Chapter 814

Paying attention to the smile on Mo Xian's face, Ding Rui was stunned for a moment, then bit his lip lightly, and silently walked to Mo Xian's side.

Although Mo Xian was smiling at this time, it felt extremely dangerous to her, like a sharp sword ready to be unsheathed at any time.

The battle lasted for an hour, and the smell of blood was so strong that it was disgusting.

Dead bodies can be seen everywhere, as well as moaning wounded.

The picture can be called tragic.

However, no one paid any attention to this at this time.

At this moment, there is no obstacle between everyone and Fengmo Palace.

Everyone first approached the Fengmo Palace slowly, with obsession and excitement on their faces.

Then their speed became faster and faster, bringing out a series of sounds of breaking the wind.

Among the crowd, there were two figures with unusually fast speeds, dragging a blurry afterimage behind them.

These two people are naturally Lin Xiao and Zhou Kai who are the strongest.

However, Mo Xian did not follow in the footsteps of everyone, but fell to the end.

He didn't care about how many treasures there were in the Sealing Demon Palace, what he cared about was Kong Ling and Helena.

Thinking of all the past, Mo Xian suddenly felt his heart tighten.

Long Xing said that the answer lies in this magic palace.

Although this is just a one-sided statement, Mo Xian felt that there was no need for Long Xing to lie to himself.

Moreover, the inside of Fengmo Palace is certainly not simple, and getting in first does not mean the first opportunity.

"Fengmo Palace, the young master is here!" Mo Xian took a deep breath, and then walked slowly but firmly towards Fengmo Palace.


There was a loud noise, and the dark golden grand gate of Fengmo Palace was smashed to pieces by everyone, and then everyone rushed in.

When Mo Xian walked to the gate of Fengmo Palace, only he and Ding Rui were left around.

"Follow me!" Mo Xian glanced back at Ding Rui, and then stepped into the Demon Sealing Palace.

The inside and outside of Fengmo Palace are simply two worlds, the inside is extremely huge, it can even be called vast.

Although a large number of warriors poured in, it still seemed very empty, as if a group of ants had broken into a human residence.

In the Demon Sealing Palace, there are neatly arranged stone platforms, and on each of them, there is an object.

Moreover, all of them are Lingbao.

Mo Xian could tell at a glance that these spirit treasures were not considered advanced.

However, this is only in his opinion.

In the eyes of others, these spiritual treasures are already very valuable.

Moreover, the resources here are scarce, and the spirit treasures brought in from the outside world have basically become waste products.

Many people have not even seen Lingbao for a long time.

Seeing so many spirit treasures suddenly, everyone went crazy, and after a brief shock, they all rushed towards those spirit treasures.

Soon, someone picked up the first Lingbao.

No one is fighting for it, after all, there are a lot of Lingbao.

After the spirit treasure was taken away, those stone platforms sank directly, completely merging with the stone floor, without any gaps visible.

Although everyone was looting, top experts like Zhou Kailin Xiao did not move.

Their vision is too high, so they naturally look down on these ordinary people.

Mo Xianshi glanced at it casually, and there was obviously nothing he wanted here.

Soon, his eyes fell on the walls around the first floor of Fengmo Palace.

Fengmo Palace presents a regular octagon, with four passages on each side.

There are a total of 32 paths leading to it, excluding the ones that came in, there are 31 paths left.

In other words, there are 31 different options.

Every passage is exactly the same, and no one knows where the passage will lead.

At this time, Lin Xiao and the others were carefully observing these passages, with a trace of doubt on their faces, obviously helpless.

It's no wonder that every passage is exactly the same, and no one knows what unknown dangers lie behind, so no one dares to try it lightly.

Mo Xian's eyes slowly swept across these passages, his brows became more and more wrinkled.

"Strange, these passages!" Ding Rui looked at those passages, and suddenly a sense of familiarity rose in his heart.

"Could it be..." After a while, she suddenly turned her head and looked up at the passageway she came in.

From the inside, the gate of Fengmo Palace is exactly the same as other passages, except that there is an ancient totem on it.

But this totem confirmed Ding Rui's thoughts.

"Have you found anything?" Mo Xian asked immediately.

"Don't interrupt me yet!" Ding Rui waved her hand, her pretty face quickly turned red, and she looked very excited, probably because she found something that interested her very much.

Mo Xian immediately stopped talking and looked at Ding Rui expectantly.

At this time, Ding Rui frowned, holding her cheek in one hand, obviously thinking hard.

Complicated pictures flashed through her mind, and finally settled on an extremely large picture.

This is a very huge formation, which is also a regular octagon, and countless powerful people are trapped in it.

However, these strong men are like headless chickens, shuttling around in it, and can't get out.

This is a very ancient formation called the Bafang Trapped God Formation.

As the name suggests, even gods will be imprisoned in it.

This formation is very old, and most of it has been lost. Ding Rui only saw a little introduction of this formation in an ancient book about formation.

It was mentioned in it that two extremely terrifying forces fought against each other back then.

One of them spent several years of painstaking efforts to set up an eight-direction trapping god formation, trapping the strong men of the other faction within it, and one trap lasted for ten years.

After that, Ding Rui consulted a lot of information because of her interest.

Although these materials are not comprehensive and are still very vague, Ding Rui still has a glimpse of some clues about the formation of Gods in all directions.

The so-called Bafang Trapped God Formation has a total of 32 gates in all directions.

Each of the 32 gates corresponds to a totem, and only one of the totems represents life, that is, the opportunity to go out.

If you go to the wrong door, you will experience many twists and turns, but you will still return to the starting point in the end.

32 doors may not seem like much, just try them one by one.

However, no one knows what will happen if you go to the wrong door. You may die directly, and it is also possible to change the direction of the 32 doors.

Moreover, even if you are lucky enough to go to the right door, there are still 32 floors waiting for you to go.

All in all, this formation is extremely complicated, unless one is proficient in the changes of this formation, or has an evolution diagram of the formation, otherwise, the possibility of going out is almost zero.

From the structure of the Demon Sealing Palace, Ding Rui can be sure that it evolved from the Bafang Trapped God Formation.

However, the Fengmo Palace is much smaller, and the changes are naturally much less, but the basic principles will not change.

Moreover, Fengmo Palace obviously left a key reminder.

That's the totem above the entrance, and it represents one of the 32 doors.

However, the real Octagonal Trapped God Formation naturally wouldn't allow people to see this totem.

Obviously, the Sealing Demon Palace will not really trap people to death, leaving behind a key totem.

Although this totem is not the gate of life, Ding Rui can deduce the location of the gate of birth based on the arrangement of the 32 totems.

The order of the 32 doors will return to its position every once in a while. No one has entered the Fengmo Palace for many years, and no one has entered the passage at this time. That is to say, the 32 doors are still in the initial position.

Therefore, Ding Rui can be sure that Shengmen is the eighth gate on the right hand side of the entrance.

(End of this chapter)

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