卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 274 The Proud Daughter of Heaven, She Well Deserves It

Chapter 274 The Proud Daughter of Heaven, She Well Deserves It (3)
She hurriedly opened the letter, and when her eyes fell on the paper with a scent of amber rosin, a line of characters with flying and phoenix danced into her eyes:
"If I'm not the original me, dear, would you still want me?"

There is no signature, no date, but the familiar handwriting easily forced her to tears.

"It's impossible, it's impossible, how is this possible? Cheng Hang, tell me quickly, how is this possible?"

Excited and unbelievable, she grabbed Cheng Hang and called out, because her emotions fluctuated so much that her voice lost its stability.

"I don't know! I really don't know!"

When Cheng Hang saw that sentence, he, who was always calm, also showed an indescribable tremor in his voice, and the eroticism of bewilderment couldn't help showing it.

A dead person cannot write a letter, only a living person can.

But the problem is, he's dead, isn't he?
"At that time, I saw with my own eyes that Mr. Qi was seriously injured. After he explained a few things to me, he lost consciousness. At that time, I could hardly feel his vital signs... Could it be that I made a mistake? ?how is this possible?"

There was also moisture gushing out of Cheng Hang's eyes. This mysterious letter was too shocking.

"He's not dead. He's definitely not dead! Besides him, who else can write such Qi-style fonts. No one can imitate them exactly. There must be no one. Cheng Hang, don't you think so?"


Cheng Hang responded again and again, took the envelope, and looked at it.

it's wired!
Really weird!
There is no mailing address, just a zip code.And this code can show such information, it comes from a remote town in country C.

Maybe, they can go check that place.

Wait a minute, he suddenly remembered something:
"Maybe Mo Yaozhi knew the inside story. As I remember, I was seriously injured that day. After listening to Qi's last instructions, I was in a coma for several hours. When I woke up, Qi was already in a coma. It was taken over by Mo Yaozhi's people."

Makes sense.

"Okay, I'll call Mo Yaozhi right away. I want to ask him, what the hell is going on! Where's my cell phone, where's my cell phone..."

She slapped the letter on the table and yelled, like a headless fly, ramming around there.

Such a scene almost brought tears to Du Ting's eyes.

In the past two years, she has seen: Mrs. Qi in the past, and Lu Shitan today, have been working hard to be an excellent female chaebol in the best condition.

When it comes to people, she has to be bright and beautiful, she is graceful and dignified, she has to speak and act appropriately... When it is time to act resolutely, she will never be soft-hearted; when it is time to be gentle and kind, she will never be rude; when it is time to show love, she will never Acting petite...

Yes, in the past two years, she has hidden almost all her personal emotions.

Because she represents the Lu family, she has to let the whole society see that the Lu family will become prosperous because of having such a leader... She does not dare to be rude in front of others, for fear of attracting unfavorable negative influences and ruining her life. aim to achieve

It was the first time that I lost my composure like today and couldn't find my phone in a panic.

However, Du Ting knows that only this kind of her is the most real, the most flesh and blood...

She went to find the phone and handed it over.

"Thank you, it turned out to be there all the time... I'm sorry, I'm a little out of my mind now!"

When Shi Tan touched his forehead, when he picked up the mobile phone she had just put on her hand from Dutin, she saw Du Ting smiling at her and was happy for her ...

Yes, this is definitely a happy event...

When the phone called Mo Yao, a woman answered the phone and asked softly over there:
"Which one?"

"Is Mrs. Mo? I'm Lu Shitan, I'm looking for Mo Yaozhi!"

Mo Yaozhi got married in a flash in 2011. He married an agent of Dongai Country, and gave birth to a fat boy for him in 12.The man with eyes above the top was finally captured by marriage. It is said that Mrs. Mo would not dump him, and would always give him problems.

"He's taking a shower and just went in. When he comes out, I'll ask him to call you..."

Shi Tan thanked him and walked back and forth with his mobile phone, waiting.

Ten minutes later, Mo Yaozhi called,
"Lu Shitan, I heard that every minute of your day is more expensive than gold. Today is the sun coming out of the west, and you remembered to call me? Tell me, what's the matter..."

Mo Yaozhi laughed and joked over there.

Shi Tan ignored his ridicule and asked very seriously:
"I want to ask you something, you have to tell me honestly!"

Mo Yaozhi's smile deepened:

"Tsk! What happened here? It looks like you plan to torture me to extract a confession?"

"Mo Yaozhi, I don't mean to joke with you now."

"OK, alright alright... you say, I'm listening!"

"It was you who gave the burial for the next harvest, wasn't it?"

"Yes! How did you mention this?"

That tone sounds like nothing unusual!

Is this person so used to acting?

"You, are you hiding something important from us?"

"Is there anything I need to hide from you?"

Mo Yaozhi was full of suspicious rhetorical questions.

Forget it, she asked directly:

"Is Qi Ji still alive?"

"You're kidding me now! How is this possible?"

Mo Yaozhi blurted out and called out.

This unhesitating answer really disappointed Shi Tan:

"You don't have hands and feet?"

"Why do I have to do anything? I said, Lu Shitan, are you daydreaming? How can someone who has already been burned still be alive... You're thinking about it!"

Shi Tan can be sure that Mo Yaozhi is not lying, but the question is, how to interpret the words in this letter, it cannot be a prank sent by Qi Ji before his death...

"Mo Yaozhi, I received a letter, I can be sure it was written next..."

She said word by word, forcefully expressing that it was absolutely true.

A horrified low voice came from the phone:

"How is this possible... There is no one left, how can you ask him to write to you!"

"It's true, I'll take a picture for you to see."

She immediately took a photo of that line of writing and the envelope, and passed it on.

"See. This is what I just received."

"Yes, I have seen it. This is really evil. Logically speaking, this is impossible. Well, wait a minute, I'll check it out... I'll contact you when I have news..."

He hung up immediately,
On Lu Yuan's side, Shi Tan stood stupidly, put down his phone slowly, and glanced at the letter in his hand again, falling into a mess...

can you?

can you?

Still alive after that, is it possible?

She kept asking herself back there.

There are a total of more than 800 employees employed in the Lu's skyscraper. In the past two years, for the employees who love to gossip in private, the most curious thing for them is:

Their beautiful high-ranking female president, who will eventually end up.

In the traditional eyes of the world, whether it is a man or a woman, no matter how capable they are, they must eventually return to their families.

Of all concepts, the family is the most basic part of everyone's life.

Without a family, his (her) life is destined to be incomplete, incomplete, and definitely lacks a happiness index.

Therefore, everyone will look for another partner when they enter the marriageable age; therefore, after divorce or losing their spouse, most people will choose to remarry as long as the opportunity is ripe.

(End of this chapter)

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