Chapter 2

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty visited Jiangdu with troops and horses. After several months, the sentinel reported that Jiangdu was near.The emperor glanced at its mountains and rivers; if it is a land of immortals and a prosperous place, he is delighted.Living in the palace, Gu called his close ministers and said: "Empress Xiao always called Yangzhou a beautiful place. Today, Gu Kun believes that it is the three islands in the world, and Penglai in the present world. Although Chang'an is called Shenjing, it is very different. I don't know what else, there is more fun. Is it there?" Yu Shinan said: "There is no place in the world as beautiful as Jiangdu; however, from the perspective of my ministers, although there are many palaces, they are not beautiful, and they are not good enough to be a saint. The craftsmen painted and decorated five-color dragon patterns, so that the mountains and mountains are so green that they rise out of the sky, flying in the pavilion and flowing with pills, and there is no land below. It is so magnificent that your majesty will have fun when you travel." The emperor was overjoyed when he heard that he ordered the Yi tribe of Fengde to quote More than [-] craftsmen built and repaired the pavilions.Deyi takes orders, even if the craftsmen run them.Sure enough, it will happen soon, and one will be built, named Wangyuntai.The height of the stage can be seen three hundred miles, and the audience can accommodate thousands of people.The built imperial garden covers more than one hundred miles in a week, and the front and back flower pavilions are lined up, planting exotic flowers and plants, and keeping monsters and rare birds.It also draws the water of Taihu Lake to circle around the front of the flower pavilion and pass it by boat.There is Xianglai Creek on the left, and Baihuazhou on the right. It must be three autumns and nine summers, and the fragrance of flowers is endless.He also ordered Yu Wenkai to build more than ten Shuhui Building, Yingbin Pavilion, Linshui Pavilion, Baxian Cave, Buyun Bridge, Wanyue Platform, Muxi Pavilion, Tumi Garden, and Linxi Pavilion, which cost a huge amount of tens of thousands.However, those who had admonishment were beheaded to show the public, and the officials were afraid and dared not speak again.Ri and Xiao Hou swim on the Wangyun Terrace, and there are dozens of beauties who are good at singing and dancing, and they are listed on the side of the seat.Even when he is addicted to wine and sex, he ignores political affairs, but puts entertainment first.Whenever the spring is harmonious, it will be rewarded in the Yanyou Hall, and dozens of concubines will hug and accompany each other, wandering around the Peony Pavilion and the peony garden.There is a pavilion at five steps, and a pavilion at ten steps. There is a feast at every pavilion, and singing at every pavilion. The music of silk and bamboo is endless.Looking back at the beauty of the flowers, the emperor folded several branches and inserted them on the temples of Empress Xiao. Observe it with a minister, and then look at the flower, how can you be charming." Emperor Dayue took the wine and erected it inside, because he was good at observing the appearance of flowers.Liquan's poem says: In spring, there are hundreds of flowers in the garden, and the scenery is bright and green with red.

The joys and entertainments of the past are gone today, teach people to write and complain about the east wind.

Xia Ze drove a light boat with flutes and drums to enjoy the lotus in the Linshui Pavilion.The concubine was ordered to pick lotus in naked clothes in the pool, and made them play and dance among themselves, sing the song of picking lotus, and persuade them with blue tubes when they were drunk. The emperor and empress Xiao clapped their hands and laughed.In hot weather, go to the Eight Immortals Cave, and enjoy feasting in the cool place of the iceberg and snow threshold.Now that he was drunk, he had sex with the concubine and did everything, and the sex scene was over all day long.Liquan's poem says: Dozens of concubines went to pick lotus, and danced in front of the emperor naked.

Get up and stand in a leisurely place, believing that the toad palace was exiled and descended to the immortals.

In autumn, you will be in the Pinnacle Palace, enjoying the Moon Tower, singing songs at night, and enjoying endless feasts; or looking forward to the scene of yellow chrysanthemums welcoming the frost at the Osmanthus Pavilion.The emperor liked to shoot, and every time he asked the palace people to hold their bows and arrows, he suddenly saw a group of geese flying in front of the pavilion. .After saying that, the geese landed early at the sound of the bowstring.All the attendants congratulated, and they knew that the emperor had the means to penetrate Yang with a hundred steps.Li Quan's poem says: Frosty yellow chrysanthemums bloom in three autumns, and the joy of playing with the moon and climbing the building is endless.

Reminiscing about the joys and joys of the past is like a dream, who is worried about falling flowers all over the ground.

In winter, he hides in the Cangchun Pavilion and sits with the stove behind him.Gong'e is surrounded by the side, and the singer sings and dances in front of the female opera.On frosty nights and snowy nights, the emperor would wear fox fur and order dozens of concubines to lead chariots to search for plum blossoms.If you encounter a rough and dangerous road, or a place where the car track is impassable, then you can return.Liquan's poem says: Meixue contends for spring and wax is thick, and Sui emperor's car leaves the palace.

The beauty does not hesitate to face the face, and once braved the ruggedness.

At that time, the emperor was happy and forgot to return, ignored the state affairs, and died in five days.Although there are many happy places, they become tired after a long time. Whenever I am traveling, I look around and look around, but I don’t know where I am going.But I asked the ministers: "I suffer from the extreme heat in midsummer. I want to choose a resort and build a palace to escape the summer heat. I don't know where to go. You and others who are interested will play it for me." Shi Yuwenkai's writing skills are particularly strong Jing, then made a picture of the world's mountains and rivers, the situation, and the situation. He guided the emperor and said: "I look at the world, and they are distributed in Kyushu. The geography is different. In terms of its scenic spots, there is nothing like Fenzhou. The terrain of Fenzhou is flat and flat. When building a palace, make sure it is tall and grand. If you get the East and West Terraces and connect them with the roads, you will make it exquisite in all directions, and the eight winds will flow in. Your Majesty can escape the summer heat, so why not be happy." Emperor Ran said.So Yu Wenkai was sent to tell the world to ask for timber and send it to Fenzhou.The restoration envoy Feng Deyi led two hundred good craftsmen to build the Li Palace.It takes one year of operation to achieve success.Its circumference is two hundred miles, the front hall is five hundred steps from east to west, and twenty feet from north to south.Five steps to the first floor, ten steps to one pavilion, from His Royal Highness to the north of Fenyang and the south of Pingyao.The roads of its pavilions are so fast that it can accommodate a walking horse; the pavilion of the Qionglou Pavilion is extremely colorful, just like the style of the first emperor Afang.Compared with Gongcheng, although the clouds escape the summer heat, every autumn and winter, the emperor also plays in his palace ears.The official historian has a poem that says: The first emperor built Afang indiscriminately, and Emperor Yang set up far away from the palace.

Since the two monarchs are one, it is said that they died soon.

At that time, the emperor was in the palace of Fenyang, and he had feasts day and night, enjoying himself to the fullest, ignoring his state affairs at all, and even paying tribute to other countries, the emperor did not know.But if something happens, it will be paid for.So tired to summon King Yuan of Gaoli to enter the court, Zhongshu Shilang Pei Ju said: "Gaoli is secluded in the corner of the sea, and it is a country sealed by Jizi. Since the Han and Jin Dynasties, all the subjects of China have been counties. Today it is not Minister, the late emperor also wanted to conquer for a long time, and his hatred was too weak. Today, the country is rich and the army is strong, and security can not be taken." The emperor heard that he was very happy and said: "What you said, the ambition of Anbang is very much in line with my wishes." That is to say, with all the ministers In the discussion, it is said that the imperial conquest must be carried out by the emperor, and the army must be suppressed in order to win.On that day, the emperor first sent a mission to Youzhou, and ordered Yuan Hongsi, the general manager, to go to Henan, Huainan, and Jiangnan to build 10 military chariots for carrying armor, Henan and Hebei for military supplies, and to Haikou in Donglai Three hundred ships were built to prepare for water battles.Its officials and supervisors stood in the water day and night without rest, and maggots were born from the waist down, and the number of dead was tens of thousands.All the soldiers in the world will be dispatched to Zhuojun.From the south of the Jianghuai River, the peasants and ships transported to Liyang, and the rice from the warehouses in Luokou was transported to Zhuojun.The size of the ship, end to end, more than a thousand li.The armor and the tools of attack carried in it travel to and from the Tao.Counting [-] people, the dead are sleeping together, the world is in turmoil, and thieves are flocking.As for the festivals of the towns, they are also in chaos with each other according to the land they guard.At that time, the thieves often gathered in the mountains and forests to invade and plunder the prefectures and counties.General approval: The construction of Efang was caused by the chaos of the first emperor.The emperor traveled to the capital of Xingjiang, and recreated the palace to escape the summer heat. It was extremely luxurious, and it was the continuation of the collapse of the Qin Dynasty.The government of the country is ignored, but the task is to conquer Goryeo, so that the world is in turmoil, and thieves are swarming, and it is often possible to play games in four seasons?

(End of this chapter)

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