Chapter 4

When is it time for Yang Yichen to clean up Hebei, Gao Ji?Bai Nai Dou Jiande and Gao Shida live there.A detailed report: "Yang Yichen broke Zhang Jin's claim and took advantage of the momentum to lead troops to attack Gaojibo. Now the officers and troops have arrived at Wucang to go to the village, only [-] miles away from here." Jiande was shocked when he heard that, and said to Shida : "Before I entered Gaojibo, I knew that Yang Yichen was talented in civil and military affairs, and he used soldiers like a god, but he did not refuse him. Today, Zhang Jincheng was indeed defeated, and the victorious soldiers came to attack us in the starry night. Seeing that his vigor is burning and it is difficult to be an enemy, you can temporarily lead troops into the dangerous obstacles to avoid the front, so that he will not be able to fight, sit and watch the years, the grain reserves will not be given, the men and horses will be tired, and then take advantage of his unpreparedness, Divide the troops and attack them, and the righteous ministers will be captured." Tu Da said: "What you said is wrong. Jin said that he was a man of wine, lust and no plan. He couldn't understand, so he died. I am like an enemy of ten thousand people. Why should I be afraid of him? Beheading Guo Xuan in front of you, you will achieve great success and gain a great reputation; if I lead the troops to evade, I will be laughed at by the soldiers, what kind of face do I have to control the people under my command?" So he did not follow the words of Jiande.Nai left three thousand weak soldiers to defend the camp with Jiande, and led ten thousand elite soldiers to fight.On the same day, seeing that the flags were divided into white and white, and the swords and halberds were heavily guarded, Shida's soldiers left Gaojibo.After a few journeys, I met Sui soldiers sixty miles northwest.The two formations confronted each other, and on the left formation stood a general, with a purple gold helmet on his head and a yan (Yutang) armor, sitting on a chasing wind horse, holding a Yanyue knife in his hand.Suddenly holding a knife, he stood in front of the battle and yelled: "Everyone is a traitor, and I am ordered to punish the thief. Zhang Jin said that he has become the leader of the lord, and now he is leading the army to wipe out the remaining party. If he is willing to change his ways, I will act on behalf of the court and add an official position." If you don't want to lose your position, you will be killed as soon as possible!" Before the words were finished, I saw two generals standing on the left side of the battle, with jeweled helmets on their heads and silver scale armor, sitting on the red robes. The rabbit horse, holding a Xuanhua ax in his hand, is Gao Shida, the Duke of Donghai.Shi Da scolded sharply: "Cowman, do you recognize me, Lord Donghai? When the world hears my name, they will all run away and return to the valley. You, a man of fighting horns, how dare you show off your power and boast in front of the battle! Now I want to avenge the name of Jin!" The Yichen said: "You are a lowly, unnamed man, who knows your name and came here to pretend to be a lie? I vow to clean up Hebei, so that I can reward myself." Shi Da listened. In a rage, he slashed at the righteous minister with his axe, and the righteous minister slapped his horse to meet him, and the sword and ax flew back and forth, and the fight lasted more than sixty times.The righteous minister felt that his sword skills were getting confused, so he reined in his horse and left.Shida didn't come to chase either, so he withdrew his troops twice and went back to the village.But when Shida returned to the stronghold, the cheers moved the ground, saying to everyone: "Jian Delei praised Yang Yichen in front of me. He was an invincible opponent in the Sui Dynasty, and he is only as good as he is today. In the future, I will kill him. To be a hero." So he slaughtered oxen and horses, arranged a big banquet, sang and had fun with the soldiers, and drank endlessly.Jiande knew it, and said to the crowd: "Today, the Duke of Donghai believes that he is invincible, and he sent out all the soldiers. He failed to kill the generals and capture the soldiers. He won a small victory, that is, he is arrogant, drinking all day long, and ignoring the military. I suspect that Yang Yichen is not cowardly. Those who fight are determined not to be able to escape now, and there must be fraudulent schemes among them, and this disaster will come soon." The crowd said: "The other army has been defeated, and it is really timid to fight. How dare you come again?" Jiande said: "Don't you dare to come back?" Know how to fight, and the soldiers are not tired of deceit. Moreover, the soldiers of the Sui Dynasty were victorious, and they plotted against me slowly; the soldiers of the Sui Dynasty will come long after the first defeat. He has a powerful force, and I am alone, so how can I take it?" So all the soldiers were left to defend the wall. , Jiande is self-handling and elite men guard the danger and solidity.But it has been five days since Yang Yichen has been guarding the stronghold.To make people inquire, Shida's army drank wine, enjoyed himself all day long, and did not set up guards. He looked up to the sky and laughed and said, "This thief will rest together, and God has given me success!" Hanmei, Ma Julekou, quietly unknown.When we arrived at Shida's camp, it was already three o'clock. A trumpet gun was set off on the left side, shouting and killing, and Sui soldiers rushed in.Sure enough, Shi Da was unprepared, the sergeant was asleep, and suddenly he heard the shout approaching, and he didn't know where the soldiers were coming, and they were all panicked and at a loss.Shida hadn't woken up from the hangover, so he got up in a daze, put on his clothes and ran around, and met Deng Youjian, the leader of the righteous minister, captured and beheaded him, and killed the soldiers.By daybreak, Yichen took advantage of the victory to pursue and kill, and arrived at the old camp of Jiande.The soldiers guarding the battalion were all defeated by the Sui soldiers.On that day, Jiande only had more than [-] riders left. Seeing that Raoyang was unprepared, he led his men and horses straight to the bottom of the city and attacked them on all sides. Before three days were enough to overcome them, more than [-] soldiers were sent down.Jiande asked the people to guard their city, slaughtering cattle and horses, gathering soldiers, discussing the strategy of advancing troops, and using the strategy of enemy Yang Yichen.Xu Zhongjian, a thief soldier, said: "The army of the Sui Dynasty is so powerful that it is difficult to be an enemy. It is only appropriate to guard the city and wait for the right time. You can secretly send people to listen to the news of the righteous ministers and see their movements. Xu Tu is aggressive. This is the best plan." Jiande From it.Liquan's poem says: The Sui Dynasty is in danger, and the days are over, and the thieves from all directions are like bees.

The righteous ministers killed the heads of the heroes, and the heroes of Jiande took off their swords.

But it is said that Emperor Yang lost a total of 120 soldiers and lost generals because of his personal conquest of Korea.When it was time to return to court, there was a look of fear.Evil rumors of defeat and ruin, and thieves everywhere, the watch is in a hurry, and the internal historian Yu Shiji is hiding, only to tell the world that there is nothing wrong.One day, the emperor was having a banquet with the eunuchs in the back garden. Yang Yichen, the eunuch who killed the thief and returned to the court, went to the emperor and cried loudly.The emperor asked why, and the righteous minister said: "The world of Sui is at stake, and your majesty still drinks with the eunuchs!" The emperor said, "on the day when the country is in peace, what is the danger?" , invaded and plundered prefectures and counties. The minister ordered Zhang Jincheng, Gao Shida, etc. to gather more than [-] people, and now they have been subdued. I still worry that the remaining party will not be exhausted, and it will eventually become a national disaster." The emperor sighed and said: "I have never tried I heard that there are thieves and robbers, and today's Yichen played it, why is it so?" Yu Shiji said: "Since your majesty has been in power, the world has been peaceful, the people are happy, and there are thieves flourishing? Even if there are, they are only rats and dogs. I hope your majesty will not mind the lawsuit, often add police, and kill yourself. Under the pretext of this righteous minister, he conspired against him, pretended to seek thieves, and now controls a hundred thousand people, with great military power. If he makes a move, who can stop it? Obedience? I am afraid that the disaster will not lie with the thieves, but with the soldiers of the righteous ministers, who will cause your majesty to worry after a long time." The emperor said: "Your sight is very clear, and I am doubtful about this matter." The words continued, and I saw A minister flashed up next to him, and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, don't listen to it! This is really the words of a defeated country!" Shiji was so shocked that his face was ashen, and he was at a loss.His surname is Wei, his name is Yunqi, and he is from Tianshui.Yunqi played and said: "Yu Shiji is in charge of the privy secret, and this power is very heavy. Today, the report of the Quartet's change has been concealed, and there are many thieves, but there are few, so that there are not many troops. Every time they are trapped by thieves, the officials and troops lose. Begging It is a blessing for the people of the country to have Shiji cleared up and punished for his crimes." The emperor said: "The world basically has no such intentions, why do you frame it?" The emperor was hesitating, and another minister came out to play and said: "This is all Don't listen to slanderous words." This person is also from Rongze, Zhengzhou, surnamed Zheng and named Shanguo, and he is now the Minister of Dali Temple.The emperor asked how it was played, and Shan Guo said: "Today's sages and virtues are strong, the people's sentiments are harmonious, everyone is quiet, the world is peaceful, and it is safe to use swords and soldiers? The minister watched Yang Yichen's performance, killing hundreds of thousands of thieves, Leading the army back, he really wants to hold the military power for a long time, and his feelings have already appeared. Wei Yunqi's corrections, internally frightened the emperor, and externally formed a vassal screen. It is really a crime of deceiving the emperor, but your majesty can see it." The emperor heard that he was overjoyed and said. He said: "I see that the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty are not as reasonable as what you said, so I call it my opinion." Wei Yunqi is about to be demoted from other counties, and he is not allowed to enter the court unless he is called.Still chasing the seal of Yichen Bing, and the men and horses led by him returned to the headquarters.The two came out in tears.So far in Liquan's reading of history, there is a poem praising the righteous minister saying: "The hero of destiny explained the great plan, and cleared Hebei without being a marquis."

Non-cadres and soldiers have no rewards, and they are still Guozuoxiu of the Sui Dynasty.

The Yichen said to the left and right: "The Sui Dynasty is closed together, and I am dead! Today, the world is so diverse. The Lord listens to treacherous evil, and does not want to suppress thieves. Instead, he overflows with arrogance and arrogance, and he will die soon. There are no sycophants, And loyal ministers who can make meritorious service to outsiders; if this is the case today, I don’t know who died at the hands of whom!" After saying this, he will reward the three armies with all his family members, part with each other and leave, saying that he will not be able to get out of illness.Since then, he has retired to Leixiazezhong in Puzhou, changed his name, and made fun of farming woodcutters, but no one in the village knew him.The people along the way in Hebei and Shandong were disappointed.At this time, Dou Jiande found out that the imperial court did not use righteous ministers, and he said happily, "God blesses me, and I have made great achievements. The one I fear is Yang Yichen's ear. Now that the righteous ministers have been deposed, why should I be afraid of returning?" In the plains, the corpses of Shida were buried, thousands of soldiers were recruited, and the army revived. He called himself General Zhenbei.The generals and soldiers of the Sui Dynasty who were obtained were all treated with generous kindness.On that day, Jiande captured the old Raoyang Chang Song's original copy and placed it in the army as a guest of honor. All military affairs will be decided by one.Since then, all the prefectures and counties of the Sui Dynasty have been attached.There are more than 64 soldiers in Jiande, and they are growing stronger and striving to make progress.At this time, the great cause was eight years old, and there were five earthquakes.On the first day of June, black air over a thousand feet flew into the Tai Chi Hall.In autumn and July, there is rainbow light in Yutang.The original Hanshan bank is all broken, and all kinds of ominous things don't stop at one end.The thieves occupy one side each, claiming the title of emperor and king, and there are no fewer than a few people.Li Mi was born in Gong County and was called Duke Wei; Zhu Can was born in Nanyang and was called Emperor Chu; Xue Ju was born in Jincheng and was called the Overlord of Western Qin;The remaining Liu Wuzhou, Lin Shihong, Li Zitong, Shao Jianghai, Liu Yuanjin, Wang Hua, Xu Yuanlang, Du Fuwei, Zuo Caixiang, Liang Shidu, etc., a total of [-] places, all gathered as small bandits and set up trumpets on the ground.General batch: Yang Yichen swept Hebei, and he can be called loyal and brave.Gao Shida is an unknown man, but Gu Yu wants to avenge Zhang Jincheng. Wouldn't it be humiliating to lose his teacher?If you build virtue, you will have the wisdom to predict the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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