Chapter 5

When Yang Xuangan raised his troops, Li Yang first said that Li Mi's word is Xuansui, and the word "Fazhu".He was the son of Li Kuan, a native of Xiangping, Liaodong.In the Sui Dynasty, Kuanshi was the Shangzhu state, and he was named the Duke of Pushan County, so his family was in Chang'an.He is a man with few talents, great ambitions, and a good man who cares little about money.Taste to ride a cow on a cattail, hang a copy of "Han Shu", and read while walking.At that time, Yang Sushi, the Duke of Yue, saw him in the Tao, pressed his bridle and crept behind him, and said, "How diligent are scholars?"Su asked what book he was reading, and replied: "The Biography of Xiang Yu." He left because he had parted ways with the Chinese film.Sugui called Zixuangan and said: "When I look at Li Mi, my knowledge is abnormal, which is very different from yours. What he will do in the future is unpredictable." Xuangan listened to him, and the next day he went to the secret house to make friends with him. Deed, very affectionate.Tasting privately, he called Mi and said: "The lord is too jealous, and the Sui calendar is not long. If there is a change in the Central Plains, which one will come first, the public or me?" Mi said: "To win the two battles, the battle must be won, and the attack must be captured. I am not as good as the public. ;Looking at the heroes of the world, so that the far and near belong, the public is not as good as me." In the ninth year of Daye, Xuangan raised troops in Liyang, and sent people into the pass to welcome secrets.The secret came, Xuangan was overjoyed, and asked for a set strategy.Mi said: "Today, Zi is far away from the left of Liao, and there is still a thousand miles to Youzhou. The south is bounded by the huge sea, and the north is blocked by Qiang Hu. The order is passed, but Yulin is the only one. The place where the son enters the thistle like a drum, and chokes its throat. Goryeo Before resisting it, our soldiers will follow it, and within ten days, we can take all the food and the people who call it. Then spread it to the south, and the world will be settled. This is the best plan; Wen Sheng is someone who has no plan. If you go straight, don't stay, and go straight to protect Chang'an. According to his letter, the East ruled the Xia, which is the belt of the Sui Dynasty. I have everything, and this is the plan; Then, first take the eastern capital and garrison troops under the strong city. It is impossible to decide the outcome. This is the next plan. There are three plans, but the public chooses for himself." Xuangan said: "The public plan is my best policy. Now the family members of the hundred officials are all in Luo, so they should be taken first to shake their hearts. And if they pass through the city, how can they demonstrate their military strength?" So they did not resort to secret tactics, but led troops to the eastern capital.All battles are conquered, claiming that the merits are at hand, and fighting on their own.And he got Wei Fusi, a member of the internal history, and was imprisoned in the army and used as a counselor.Fu Si endured the shame, but he had a plan, and he held both ends, and would not decide with him.Secret said Xuangan said: "Fu Siqiong was taken captive by me, and I am determined to wait and see. Today, the public will start a major event, and if you leave this traitor by your side, the matter will be defeated. Please behead the head of Fu Si and give orders to everyone. This is a good strategy for establishment. Yes." Xuangan said: "The public opinion is absurd. I am acting now, and I am employing people. How can I kill people?" Mi Tui said to his relatives: "Xuangan is good, but I don't want to win. I have no place to die. " Within a few days, Fusi fled on a night light horse, but Xuangan couldn't catch up and returned.At the time when General Li Zixiong was offended, teleportation was on the way, he killed the envoy on the way, and defected to Xuangan.When the two met each other as before, Zixiong persuaded Xuangan to build a large hall. Xuangan asked the secret, and said secretly: "In the past, Zhang Er advised Chen Shengzi, and Xun Yu stopped Wei Wu to ask Jiuxi. Both of them were killed when they saw suspicion. Now secret As I said, it looks like these two people. However, flattery and obedience are not righteous men. Moreover, although the Duke has won many times, the counties and counties have not responded. The eastern capital is still strong, and the rescue will come soon. The Duke should lead the elite soldiers. In Guanzhong, why do you want to be the emperor?" Xuangan stopped with a smile.When the Sui army arrived, Xuangan said: "How about this?" Mi said: "I have a plan, which can defeat tens of thousands of people, so that the Sui army will retreat without fighting." Xuangan said: "The plan will come out safely." "Mi said: "Hongsi of the Yuan Dynasty is now in Longyou, and now he is in command of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, all of whom are strong and powerful. First, let people everywhere say that Hongsi wants to become emperor, and send people to pick me up and lead the army west. Take advantage of the momentum and fight out, and the big thing will be settled." Xuangan said: "This plan is very clever." That is to lead people to look westward.After walking for several days, I arrived at the gorge, wanting to map Hongnong Palace.Mi said: "today, when the people enter the pass, the opportunity is fast. The pursuers will come in a few days. If you can't take advantage of the danger and retreat, how can you succeed?" Xuangan didn't listen.So he left his troops to attack, and if he did not pull out for three days, he led his troops away.When he arrived at Min Township, he was forced by the Sui general Shi Wansui and beheaded.Seeing the failure of Xuangan, he sneaked into the pass, was captured by the Ranger, and escorted to the Emperor's place.The secret said to the crowd: "If we, the rebels, are here, we will be scorpions. How can we come back to life? While we are on the way, we can still plan to get away. Why do you want to be safe?" Everyone agrees.He ordered all the people to contribute all their gold to show the supervisor, saying: "We have committed a serious crime, and we will inevitably die. But let the shackles be released gradually, and we will take good action with us, and talk about rewarding the great virtue with this money." The envoy Gu Jin, the imprisonment was widened.So he bought wine and drank freely, and made the envoy drunk.In the middle of the night, he fled secretly and went to Pingyuan thief Hao Xiaode.Xiaode was rude to him, and after staying there for a few days, he eloped and went to Bo, the thief king of Qi County.Seeing that Mi Mi's actions were contrary to his own, Wang Bo was also rude.Secretly wanting to commit suicide, someone informed and said: "No. You have a great talent, and you can't tolerate it here. Why don't you vote for Zhou Wenju. According to Huaiyang, there are tens of thousands of them, named Liuyejun, and they are recruiting heroes. If you go and follow them, Use the map to plan." Followed his words closely, looking for a small path to cast.There was no food on the way, so I begged for food in the village, but there was no one there.Deeply annoyed, I suddenly thought to myself: There is a man named You Taihe here, who is my father's sworn brother, and is now a hunter. You can go and vote for him, and ask for a night's accommodation.So he went to the gate of the village by himself, and went to see Taihe and bowed down.Taihe said: "I heard that the imperial court is running documents everywhere, and it is very important to take you as a fugitive. How did my nephew come here?" He told the past: "This time I am not a drunken emissary, but I have been smashed to pieces." Taihe thanked him , Said the secret and said: "My nephew sits in peace. There is no delicious food in the old man's house. Let me go to the mountains to find some game for my nephew." After speaking, he went to the donkey.Sitting in secret for half a day, when he saw Taihe Shihui, he went all over to find game, but he couldn't find it, so he killed his wife to eat it.Mi said: "What kind of meat is this?" Taihe said: "It's wild pork, and it tastes very delicious." After Mi was full, Tianxiao left.Borrowing a horse in the backyard, he saw his wife killed under the kitchen and cut off all the flesh on her arm.When asked secretly, he knew that it was his wife's flesh, so he left because of the pain.It was a time when Huaiyang was hungry, and the people peeled wood for food.Seeing that Zhou Wen had a large number of soldiers and insufficient food and pay, and the momentum was not going to last, he couldn't stop.He changed his name to Liu Zhidao and set up a library in the county to teach students and talk about self-sufficiency.The prefectures and counties arrested him suspiciously, and fled away secretly. He went to his brother-in-law Qiu Ruoming, who forwarded it to the home of Ranger Wang Xiucai.Tang Wang, the governor of the county, was reported early, and Wang led the troops to surround the scholar's house, just as Li Mi was going out to avoid it.At that time, there was a person in Weicheng, surnamed Zhai and named Rang, who was the Facao of the Eastern Capital.Prison officer Huang Junhan saw that Rang was brave, and wanted to release him. He said to Rang at night, "Look at your appearance. If you hold this hero, how can you stay in prison to death?" Rang was shocked, and asked why, Junhan said: " You have the ambition to soar to the sky, but you have not met the Lord, so it is in vain to suffer this." Jun Han broke his weapon and twisted it out.Rang worshiped again and said: "It's a blessing to have the grace of rebirth. When the court hears about it, Lord Cao will be punished. What can I do?" Sobbing.Jun Han said angrily: "I thought that the public is a great man who can save lives and people's lives, so I don't care about his death in order to get rid of him. But how can I be counterproductive to my sons and daughters and thank each other with tears and weeping? Your efforts are in vain, so don't worry about me." So I went in a hurry.When I arrived in Wagang, there was a man from the same county, surnamed Shan and named Xiongxin.Gather hundreds of rascals and let them go.In the eighth year of Daye, all counties recruited troops. Zhai Rang was 28 years old. He and Xiongxin stood at the bottom of the list and returned with a long sigh.Someone said sharply: "You can't contribute to the country, why do you sigh?" Let him turn around and see him. He is eight feet long, with a face like powder, blue eyes and thick eyebrows, and a voice like a bell.At the age of seventeen, he has a lot of courage.Seeing that this person was abnormal, he went to the village with his colleagues.When asked about his name, his surname was Xu, his name was Shiji, and his style name was Maogong.I don't care about my family and business, but I like to make righteous friends and make the world strong.But I just saw you two looking at the list, so why sigh? "Xiong Xin was silent, and before he could answer, Rang said, "To tell the truth, I am from Facao, the capital of the East. My surname is Zhai and my name is Rang.It is heard that thieves are rushing up, and each is occupying the place, wanting to seek revenge.Unexpectedly, the Lord believed in slander, and even the crime should be executed. He felt that Huang Junhan was the Lord of Cao.This brother's surname is Shan and his name is Xiongxin. He is also a distinguished native of the world, and he is from the same village as me.Fortunately, I will never give up, and I will follow it.Although I have the ambition to do something today, I can't hate it, so I sigh. Shiji said: "It's just right for me. I've had this heart for a long time."How about the same event? Rang said: "It's so good."Zheng Nai is a worthless person, and the king is a descendant of a famous family. If things fail, he will make a mistake and make the world laugh. " Shiji said: "If the fortune of heaven is good or not, there will be obstacles in human affairs.King Wen was imprisoned in Yuli, and he created the career of Ji Zhou for 800 years. Confucius was in Chencai, and he was the teacher of thousands of emperors.Difficult first and then easy, all sages and sages have been like this since ancient times.But the big man has aspirations, and he is temporarily stuck. "Rang is very happy, Shiji invites Ren and Xiongxin to enter the hotel. I don't know how to drink. General approval: Li Mi's three plans, sincerity is a set strategy, mystical feeling is like a frog's ear at the bottom of the well, how can I say this. Secret, but it is still unavoidable to get drunk and go to the prison. As for eating his wife's flesh without knowing it, is it God? Human?
(End of this chapter)

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