Chapter 6

On the day when the heroes of Wagang Village gathered for a feast, the three of them were in the drinking room when they saw two big men entering the shop to drink, sitting on a stool, and calling the bartender to sift the wine.Let's wait to see the first sitting person, who is nine feet long, with red hair and red beard, face like a living tiger, tiger body and wolf waist, majestic and majestic, with a dignified appearance.Let him invite you to sit with him and ask his name.The man said: "My surname is Wang and my name is Bodang, and I am from Jiyang. Because of the tyrants here and relying on power to bully people, Bodang killed him and fled the rivers and lakes. It has been five or six years." , with a big waist, delicate features, curly hair and long beard.The man said to himself: "My surname is also Wang, and my name is Dangren, and I am also from the Yellow River. Now I heard that righteous men are being recruited, and I went to Liaodong. Tell it with your own will.The five were overjoyed, and let them say: "In the Sui Dynasty, the imperial court was closed together, the monarch was weak and the ministers were strong, and meritorious deeds were not rewarded, and those who committed crimes must be punished.

In the previous expedition to Korea, he led 110 million troops, and the whole division was defeated; now he wants to recruit troops.When I look at the sky, people and things are like this, even if you win the army, you will only be the ghost's ear under the sword. So they invited all the people to the stronghold to discuss the affairs of the world. They were all younger than Zhai Rang, and they all worshiped Zhai Rang as their elder brother, Shan Xiongxin next, and Xu Shiji, Wang Bodang, and Wang Dangren as younger brothers.

It was a day when cattle and sheep were slaughtered, made a blood alliance, and got drunk; Rang said: "Although there are more than three hundred people in front of me, there are also bows and horses. I only hate that there is no food, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to survive." Shiji said: "Dongjun The land, Ji and the princes are all villages, and there are many acquaintances, so this place cannot be invaded. Xingyang, Liangjun, and Bianshui are three places, the land of fish and rice, and the land of rich farming. If you go to plunder, you will be self-sufficient.

"Let follow his words, lead people into the three counties to plunder, and use the abundant resources to benefit the people. In less than a few months, more than [-] people gathered. At that time, Li Mi went into exile from Yongqiu and came and went among the robbers. Between them, they said to take the policy of the world. At the beginning, they didn't believe it, but after a long time, they took it for a while. The people said: "Today, people say that the Yang family will be destroyed, and the Li family will be prosperous. Although not dead.Li Misan was saved from death when he was in danger, could it be this person? "

Everyone said: "Yes." From this, they gradually became respectful.Among the thieves in the secret inspection, Zhai Rang is the strongest, because Wang Bodang asked to see Rang, and used tricks for him.Rang was overjoyed, and Miyin said Rang said: "In the past, Liu and Xiang all wore commoner clothes and thought they were emperors.

Today, the Lord fainted above, the people complained below, his vigor was frustrated in Liaodong, and his relatives were cut off from Turkic.Fang Qi toured Yang and Yue, and abandoned the eastern capital. This was also the time when Liu and Xiang rose up.With a single step of great talent and general strategy, elite scholars and horses, sweeping the Erjing, annihilating tyranny, the Sui family is not enough to perish. "Rang Xie said: "My generation is a group of thieves, stealing life in the grass, and the king's words can't reach it. "

At that time, there was a man surnamed Li and named Xuanying who fled from Dongdu.After going through all the thieves, I begged to visit Li Mi, saying that this person is a contemporary of the Sui family.When people asked why, Xuanying replied: "Recently there are folk songs saying: 'Peaches and plums, the queen goes around Yangzhou, and turns around in the garden. Don't speak loudly, who will promise.

'Peach and plum' means the son of the fugitive Li's family. "Mo Lang said, whoever promises is secret."This remark is just in response to Li Mi's status as an emperor, and the luck of heaven will return.If the world is safe, it must be this person. "Let him hear the words, so he and Mihou, whoever has a plan, will decide it. Xu Shiji said: "Nowadays, heroes rise together, those who win people prosper, and those who lose people perish.How can several people be the emperor?
Even if there are soldiers, those with great foresight must be regarded as counselors before they can make trouble. Rang said: "Internal affairs are all based on Maogong, and foreign affairs are all based on Xuansui."A certain and Xiongxin and Bodang can only fight each other. " Mi said: "Maogong and famous door masters can do things with the courtesy of a master.Mi is blunt and incompetent, and has little knowledge. I would like to recommend someone to help me. "Let me ask who it is, and said secretly: "This person has a strategy in mind and a hidden strategy in his belly.Born to lose his father, he respects his mother with utmost filial piety.His family was very rich, and he distributed a lot of money to help the poor.Every time he is conceited about his talents and hates not to use them when the time is right, he conspires with Yang Xuangan to start an army.When Xuangan was defeated, he changed his name and wandered desperately between Han and Mian. He can be called quickly and will come to help him.He was born in Yongqiu, his surname was Fang, his name was Yanzao, and his courtesy name was Zihui. "

Let him ask Li Mi to search for it, and let him go with a secret resignation.

Yanzao then sat together, and Yanzao asked why, and Mibai said that Zhai asked him to invite each other.Yanzao said: "Yang Xuangan can't do anything yet. They are all rats. What is the point of doing it? Xue Ju called me to Jincheng for a long time, and I want to go and do it." Mi said: "I also know that this generation is not a person who is established, but I have no room for it. It is a temporary avoidance plan. Listening to the nursery rhyme, there is a cloud: the person who inherits the fortune and replaces the Yang family must rise in the southwest, calculate the situation, and count it. A certain thought will eventually become an emperor, and Ye Tianshi is a martyr. The autumn. Your step is my confidant, so you don't need to mind Xue Ju's words.

"Fang Yanzao followed his words and came to see Zhai Rang with Li Mi. Rang respected him very much and talked with him tirelessly all day long.

Secretly see that all the heroes belong to themselves, and they have the intention of plundering.There is nothing to do, listen to the warlock Jia Xiongxiao, Yin and Yang Zhanhou, everything is true, the secret is first given to him in platinum, and he secretly asks his own will, all the people are scattered, let alone Yanzao drink together, and lie down on the same bed.In the middle of the night, asked Wen Yanzao to say: "Now the Sui Dynasty is in danger, and there are disturbances in all directions, and they want to plan big things. All the brothers have been wiser than me. You know how to change the way. Let me predict it and see who comes first and who comes later. "Yanzao said: "I really can't, brother, have you ever heard of the god Jiaxiong?" Rang said: "I have heard his name quite a bit, but I don't know what is the god?" Yanzao said: "This man has a good understanding of astronomy and geography. People who come and go from the north and the south, all go to divination, and all of them are effective. Now this person is in the south of the city, and my brother wants to know whether he is good or bad, so why don't you call him?" Let Daxie, immediately send someone to the south of the city to call Jia Xiong.Xiongzhi, Rang Guo asked him in secret words, and asked him to tell about the matter of raising troops.Xiong said: "It's too expensive to predict auspicious omens. However, if the public stands on its own, I'm afraid it may not be successful; if Li Mi is appointed as the master, it will be all the same." Let it go, Xiong resigned and left.Li Mi pretended to be ignorant, and asked, "What is Shijian's sorcerer predicting?" Let me tell you in the past, and Mi said: "I have great virtues, and I dare to be the master of all. But now the world is in a state of chaos, and it is impossible to cultivate. Although there are many soldiers, there are no granaries for food, and they only want to plunder wild resources, and they will often suffer. If it is protracted for a long time, and a big enemy is attacked, it will be scattered and scattered. It is better to take Xingyang first, rest the barracks in the valley, wait for the soldiers and horses to be fattened, and then share with the people Striving for profit is the policy of preservation.”

To follow it, he led two thousand troops and went straight to Jindi Pass.Let him put on all the clothes, personally risk the arrows and stones, and fight with the guard general Hua Gongyi for more than [-] bouts.Let the people enter the pass, move the troops to Xingyang, and all the counties will go down.

Yang Qing, the prefect of Xingyang, joined forces with Zhang Xutuo, the envoy from Henan Province, to beg for surrender.Let Su fear Xu Tuo, wanting to lead soldiers to avoid him, secretly said: "Xu Tuo is brave but without strategy, and the soldiers won suddenly. He is arrogant and ruthless, but he can be captured in one battle. I will break it for the public." , waiting for secrets.Nai led the brave 20 men as rangers, don't choose more than [-] elite soldiers to lie in the forest.Xu Tuosu gave way lightly, didn't take it seriously, and led his troops to come at a gallop.At the foot of Daju Mountain, meet Zhai Rang, and each set up their battles.Xu Tuo rode out his horse and whipped his whip, and scolded Zhai Rang: "You are a traitor, why did you invade and plunder the prefectures and counties?"Xu Tuo met the enemy with a big axe in his hand.After several battles, Zhai Rang was defeated and left, Xu Tuo took advantage of the momentum to catch up.After rushing over the mountains, Zhai Rang called for gold together, with Li Mi and Shiji on the right, Wang Bodang and Shan Xiongxin on the right, and the four armies came out together.Zhai let the army go back, concealed the killing from three directions, and Xu Tuo was defeated.Straight to the foot of Dazhou Mountain, the sergeant surrounded Sutuo in his heart.Xu Tuo said to the soldiers: "You can follow me and fight hard." Suddenly shouted, Xu Tuo jumped on his horse, broke through a bloody road, and flew out.

Looking back, the left and right people couldn't get out as much as possible, so they returned, smashed through the encirclement, and rushed east and west.The horses were in front of the horses and the horses were behind, the infantry were all together, Xu Tuo couldn't support it, he looked up to the sky and sighed: "The army is defeated like this, how can you see the emperor!" Then he slayed himself and died.

Li Mibing entered Xingyang and surrendered 1000 of his generals.Anmin has decided to reward the three armies, and the momentum has been greatly boosted.Let Demi break Zhang Xutuo, with a look of shame on his face, he divides the army and secrets, and orders Mi Jianya to separate the department, named Pushan Gongying.Keeping the army strictly, even in midsummer, ordering soldiers is like bearing frost and snow.However, the golden treasures obtained will be awarded to the subordinates, and the people will use them happily.However, most of the soldiers under his command are the native soldiers who surrendered, and they dare not report the insults.Rang called Mi and said: "Today's resources and food are sufficient, and I want to return to Wagang. If you don't go, follow what you do, and let you say goodbye to you from now on." He led his luggage to look east, and Mi also led west. .

Go to Kangcheng, talk about several cities, and get a lot of storage.It is very insulting to let Tan Ting know it, so he returns to the army and attaches it to the secret.Mi also said that Rang said: "Today, the eastern capital is empty. Yue Wang Youchong, the government orders are inconsistent, and the scholars and the people are eccentric. Duan Da and Yuan Wen are both dark and without conspiracy. They are not the enemy of the general. If the general can use the servant It can be determined by the world's guidance." He sent his party to find out the truth and falsehood of the eastern capital.The stay-at-home officer knew about it, so he informed Jiangdu for defense.Mi said: "The situation is as it is, so it must be done. Now the people are hungry, and there is a surplus of millet in Luokou. If the general leads the army to attack, he will not be able to save him. Taking it is like picking up mustard ears. Distributing the millet to relieve the poor, far and near is not the best." Surrender, millions of people can gather in one dynasty. Vigorously cultivate strength, wait for work with leisure, even if he can come, I am prepared. Then call the Quartet, attract talents and heroes to fund strategies, choose brave and give military handles. Eliminate death Wouldn’t it be great for the country of the Sui Dynasty to promulgate the general’s orders?” Rang said: “This hero’s strategy is beyond me. But the king’s order, I will try my best to do it.” So Rang and his team worked closely together and led seven thousand elite troops. Go away in the starry night and arrive at Luokou.After all how?
General batch: A group of heroes gather to discuss, and it is not known who will win.Zhang Xutuo is brave if he is brave, but he is not good at planning.

Li Mi said to let the number, it is so generous that it can help the world, it is really a hero!
Chapter 1 Zhai Rang Li Mi According to Luo Cang, when the mi soldiers arrived at Luokou on the same day, it was almost dusk on the left side.Waiting for perception, suddenly entering.Mi personally took the lead and beheaded dozens of guards.Breaking through the barn door, he shouted loudly and called out to the people: "The country is in chaos today, the country is rich and the people are poor. The Lord takes his own pleasure, and sits and watches the people starve and fill the ravine with death. I am now acting on behalf of the heavens to save the people from water and fire. Everyone came to fetch it, and I couldn't help it." The people heard this, and the cheers moved the ground, eagerly vying to be the first.

But seeing the old and the weak, faded away from the road, and called the benevolent Lord, they are all willing to return.Secret is to take advantage of the victory to move troops, out of Yangcheng, across Fangshan Mountain in the north, and pull Xingluocang from Luokou to occupy it.It has long been reported to Dongdu to visit the horse.

But it is said that Dong, the king of Yue in the eastern capital, ascended to the palace, gathered civil officials and military generals, and discussed the matter of conquering bandits.

Pei Renji said: "I heard that Zhairang relied on Li Mi and Xu Shiji as assistants in the eastern capital, and coached soldiers every day. He killed Zhang Xutuo, broke the Jindi Pass, and took the cities of Xingyang. According to the second warehouse of Xingluo, he must be Future troubles can be dealt with early." The king of Yue ordered Pei Renji to be the general manager, Liu Changgong and Fang Kui to be the deputy generals, and led [-] troops to seek him out.Wei Jin, Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, said: "Zhai Rang and Li Mi should not be underestimated, and we have heard that Xu Shiji, Chang He, and Shan Xiongxin are both wise and courageous, and the general manager must not deceive the enemy." Breaking it is like a cat catching a mouse's ear." Yuan Wendu said: "There is nothing to be afraid of, only Li Mi should guard against it." The King of Yue said: "Who is Li Mi?" Wen Du said: "His surname is Li Mingmi, his style name is Xuansui, and he is from Shangzhu of Sui Dynasty. He is also the son of Li Kuan, the Duke of Pushan County. This man has great ambition and is familiar with military tactics. Yang Xuangan raised his troops, and it was all this man's plan. Later Xuangan's army was defeated and seized. He is not someone who waits for idleness." The King of Yue said: "How is it compared to the Duke?" Wen Du said: "The minister is a small river, as dense as the vast sea, so what can I expect from him." Renji scolded: "Taiqing What you said is absurd. I see Li Mi as glowing on rotten grass. Why should I be afraid of him? If I don’t destroy him all at once, I’ll take Li Mi alive and bring him here. I’d like to sacrifice my head.” The King of Yue said: “There is no joke in the army.” Renji Said: "I would like to be responsible for the military order." The king of Yue said: "You have reported victory early to comfort me." Renji resigned from the Lord of Yue in anger and led the army on the journey.

But it is said that Zhai Rang and Li Mi are guarding Xingluo, and they discuss with Xu Shiji the strategy of defense and attack every day.Suddenly it was reported that Yue Wang Dong sent Pei Renji to lead the army, and Wang Bodang and Wang Dangren learned about it first.

While talking, let and secretly ask to discuss military affairs. The two kings came to see Zhai Rang and said: "Pei Renji led fifty thousand troops and came to kill Xingluo. Build a strategy to meet the enemy early." Zhai Rang said: "Wisdom depends on Xuan Hey, my second brother is fighting bravely, why bother to speak back." The two went out, and Zhai Rang asked Li Mi to discuss, saying: "Now that Pei Renji has brought fifty thousand soldiers, how can we welcome him?" Mi said: "It is necessary to use an ambush strategy, you can Break it." Rang said: "May I ask the plan." Mi said: "Chenggao is ten miles away from here, Jingshan Mountain on the left and Wulin on the right. You can ambush troops and horses. Mao Gong can lead [-] troops to ambush in the valley behind Wulin. , Just look at the fire in the south, then you can go out of Wangcheng, put the grass in the village and set fire to cover it. Bodang and Xiongxin each led five hundred troops to prepare fire starters. They waited on both sides behind Chenggao slope until the beginning When the soldiers arrive, they can be set on fire. I will lead a large group of soldiers to form the front, and stand in the Shizi River. As long as you lose, don't win, and the soldiers and horses will be retreated. The general will lead an army to rescue him, and follow his advice. Don't make any mistakes." Zhai Rang said: "Where am I going?" Mi said: "Lead the army to live at the lower slope of Chenggao today, and the next day the enemy will go to the Shizi River at dusk and lead it to the lower slope. The platoon walks and sees the fire as a sign, the general will lead the troops back to hide and kill them, and stop the troops at dawn." Ling Changhe prepares the celebration banquet and arranges the merit list.Release is scheduled.

But it is said that Pei Renji, Liu Changgong and Fang toilet soldiers went to Shizihe and selected half of the elite soldiers as the front team, and the rest went with the grain and grass carts.It was a day when the south wind was blowing, and people and horses were running.On the left side of the board, Pei Renji was in the front army. Seeing the dust rising, he spread out his troops and horses on the bank and asked, "Where is this?" Behind is Luoshui." Renji sent an order to Liu Changgong and Fang Kui to adjourn him, and he personally rode out in front of the formation, with Chai Xiaohe, Song Song and a dozen cavalry.The enemy army was everywhere, and Pei Renji laughed when he saw it. The generals asked, "Why is the general smiling?" That's right. Using these troops and horses as the front, fighting against me is like driving a sheep to fight a tiger.

In front of the king, I boasted for a while that I wanted to capture Li Mi and Zhai Rang alive, but now I must obey the preface.

Don't stop, wait for you to urge the army horses to rush to Xingluo in the starry night, that's my wish. " Then he rode his horse forward to talk. The army horses were spread out, and Li Mi went out first. Renji scolded, "Zhai Rang, the desperate thief, you follow, just like a fox and a rabbit follow the ghost's ears. Li Mi laughed and said, "You are really deceiving each other when you wait for the rats." "Renji was furious, and patted his horse forward to fight. The two horses met, and the battle was not counted. Li Mi fled and fled. Pei Renji came. All the troops retreated first, the Sui army covered up, and Li Mi took charge. After walking about ten li, Li Mi returned to his horse, and then left after fighting again. Chai Xiaohe patted his horse forward and said, "Li Mi lures the enemy, and there may be an ambush. Renji said: "The enemy army is only like this. Although there are ambushes on all sides, why should I be afraid?" When they arrived at the foot of Chenggao Mountain, a drum sounded, and Zhai Rang led an army out to meet him. Renji looked back at Chai Xiaohe and said, "This is the army in ambush. If I don't arrive in Xingluo tonight, I swear not to return to the army!" " Urging the army to advance, Zhai Rang and Li Midang couldn't stop them, and they retreated after looking around. The sky was dusk, dense clouds, moonless, and the night wind was strong. Pei Renji only cared about chasing, and the defeated soldiers in front of them recognized their troops. Go. Ren Jijiao urged the rear army to come up, Liu Changgong and Fang Shi caught up to the narrow place, saw reeds on both sides, Fang Shi was holding the horse, and said to Liu Changgong: "Boss deceives the enemy, this is a mistake. " Liu Changgong said: "I heard that the enemy army is very small, so there is nothing to be afraid of. "The toilet said: "The road in the south is narrow, the mountains and rivers are close to each other, and there are many trees, so I'm afraid of fire attack. Renji said, "That's true." But he wanted to go back to the army, only to hear the shout behind him, and saw a group of flames, stretching the reeds on both sides, and the fire was in all directions. The wind was strong, the people and horses trampled on each other, and the dead were countless. Pei Renji walked away in smoke and fire Behind him, Li Mi and Zhai Rang rushed over.

Let's say Fangci is eager to rush back to Chenggao, and the army in the fire is the first to block the way.

The army was in chaos, and they took the road and left.Pei Renji saw that the grain truck was burning all the way, so he stole the path.Song Song, Chai Xiaohe came to save the grain and grass cart, and they were blocking the way to meet Xiang Youxin. They joined the horses and captured Song Song alive, while Chai Xiaohe took the road and escaped.Fight until dawn before closing the army.

The corpses were scattered all over the field, and the river was full of blood.There are poems in Liquan as proof: soldiers go out into Chenggao to attack with fire, pointing to Luoshui in a joke.

Thick clouds hit the face, the mountains and rivers were black, and the flames flew to the universe to be red.

The unwise and benevolent boast of bravery, so he taught Li Mi to be majestic.

True courage broke the courage of the Sui officials, this is the first attack on the city.

Pei Renji packed up the ruined army horses and went back to Dongdu.Li Mi gathered his troops together, slaughtered cattle and horses, held a big banquet, and rewarded the soldiers for their labor.Mi said: "Although Renji is defeated, he must lead his troops again." Zhai Rang said: "What can we do?" Shiji said: "There is a gangster who can defeat the Sui army."
General batch: two secret rang, ambitious, familiar with military strategy.According to Xingluo, can you underestimate it?Renji said: "I break it like a cat catching a mouse." Who would have thought that he would become an old man?Later, when the ambushing soldiers burst into flames, Renji walked away with smoke and fire, which is also ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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