卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 281 Analysis, she became suspicious

Chapter 281 Analysis, she became suspicious (3)
She waved her hand and walked out in a hurry.

"Bring some clothes, it's very cold outside!"

Cheng Hang reminded that her coat was hooking on the hanger.

"It's fine. I'll be back in a while! It won't freeze to death."

A voice from afar came back.

Well, he had to follow her!
Downstairs in Lu's Skyscraper Building is a large and beautifully shaped quiet garden, which is well-organized with flowers and plants.

When Shi Tan and the others walked downstairs, she was only wearing a light beige black dress and business attire. It was cold in the end. However, she went out without hesitation. Flying freely in the air, the suppressed heart seemed to be released.

She stretched out her hand to capture a few pieces, and when she met the warm and melting snowflakes, she felt that its beauty could only exist in the line of sight and could not be touched at all.

She didn't know how long she had gone, and she saw that there was a row of out-of-season flowers kept in the heating glass tank, blooming under the glass, beautiful.

She stared at it quietly, and suddenly sighed again:

It's just that this kind of beauty can only be isolated and placed in the heating world, which is completely different from the beauty of Aoxue Hanmei.

Rather than living in a warm room, she prefers the beauty that blooms in harsh environments.

That kind of beauty, more spiritual.

Suddenly a cold wind blew, and she couldn't stop sneezing.

Oops, I'm about to catch a cold.

She folded her arms and looked at the arc-shaped building, feeling a little disappointed. In the past two years, she has worked so seriously for the Lu family, and she has been so diligent in asking people to find her son.But the son never disappeared.Her heart has always been empty.

Qi Ji is living or dying, and now she has become a mystery, and it is constantly tormenting her heart; Xiao Bai is living or dead, and there is no further text, challenging her tolerance.But she has to sit quietly in this office every day and do things she doesn't want to care about at all.

How can this lifeless life become bright.

What she wanted was not just the beautiful memories that only existed in the brain and would be shattered at the touch of a touch. That kind of beauty would only cause pain and despair.

It is not the kind of marriage that is offered in a warm room for people to watch.No matter how well-matched it is, no matter how glamorous it looks, it will eventually fade away without being hit by wind and rain.

True love, true marriage, should endure hardships and trials and hardships...

That's what she wanted.


She sneezed twice in a row.

"You should go back to the house. You'll catch a cold if you wear it."

A hoarse voice sounded behind him.

Shi Tan pulled back to You Si, stunned, and turned to look, only to see Xu Jing in a black suit, a coat in one hand, and a briefcase in the other, not knowing when he came to the neighborhood.

Under the lens, those eyes were shining brightly, staring at her, as if they were happy to see her.


Shi Tan touched his cold arm again, his nose was already a little sour, the heat from his body had been taken away by the cold air, and he couldn't stop shaking, as if he could only feel better by rubbing constantly:
"It's just that the wind was a bit strong just now."

Xu Jing took two steps closer.

"It's only three or four degrees outside now. Pay more attention to keep warm! If you have a headache, all your business trips have to be put on hold. It's a very hard thing to be in this position."


Many people only saw that she, Lu Shitan, was so lucky that she became a female chaebol overnight, and a few people could really see how much effort she had put into this Lu family.Behind the scenery is a heavy responsibility and an endless work.

This man understands her so well!

Shi Tan looked at him again, he was about the same height as Qi Ji, his body should be thin, his hair should be short, his face should be thin, his facial features were not as handsome as Qi Ji's, but he was melancholy and stern. Spread out from the inside out.If you look closely, it's actually quite good looking...

"Xu Jing, are you going out or coming back?"

She said slowly, watching this person approaching, and she also put the cheap coat on her body, and did it without even asking.

But he didn't flatter him, and he didn't mean to blaspheme.

That move was natural, as if he had dressed her like this many times.

This move made her stunned for a while, and her eyes deepened.

His coat was so big that it just wrapped around her, and the warm air rushed up from his veins.

"If you still want to hang out, you'd better wear it. Don't let your body suffer. When you're healthy, it seems like a lot of fun to get sick every now and then. You can take a break from your busy schedule. Etc. When you are really sick, you will understand that health is wealth that no money can buy."

It looks like this is speaking from experience.

"are not you cold?"

Shi Tan did not refuse, and smelled a hint of medicine in this dress.Then, she suddenly realized that in the past two years, she seemed to accept wearing another man's coat for the first time.

"I wear a camel wool sweater and a down vest, which is warmer. You wear less than me."


Under his suit, there is one more vest than others.

She pulled up her coat: "Are you talking about yourself just now?"


He nodded.

She suddenly remembered that he had said that his physical condition was not very good.

"Where are you from?"

"I just signed the order with the client and came back. I happened to see you. I came from the north gate."

He explained and pointed in the direction.

"It's a bit far from the north gate! Why didn't you take a taxi directly to the south gate?"

How big is this garden, she knows.

"When I saw the snow, I got off the car at the north gate. This Jingyuan has a beautiful layout, but I haven't seen what the Jingyuan looks like when it snows, so I walked over. Anyway, my task has been completed today, no Urgent, walk more, it is good for your body.”

He looked at the snowflakes in the sky, showing his love for snow.

At this time, the snow seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, and it was densely scattered from the sky.

Shi Tan smiled, it turned out that she was not the only one attracted by this snowflake.

"Like snow?"

She asked.


He nodded: "It's just that I never really enjoyed snow."

With emotion, the white air mass dissipated in the air.

"Why?" she asked.

A snowflake got on his glasses, melted, wet, and smiled under the smeared lenses:
"If you don't pay attention, you miss it.

"When we were young, we were always like this, and we often missed the most beautiful scenery--

"At that time, I always thought that there would be many opportunities to see snow in the future.

"Later, I learned that not everything in the world can develop in the direction you want.

"No matter how powerful a person is, there is no way to control fate, control life and death.

"When bad luck comes, no one can do anything about it. That's why there is a saying: There are seven to nine out of ten things in the world that don't go your way!"

Cangsang feeling is so strong.

"Life is like this. There are times of luck and times of bad luck. I am a case in point. Xu Jing, the bad luck will end. Don't be discouraged..."

She persuaded with empathy.There are many versions out there about her life experience, she thought, he should have heard of it.

He listened, did not speak, his eyes fixed on a point in the distance.

"To be honest, I've never really enjoyed snow!"

She took another sentence gently, not wanting the atmosphere to cool down, and turned the topic to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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