卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 273 The Proud Daughter of Heaven, She Well Deserves It

Chapter 273 The Proud Daughter of Heaven, She Well Deserves It (2)
Yes, in the past two years, she has used her strength to make everyone in the business world remember her name: Lu Shitan, the arrogant girl of the sky, she deserves it.

In December 2014, the plum blossoms in Luyuan were particularly beautiful. It had just snowed, and the sky was crystal clear. The snow pressed the plums, which was extremely seductive to the eye. , looks extremely charming.

On the weekend afternoon, Shi Tan was holding Cheng Xue, who was blowing bubbles, and was enjoying the flowers.

Well, to be precise, she was watching the flowers, and Cheng Xue, Cheng Hang's daughter, was destroying the flowers, making the ground red.

In the eyes of this child, beauty is just a toy.

She smiled, bowed her head and kissed the child's pink face, suddenly thinking of Xiaobai.

For two years, she has been investigating Xiaobai's whereabouts.

Since she became the hostess of the Lu family, she found some news about Xiaobai while she was calm, but after they found the place where Xiaobai was being held, they found that those people were all gone because they were afraid of causing trouble.

It is said that the locked-up child was put on an unlicensed pheasant cart one night, and his whereabouts are unknown.

Since those are refugees, finding them is difficult.

As a result, whether Xiaobai is alive or dead now becomes an unknown number.

For more than a year or two, where will Xiaobai be taken?
A smart child like him, if he was free, would have called himself for help long ago, but Qingfeng Yayuan has never had a strange caller ID on the phone. :

Either, Xiaobai is still being looked after by some people, living a life that is worse than death; or he is already dead!

Shi Tan only wishes he was still alive...

No matter how hard the day is, there will always be a time to get over it.

"Auntie, I want flowers, I want flowers..."

Cheng Xue finished playing with the plum blossoms in her hand, and was about to pick it up again. Her red face flashed with excitement, and she muttered, not very clearly.

Two years ago, the child was still in Du Ting's belly. Now, not only can she walk, but she can also be called—the child's company has relieved her a lot of feelings for her son, and it has also added a lot of heartache to her.

Shi Tan picked another plum for Cheng Xue.

The wind passed, and a plum fragrance soaked into the nose. It smelled very good... Unfortunately, those who have no like-minded people will enjoy it together.

If it continues, if the child in her belly is still there, if Xiaobai is still there, what a happy picture that makes people cry!
Unfortunately, life with him is always cruel.

Creak creak.

Behind him, there was a sudden sound of footsteps.

"Hey, Uncle Qiao is here! Uncle Qiao hugs!"

Cheng Xue discovered the person behind her earlier than she was, and it was a handsome young man with a bright smile.

"Sister, let me hug Xiaoxue!"

The man was wearing a white scarf. When he smiled, he showed his snow-white teeth and opened his hands.

Xiaoxue couldn't wait to rush over, and kissed the man's face to please him, seeing them all smile.

This man, also surnamed Lu, named Lu Qiao, is the eldest son of Lu Shuang and Gao Zhe. He is 25 this year, has just graduated from university, and has already joined the Lu family to work.He also has a younger brother, surnamed Gao, who is only eighteen and is in high school, and another younger sister is in junior high school.

Lu Qiao looks mild-mannered, but he is very principled, very honest, and has a very thorough grasp of financial knowledge. It can be seen that he is a financial material.

He had a good relationship with her. From the first day he met her, his third aunt, Lu Shuang, asked him to call her sister, and he has always respectfully called her "sister".

Pingkong got an excellent younger brother, which was also a windfall.

It's just that the situation now seems to have undergone a very subtle change...

"Sister Shi Tan, that Lu Qiao, seems to be interested in you!"

I do n’t know when Dutin once inadvertently told her. After that, she found out that the boy, looking at her eyes, is a bit different from the eyes of others.

After discovering this strangeness, she was really taken aback: now, she has a heart like an ancient well, and she has no intention of anyone.Besides, Qiao was the younger brother who grandpa let Aunt Shuang adopt into the Lu family's name.She didn't think that way at all about him.

It has been more than two years since she returned to the Lu family, and all her energy is devoted to learning how to run a business and how to find Xiaobai. She has never thought about her life-long event.

For her, the only meaning of survival seemed to be finding Xiaobai.

Other than that, nothing interested her.

In the past two years, except for some necessary banquets, she had to attend very few. At other times, she was mostly locked in Luyuan, or trying to find Xiaobai with Jamie and the others, or sleeping late and listening to a leisurely song. Song, taste a cup of fragrant tea.

Someone asked: "Miss Lu Fanghua Zhengmao, don't you plan to get married again?"

"If you don't have the opportunity, it's better not to get married!"

She replied with a light smile, without saying anything, everything had to be left open, this is the attitude you must have as an heiress.

In fact, if a woman is like her, it is difficult to find a man who suits her heart, not to mention whether she has the heart to remarry.

Today, she is a famous woman with a wealth of wealth in the world, and her sky-high net worth can make many men daunted.

It is said that most men don't like women whose careers are more successful than their own, which will make them very stressed.Seriously, it can also cause them to not lift up in front of their wives.

It is said that most men want their wives to be the type of little birds.This creates a natural desire for protection in men.

In this era, why there are more and more leftover women with strong abilities, this is one of the reasons.

However, there are also some men with high self-confidence or ulterior motives, who will show affection to Shi Tan, but they are all rejected by her.

The more often it happens, the more unpleasant words will spread.

Some people say that she must have a cold personality and is not worth marrying at all; some people think that she is too lofty: no matter how much money, a woman without a family life will definitely wither quickly; some people think that she is simply a bad person, and anyone who is close to her All the people who have been killed will be killed, and if you don't provoke her, that will ensure that he will live for a long time...

She listened, just smiled, and lived the life she wanted to live, so that she would not be troubled by the evaluation of the outside world.

Lu Shuang also persuaded her: "Find a suitable one and organize a family!"

She shook her head: "In this life, I just want to live with Xiaobai! It is my only wish to find Xiaobai, and the rest is not important."

Maybe it was because she had expressed such an intention to Lu Shuang, so Lu Qiao had never confessed to her, but the love hidden in those clear eyes seemed to be deepening day by day, which is not very good... …

In the early morning on Monday, Shi Tan came downstairs in an elegant business attire, kissed Xiaoxue in Du Ting's arms, and took the little guy to drink milk together.

Cheng Hang walked in, holding some of the letters he just received in his hand, and was filtering which ones needed to be addressed to Shi Tan.

Suddenly, when he saw one of the letters, his whole body froze.

"what happened?"

Shi Tan felt it, raised his head and asked.

Cheng Hang signaled Du Ting to take Xiaoxue away, and then handed over the letter.

The cover is not printed, but handwritten, which is rare in today's information society.Now, 90.00% of official documents and emails are written in cold print.Among relatives or business partners, more people like to send e-mails and text messages instead of handwritten e-mails. After all, there are fewer and fewer people who can write beautiful handwriting, and modern people pursue more is efficiency.

Of course, today's letter, handwritten, is just one of its special features. The most special thing is that its handwriting, glyphs, strokes and strokes are so familiar, so familiar that she stood up in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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