卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 280 Analysis, she became suspicious

Chapter 280 Analysis, she became suspicious (2)
He felt that he should counsel her.

"I wonder who sent that letter!"

In front of her was a blank piece of paper. Holding the pen, she wrote out the words on the letter, and drew a picture of the letter when it was unpacked. Then, she threw the pen, picked up the paper, and pointed to it. words, said to Cheng Hang:
"There are four fingerprints on the original letter: Qi Ji's fingerprints, the fingerprints left by you and I when we read the letter, and the fingerprints of another person who couldn't be verified.

"There are a total of nine fingerprints on the envelope: Qi Ji's fingerprints, the fingerprints left by me and you when we received the letter, the fingerprints of the sender's courier, the sender's fingerprints of the sender's sorter, the recipient's fingerprints of the receiver's, and the receiver's. Fei's fingerprint of Fang's postman, the fingerprint of Lu Yuan's gatekeeper when he received the letter, and another fingerprint of the person who sent the letter. This person's fingerprint is the same person as the fingerprint of the unverifiable person on the letter. This is Mo Yaozhi Said."

Cheng Hang watched his eyes move.

Shi Tan continued to say:

"Now, let's assume that this letter was written by Jizhi before his death.

"Then why did he write such a sentence?

"What is the meaning of these words?
"Did he expect to die before the explosion?

"We're still going to die. Use a kind of feigned death to get rid of Qi Ji's identity. Otherwise, that child will be in his name forever. He will never be able to explain the truth to the outside world.

"That's absolutely not allowed. He'll be viewed as an outlier.

"But the problem is that the fingerprints of the person who sealed the letter do not match the fingerprints of the people who walked close to him. In other words, the person who sealed the letter should be a stranger.

"If this was written recently, he wrote me this letter because he didn't know my current phone number.

"But it's not right, my number has been changed, you guys, his old department, still keep the original number...

"Why didn't he contact you and take a shortcut? Instead, he wanted to write a letter?
"And I didn't write the address, and I didn't leave a contact number.

"The point is, why did someone else get the envelope?
"Why didn't he do it himself?

"If he's too injured to do it, why can't he write letters? It doesn't make sense."

"Right now, Mo Yaozhi and I's guess is that this letter was sent by the person who wrote it. It's possible that Qi Ji didn't know about it.

"However, once we have such a conclusion, we will have another question in our hearts: Why did that person send this letter without telling Qi Ji? What is his purpose?"

Since the letter was delivered from a postbox next to a road, when they checked it, they couldn't find out who the sender was at all?
"Could it be like this?"

After listening, Cheng Hang thought about it and made a hypothesis:
"Assuming, he is still alive, but he was seriously injured. I can confirm this. At that time, he was really badly injured. There were injuries inside and outside, and his face was disfigured. It may need plastic surgery.

"Under this premise, he wanted to see you, so he wrote this letter.

"Later, he felt that he didn't have much chance of surviving, so he hid the letter and didn't plan to send it out. Therefore, he didn't sign it, and he didn't write a contact number. Because he didn't want to drag you down again. Be your burden .

"But the person who took care of him sent the letter secretly because he didn't want to let him suffer from missing him. I hope you can find him because of this letter."

Thinking about it carefully, it seems to make sense.

"But why didn't that person be more resolute and let me find him directly?"

Oh too.

"Is there anything special about that fingerprint?"

Cheng Hang asked deeply.

"It's very small, it should be made by a woman. Could it be that Qi Ji's admirer deliberately sent it out to test me?"

She asked herself a question.

"It could also be the child's fingerprints."

These words made Shi Tan stand up in shock, clapping his hands and shouting:

"Yes, yes, this may be very big. Only children who have no experience in sending letters will do such a mindless thing."

In this way, it seems that the whole thing can be smoothed out at once.

The question is, whose child did such a good thing that can kill people?

"Cheng Hang, think about it, among all the capable or powerful people you know, who has a child who can send letters, but who hasn't yet reached the age of sending letters? At this age, it should be Between the ages of nine and 12. Children before the age of nine are too young to have the idea of ​​helping adults. Children after the age of 12 should understand some essential elements of letters. Write the mailing address on the envelope. And it’s a girl. Girls are more nosy. If you are touched a little, you will act impulsively. You don’t care about the consequences.”

Shi Tan calculated like this, and his heart became excited.

"Okay, I'll send someone to check!"

Cheng Hang closed the file and walked out.

Shi Tan fell into deep thought, a face with a few hints of melancholy and gentle light suddenly jumped into her brain, and her eyes lit up.

She turned around abruptly, grabbed her phone, and made a call to Jamie:

"Find someone for me!"


She spat out two words heavily.

On January 2015, 1, at two o'clock in the afternoon, it snowed heavily in Tong City.

The crisp ringtone of the phone drew Shi Tan's attention away from the stack of documents.She swiped the phone to her ear, quietly listened to the other party finish speaking, and said:
"thank you, I know now!"

After hanging up the phone, her beautiful eyes flashed strangely as she slowly leaned back on the office chair.

At that moment, something flashed in her eyes.

Outside the window, there was snow, goose feather heavy snow, and it was flying down from an altitude of tens of thousands of miles.They stepped on the most graceful and lightest steps, singing and dancing freely in the steel jungle of Tong City.


She stood up, walked over to see, and all her attention was drawn to the past.

This is the second snow this winter, and it is even more spectacular than the first.

All of a sudden, she thought that, all along, she never seemed to enjoy snow with Qi Ji-the gathering between them was always too hasty.Whether it's childhood or later reunions.

In this situation, a desire to enjoy the snow with him emerged in her heart.

However, the wish is beautiful, and it is extremely difficult to realize...

dong dong dong...

"Please come in!"

Shi Tan turned his back to the door and agreed.

Cheng Hang came in: "Mr. Tan, look at these two documents. If there is no problem, we can ask each other to meet and sign this big order directly..."

"Leave it for a while, it's snowing outside, I want to go out for a walk! Give me a break!"

Now, she has no intention of doing business.

Cheng Hang could only stare at her.

Although the itinerary was full, as a special assistant, what Cheng Hang is best at doing is helping the boss squeeze time.The boss is also a human, and he has to breathe. When he has been unable to enter a normal working situation, he cannot push too hard.

"Okay! I put off other things."

"sorry to bother you!"

"Do you want Mary to follow?"

"Don't think of me as a weak little woman. I'm a criminal police officer!"

Shi Tan turned around and said helplessly:
"Besides, there shouldn't be anyone who wants to kill me now! If the Chao family falls, even if someone wants to settle accounts with me, it's impossible for them to come to Country C. The pervert Lu Ning who hates me to the bone is dead. Who will be against me."

"It's hard to guarantee that some people will have hatred for the rich... For the Lu family, now, your safety is very important."

"It's okay, I can handle it! I'll go down for a walk!"

(End of this chapter)

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