卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 276 He was confused and didn't know where to go

Chapter 276 He was confused and didn't know where to go (2)
So far, Lu's unhealthy trend has been stopped.

In the current Lu family, no one dares to sell cleverness under Mr. Tan's eyes. Everyone works from a distance, which is a good thing for many ordinary employees - more fairness and justice in the competition process.

Yu Yuan was Mr. Tan who took a fancy to her plan and personally promoted her from the team leader.

Before, she had been subservient to others, and the one who was pressing on her head was a fat manager who had intended to meddle in her.

Because she was quite satisfied with Lu's salary and benefits, she endured to make a living at the hands of that fat man, and she endured year after year without resigning.When she met Boss Tan, she was in her prime.

The happiest day was the day when Manager Fat stepped down. At that time, she almost danced with joy. She always believed that Mr. Tan's arrival brought new vitality and new atmosphere to the Lu family.

Yu Yuan was lucky and had the honor to meet Mr. Tan up close.

Mr. Tan knew that she was an old leftover girl, and once persuaded her:

"Don't set your sights too high. Looking at a bright man, it's not necessarily a good man, and he has a lot of hearts. Find someone who is similar, even if the income is lower than yours, as long as he knows he loves you, that's enough..."

But to be honest, there are very few people who can make her look good.

Until a month and a half ago, this person named Xu Jing appeared, and her eyes lit up.

It wasn't to say how good-looking this man was. In fact, he wasn't very handsome. There seemed to be some small scars on his neck that spread vaguely on his shoulders and back.Wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, his eyes under the lenses sometimes sparkle, but more often he looks dumbfounded.

His health seems to be very bad. He had two fevers for a month at work.But both times he was sick to work, and he just took a bottle of medicine with him.It is said that after the heat and cold are uneven, he will catch a cold - in his bag, in addition to cold medicine, there are other medicines.

Yu Yuan has seen Xu Jing's appearance when he took off his glasses, he was very heroic; when he was standing alone on the fence, his back was very lonely; when he was looking down at the world with his hands in his pockets from a tall building, he had a look of contempt that trampled everything under his feet.

Of course, when he puts on his glasses, he gets a little nerdy.

But the project he made is very good, and he has helped the company win several big deals three times in a row!
Well, in Lu's, an order of several million to several million is actually not that big, but it is already quite remarkable.After all, this Xu Jing has only been in the company for less than two months. A person without any work experience can make such an achievement as soon as he comes up, which is enough to amaze everyone.

Yu Yuan always felt that this person should be a person with a story. He has a temperament that is sometimes melancholy, sometimes bright, sometimes isolated, making people afraid to get close, and sometimes he can mix with people, which is very rare.

He can say nothing, and he can talk to people as if he were ignorant.

More often, he loves to be alone, or to modify his plans, or to find the information he wants...

Many people say that his personality is a bit strange. She believes that he is definitely a rare talent with an unlimited future.

According to his personal data, he is 35 years old, unmarried, with an ordinary education background and no work experience.

Such a person should not have been hired, but he did a very good job planning case, and his defense in the interview was also very perfect, and the facts proved that he is a strong and practical person.

"Why didn't you work?" She had asked this question during the interview. .

His answer was: "I'm sick, and I barely got better until recently! Don't worry, it doesn't affect my mental work."

He showed with practical actions that he is really an excellent employee who works hard.

Because of his outstanding work performance, Yu Yuan made an exception to apply to the superior to shorten his probationary period.Now, he has become a regular employee of Lu's and enjoys all the company's treatment.But that didn't seem to make him very happy.

She wanted to wait for him to work in the company for half a year, and then recommend him to the top: such a talent should never be buried.Of course, taking care of your body is more important.

Some people say that she takes great care of this newcomer, and she does not deny it.

Few men can make her feel this kind of admiration!
If given the opportunity to approach him, she would not hesitate to act.

However, this Xu Jing is not grateful for her care, and has always maintained a very safe distance from her, which is really frustrating...

"Oh, I'm fine!"

Xu Jing listened to the call without raising his head, and replied:
"This solution must be rushed out as soon as possible, and it has to be given to the customer on Friday. Drag again and get Monday. It will make the customer impatient. The customer is first, this is the first principle of the company's terms!"

"There are too few people like you who are willing to work hard!"

She sighed.

He didn't say a word, he paused when he tapped the keys, and seemed to be smiling, but he didn't know what he was laughing at.

"Xu Jing!"

Standing on the edge, Yu Yuan suddenly found that his profile was very, very handsome.


He finally raised his head and stared at her with bright eyes.

"Uh, I want to ask, will you go to the company's anniversary tomorrow night?"

"Will everyone in the company be present?"

He suddenly asked such an odd question.

"Of course, Mr. Tan will also speak, and there will be a lottery. It is said that the person who is drawn the first prize can have dinner with Mr. Tan. But if you have any comments and suggestions for the company, you can tell Mr. Tan in person. Mention. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to help those who have won the prize get a chance to be appreciated... This year, each department has a chance to draw a prize... The whole company has a total of 36 departments, and there will be 36 people Had the chance to have dinner with Tan..."

"Well, I'll be there!"

He interrupted her elaboration. .

Yu Yuan's eyes lit up.

"Well, then dress more formally... There will be a dance then. By the way, Xu Jing, can I invite you to be my dance partner?"

She finally plucked up the courage to ask.

Xu Jing's eyes turned strangely, and after a while, he said:

"Thank you Manager Yu for being considerate... I have a girlfriend!"

Oops, what a shame to be rejected!
Yu Yuan couldn't help but smile to hide the embarrassment in his heart:

"Oh, really? I've never seen you mention it..."

"In the company, I don't talk about personal affairs..."

"Oh, then you're busy..."

Yu Yuan left in a hurry.

Xu Jing took a deep look, looked around again, saw that there was no one in the office, and then his eyes fell on the mobile phone on the table.

After a while, he took it over, swiped lightly, unlocked it with his fingerprints, and clicked on a photo.

A happy group photo of a family of three.

However, the man above is not him.

Uh, well, at least not like.

If some outsiders see this photo, they will definitely be surprised, because the above three people are: Zhu Guo Qi's family before the late president: Qi Ji, Lu Shitan, Lu Shitan, and a handsome little boy .

Xu Jing's fingers lightly rubbed Lu Shitan's face, and there was a gentle streamer in his eyes.

These days, he can see her every day, accompanied by Cheng Hang, under the protection of Jon or Mary, entering and leaving the building.

She and him, sometimes only a few steps away!

Many times, he stopped and looked at the places she passed by, and she was always busy answering the phone, her eyes never stopped elsewhere, and she didn't notice that someone was paying attention to her in a certain corner.

Yes, he was so greedy for her face, but he dared not approach her.

(End of this chapter)

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