incident that the heads of the two consortiums were killed together shocked the business circles of both countries.

In particular, the death of Qi Ji caused the entire Zhu Kingdom to mourn for him.

On the same day, after the explosion, Lu Ning's adopted son, Lu Hu, was found to have participated in the explosion and was arrested. On the way to the police station, he tried to escape and was seriously injured.Died a week later.

After that day, even the most authoritative experts could not predict Lu's future for two reasons.

First, the Lu family, a great family that has been inherited for more than 8 years in country C, has faced the embarrassment of not having a suitable heir since the 16 incident.

None of the Lu family's Pang family's descendants are capable of such an important task.

And Lu Meng's other adopted daughter, Lu Shuang, has married a wealthy family and is a full-time wife. She never asks about the business, and it is not suitable for inheriting the Lu family at all.

Second, because the president of the Qi family died in the Lu family's building, the Qi family, who is a powerful tyrant in the business sea, will definitely not give up with the Lu family.

The two major families internationally renowned, the final result of the dead enemy, will definitely be severely damaged by Lu's body.

A month later, the Lu family changed again. Lu Meng, the eighth-generation head of the Lu family who had been suffering from illness in his [-]s, died of illness in the Lu family Kangai Senior Hospital.

On the same day, another anecdote broke out that Luo Shitan, the former wife of Qi Ji, who left the Qi family’s home a year ago, was previously rumored to be the adopted daughter of the Luo family, but is now determined to be the son of the late Lu family’s late young master Lu Tan. Bloodline, at the press conference, there was DNA data as evidence, and Ms. Lu Shuang, the third lady of the Lu family, announced the news to the world on behalf of her adoptive father: the entire Lu family will be inherited by Lu Shitan, who has changed her surname.

Once the news was announced, there was an uproar at home and abroad, and the entire business community turned their attention to the Lu Jiaxin heiress; there were all kinds of comments, good, bad, and neutral.

Shi Tan delivered a speech to stabilize Lu's employees at the press conference. The whole process did not use manuscripts, he played casually, and answered all kinds of questions from reporters on the spot, showing the demeanor that an heiress should have.All major media expressed an optimistic attitude towards Lu Shitan's succession to the Lu family.

After the funeral, Lu Shitan took over the Lu family, so everyone silently watched her again——

How to lead the Lu family out of the slump, and how to resolve the grievance with the Qi family, has become the most concerned thing for everyone-many people, after hearing about her His ex-husband, Qi Ji, who died in Lu's Skyscraper Building, will show a meaningful expression.

Some experts believe that if Lu Shitan can't solve the deadlock between Qi and Lu, Lu Shitan will be unable to lead the entire Lu family in the future.

To everyone's surprise, half a month later, after Lu Shitan and Qi Wanzhong, the head of the Qi family, met in Yao City, the two families shook hands and made peace——

This is not a rumor, there are photos to prove it, and news to prove it.

No one knows what method Lu Shitan used. Anyway, she obtained the forgiveness of Mr. Qi, and the tension between the two families just melted away.

In October, Cheng Hang, the special assistant of the former president of the Qi family, resigned from the Qi family, and brought his pregnant wife to the Lu family.

Since then, Shi Tan started her business career, starting from the simplest, step by step under the guidance of Cheng Hang and her uncle Gao Zhe, she started the busy life of a female chaebol.

Shi Tan is a shrewd person who knows everything right after learning. Although she didn't have much experience in business before, she received advice from Luo Houyu when she was a teenager, and she also studied international finance when she was in the UK. She has accumulated a lot of theoretical knowledge in her mind, so it is not particularly difficult to operate.

Therefore, when everyone thought that this appearanceless female president was most likely a scumbag, she showed her talent in business little by little.

In just two years, she has made all the shareholders who want to despise her, look down on her, and even play tricks under her nose, become jealous one by one.

Killing chickens several times to warn monkeys, the effect is excellent.

From 2013 to 2014, in two years, she used her wisdom and talent, not only to do business with ease, but also to sweep away some bad habits within the group, and corrected some ills and ills that should not exist.Between Zhang Chi and her degree, she proved to everyone that she, Lu Shitan, is absolutely qualified to be the heir of the Lu family.

(End of this chapter)

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