Chapter 105

Han Wengong presented the Buddha bone to Biao Yuanhe in the first month of the spring of the 14th year, when Emperor Xianzong was promoted to the palace, a close minister said: "Today, there is an envoy holding an ivory box in his hand, and the box contains the Buddha bone. He wants to see your majesty." pleasant.Seeing that his body is less than five feet long, his face is like powder, and the crane's limbs loosen, he looks like a fairy.He is also a monk, who enters and worships the que.The emperor was amazed when he saw it, and his monk said: "I am from Leiyin Temple in Xitian, and I brought the Buddha's bone into China, and I beg your Majesty to appreciate it." The emperor said: "The long journey is not easy, and you have come here without hesitation. What is the fulfillment? "The monk said: "This bone has been handed down for a long time. Once opened in 30 years, the weather will be smooth and the country will be safe and peaceful. If your majesty does not believe it, you should open the box and see it." The light is ten thousand zhang, and the purple air is heavy.Hundreds of civil and military officials looked at it closely, and everyone cheered, saying that since ancient times and now, it is really rare.The emperor looked at it for a long time, Longyan was overjoyed, and then ordered all the officials to stand on the Wufeng tower, and led the same Qintian supervisor to worship day and night, burning incense and saluting.The monks sent Guanglu Temple to host a feast for hospitality.At that time, the emperor stayed in the second month of the ban, and sent the Buddha bone calendar to all the temples. From the princes to the scholars and the people, they looked forward to offering alms. .On that day, when the emperor was discussing with all the officials, he saw a minister in the squad, seven feet long, with thin eyes and long beard.The article started the decline of the Eight Dynasties, Dao aided the drowning of the world, loyally violated the wrath of the Eight Lords, and won the commander of the three armies.The official worships the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and he is also from Yongping Changli.The surname is Han, the name is Yu, and the character is Tuizhi.Going further into the "Admonishing the Buddha's Bone Table", the emperor looked at it on the imperial case, and the table said: "The one who subdues the Buddha is the ear of the barbarians."From the Yellow Emperor to Yu, Tang, Wen, and Wu, they all enjoyed longevity examinations, and the people were happy.At that time, there was no Buddha.During the time of Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty, Buddhism began to exist.Afterwards, chaos and death followed, and luck did not last long. Song, Qi, Liang, Chen, Yuan and Wei dynasties followed, and the Buddha became more and more serious, and the age became more and more serious. However, Emperor Wu of Liang reigned for 48 years, and he sacrificed his life three times as a slave of the temple, day and night. Meals are limited to vegetables and fruits, but Hou Jing forced him to starve to death in Taicheng, and the country was also destroyed.Serving the Buddha to seek blessings is even more calamity.From this point of view, it can be seen that the Buddha is not trustworthy.The common people are stupid, easy to be confused and difficult to understand. If you see your Majesty like this, you will say that the Son of Heaven is a great sage, and you still respect and believe with all your heart;The Buddha is a barbarian who doesn't know the righteousness of the monarch and ministers, the kindness of father and son. If he is still alive, he will come to the capital, and his majesty will accept him. environment, not to confuse the public.What's more, his body has been dead for a long time, and his rotten bones should be banned in the palace?Begging to use this bone to pay Yousi, cast it into water and fire, never stop the roots, stop the doubts of the world, and stop the confusion of future generations, so that people in the world know that the actions of the great sage are out of ordinary things, wouldn't it be great.If the Buddha has a spirit, he can make misfortunes and blessings, and if there are misfortunes and blames, he should be a minister.Look at the micro-words, examine the Buddha's bones in detail, and would like to hear about them.The emperor glanced at the watch and said angrily: "You have the heart of deceiving the emperor and the intention of taking power, so you have to break the Buddha's bones." He ordered to kill him.Pei Du and Cui Qun came in and said: "Han Yu's statement is rampant, and it is reasonable to add a crime; but he is loyal and filial, so there is something to be sympathetic to. If you kill him with a small word, will you not be able to block the way to remonstrance?" Emperor Said: "Use the law of the country to punish him. What's the point of remonstrance? And there are so many civil and military men in the Manchu Dynasty, how can it be a pity that one Han will be better."The emperor regarded it as Lin Guiye, a scholar of the Imperial Academy.Gui said: "The humble minister is old and old. It is my honor to return your majesty's purple robe and gold belt, and beg for the bones to be buried in the field." Gui said: "I see that Han Yu is His Majesty's favored minister, and I want to be buried in the court just because of the appearance of the Buddha bone. I see that this official is really difficult, so I resign, fearing that in the future, Han Yu will be punished like Han Yu, which will insult the saint meaning." Emperor's anger was relieved a little, and he demoted Yu to the governor of Chaozhou.At that time, scholar-bureaucrats talked about the introduction of Buddhism into China, which has become more and more popular since the Jin and Song Dynasties. From emperors to scholars and people, everyone respected it.The lower ones are afraid of sins and blessings, the higher ones can hardly talk about emptiness, and the only ones hate their wealth and confuse the crowd, so they try their best to exclude them.There is a poem in Liquan that praises it: "It is not true that the Buddha's bones are welcoming, and the harmony is accompanied by shadows to confuse the people."

Xianzong emptied himself of the art of longevity, and in vain regarded Zhongliang as a sycophant.

The emperor pardoned Han Yu from death and demoted him from Chaoyang.The special call is suffering, only one person is allowed, and the appointment is limited to one month.For example, after one day, the frontiers will be filled with troops; on the second day, orders will be beheaded; after three days, the whole family and nine clans will be slaughtered.The more he accepted the imperial decree, he returned to the house to say goodbye.The whole family had a farewell party, crying loudly at each other, unable to bear to be separated.Yu said: "To be loyal to my ministers and to be filial to my son is also my fate. How can I blame others?" With only Zhang Qian and his relatives, he got on his horse and left Chang'an that day. I stayed at Xiaoxing at night, but within ten days, I had already arrived in Lantian.The wind was strong, the snow was fluttering, and it was impossible to move forward, so Wen Gong wrote a poem about the snow immediately.Fu Yun: Jiangmei snow matches tea buds, and the pieces are like catkins.Dance with the wind into the paper window, mistaken for plum blossoms and zero jade trees.Snow, the Qiong Yao of the world, and the auspiciousness of the country.One piece is called feather; two pieces are called wind ears; three pieces are called accumulation; four pieces are called gathering; five pieces are called smallpox; six pieces are called six out.Snow also has rising, falling, flavor, and qi.Its breath can chill the universe under your eyes; its smell can grow the next year's crops, make up a lion and go downstairs.Tens of thousands of pear blossoms are all over the frame, and the jade butterfly cuts the yellow sand.Thousands of catkins fly, not poplar flowers, not plum blossoms.Poplar flower dance, sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance, plum blossom white.Or Jianfeng, or streamers.The cold wind and auspicious snow lock the horizon, how can a strong man increase his strength?It's hard to pull the string when bending the bow, and it's hard to hold the copper knife and the target.Light powder is spread on the dragon scale armor, and jade sand is sprinkled on the edge of the brocade robe.Poplar catkins fly on the tip of the spear, and pear blossoms dance on the flag carved with soap.There is also a poem about snow, which says: "Three winters are filled with snow, and the Yubao farmer's family will have a good year."

People in the Langmiao River and Lake have fun together, so you might as well drink before the feast.

After singing, the stronger the wind and snow, the people and horses all fell down, standing still.Zhang Qian said: "I died here! I have never seen that this place is inaccessible, there is heavy snow, and the path is comatose. What should I do?" Yu said: "I saw a woodcutter on the opposite mountain. Snow, let’s go tomorrow morning.” Zhang Qian said, “It’s so cold, is there still someone to collect firewood?” After a while, he called to his face, and asked him in the previous words, the woodcutter said, “Who are you? What's the matter here?" Yu said: "I am a minister of the court, I was relegated to Chaoyang, and I got lost in this mountain, and I offended my brother to show me the way forward." Suffering. It’s not far to Chaoyang, but the road ahead is rough and hard.” Yu said, “How difficult is it?” The woodcutter said, “I have a word, listen to me. The word said: If you go to Huangtu Gorge, you will be upside down. Step on the bottom cliff with your feet, pull the kudzu tree with your hands. The hands must be pulled firmly, and the feet want to stand. If you still lose your feet, I will send you to the rest of your life. Turn around a cliff and walk sideways. Turn another ridge, It's the meeting of tigers and wolves. After the woodcutter sings, he pretends to fall into a deep sleep, and lies down in the snow. Yu said: "This is the story of a fool and a ghost. How can you believe it. "At this time, the woodcutter saw that he was suffering from the cold, and he was so cold that he was unconscious and half-human. He ignored the other side, and suddenly turned into a gust of breeze and went away. The general critic: Han Yu is as good as a Buddha, more than loyal and understanding, and he is as powerful as Mencius Times. However, those who can’t move the confusion of the constitutional sect in the end will not explore the root of it, but just say that it is a disaster for the Buddha. It’s not a pity.

(End of this chapter)

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