卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 277 Banquet, Jealousy

Chapter 277 Banquet, Jealousy (1)
Yes, he longed for her to recognize him, and was afraid that she would know the truth-now, with such a broken and rotten body, what qualifications could he have to accompany her?own her?

Yes, his ideas could not be contradictory and complicated.

On the one hand, he hopes to see her get happiness, on the other hand, he is afraid that if she really finds someone else and forgets him, then how sad he will be...

Missing so passionately, he had to restrain his urge to walk in front of her, and he had to constantly torture himself to control himself not to go to her.

Thinking of this, a sigh gently overflowed from his mouth.

He closed the photo and said softly in his heart:
Shi Tan, should I stay away from you, or should I selfishly make you fall in love with me again...

I miss you so badly, I miss you like a demon.

In the future, where should I go, my dear, can you tell me in a dream?
Jinghua Hotel is the largest five-star hotel in Tong City. On December 2014, 12, Lu's company anniversary was opened here.

It is said that every year, the boss of the Lu family will have a carnival with the employees on this day, and rich prizes will be given out crazily on this day.

There will be no cheating. Each employee will have an admission ticket. When the banquet is held, some staff will collect it and put it on the rostrum. At that time, the boss will personally grab the first prize, and other The top executives grabbed the second prize, the third prize and other awards in public.

This year, it is said that there is also a special prize. The winning employees can travel abroad once for free with pay. There are six people in total.Ten days free of charge.Great value.

Shi Tan doesn't like to be too lively, but she must be present on these occasions. If she gets along well with the employees and shortens the distance, she can better discover their strengths and make better use of them.

Unyielding talent and good at finding talents have always been the purpose of the Lu family.

At this moment, in the mirror, she looked at her attire, knee-length evening dress, light purple, V-neck, high bun, with a string of platinum and purple gemstone necklace around her neck, which is a family heirloom of the Lu family, Priceless.The chain on the wrist is a little unremarkable. It was a birthday present Qi Ji gave her when he was in England. On her feet were a pair of white high-heeled shoes inlaid with crystals, which were handmade... The whole dress is elegant and refined , Elegant and moving.

Yes, now she has been reborn again, confident and charming, she is the shining point in the crowd, able to attract everyone's attention...

It's just that when she stood on a high place and became the focus of everyone's attention, there was nothing behind her, and no one could share her joys and sorrows. It was a loneliness that others could not feel.

The dinner began at six o'clock, and Shi Tan was invited to the rostrum to give a speech.

At that moment, facing the darkness below, she smiled like a flower bud blooming in the spring breeze, clear and noble, and her voice was like the sound of nature:
"Every enterprise has its own culture, and an excellent culture should be developed.

"The Lu family has been in business since 200 years ago, starting from the smallest workshop, step by step from the dusty history. There have been prosperity, there have been no losses at all, there have been restarts, and there have been difficult times. It is not dead but not alive. It has experienced the bankruptcy crisis during the bubble economy period. Later, it rose again. Not thanks to your hard work.


"The eighth generation head of the Lu family, my grandfather, Lu Meng, was an excellent businessman. He used his ideas to reform the Lu family, and constantly expanded the business field of the Lu family. Based on the economic foundation of the previous generations, the Lu family Undoubtedly, his contribution has been huge. In the future, I will follow the concept of honesty and trustworthiness of my ancestors, and work together with all the staff to make it more vigorous.

"Dear all Lu's employees, in the future, Lu's will better provide you with life security, and Lu's also hopes that you will take this as your home and do your best to strive for the long-term and stable development of our common homeland.

"Everyone is the Lu family, and the Lu family is everyone. We are an inseparable whole, our interests coexist, and we share weal and woe. That is the state we should have.

"Come on, let's raise a glass to all of us...

"Today's carnival, you must return home with all your heart..."

Raising the cup with his slender hands, he exudes high spirits. Under the spotlight, Shi Tan smiled and took a sip.

Yes, now she is no longer the poor child who suffered from ups and downs when she was a child; she is no longer the criminal policeman who is constantly firing bullets. She is the heiress with a high price. Her demeanor will lead the Lu family to a new era...

After the voice fell, there was a burst of applause from the audience.

When the dinner began, Shi Tan smiled, accompanied by Du Ting, and led Cheng Xue, who was dressed like a little princess, down the stage.

"Sister Shi Tan, tonight you understand that a woman is not good at anything. I just took a closer look. All the male guests in the audience are staring at you. Some of them are drooling."

Du Ting sighed softly in her ear.

"What nonsense. Are our Lu's employees so shallow? Salivation is because the chef here cooks well..."

Shi Tan hugged Xiaoxue and kissed her before sitting back in his seat.

On her left side were Lu Shuang and his wife, and on the right side were several other shareholders.Cheng Hang and his wife were accompanied to sit in the same chair of the banquet.

The dinner was lively, thousands of people gathered upstairs and downstairs.

It's just that Shi Tan finds it difficult for him to integrate into it.

She was there just to let the employees know that she cared about them and that the anniversary was a big deal.

In fact, any banquet without Qi Ji would be empty and tasteless.

All the superficial talk and laughter are mostly an illusion.

Alas, Qi Ji, Qi Ji, are you still in this world...

Was that mysterious letter written by you yourself, or was someone playing a prank behind your back?

If you're still alive in this world, why are you hiding?
If you're already in heaven, why would anyone play me?
No, no, how could the handwriting be fake?

She drank wine and looked around, under the shadow of her fragrant clothes and temples, she could no longer find any familiar figures, and the lonely look jumped into her eyes.

Look, the picture is so familiar. In the past, she attended with him, and the husband and wife advanced and retreated together. It was the most beautiful scenery at the banquet.

But now, she is alone, without a confidant who can whisper softly in her ear.Under the bustling and bright banquet lights, there is no shadow that can be followed, just like the loss of navigation lights in the boundless sea.No direction.

Her sight was wandering aimlessly, and smiling faces passed quickly in her sight.

Suddenly, she seemed to meet a bright light. At a table far away, there was a man sitting quietly with his back straight. When everyone was eating, he was looking in the direction of the main seat. The light turned on. On his glasses, there was a glint of light refracted, making him look a little eye-catching.

She glanced in a daze, and the man didn't run away in panic, but held the cup and raised it lightly. He looked calm and composed. This kind of demeanor was really rare...

Smiling, Shi Tan also raised the wine glass in his hand, thinking in his heart: This person seems to have a little impression, who is from the D department on the 26th floor?
Xu Jing!
I saw him a little dumbfounded before, but looking at him today, it seems a little different.

During the dinner, Shi Tanyou came on stage to win the first prize, and the atmosphere was lively.

After that, it's the ball.

The first dance was led by Shi Tan, and the partner was Zong Wei, the second youngest in the imperial capital—this man's wife passed away due to illness three years ago, and he has not remarried until now.In the Zong family, he can be regarded as a strict and self-disciplined person, with a daughter under his knees.This year seems to be 34 years old, and his daughter is the same age as Xiaobai.

(End of this chapter)

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