Chapter 19

Cong, the king of Xia in Jizhou City Quling, saw that he was cutting off Guanshou, and he was anxious to stop him. He entered the audience and said: "It is a great injustice to punish surrender and kill Shun. When the former ministers worshiped, Shou was a general in the army. He was sick at home and had no way out. , I had no choice but to bring down the bandits. Today's contribution should be widowed for ten generations." Jiande said: "It is unfaithful to eat his salary and kill his master; it is unrighteous to live in his land and dedicate his land. No I hate people who are loyal and unrighteous." Cong said, "If this person beheaded, it would not be the plan of the Anxia Kingdom." He urged him to avoid it.Jiande envoy Shou was still under Wang Cong's subordinates, and the officers and soldiers received their swords and were given official positions.

All the captive children were ordered to be released, and all the treasures were given to the soldiers.It is known from far and near that the king of Xia has the heart of not killing, and the people are convinced, and the states of Yi and Ding will submit to him after hearing the news.Jiande merged the two armies, and the troops were greatly strengthened, so they came to Jizhou.

But he said that the governor of Jizhou, surnamed Qu, was named Ling, and he was from Shangdu.He is courageous and has little ambition. He and Luo Yi, the general manager of the state, stick to their city and refuse to submit to Wei.Jiande destroys the knife, so that people recruit it, state the advantages and disadvantages, and tell the city that it will be difficult to defend because of the dead lips and cold teeth.Qu Leng wept and said: "I received the great kindness of the Sui Dynasty. I can't take revenge. Instead, I attached the city to others? I would rather kill the envoy, and Anken will be disloyal and unrighteous for this!"

Naturally, the integrity becomes stronger.

Jiande then led his troops straight to the city, ordered the soldiers to surround it on all sides, and attacked day and night.Qu Leng was holding a spear and straddling a steed, and was about to go out of the city to meet the enemy, when suddenly he saw a person flashing out from under the steps, with a celestial spirit, a crane cloak and a star crown, he stepped forward and laughed repeatedly.Qu Leng said, "Why are you laughing at me?"

The man said: "Shanxiao, you and others have no pupils and don't know people. Someone has the art of repelling the enemy, so that people will go without fighting. Why don't you ask me?" Everyone regarded it as Cui Shixing, the grandson of Cui Xian in the Sui Dynasty.

Leng said: "What thaumaturgy is there that can defeat the enemy?" Shi Xing said: "A certain person once met a stranger in Wushi Mountain, taught three volumes of Yin Shu, and learned the method of driving troops. Above can call the wind and rain, and below can drive ghosts away God, in the middle can make people seek good fortune and avoid evil. Using this to defeat the enemy, you don't need to draw a bow, arrow, or just write amulets and read mantras. In just a few days, the attacker will be defeated." People on the left and right heard it, and they all said that it is rare in the world.Leng said: "If we can do this technique, we will be safe." So he stopped fighting and ordered the altar to be divided into three levels.On the first floor, there are six Ding Liujia gods, and the emperor's seat is neutral.On the second floor, there are 28 suns, moons and nine suns, each holding weapons.On the third floor, the five mountains and four ruins divide the Kyushu.It is divided into 24 directions, with 24 Qi and 72 waiting soldiers.On that night, we set up a sacrificial offering, entered into chapters and scriptures, and stopped leaving Qu Ling to worship on the altar.During the performance, he took off his Taoist clothes, wore a cloth crown on his head, tied a hemp rope around his waist, wore straw hats on his feet, and held a cane in his hand. He climbed the city to the north, wept to the sky, and recited the divine mantra secretly.Then all the women in the city, regardless of age, were ordered to hold on to the ridge of the roof, take off their skirts, open their hands, look up at the Jiande army, and cry loudly, saying that the method of using yin to suppress yang.

Someone reported to Jiande a long time ago, and Jiande said: "This is an evil illusion. Qu Leng is an idiot, and he was tempted by it. Now that the soldiers are approaching the city, they are about to reach the edge of Hao. How can they use this technique to defeat the enemy? It is expected that there will be fear in the city, and there will be no defense. The best strategy is to attack quickly." On the left side at dusk, the sergeants marched forward, attacking from all sides, shouting loudly, and the torches shining like daylight.Qu Leng was in the city, and the governor was in dire straits, so he put on his clothes and led the soldiers to fight.Fulfilling his insistence and persuading him, he said: "Don't worry, you will achieve great success tonight, and the thieves will be defeated. Don't come out and mess with my skills. Soldiers, don't be frightened." Qu Leng followed him and delayed until midnight.Jiande selected more than [-] soldiers who dared to die, and they rushed up the ladder. When the guns rang out, they shouted and killed, and all the soldiers lined up on the city.Jiande recruited and shouted, "Lord Xia has already ascended the city." The defenders of the city abandoned each other and left, causing great chaos in the city.Jiande seized the city gate and clamored for entry.At this time, the executioner was still calling the sky on the tower, and was about to run, but was thwarted to death by the soldiers and thrown under the city.When it was dawn, all the soldiers were flocked to the tent by Qu Leng.

Received by Jiande, he personally released his shackles and suppressed his shock with wine. He called Qu Leng and said: "I am a minister of the Sui Dynasty. I will not rebel with everyone, but stand alone and never surrender. I am a true loyal minister. I will pardon your sins and return to help me. Rejuvenate the kingdom of Xia." Leng said: "Today the world is raging, and the people are in dire straits. Your Majesty has the heart to save the country and save the people. I feel that I will not kill you. I wish to be the Lord of benevolence and righteousness, so as to bring peace to the world." Then he surrendered to Jiande.Jiande was overjoyed, he sealed Leng as an internal history, and still gave him fifty gold, still treating him with generous gifts.Li Quan's poem says: Jiande meritorious service is strong in all battles, and he is granted the title of internal historian Bai Zhongliang.

Fulfilling illusions is like a child's play, how can you know that military merits will prosper from generation to generation.

Since Jiande gained Qu Ling, he talked about military affairs all day long, and respected him very much.Leng asked Jiande to attack Luo Yi, so Jiande sent Liu Heikai to lead the troops to go straight to the city of Honzhou and set up a camp.

But Luo Yi said that Luo Yi was in the city, and he ordered the soldiers to guard him, and closed the city gate firmly, but he just didn't come out.Hei Kai insulted him outside the city, and he couldn't fight all day long.Jiande soldiers came after Renbao, and Hei Kai met him, saying that Luo Yi was closed, so he refused.Jiande said: "Luo Yi's troops are poor and there is no one to fight. It is time to attack with all our strength and cannot be delayed. I am afraid that the veterans of the division will be exhausted and it will be difficult to win.

Hei Kai said: "I heard that there are still many people and horses in the city, and the four gates are so strong that it may be difficult to break through quickly."It is convenient for a certain desire to move from time to time. " Jiande scolded him and said: "There is no plan for the general, and the time will be extended. Once our soldiers arrive, we will wait for the city to be broken. How can we move after the time?" " So he drank back the black door, and ordered every team of soldiers on the four sides to set up ladders and attack the city.

Unexpectedly, artillery and rockets were fired on the city, and the ladders were exhausted, and the arrows and stones rained like rain. They couldn't stand, so they had to retreat to the city.Jiande arranged for hundreds of vehicles to rush forward with clamor and clamor.

Yi hurriedly ordered the iron lock to penetrate the iron hammer, and flew around the city to break the car.No matter how hard it is, the city cannot be broken.Jiande was very irritable. Cao Dan went to the tent and said: "The big soldiers and horses have lived under the city for a long time. I am afraid that the enemy will see our army slack. They will open the city at night and attack the camp. If they are unprepared for a while, they will be murdered. The strategy of attacking the city Small, the strategy of precaution is great, please think about it, Your Majesty." Jiande said angrily, "I have been invincible since I launched an army in Hejian. It is so difficult to measure this lonely city! Luo Yi heard my name and his heart was broken. How dare he go out of the city? Robbing my camp? Don't make false plans to discourage the army." Then he shouted back Cao Dan.Deng Wenxin heard Dan's words and said urgently: "Those who win and will be arrogant and lazy will surely lose. Today's soldiers have been lazy for a long time. Although the art soldiers are besieged in the city, they have been blunt and sharp for days. It's not wrong to say anything." Jian Deyi didn't listen.

That night, Luo Yiguo ordered Xue Wanche and Wanjun brothers to open the gate of the city, lead the three armies, secretly divide into two groups, and come to Xiazhai after they have eaten their fill.

While Xia Bing was fast asleep, Luo Yi sent a secret order to the general, and with the sound of a cannon, the golden drum vibrated and entered the summer camp.

When the soldiers came at night, it was like the sky collapsing and the earth sinking, like landslides and seas boiling.At this time, Jiande was carrying wine and could no longer get up. He hugged him left and right, covered him and walked away.Wen Xin hurriedly followed, without getting on his horse, the first general who entered the Chinese army was Xue Wanche.Wen Xin was caught off guard, and was slashed under the banner of the sect by Wan Che.Later historians have a poem saying: "Wen Xin joined the army to fight the banner of righteousness, and at the beginning of the Xia Dynasty, the hearts of the people returned."

Just because he didn't understand the tactics of arrogant soldiers, the swords at the Yuanmen flew in vain.

When Wen Xin was punished, all teams ran in panic and trampled on each other. Jiande and Heikai couldn't stop them, so they had to abandon the camp and flee.Killed until dawn, corpses littered the field, donkeys and horses filled the river.Luo Yi won a big victory and returned to the city clamoring.I don't know how Jiande leads the army?
General comment: King Xia has the heart not to kill. Wouldn't the people near and far be pleased with him?Even though Cui Xun was able to write talismans, it was only an illusion. Qu Leng wanted to rely on it to retreat from the enemy, but it would be difficult not to restrain him.If Luo Yi can't stick to it, and the momentum is not broken, if we follow Cao Dan's words, how can Wen Xin die unexpectedly?
(End of this chapter)

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