Chapter 815
At this time, most of the people were scrambling for those spirit treasures, and strong men like Lin Xiao and Zhou Kai were studying those passages, and no one noticed Mo Xian and Ding Rui at all.

"Follow me!" Ding Rui said softly, while slowly moving towards the Shengmen.

Mo Xian was taken aback for a moment, and quickly followed.

The two behaved very naturally, even if someone noticed them without a doubt, they probably would not have guessed that Ding Rui had already discovered the location of Shengmen.

After moving to Shengmen, Ding Rui looked around, saw that no one was paying attention to her, and immediately dodged in.

Mo Xian immediately followed, and the figures of the two gradually faded, and finally disappeared into the air.

Not long after they disappeared, the Lingbao was looted, and all the stone platforms merged with the ground, forming a huge picture.

The drawing is so disorganized that it doesn't seem to make any sense.

However, there is faint brilliance flowing in it, which looks very magical.

There was nothing left on this floor, and everyone's eyes were naturally on the 31 surrounding passages.

Of course, some people noticed the totem above the import, but they didn't know what it meant.

"These passages are exactly the same, how should I go?"

"There are 31 passages in total, just try them one by one."

"You are stupid, the ghost knows what is behind the passage, if there is something powerful, it will be gone forever."

Everyone was talking about it, but they didn't know that two of them had quietly disappeared on this floor.

Lin Xiao frowned and stared at the totem above the entrance. He instinctively realized that this totem was the key to unlocking the secrets of these passages.

He guessed that the 32 channels were arranged in a certain order, as long as he found the position of the totem in the arrangement, he could deduce the way to the second floor.

His idea was correct, but he didn't know the sequence of totem arrangement at all, which was also in vain.

After a long time, he rubbed his swollen head and glanced casually.

At first he didn't think it was unusual, after all, there were too many people here, and they were all still moving.

But soon, he realized that there seemed to be something different.

He was startled, and his eyes quickly moved slowly from the beginning to ensure that nothing was missed.

Gradually, his complexion became ugly, and finally turned livid.

Mo Xian and Ding Rui disappeared without a sound.

Lin Xiao was not stupid, of course he knew that Mo Xian and Ding Rui could not have gone out, nor could they have chosen a passage at random.

There is only one possibility, they successfully found the key and went to the upper floor.

"Damn it, we've all been tricked, so Mo Xian has already made preparations." Lin Xiao gritted his teeth.

He didn't deliberately lower his voice, so most people heard it.

Everyone looked around immediately, and sure enough, the figures of Mo Xian and Ding Rui were gone.

Everyone was at a loss, but Mo Xian and Ding Rui disappeared quietly, which immediately made them the object of condemnation by everyone.

No one would have expected that Mo Xian and Ding Rui would be the first to master the rules here, so they would be given an opportunity.

Because of this sudden change, the scene became a little noisy for a while.

"Shut up, everyone. With so many people, no one saw which passage they entered." Lin Xiao growled angrily with a livid face.

Everyone immediately fell silent, not daring to look at Lin Xiao at all.

"Trash, they're all trash." Lin Xiao's expression became even uglier immediately, he pointed at a person casually, and said, "Tell me, which passage that kid Mo Xian entered, I can't tell, I will make you regret appearing in In this world."

"I... I don't know!" The person who was pointed out immediately stammered.

"Then you can go to hell!" Lin Xiao grinned grimly, and clenched his palm suddenly, the person he touched immediately exploded into a pool of blood mist, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

This bloody scene made everyone's faces turn pale immediately, and they subconsciously shrunk their necks, like turtles shrinking their heads.

"You, tell me which passage they entered!" Lin Xiao pointed at another person and said.

" seems, it seems to be that one." The person pointed to a passage, tremblingly said.

He should be blind, but he happened to click on a passage next to the Shengmen.

"Are you sure?" Lin Xiao asked back.

"No... No, it seems to be another one." The person who was pointed to changed his mind immediately and pointed to another passage.

This time, it was a thousand miles away.

"Oh?" Lin Xiao nodded, and winked at the two followers beside him, "You guys, go and throw him into that passage."

Soon, the man was thrown into the passage.

Nothing happened at the beginning, but soon, his figure gradually faded and finally disappeared.

The others looked at him a little nervously, but they didn't have the slightest sympathy, some just gloated at his misfortune.

But when things happen to them, I don't know how they will feel.

"Did you succeed?"

After a while, there was no movement in the passage, and everyone immediately said happily.

But soon, the air in the center of this layer suddenly twisted, and then a figure slowly appeared, it was the person who was thrown into the passage before.

He looked quite embarrassed at this time, his face was a little dazed, and he didn't know what he had experienced.

"What's in the tunnel?" Lin Xiao asked in a deep voice.

"No... I don't know, I don't know anything, it's terrible, terrible, ah!" Hearing this, the man seemed to be crazy or crazy, speaking incoherently.

But obviously, the channel just now was wrong.

Lin Xiao frowned, and when he was about to continue looking for someone to try, Zhou Kai said, "Lin Xiao, don't show off your prestige here. Do you think it's so easy to try the real door?"

"Hmph, do you have any other solutions?" Lin Xiao snorted coldly.

"Since Mo Xian can go in, it means that there are rules in this passage. As long as we master the rules, we should be able to succeed." Zhou Kai said.

"Nonsense, who doesn't know there are rules." Lin Xiao said.

"I have a way to try to figure out this pattern, but you all have to listen to me." Zhou Kai said mysteriously.

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

"Okay, I'll just trust you once, what shall we do?" Lin Xiao said after pondering for a while.

"No hurry!" Zhou Kai smiled, then took out a huge piece of parchment, outlined it on the ground, and quickly drew out the basic structure of this floor, and then assigned numbers to each passage.

Everyone immediately gathered together and looked at Zhou Kai nervously.

On the other side, after Mo Xian and Ding Rui entered the passage, they appeared in another hall, which should be the second floor of Fengmo Palace.

There are also many stone platforms here, but the number is much smaller, and there are various things placed on them.

It's not Lingbao, but some inexplicable materials exuding mysterious fluctuations, with different colors, like stones.

As a blacksmith, Mo Xian had never heard of these things.

(End of this chapter)

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