Chapter 20

Liu Heikai made Fan Yuan Jiande out of his wits and came to Henan to collect the defeated soldiers, and lost most of them.Hei Kai said: "The sun has been stalemate with the bandits for more than a hundred days, and the city is difficult to take down. It is better to pack up the defeated troops, return to Leshou temporarily, gather up the armor, and then attack again." Jiande said: "Today's defeat, all It is a pity that Wen Xin died unexpectedly because he was alone in deceiving the enemy. If he had listened to what the king said earlier, he would not have suffered such a loss.

"That is to say, lead the soldiers back to return the happy life, and all the officials welcome them in. After the court meeting is over, they enter the harem. When Cao Hou meets him, he says: "Your Majesty should be able to use the weak to make the strong, and if you win a little, you will be arrogant. Therefore, the loss of the three armies is not taken as a warning, and concubines and others have nothing to trust. Jiande said: "Zitong's words are true, and I will take them seriously in the future." Empress Cao said: "According to my concubine's opinion, Your Majesty will immediately issue an edict to remove his honorary title, reduce his imperial diet and plain robes and white horses, and send funerals with the deceased, and give them to his family members in a week."Reward the merits and replace the crimes, so as to reassure the hearts of the people, build up vigor, and then attack the army.Xu is so fierce that the generals are all invincible. "Build morality and follow it. The next day rewards meritorious deeds and crimes, and those who are not in the king's affairs will set up meat sacrifices.

Suddenly it was reported that Ling Jing had returned to the court, and Jian Dexi said: "Zi Su is back, and I can help you." That is to say, Jing was called in and asked, "Qing is far away now, and I don't know how to recruit talents?" Jing said: "My minister Under the strict order of the king, I visited Yang Yichen. Seeing that the king came to seek revenge, he agreed generously, but he asked the king to follow three things." Jiande said: "What are the three things?" Jing said: "One is not to be a minister to Xia; two I don't reveal his name, but he has been captured and killed three times, and I hope that the king will return to the field." Jiande said: "If you conquer from me, you will be my minister; if you can help me with all your heart to hunt down thieves, why not tolerate it." Jing said: "" Farewell to the righteous ministers, there was a secret order that if the king of the church gets the help of this person, he will not worry about being destroyed or not being destroyed." Jiande asked who he was, and Jing whispered in his ear, but only a few words, Jiande repeatedly sighed and said: "Although Sun Wu of the Warring States Period, Zhang Liang of the Han Dynasty, and Zhuge Liang of the Shu Dynasty are no more than this."

In the early morning of the next day, after the worship and dancing of the officials, Jiande summoned General Liu Heita and said: "Yesterday, King Qin of the Tang Dynasty wrote to borrow [-] shi of grain to supply the military reserve.

I am now joining forces with the Tang Dynasty to fight against thieves. It is a country of brothers, so I must borrow it.You and Ling Jing assembled an army of [-] vehicles to store grain and materials, and the two led soldiers to escort them, and paid halfway, so as not to lose anything. "The two took the order to leave. Ling Jing said: "Nowadays, thieves are proliferating, and you and the military need to be careful.They all dressed up as civilian husbands, and carried military uniforms with them. They were ordered to cover the food and grass, and kept secrets so that no one could see them. Violators would be punished according to the law. "The order has been completed, and the grain trucks set off. In a few days, they have reached the border of Cao and Puzhou.

But it is said that there is a thief leader Fan Yuan in Taihang Mountain, who calls himself Taiwang Feihu, and has three thousand minions under his command, all of whom are brave men. suffer from.Every time I worry about the lack of food, I am afraid of losing the people, so I was discussing the strategy of looting with the people in the stronghold that day. Very easy." Fan Yuan put his hand on his forehead and said, "It's a good time. I'm short of food. This is God's gift to me. Getting this help is like getting water from a dead fish." Even if the three thousand thieves all came together to grab the food In the car, one person approached and made a wish, saying: "A certain person is going to visit, and there is no need for 3000 people to go. It can be seen that he has ten peasants in each car and hauls 2000 cars, but there are only 2000 people, all of whom are farmers. Shout out and scatter separately, only five hundred is enough." Yuan said: "You don't know how to get the grain carts to come to the stronghold if you are a husband of scattered people and don't fight against us."If so, [-] people must go. "Everyone obeyed their orders and ran happily.

Just at dusk on the left side, there was a sound of cannon, and all the soldiers rose up. The outpost reported: "The grain carts have been inserted into the camp, and the grain transporters are all sleeping in the middle, and they don't call or shout. Please don't worry, your majesty. Fan Yuan was overjoyed, and hurriedly drove his soldiers forward, heading straight for the car camp.There was silence all around, and no one spoke.When all the thieves took off the covered carts and the reed mats, they were all empty, and all the Xiemen in the camp were dressed in felt clothes, and no one was inside.Fan Yuan knew he had been tricked, complained repeatedly, pulled his horse and left.Only four gunshots were heard, and there were about 2000 Xia soldiers, all of whom were encircled, trapping Fan Yuan's [-] men and horses in Gaixin, unable to get out.When it was already dark, a general flashed out, with an iron helmet on his head, silver scales on his body, and a big ax in his hand, shouting like thunder.A native of Yixiang in Puzhou, his surname is Liu and his surname is Heikai. He is the chief general of Jiande's subordinates.He reined in his horse and shouted: "Fan Yuan, the grass thief, get off your horse and surrender!" Fan Yuan was furious, holding a steel knife, and went straight for the black door.The black gun came to meet him with a straight axe, and the two fought more than fifty times, regardless of the outcome.Suddenly, a man from Xia's formation came on a galloping horse: "Please rest your horse, the second general, and I will make peace with the two of you."

So they separated from the left and right, and each fronted the battle, wishing to say: "Who is coming?" The answer: "I am Xia Guojiu Ling Jing." The wish said: "How do you make peace with the offerings?" It is like a tiger trap, although it has two wings, it is difficult to fly out, it is useless to work hard, it is better to abandon the evil and return to the righteous, follow the Lord Xia to fight against him, avenge Emperor Yang, give the official title of Xiezhi, and paint Lin Pavilion, isn't it better than falling grass to become a bandit? " Yuan said: "The words of sacrificial wine are so good, I don't know if Lord Xia will accept it?" Jing said: "Lord Xia forgets his grudges and seals his enemies, recruits talents and recruits, what is not tolerated." Fan Yuan listened and discarded Dao rolled the saddle, got off the horse and surrendered. A total of two thousand thieves were disarmed and Luo Bai.The wish said: "I would like to invite the two princes to return to the village together, and the rest of the men will set off together.

"Jing said: "General Liu went to the stronghold with his feet. I led a few people to Leixia Zezhong, and invited Yang Taiservant to meet with you. "The three walked away from each other.

But it is said that since Yang Yichen said goodbye to Ling Jing, he looked up at the sky outside the door every night, and suddenly saw Taiyi entangled in the Zousu on the northwest.When the star faded and the righteous minister was delighted, he said to the family boy: "The time of death is approaching, you quickly pack up your weapons. I will kill the thief and avenge my master." , Yichen received him, sat down and asked about tea, Ling Jing got up and said, "I am here to invite you by order of Master Xia. I have already agreed to the three things that the servant said." Yichen said, "Have you ever received the thief Fan Yuan?" To tell the truth, Yichen was overjoyed, so he set up wine to be respected, and told his family: "Diligently work on farming and mulberry. I will come back here after I go for a month." They left Lei Xia the next day, and the two walked down the mountain. , Fan Yuan led a group of people into the stronghold to meet each other.I would like to host a feast for the three of them, and after drinking for several rounds, Ling Jing said: "Do you know about the fraudulent use of grain carts and the secret capture of generals?" The eunuch’s plan is all about soldiers. The eunuch knows well the general’s courage and the soldiers’ quality, so he wants to take the general, fight with him, and avenge the king.” Fan Yuan panicked and bowed to the righteous minister. Said: "I am waiting for the Philippine talents, and I am willing to use the power of dogs and horses to fight against the old general." The righteous minister was pleased with him and ordered Fan Yuan: "The children who were robbed from far and near in the village will be released and given travel expenses. Every time they lose their homes. "Fan Yuan followed his words, burned the cottage that day, led 7000 troops, left Caozhou, and went to Leshou to see Lord Xia.Liquan has a Shiyun car full of military reserves, and Fan Yuan in Caozhou is very powerful.

Seeing the food, Fei Fei couldn't give up, so General Ma got a clever plan.

Xie Zhuxuan, the virtuous song of the Song Dynasty, praised Yichen's poem: "The three-foot long spring is full of fear, and the golden saddle is roaring in the box."

Today, I will go to Liaocheng to kill the treacherous ministers and sing triumphantly.

The four of them came to Leshou, leaving only Yichen to stay in the post.Ling Jing, Hei Kai, and Fan Yuan first came to see Jiande and presented their treasures.Jiande asked where the treasure came from, and Jing will explain in detail the matter of recovering Fan Yuan. The 7000 people accompanying him and this treasure are all owned by Fan Yuan.

Jiande was overjoyed and rewarded again.Jiande said: "Zisu invited Yang Yichen, was he willing to come?" Jing said: "He has rested in the post outside the city. I guess this person once fought against His Majesty, and he refused to give in. He has a lack of heart. If he doesn't do it today The holy driver received him from afar, and he gave generous gifts, fearing that he would not feel at ease and could not make the best use of his talents." Jiande said, "What you have seen is very clear." So he prepared his car and led all the officials out of the city to meet him.Jiande sees righteous ministers in the post, with thick eyebrows and white hair, and a crane cloak and star crown. He is indeed the leader of the team that helps the universe together, and has the image of establishing a country and a peaceful state.The emperor and his ministers were overjoyed to receive them.The righteous minister bowed down to Jiande, and Jiande replied with half a courtesy.The righteous minister said: "The minister of the subjugated country, I deeply feel that the king has come to call, and dare to accept the gift of worship." Jiande said: "The lonely man who knows the loyalty of the servant, 'will do harm. The lonely is the Lord of Xia, and the Qing is the Sui Dynasty. Minister, honors and titles vary, respect the virtue of the servant." Yichen said: "I hope that the king will be kind to the sacrifice of wine."

Jiande said: "If you want to win the trust of the world by speaking alone, you will be willing to destroy yourself." The righteous minister said: "The thief who transforms and murders the rebellion. Although I go to all kinds of waters and fires, I will definitely go to seek him. This is too late; I will return to hermit In the field, I am only merciful." Jiande said: "If you are punished, you must follow the public will." The righteous minister said: "I am now going to and from labor, and I want to stay in my old friend Ling Jing's private house. [That] evening will be beneficial. I hope Your Majesty, Qingyu, pardons the crime of rebellion." Jiande said: "I follow the meaning of the step, and don't stick to it alone."

General comment: Empress Cao wanted to have a few words of mourning with the deceased, so she found a way to motivate the soldiers.Hei Liu Heikai took an empty cart of two thousand shi, and Yi Fan Yuan came to snatch it. The plan was really good.The death of Ling Jing came to make peace, but he just wanted to accept Fan Yuan and attack the enemy together.A righteous minister must agree to the three things before going out, how can he go out?

(End of this chapter)

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