Chapter 3

When Dou Jiande killed Guo Xuan, he first said that a person whose surname was Dou and whose name was Jiande was from Zhangnan, Beizhou.His family background is a farmer, he is extremely talented, and he spares money through righteousness.From time to time, some villagers lost their relatives, and they were too poor to be buried. Jiande was plowing the fields.Suddenly one night, the thieves robbed his house. Jiande knew it, so he stood under the house and waited for the thieves to enter the house. He killed the two thieves immediately, and the rest dared not enter.The thief asked for his corpse, and Jiande said: "You can tie a hemp rope away." The thief is to [bend] the rope, and Jiande is to tie the corpse himself, so that the thief can drag it out.Seeing that the robbers had gone, Jiande caught up with him and killed several people again, so he became famous.In the seventh year of Daye, when Emperor Yangdi [Xing] attacked Liao, Jiande supplemented the captain.The second time I wanted to do it, a man in Huiyi, surnamed Sun, named Anzu, was captured by the county magistrate for stealing sheep from the people's house, and Anzu was whipped and humiliated.An Zunai went straight into the guard with a knife and assassinated the county magistrate, no one dared to be the front.An Zu hides in Jiande's house.At that time, there was a famine in Shandong, and thieves flocked. Jiande and An Zumou said: "In the past, when Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty was strong, the world was strong, and millions of people were sent to conquer Liaodong, but they were still defeated. Today, floods and droughts are disasters, and the power of the people is withered. The lord Don't care about the hardships of the people, but personally drove to conquer Liao; and in the past years, when he went to the west, he never returned once every ten times; now that the scars are not healed, and the army is sent again, the human relationship is dangerous and easy to be shaken. If the husband is not dead, he should make contributions to the world, and he is not in exile. What a captive! I heard that the Gaoji Po is hundreds of miles wide, and the reeds are in the way, and you can take refuge. Now that you have suffered such a catastrophe, you have nowhere to hide, and you have nowhere to hide. It is better to go out privately at your leisure, bury, kill and loot, it is enough Self-sufficiency. Because we can gather heroes and watch the changes of the times, we can make a big plan." An Zu said: "This statement is very suitable for me, and I want to do so." Jiande recruited hundreds of rascals and ordered Anzu to lead them. Entering the high chicken park is a thief.Anzu's name is Moyanggong, and sometimes there are people from Qi County named Zhang and Jin, who also gather more than ten thousand people, and they live between the rivers and the Zhu, robbing the villagers, and doing a lot of harm.There was also a man named Gaoming Shida from Juxian County who gathered more than a thousand soldiers and stationed them on the Qinghe River.Several thieves came and went to Zhangnan from time to time, plundered and killed people, burned village gatherings, and dared not enter the countryside of Jiande.It is suspected that Jiande is connected with thieves, so they do not offend each other.On that day, the county officials found out about it, so they captured Jiande's family and killed them.From Jiande to Hejian, when they heard that their family members had been killed, they led more than 7000 people under their command to escape into the bandits' village and defected to Shida.Shida called himself the Duke of Donghai and took Jiande as his soldier.In less than ten days, Anzu killed thousands of people for Jin Cheng, and all of them returned to Jiande. Gathering together for prosperity, there will be more than [-] people, still guarding Gaojibo.Being able to treat people wholeheartedly, share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers, and let the people fight for attachment and die for them.The imperial court made many conquests, and the momentum became more and more fierce, and none of them came to fruition. They also sent Guo Xuan, the general guard of Zhuojun County, with [-] troops, to come to punish the thieves.Gao Shida was shocked when he heard about it. He knew that he was not as smart as he was, and he was afraid that things would not work.Jiande wanted to design a plan to subdue the bandits, so he asked Shi Da to say: "Your Majesty, I will lead the rest of the people to guard the luggage and must not move. I will choose seven thousand elite soldiers and go directly to meet the enemy's officers and soldiers. I have a plan to kill Guo Xuan." Whisper to Shida's ear, you can do this.Shida was overjoyed, and immediately took the captive, pretended to be Jiande's wife, and killed him.Jiande led [-] troops by night, rushed out of the village, and shouted loudly.When Shida heard this, he led his troops to chase after him, but returned before he could make it.But he said that Jiande sent someone to introduce Guo Xuan, and said: "Gao Shida boasted of his ability and killed my wife. He was humiliated by her, and he led more than [-] of his subordinates to reform their evil ways and turn themselves into righteousness. They voted for Duke Ming and surrendered their crimes. The pursuers have reached this point, and I would like to serve as the vanguard in the front and kill Shida, contribute to the imperial court at the top, and avenge my wife at the bottom." Guo Xuan said: "Since you have come to surrender, you are willing to be in the front. I don't know how the thief is true?" Jiande: "Brave men, I have led them to surrender. Shida's subordinates only have more than [-] old and weak people, so they are not to be feared. I will lead the troops out and capture them all at once, so as to atone for the past and avenge the new." Guo Xuan was overjoyed, so he accepted his surrender and held a feast for them, and the two drank happily.The next day, Shi Da came to fight in front of the battle.Guo Xuan urgently called Jiande to discuss.Jiande happily put on his clothes and led the troops out.At this time, Guo Xuan entrusted Jiande as his confidant, and without any equipment, he also led people to follow Jiande to the boundary of Changhe to set up a camp.On the left side of the third watch, Jiande had led his own troops back to rob Guo Xuan's camp. There was a turbulent force, killing people suddenly, and there was no one who knew inside and outside.Suddenly I heard the shouting and shaking, the man was not as good as the armor, and the horse was not as good as the saddle.Jiande slaughtered for a while, beheaded thousands of troops and won thousands of horses.Guo Xuan panicked and led dozens of horsemen back.After Jiande, the flying horse chased him and killed him in the plain, led the troops back to the stronghold, and offered his head to Shida.Shida was overjoyed, slaughtered cattle and horses, and rewarded laborers and soldiers.At that time, there was Douzi (Lu Kang) in the east of the plain.Wen Jiande defeated Guo Xuan, and the bandits led each other, and they all came to join them, and the sound of the soldiers was loud.Jiande and Zhang Jin claimed the various territories and invaded and plundered the land of Hebei.Although the generals of the Sui Dynasty went on conquests, they were defeated and died one after another, and the people were frightened and scattered.The officers and soldiers cannot be the masters, and each of them gathers the crowd to follow the bandits.Looking at this in Liquan, there is a poem that says: Dragons and tigers have been fighting for many years, and suddenly the clouds and the dark sky are covered.

The grass and trees have no rain and dew for a hundred years, and the mountains and rivers are changed by thousands of books.

There are ordinary alleys and hairpins, and several buildings are absolutely orchestral.

Since the banditry started in the Quartet, one after another the military revolution continued day by day.

At that time, gangs of robbers broke out everywhere, and the world was in chaos.The counties and counties were in a hurry, and the emperor appointed his servant Yang Yichen as the general manager of the marching capital. Zhou Yu and Hou Qiao were the vanguards. They dispatched [-] elite soldiers to conquer Shandong all the way.After marching for several days, they arrived at the mouth of Yongji Canal and set up camp, only forty miles away from Zhang Jincheng's camp.Yichen gathered generals and schools to discuss the strategy of defeating the bandits. Yichen said: "Our soldiers have just entered the territory and don't know the way. If we encounter a group of bandits and are not good in the battle, we will inevitably shake to frustrate my spirit. It is better to have deep trenches and high fortifications. If you can't get out of the gate, find out what's true and false, and then capture it with a strange plan, you will be invincible." The army took orders, and they stood still.But Zhang Jin said that he had heard about the arrival of righteous ministers and soldiers, so he put on his clothes and led his troops to fight outside the righteous ministers' camp.Seeing that righteous ministers can't stand firm and can't seek war, they make their subordinates curse in every possible way, and they will return at dusk.The generals and soldiers of the Sui Dynasty couldn't bear the scolding, so they all geared up and wanted to go to war. They were stopped by righteous ministers three times and five times, and then they stopped.For more than a month, Jin Cheng said to the crowd, "I expect the righteous ministers to be cowardly and unscrupulous, otherwise why do they go out like this?" The crowd said: "The general should not be underestimated. , There must be a strange plan to convince us. We are not going out now, and we have not seen the truth, and we are afraid of cheating, so we can prepare for it." Jin said: "Officials and troops are coming from afar, and the advantage is to fight quickly. Now I rely on this Dangerous obstacles, waiting for work with ease, seeing that this person is always timid to fight, why is there any deceit? Therefore, every time the person who is quick and convenient, he only insults outside the camp. But he said that the righteous ministers and soldiers are listening in the camp. Please Yu Yichen said: " The Tuda rats, facing the enemy with our army, are just like the disgusting eggs of Mount Tai.Today is far away, more than a month out, and I am afraid to see him.Rather be defeated by the front, shall we endure the humiliation? "Yichen ordered: "You, with the courage of your blood, don't know the way to advance and retreat.But if there is one person who dares to speak up, he will be beheaded to show the public! "The army was terrified. A detailed report had been made to report this to Jin. Jin said that he was overjoyed. He didn't take righteous ministers as a matter, and he had no defense. Since then, he has repeatedly forced his camp and insulted him. The weather was hot. , the bandits and soldiers were helpless, some took off their saddles and took off their horses and stood up, or took off their armor and naked clothes and laughed, extremely slack. One day, a righteous minister called Zhou Yu and Hou Qiao and said: "You two lead two thousand elite horses and ride two thousand. At night, cross the river from Guantao to lay an ambush. In the next day, Jin said that the men and horses would leave the camp, and they would join our army. They fired the trumpets, and you and the ambush soldiers rushed in, attacked his camp, robbed his wife, and robbed his belongings.I lead the soldiers to attack from behind, and the bandits will surely be defeated. "The two went to lead the plan. The next day, the Yichen personally put on the clothes, led the troops out, and immediately put their guns on their horses, fighting in front of the battle. Jin said that he saw the soldiers who had won all the officers and soldiers. The ranks were disordered and the formations were disorderly. Said: "It turns out that the imperial court has no eyes, and it is really a joke to send such people to march. "With a wave of the hand, the bandits rushed to them. The two blades met, and before they could count, they suddenly heard the sound of a cannon on the northeast corner, and a group of men and horses rushed out. Jin said that he was inside the camp. When Jin Cheng saw it, he panicked, so he reined in his horse and swung his troops back to rescue the camp. While running, he heard the sound of cannons from the Zhengxi corner, and a group of men and horses poured out, waving the banner of righteous ministers, shouting like a crowd , came suddenly, and cut off the bandits at the waist. Encountered by the enemy on three sides, the bandits were attacked from front and back, and the bandits were defeated. The corpses were scattered all over the field, and the river was stained with blood. Jin said that he fled to the border of Qinghe on his own, and met Yang Shanhui, the prime minister of Qinghe County, leading the army. The thief was in the land of Fenkou. He captured Jin and said to kill him, and ordered his head to be sent to the Sui camp. The rest of the defeated soldiers scattered and fled to Jiande. But it was said that Yang Yichen had killed Zhang Jincheng, and he was about to leave his camp. All the gold, silver, property, and horses obtained in the house were rewarded to the soldiers, and all the children who were obtained were returned. The next day, the generals of the General Assembly of righteous ministers moved troops to the plains, attacked Gaojibo, and wiped out the remaining party. I don’t know the outcome, let’s just listen The next chapter will be broken down. The general comment: Guo Xuan is not familiar with military tactics, which led to the defeat of Pingyuan. Yang Yichen can't stand out of the wall, so that the enemy can't see our truth. This army's good scriptures. Prepare, kill corpses all over the field, blood stain the long river, there is a husband!
(End of this chapter)

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