Chapter 106

Han Wengong Xue embraced Languan. It turned out that Han Xiangzi was the son of Yu brother Min.Talented Ying Wu, abnormal body.At the age of fourteen, he returned to immortality after studying and traveling. Every time he was persuaded to abandon his job and practice, the more he refused to follow.The more you try to say that Languan is difficult, the more you don't understand what it means.As a result, Xiangzi specially blew up the wind and snowed, and the frightened test healed his heart, hoping that he would change his mind.He also turned into a woodcutter and came here, saying a few words, lying madly in the snow, showing the skills of the immortal family.On that day, Yu and Zhang Qian were on the way, almost dead from the snow.Suddenly, I saw a man playing a fishing drum with his hands and wearing a gourd on his waist, coming through the snow.The more nearsighted it is, it is Xiangzi.Yu said: "My nephew came to save me early! Today I am not frozen to death, I must have died." Xiangzi said: "My uncle used to be conceited. He sat on the back of the eaves and ate on the tripod. Why do you suffer so much today?" Yu said: "My fate is rough, and I suffer together, is it safe?" Xiangzi poured out countless wine and meat from the gourd, and the more he ate it.Xiangzi said: "Is this enough to show the skills of the immortal family?" Yu said: "This is a true skill." Xiangzi said: "I once recited two lines of poetry, do you remember?" Yu said: "I have forgotten it." Xiangzi Said: "Uncle once taught my nephew to plant flowers in an instant, with green peony blossoms, and fourteen gold characters: "Where is the home of Yunheng Qinling? The snow embraces the blue pass and the horse does not move forward." Today is the right thing to do, how dare you forget it Huh?" The more stunned he was, he asked where it was, and the neighbors replied: "This is called Lantian, the ridge in front of it is called Qinling, and the pass above the ridge is called Languan." The more enlightened he said, "My nephew is a true immortal. Also! With this foresight, I don’t want to follow it to practice?” I will combine the two sentences into a poem, and I will sigh to myself: A letter to the Nine Heavens in the morning, and demoted to Chaoyang Road in the evening.

This is for the sage to eliminate the bad government, and dare to cherish the dying years.

Where is Yunheng Qinling Home?Xueyonglanguan is not moving forward.

Knowing that you should be intentional from afar, so that you can reap the edge of the river.

After chanting, he called Xiangzi and said: "I have the heart to practice, and I dare not disobey the king's order. I am afraid that I will lose my position as a minister. I must take office to govern the people. After three years of examination, I can learn. You should return to Xiandong as soon as possible. Come again some other day." So the two parted ways.But it is said that as far as Chaozhou, the army and the people go out of Guoyuan to meet hundreds of miles away.The more you sit in the hall, the public officials and others come to see you.After a few days, Yu then issued a list to teach the people, persuaded the peasants to teach martial arts, and responded to money, grain, and lawsuits.On the same day when he was in the hall to discuss matters, a citizen Liu Kequ suddenly complained that his mother was eaten by a big fish and took revenge on his mother's behalf.The more he laughed, he said: "Killing people pay for their lives, of course. The fish live in the lake and sea, how will they pay for it? This matter is unknown, how can An Neng decide?"The official said: "The villain is near the seashore, and the crocodile is harmful. Its fish head is ox horns, with fire eyes and dragon scales. It has two wings on its gills, and its body is more than tens of feet long. It floats on the sea at two o'clock every noon, and eats people with its mouth open. In places far and near, when he blows his breath, he dies of miasma." The more startled he said: "This is a strange thing! This water monster is also. It is all because of corrupt officials and corrupt officials in the past, and the loss of herding love and morality, which caused the people to suffer from this viciousness. I There must be a sacrifice to obtain it.” The next day, they sent people to set up an incense table on the river bank, and displayed cattle and sheep sacrifices on the ground.Dressed in court clothes, holding an elephant wat in his hand, he came to sacrifice in person, ordered the left and right to read the sacrificial text, and after three libations of wine, he threw all the sacrificial objects into the water.Suddenly, I saw a big fish on the sea, coming over the waves, followed by countless small fish, floating on the water, raising their heads and opening their mouths, as if they seemed to be galloping.Everyone was terrified, and they shouted loudly on the shore: "No wonder you are rude! Here is the Heavenly Cao. I am the lord of a county, and I live indifferently. I only drink the water of Chaoyang and have no flattery. You are the king of the water tribe. , You should be upright, so that you can suppress your kind, why are you so evil? I am here to protect the people, why do you harm the people? From now on, we will divide the water and land, and we will not offend each other." After saying that, he threw a red pen Go, right in the mouth of the fish.The fish contained it, lowered its head and wagged its tail and went away.The waves are flat.Yu and all his followers returned to the yamen.There is a poem in Jingxuan that says: "Wen Gong is full of arrogance, and his aspirations become stronger when he is demoted."

There is no hope for the strong wind in the Qinling Mountains, but there is panic in the Languan when it encounters snow.

The crocodile recedes to show the righteousness, and the Buddha bone ushers in the seal.

The high winds through the ages should not fade away, and always follow the bright moon to shine on the Chaoyang.

After Han Yu sacrificed himself to the crocodile, the people of Chaoyang were safe forever.The more he governs civil affairs, the clearer his words and the simpler his lawsuits, the character Xianning.Later, in the fourth year of Changqing, the Duke died in his bed and was posthumously named Uncle Chang Li.The Chaozhou people felt its legacy, built temples for it, and enjoyed sacrifices at all seasons.General batch: When a gentleman establishes a dynasty, there is a large number of selection and rejection.If Weigong is demoted, how can the crocodile harm Chaoyang stop?Specially borrow the spirit of justice to ward off the ears.Isn't creation spontaneous?
(End of this chapter)

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